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Look at every f attachment or bass trombone ever made


I've heard of there being flipped horns for lefties, but I've never seen one myself


As a left handed player I have also never seen one


As another left handed bass trombone player, I also have never seen one.


as another left handed tenorbass player, i have never seen nor heard of one. nor do i want one.


Do you have a trombone handy? Try and play it on the right shoulder. How’d that go? Does your horn have a trigger? Yeah…


Always played on the left shoulder, right hand operating the slide


Two words: Slide Hampton.


If he sounds good, he should keep playing how he’s used to. Wouldn’t make much difference if it’s a straight horn. Any trigger horn should go over the left shoulder.


He should definitely play it with a proper set up. He'll have nothing but problems in the years to come


If it’s just some dude playing in a small group not gunning for an orchestra job, it’s probably not going to be a big deal.


Proper set up my ass I had a fucking stroke you piece of shit I physically can't move it with my right hand It works just fine in the right shoulder moving the slide with left hand Proper set up asshole Plus notes using the trigger are overrated kill me now


Sorry for all your pain. Big internet hug going out to you


Thank you, oh holy shit I was mad 10 minutes ago


Straight horns can be played anyway, and Ive no doubt they make reversed triggers. In fact I’ve never seen a straight horn that CANT be played either way. You can play your straight horn on the right shoulder no problem and you should try it sometime just for fun, I’ve played in pop groups with my horn reversed for some fun. The only issue you might run into is the spit valve which is easily worked around The bigger question is why, unless you have a disability like another comment mentions, there doesn’t seem to be any benefit even if you’re left handed. If you sound good people could care less how you play either way.


Straight horn can be played either way


If anyone you know plays left, then deposit your trombone spit onto them please.


Okay, but don’t try playing this way while marching. No marching band would allow this.


Slide Hampton is the only left-handed player that I can think of that is well-known.


There’s a guy on the u tube he plays 5 bones at once so there’s that


Both, I prefer right tho


I taught a group of kids how to put their instruments together and make their first sounds the other day and one of them absolutely refused to believe that it should be on his left shoulder. He kept saying how it hurt and he liked it his way better and it was so infuriating


You can get f attachment horns that have been flipped. I know a woman that has one. It's not a fancy brand or a bass, but it can save you a 6th position throw every now and again.


I could be wrong but from a little bit of googling it seems that left handed triggers are custom made, nobody sells them regularly. Would be cool to see one someday though.


With the ysl 354 at least you can flip the bell and it works fine Ever since I had a stroke 4 years ago I've been playing it with my left I physically can't move the slide with my right hand fuck you Carl

