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omggg im cryingg šŸ˜­ esp those "alpha males" theyre always one rejection or mishap away from imploding


Don't let them see this, they might get emotional and start a podcast šŸ¤Æ


I wish they'd all start podcasts instead of actually hurting women who reject them.


I wish they would all go out camping. Big drum circles, maybe some E. Lots of talking and crying. Maybe some of them finally giving themselves permission to, well you know.Ā  If it takes the aggression away from us and we don't have to play therapist. I've got it. A minor, MINOR team set up of their favorite sports. Let them go out and play some sports and burn off that aggression.


This would probably solve that loneliness problem they're always posting about too.


But you better not accuse them of being 'fragile' or their feelings will be hurt enough that they they're *forced to* compensate with violence.Ā 


Amusingly enough at least in baboons, the ones that are actually using violence on people weaker than them are specifically advertising that they are not alpha... the alpha stops using violence most of the time when they reach the top. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_lx1MFcbt90&t=1412s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lx1MFcbt90&t=1412s) Just to be clear, I am not supporting anyone using a pop-culture evolutionary psychology to make decisions for themselves, nor are humans a species with a strict hierarchy. This observation is only for the purposes of amusement.


They also accuse us of being hormonal, despite arranging their entire lives around increasing their access to sex. A lot of men only get into relationships for the sex, and donā€™t actually care about the partnership, and they act like thatā€™s not literally a hormonal decision!


I've lost so many friendships with men just because they can't keep it in their damn pants and treat me like a human instead of a sex dispenser. They literally ruin relationships with their out of control hormones and sexual urges. Not to mention porn addiction, sexual assault, assaulting minors... Destroying peoples lives all to get their rocks off. It's sick and so fucking selfish.


I got to go to my first ever college football game, and it was in the south so you know people worship the sport.Ā  This man sitting in front of me and my partner got incredibly drunk and increasingly belligerent, cursing and yelling and throwing things whenever the team didn't do exactly as he wanted. He left before halftime citing "it was such bullshit" he wouldn't stay to watch it. And this entire time, his poor wife is looking absolutely embarrassed and ashamed. When he leaves, it's with her in tow. He doesn't hold her hand or help her from the spot in the crowded section, just storms off.Ā  I felt so, so bad for her. The couple next to us were talking about how that guy had more red flags than a naval yard, and my partner and I agreed and wondered what he was like at home if he got that emotional over a football game.Ā  Oh, and the team we were both supporting that he left due to their poor performance? They won.Ā 


That's so sad. I hope she's okay :(


My ex was just like that. "You're so emotional I don't know how to deal with you" Meanwhile had to spackle holes in every apartment we ever lived in because of the multiple game controllers and phones he'd throw at the wall. Me sad after he'd ruin birthdays or other events? Too emotional. Breaking $50 controllers because he lost in Tekken? Not emotional. The double standards


Projection at its finest


You don't understand. Anger isn't an emotion. It's just part of being manly. Sadness is an emotion and is not okay.


I watch professional hockey. The amount of emotionality talked about in that sport is something. They literally spend entire segments on player confidence and esteem and building them up. But then have the audacity to say women are emotional when they just emoteā€¦


Humans with anger issues saying they arenā€™t emotional and donā€™t need to calm down. SMH.


Dude here - I play video games and am in several video game subreddits... but I have had to, on multiple occasions, tell guys that breaking/throwing controllers in anger because you lost a game is *not* a normal or healthy emotional response. Like wtf.


Somehow anger is not considered being ā€œtoo emotional.ā€


It's absolutely bizarre. Somehow crying in response to emotion is seen as weak, but losing your shit and breaking stuff because you don't know how to process your feelings is somehow seen as manly?


Iā€™m just surprised. How are anger, rage, contempt, selfishness (all emotions in losing your temper over frivolous things) not considered emotions.


I love to point out to those people that anger is, in fact, an emotion


I like to reply to comments about women being irrational and emotional with something like ā€œyes! This is why women commit so many murders, they canā€™t control themselvesā€ ā€¦and then get sad later when people donā€™t get it.


My dad šŸ˜”


Or when they lose at a a video game and destroy the basement in a fit of rage, the wife takes the kids and leaves at 2am


OMG THIS. I know someone that punched a hole through his laptop over Minecraft. MINECRAFT.


Wow. That is wild, but not unexpected, considering the mental age of most "pro-gamers" that includes card games and tabletop RPGs


Or when the camera focuses on a beautiful woman like Taylor Swift instead of sweaty men in tight outfits, makes you wonderā€¦


I saw a picture of a wrecked car and the caption said that the driver was distracted by looking at a woman walking past. If someone has that short of an attention span then they should not be allowed to drive.


Idk... I don't like to "Ur gay, gottem!" because I can definitely empathize with someone being irritated the camera isn't focused on the people playing the game and is instead focusing on someone who is more or less unrelated. I don't think the *anger* we saw during those few months was warranted, but the frustration makes sense to me, as a fan of neither Taylor Swift nor football. I love professional theatre, and if I was watching the Falsettos proshoot and the camera kept panning to an audience member, even a beautiful woman, I'd probably be annoyed, even though I'm a lesbian. Edit: Also, I don't like insinuating football fans are homosexuals, because I feel like it implies there's something wrong with being homosexual. "Why aren't you excited to see the beautiful woman? Could you, perhaps, be GAY?" yk?


Yeah, she wasn't on the screen for that long but when I was sitting with my fiance while he was watching the game it seemed to always pan back to her reactions. I can see how that would be annoying if you're not a Taylor Swift fan. My fiance didn't like it for that reason and I just don't like Taylor in general so I wasn't a fan of that either. Minor annoyance is as far as I can go with empathizing though. The men that threw tantrums and generated AI revenge porn of her because they were annoyed about her being shown one too many times on TV? They can burn for eternity for all I care. Edit: Revisions for clarity


I agree that it went too far, I said that in my original comment. But I also think there were plenty of football fans who were frustrated without going to the extremes you describe, and implying they're gay for being annoyed isn't a good response, because it's falling back on "Gay is bad."


I know, I was just agreeing with you and adding on to your point šŸ˜­


Sorry, I misunderstood. I thought your statement about, "Minor annoyance is where my empathy stops" was indicating, "You're being too soft on them" so I wanted to reiterate I don't agree with AI revenge porn, but also that I don't think all frustration culminated in those extremes


No problem, I could have worded my comment better :) I get where you're coming from šŸ«¶


I see what you're saying, but what if it pans to the cheerleaders? It doesn't seem to have the same reaction...


I feel like the cheerleaders are more involved in the game than a player's girlfriend (see: panning to the orchestra pit, in a live theatre example).


But what about the camera panning to literally any other person at the ballpark? If there was some other celebrity, they would pan to them. I have not heard of an outcry before this...


My main point is being irritated at the camera panning to "a beautiful woman" rather than "sweaty men in tights" does not mean the irritated football fans are homosexual. I'm not saying there wasn't anything more to the outrage at Taylor Swift existing, I'm not saying the men who were angry enough to make AI porn were justified, and I'm not saying there wasn't misogyny at play. What I *am* saying is people can be irritated at the game cutting to Taylor Swift without it being an indictment on their sexuality, like the comment I initially responded to implied. (Edit: I also believe that not everybody who was irritated at the cuts were furious, wall-punching men. I believe many fans, of all genders, were irritated by how much of the discussions surrounding the sport were being directed to the Taylor Swift "controversy", regardless of if they initially minded seeing her or not) I am neither a Taylor Swift fan nor a Football fan, I cannot say what the typical responde to panning to celebrities is for the average football fan. I do know that calling angry men gay to upset an angry man hurts queer identities, because it keeps them situated as the butt of a joke. I'd have said not a thing regarding the Taylor Swift Football situation had the comment I replied to not implied there's something weird about not wanting to look away from "sweaty men in tight outfits."


ą¶ž Sus


Okay but closed captioning a visible detail is wild lol


It's for people who have bad sight. There's a dohicky you can get that says the captions our loud. Some/newer tvs have a setting so you don't need the divices. Descriptive Video is what it's called if you want to know more about it.


Also for people who aren't very good at reading body language.


LOL I didn't even think about that. You'd think it would be something like [Frustrated Grumbling].


Oh lookie. A meme about my ex-husband.


Or punching their tv's. I think SNL did a skit about that.


Men in usa are just lame, they broke walls cuz they are Made of paper, SO they supposed "anger" is very controlled, they Will never hit a wall make of real concrete and bricks like the rest of the world hahaha suddenly they know how not to hit walls :)Ā 


American football, where everything's made up and the points don't matter. Except to toxic bro-dudes.


[It's not just American football.](https://www.bi.team/blogs/what-is-the-relationship-between-domestic-abuse-and-football/) > The early evidence is clear ā€“ there is a correlation between domestic violence and football. Researchers have observed that the number of domestic abuse reports rose by 26% when the English national team won or drew and increased by 38% when the national team lost.

