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Hello tired soul. It's okay to be scared and depressed. I've been diagnosed 10 years. I'm currently crawling my way through a flare up at the moment, but ya know it's okay. I tell myself. It's just pain. Just keep moving. Like moving through a blizzard you can't even keep your eyes open in. Forward no matter how slow. SELF COMPASSION is your biggest friend. No matter what has you down tell yourself the same thing that you would tell a best friend. "Ya know, even though your face hurts you look ugly when you make that face. Stand up and walk it off." Or ya know, however YOU need support. I refuse to give up. I refuse to let pain control me completely. (Ya know, because right now it's kicking my ass a little bit.) IM gonna pick up as many of you as I can to come with me. We endure so much pain... what else are we capable of... let's go find out. 🤪


I love your attitude.




Hang in there. This thing sucks. There is hope, it’s not the end even though it feels like it. Are you seeing a neurologist? You may need to find the right combo of meds that works for you. If you are on anti-depressants, there are a couple that help nerve pain. I switched mine over to one. Feel free to msg me if you have more questions or just need to chat/vent. You are not alone.


I want you to know I felt all the things you are. There is hope. Don't give up, and don't stop trying to the doctors who's going to help YOU. I've seen almost 20 doctors in 6 months or so and finally found just one to help me. I've been on and off suicidal pain for last 6-7 months. I finally received a stellate ganglion block yesterday, i am a grown ass man and was crying in the doctors office simply just because there was relief. Like all day, my pain was at a 1 or 2. It'll probably be the first injection of a few. The procedure was ALMOST painless, more just uncomfortable. Now we wait to see how long it works for. I Normally wake up in pain now so my body is programmed to wake up now...but no pain, I honestly don't even believe it, I'm over here trying to do things that would cause a flare up and it doesn't. Nothing feels numb, I have a full feeling of everything the pain has just subsided more then I ever thought possible. The nerve block was almost euphoric, once my body didn't process the pain it was a high, better then any Dilaudid shot from or oxycodone I've taken.


Thank you for your kind words, it really helps me get through it. I just popped another tramadol along with my tegretol dose because the pain is coming back. I hate that I'm taking tramadol but it worked yesterday, and I really can't go through that level of pain again. I sent my PCP a message asking her to refill my meds and write my referrals but she hasn't gotten back to me so I assume she's on vacation or something. This is unbearable.


I totally get what you’re saying.This jaw pain is (TN) is something else. It used to move up & down the right side of my face. I had no idea what it was I was finally diagnosed & my neurologist l prescribed Tegretol.At first I thought I can’t take these. But If I timed them just right & didn’t take one right before bed because they upset my stomach it did help I started looking for anything else I could take. I ordered a nerve supplement & magnesium. I had no idea if anything else would help. When I got the Nervive, magnesium & a couple of vitamins I started taking them right away along with the Tegretol.The bottle of nerve supplement said it would take 2 weeks before I could feel anything. I honestly thought the best I could expect was hoping to make myself feel a little better.Unfortunately I had another surgery & I was prescribed more medication. I guess I forgot for a minute how bad the pain was & I stopped taking the nerve supplement & magnesium. Within a few days the pain came back. So I started taking them again & once again they worked. I take them everyday & with Tegretol & I’m getting an mri soon & I hope they will see something they can fix.?! I will do whatever it takes to get rid of that pain. These supplements may help or not. I feel lucky they worked for me. Try it. you never know.