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Since your neuro thinks they aren’t related to the TN, have you looked into TMJ/TMD? Headaches, migraines, discomfort around the ear could be related to the jaw. My neuro had me assessed for this.


My MRI was clear except for the TN ruling. My dentist also said my jaws and such were good. Would an orthodontist do the TMJ checks?


A dentist/orthodontist referred me to an orofacial pain specialist. Although they are chiropractors, they do not make any forceful adjustments. https://www.cffhp.com/dr-sid-lisser


I agree with the other response here, looking into potential TMJ injury might help. I got a TMJ injury (left side) in a collision in 1987. It was difficult to treat at the time, partly because awareness of it wasn't widespread. The moving disc in there got jammed into a certain position and then there was inflammation all around it which caused an even tighter jam. I still occasionally have issues with it. That sort of injury can cause inflammation and pinched nerves around the ear canal and into your face, head, neck, and even shoulder if it's not relieved over time. I'm not supposed to take normal doses of ASA but when it was at its worst, that worked better for me than anything else, and then I'd deal with the stomach issues later. Using an icepack a few times a day for a day or two may also help. Once you manage to relax it enough, stress management is key. I tend to clench my teeth when I'm stressed and that's what always gets me.


I have 1 & 2 on the right. My pain moves around. But current in my right ear canal and mostly the same symptoms right now. I have migraines. It's interesting that the neuro says they're unrelated, as my headaches/migraines warn me of a flare up several weeks beforehand. Your neuro knows more than I do though about TN and your medical history.


Do you take anything for your migraines on a daily basis?


I don't. We were talking about it, but I'm getting botox done for both TN and headaches. We postponed all additional meds being added until later. Honestly, I just don't want more side effects at the moment. I'll take the pain for now. Pain : is that all you got?! Nausea: PLEASE NO MORE ILL TELL YOU EVERYTHING. I HIDE THE CHOCOLATE IN THE UNDERWEAR DRAWER. 😁