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Tales of Vesperia- it's really long, grindy and rampant with missables. Unless you want to glue your face to a guide and spent 100 hours doing collectables, don't go for this. It took me 125 hours, but it can take longer if you don't plan and use a walkthrough. Story of seasons games- these all take 100 hours if not more. They are farming games so easy, but they are just so repetitive, you spend endless days farming and getting items, its one of those games that you need a very high level of patience. I platinumed Olive Town and am also the writer of the guide on PSNP, and it was such a grueling platinum.


Those types of farning trophies are 100% meant for the people that enjoy playing casually over years. Doing them with the intention of grinding out a plat makes them absolutley miserable experiences


Indeed. I am that type of person as i am used to the grindy RPGs back in the day, but most gamers probably are not hence i would not recommend them from people only getting into trophies as they will likely make one want to give up


That stupid cow helm broke me


You brought back horrible memories I thought I had forgotten. Yeah a real pain in the butt, once I got the plat I immediately un-installed and needed a while to play another farm/sim game


I got it earlier this year and still won't touch those kinds of games yet lol. Maybe end of the year I will again


It took me a few hours, I just had my character sleep until year 6 before I got it. it was so boring, I got through two movies doing it


I'm currently a couple of trophies away from platinuming Olive Town after a few months of playing and it's been quite enjoyable. It's a fun game for when you want to decompress and enjoy something kinda mindless and casual.


I'm gonna do all Tales games, including both Symphonia, any tips on Vesperia?


Arise is absolutely amazing and very reasonable.


You need to use a guide for all the side quests, as you cannot miss even one, as then you need to do another playthrough. Also, you should beat every single enemy, as some are missable to fill the enemy book. Use Repede to steal from bosses, especially there is a boss against two girls and you have to steal their swords (at least one, and then you can fuse the other). Otherwise its missable as you need to get all items. The game needs you to 100% everything, including all items, titles,all mini games, side quests. You also need to open chests, touch all save points (some missable as they disappear...) So everything missable, I used this guide to get everything. But also read the trophy guide very carefully before playing as well. [https://ameblo.jp/koulinovesperia/entry-10347292825.html](https://ameblo.jp/koulinovesperia/entry-10347292825.html)


Injustice 2 solely because of one bronze trophy called Cat Call. It’s an RNG based equipment drop you need and you may (like me) never get it


That did take a while.


This is it. This is the one.


Has mentally stopped me attempting this plat everytime I remember why I haven’t done


Nothing compares to seeing the ability drop after 200+ hours of agony


Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan. The first in the DPA series. This game’s trophies WILL make you hate this game. Several playthroughs are a must: Everyone survives, everyone dies, only men survive, only women survive, collectables that can only be obtained playing on an online game with 2 players (or owning the curator’s cut), some context sensitive trophies that could require almost a full playthrough…. I’ve been working on the PS5 version of this game since it released and I have NEGATIVE motivation to finish it.


Yes! I’ve platinumed all the supermassive story games (including the quarry) and that one is easily one of the worst i attempted. I was willing to do multiple playthroughs, though hesitantly, but the surprise online trophy that you need to obtain broke the deal for me. That game should not require you to play it 6+ times. So ridiculous…


Bro youre so right. I did 3 of the 4 games and Little Hope and house of ashes are even worse


I swore off supermassive plats after attempting this. They're so miserable to do. They also show their ass a little because being forced to replay so much makes you realize how little changes between playthroughs. Also for the love of God, please add a competent run button to your game. Holding r2 to move 0.0005% faster doesn't count


Agreed. They need a skip dialog button or something for multiple playthroughs. A lot of visual novels allow you to skip scenes/dialog if you’ve seen it before and I think that’s a fair way for players to skim the content they’ve already played through, meanwhile showing them new content. And yes, the run button is hilarious. On the PS5 versions of MoM and LH, there is a patch note specifically saying they increased the movement speed of the characters. Does it really? Highly debatable.


AC Valhalla. Neat game, bonkers plat. I'm missing the 200+ hours of my life (DLC included)


I was going for that a little while ago but had to delete it to free up space. I plan to continue the grind soon.


I'm so sorry for what you're about to witness but I completely respect it.


I've seen a lot of people warn to stay away, but unfortunately, I've already dedicated myself to doing the whole series(except 1 because i don't have access to a ps3). After the AC4 grind, nothing will keep me away. I just have Valhalla and Mirage left before Shadows comes out. What did you not enjoy about the plat?


1 doesn't have trophies


Yeah, it has Xbox achievements instead.


I've just 100%'d this yesterday. The plat itself, while grindy, is not all so bad IMO. What was bad was the Mastery Challenges DLC. Most infuriating time I've ever had with an AC game, and I love the series and have every game up til V fully completed.


Sucks for me then. I've platted EVERY AC. I mean every one so far. Except Odyssey, Valhalla n Mirage, but only cuz I have, like everyone else, a big backlog. The ONLY series I EVER wanted to Plat entirely. 🫠


I liked it, luckily I’m not a 100% guy and just got the plat and uninstalled


Strange. I platinumed the main game in 80 hours. Didn’t find it too taxing


Outlast 2. Been there done it. I’d rather run my asshole across glass then go for the outlast 2 platinum again. But outlast 2 is good as a game itself


Why's it so tough if you don't mind me asking?


In a nutshell it’s very similar to wolfenstein 2 mein leben except outlast 2. Perma death, if you die you have to watch over 20 minutes of cutscenes before basically the actual run begins. It’s just a pain in the ass. Don’t recommend it to newer trophy hunters. Definitely more of an expert trophy hunter list.


I see. I don't know if I'll ever bother if I see a perma death trophy. It just sounds painful, so I couldn't imagine actually doing it.


My god, this is my next platinum. It didn't look too bad, what's the biggest issue? I have the permadeath trophies for 1 and whistleblower and they weren't that bad.


Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1 + 2. The Hard Get-Theres are pretty tough but they are doable. The grind to level 100 though is by far worse. I did most of it manually before I found a way to cheese the last 25. Even the cheese method takes FOREVER.


School II took me ages for the hard get there's. All cheats on and 900 all the seats in Philly?


All cheats on and 900 nonstop the left ledge in NY


Gave up on that, trying to do the hard get there's hurt my wrist, couldn't use it properly for weeks, still clicks when I rotate it. An actual injury from a skateboard game!.


I got an overuse injury in my wrist that took months to go away from playing fighting games so I get it


Anything with online, but that’s the lazy answer


Another lazy answer: anything with a small amount of VR trophies when the rest of the game can be completed without VR. Looking at you Concrete Genie "DLC"...


In their defense, the VR trophies weren't required for the platinum.


I went back and did that “DLC” 3 years later when I finally got a PSVR. It was really short and easy. I don’t even know why they made it. It seemed very unnecessary.


Found that out recently. Got Plat. Stuck at 95%


Depends. I’d only consider multiplayer games if you get them near release, especially for the smaller ones. Problem is now a days, you gotta do them quick because games have such short lifespans. If you’re picking up a 10 year old multiplayer game, you’re likely gonna have a hard time.


Wolfenstein Youngblood. Cringe characters, very short campaign, and insane amount of grinding to do after the campaign. Gets repetitive real fast. Play a different Wolfenstein.


God this game made me and my friend suffer, we finished the campaign, collected about 80% of the collectibles and just decided to drop it after realizing how much grinding we still had to go through.


Play a different wolfenstein, except Cyberpilot


I installed this on ps4 and ps5, got them each with their own TV, ready to play couch co-op. I watched some reviews and promptly uninstalled. I'd seen enough.


I did co-op with a friend. We hated it.


Yup. Did this one. Hated the grind. Fukn DISGUSTIN actually! 🤮


Oh god, I couldn’t force myself to even beat that game let alone platinum it! Granted, I tried playing the campaign solo, so maybe it’s less annoying in co-op. The girl I wasn’t controlling had horrible AI and kept dying by standing in the line of fire, standing on hazards (example: electric floors), going in the middle of a swarm of enemies, etc. I couldn’t get to her to bring her back without dying myself, and since you share health, my options were to either die trying to get to her, or die because I didn’t get to her. I finally gave up during a boss fight because the sister was killing me more than the boss was!


This ☝️ I still need to finish this I wish I never started it in the first place


For people wondering the reason, there isn’t enough XP in the main game even after doing everything. It was supposed to be drop fed content but the game was dropped after it bombed. Agree it’s the worst platinum I’ve got.


Mad Max is now unobtainable if you didn't get the one online trophy. GTA 4 is a pain in the ass multiplayer and I'd say vanguard or WW2 because of those bloody plane missions


I really, really liked Mad Max, and I beat it and spent a ton of time doing so much of the content, but I never got close to the Platinum. In my memory, it's a really gorgeous and fun game that I explored pretty fully. If I still had the ability to return to it and get the Plat, I probably would push myself to do that at some point, and I'd probably think less fondly of the game after a ton more grinding and collectible gathering. I'm kinda grateful that the option to return and do that doesn't even exist anymore. I love chasing Plats, but it does sometimes hinder my experience or how I remember games in the long run, and it's nice not to be able to do it here.


I fully agree with you. I've said this about a few games, one such is GTA 4 a wonderful experience and one of my fondest memories but with the way I've heard the platinum being talked about makes me glad I never had a PlayStation and never started with the platinum as it would ruin the same memories.


And don't forget one trophy is bugged. So even if you got the online trophy you'd still not get the platinum.


Even when still obtainable the Mad Max plat was not a fun time. Maybe 10-15% of the game is spent doing story missions while all the rest was driving around a way too oversized mostly emtpy map grinding out challenges and gathering the hundreds of pointless collectibles.


I suppose it depends what you consider fun and how you go about it. I personally thought it was a fun experience when I went for it on my old account.


I am Bread.  The whole platinum requires to glitch so you can fly around which isn't so bad but it gets frustrating when you have troubles even picking something up due to janky controls just to do the glitch. Then there's one level in particular that is super bugged and any little thing will cause heavy damage to your piece of bread and you have a very limited time to get to the end of the level.   The platinum way out stays it's welcome because playing as a piece of bread for 40 hours gets pretty boring.


A lot of people have done it without the glitch it’s just really hard


I got bored of that game after 20 mins i can't imagine going for the plat


I have gotten the platnium. Almost agreed


Trials Fusion (no plat but super difficult 100%) Trackmania Turbo The Witness Ac Valhalla (not hard just 100 hours of repetition) Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania Crash Bandicoot 4


Hmm, trackmania turbo is my favourite platinum and the witness is up there


Crash Bandicoot 4 is a great game though and the platinum was kinda fun for me. Thinking about going for the double plat.


Trials Fusion is frustrating and punishing, I'll never finish that, I'm not a machine, not possible for 99.99% of humans. Cannot complete The Witness either. That idiotic timed trophy is impossible for me, especially now I've forgotten how to do the puzzles. Slap in the face to gamers too, enjoyed taking your time and wandering?, up yours, here's a strict timed ending. Good to know about Trackmania, got it on plus, will give it a pass.


I came back to Fusion after 9 years to finish up the two difficult track challenges. It helps that I 100% every other game in the series and my skills grew massively, but it's one of my favourite franchise so I wanted to put in the time. Witness was just pure luck in the end. Trackmania is basically the same as trials difficulty wise, requires ridiculous perfection for 200 tracks.


I say Cities: Skylines. It's one of my proudest plats, however the game has a decent number of trophy requirements that take a lot of waiting. One in particular requires you to experience 1001 nights in the game but no one is certain if its referring to day and night cycle or not. So you gotta let the game just run until it pops.


Anything that you don't feel like. There are those who felt like the platinum for Resident Evil 1 was a breeze, I wasn't interested in replaying the game so many times after the first, so I avoided it. But, I got the platinum for DMC4 recently, which is known to be a pain in the ass, and it took long time for me, but also felt kinda fun and engaging. My point being, with patience and time, anything that you like feels easy enough. Unless it's crypt of the necrodancer or some shit like this.


I would say skill based ones are far more enjoyable for me compared to luck based platinum trophies. I don't really find luck based trophies fun. I'm a masters tank player in overwatch 1/2 and I'm working on the platinum trophy now on my trophy hunting account but almost the entire list is very heavily based on luck. (Enemy team comp, allied character choice, which type of map it is etc etc). Skill is barely a factor, probably 10% skill 90% luck. The stars will need to align just to get some of the trophies. My advice is don't do stupid stuff let me do it instead :))


I've wanted to get the overwatch plat for a while, but I just can't be bothered for the exact reasons you mentioned. A lot of the trophies are just a bunch of bs that you will probably get eventually if you just stick to that character. I might just have to try and boost it eventually.


Yeah I mean personally I'm just not a fan of it and think it isn't a great trophy list, although I really like the game. Games like slay the spire, that involve luck, the trophy list is 1000x better made even though it involves luck it is still fun to do so. It is not the case for most of these trophies in overwatch sadly.


I am also playing overwatch since they rereleased it, somewhere at about 350h right now and have actually gotten quite a lot of trophies so far ofc I still agree with everything you said, some of the quadra kills seem to really need just perfect conditions right now I get probably 1 trophy per season.. and I am saving Hanzo for last


I have 31 or so now and I'm doing the easier ones first I'm playing only to trophy hunt, not casually. As I said I'm a tank player so getting a 4k with mcree ult is going to be difficult I've never got more than a 3k on my main account with his ult. The two kills with his grenade, the zen discord and genji deflect kills will be a nightmare to grind for. I'm 33 hours into the trophy hunt so far.


Rayman Legends


Really? So I’m screwed to have even started it lol


Hahaha don't. It is an amazing game!


So I should at least play it or just leave it at the 1% it is rn


Haha if a game is that good as this, fuck trophies. Just enjoy!


Fair point. I’ll try


U can get the plat too. U just need to log in daily for 3+ months and complete an online challenge after finishing the game (and doing everything in game). Its the online crap that is nasty. All else is super


I’m definitely gonna give it a try, hopefully I still can get the online trophies when I finally wanna go for it. The most recent one for me was Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, was just about to start when I found out it was unobtainable


Need to check psn profiles regularly, they have a list of games that have upcoming shutdowns.


Really?. Not even starting that then. I have insomnia and my sleep pattern is non existent. Every day for 3 months?!, nah.


Anything with a long pointless grind. I know some people don't mind it and just check out or listen to a podcast or whatever but i am done with them.


Fortnite. If done through normal gameplay, it would take over 1000 hours. One of the achievements is to explore 1500 zones in successful missions. With each game taking 15 - 20 minutes, you're in for the long hull.


I really want to do this. I'm just waiting for save the world to be sold on its own again.


I got my first FN trophy in Dec of 2017. I stopped playing the game around Feb of 2020. Started playing a couple seasons ago. Just got the trophy to pop earlier this month. To be honest, the one that’s proving to be a real pain in the ass has been build 500k structures in successful missions. I’m currently sitting at around 190k. This trophy is going to take FOREVER. Granted I don’t play as much as I used to as now I only get on to do my dailies and get off.


Final Fantasy XIV (PS5 version). In its current state, the trophy list is a massive “fuck you” to long term players. If you’ve done the hardest content in the game on PS4 or PC, the corresponding trophy will not pop for you and you are expected to do it all over again. It’s not like this is a huge problem to fix either. Just make it so that it does an in game achievement check for your your achievements/trophies. Genshin Impact already does this, so I don’t know why they can’t do this for XIV’s PS5 version.


I would definitely avoid lego games, in my experience, they’re fun to mess around with, but usually pretty grindy and miserable to platinum. Other than that: Dark Souls 3. I had fun playing it, but I don’t think I’d ever want to repeat the process, too many collectibles and too grindy. 10/10 game though


The Lego games have gotten progressively more grindy. Back ten years ago you were looking at a fun 20 to 30 hour collectathon. The last few have gone way overboard.


Lego Marvel 2 feels like where they jumped the shark. Fun game but there’s such a ludicrous amount of busywork to complete in the main hub. I’ll get the plat one day but I can only play for about an hour at a time before having to move on to do something else


I genuinely enjoyed the DS3 plat. It was a little annoying while grinding, but I would 100% do it again. I've also gone for a couple of Lego games, and yeah, they are pretty miserable most of the time.


Four words: Proof of Concord Kept


Ah. The memories. I kinda wanna do it again now.


Vertebrae shackle farm really was the worst.


In all honesty, most platinums should be avoided. I wish trophy hunting become less platinum oriented and more about individual trophies.


I just do platinums to games that when I finish them I have more than 70% of them and I feel like I want to complete it all


Most open world map marker games. Unless you find collecting dots extra soothing. The exception being GoT. There’s dots to collect but they’re all real close together and the game is a blast.


Horizon zero dawn is an easy one too, haven’t played the second one yet so can’t really say


Which GOT is this?


Ghost of Tsushima


Ghostwire Tokyo is a great game worth playing, but it's not a fun game to platinum.


I disagree. I enjoyed it a lot. Yes, there are a lot of collectables, but they're not hard to find, and I actually found just soaring around from building to building actually kind of relaxing.


Yeah, if you try to get all the souls before the endgame stuff it's miserable, but once you can freely move around and track them it's actually fun.


I wonder how much time you spend collecting souls, like how long the animation of collecting one chunk lasts, multiplied by the ammount. It makes you feel like 1/4th of the playtime is just soul collecting animation. Really fun game tho


Iagree with this answer. Man collecting all them spirits was a punish.


Agree. The worst achievement is to collect all spirits, it's just really dump


With the update they added a new area with more spirits so you don't need to 100% every single one now


I'm literally installing this right now. What did you not enjoy about the plat?


I second this all those stupid spirits killed me 😫


I will never try to plat the FIFA games, brutal grind for those


I have the plats for FIFA 12 and 13 (earned when I was much younger and had time to sit on the game constantly) but looking at the trophy lists those were more attainable. A lot of trophies for those games involved doing things in game like scoring a volley, or playing a match in FUT with an 85 rated team. A lot of the trophies involving specific modes like Pro Clubs or career mode basically boiled down to ‘please give this mode a chance’ like playing 50 games with your virtual pro. Now they want you to get 90 OVR in the boring Volta mode 🤣


Anything that falls into the category of "Get all X number stars in this!". I hated it in Just Cause, hated it in NFS Payback, hated it in even overcooked. Tales of Symphonia though. 4 playthroughs on a jRPG is fucking insane. Proudest plat despite all that haha.


The one plat that I have really given up on so far is Batman Arkham Asylum. I just couldn't manage to beat one of the combat challenges with 3 stars.


Is weird bc for me that was easy, I’m struggling rn with FF rebirth with the last two challenges thanks to Odin


For almost any nfs game, the higher the car rating, the higher the stars you can get on activities. Make 3 different cars, one for on road, off road, and drift. In almost every single nfs game. Then just make sure you tune/engine swap appropriately and all these challenges roll really easy. Gotta have the right tool for the job.


For me it wasn't so much the tool. It was just the sheer amount of activities to do. The repetitiveness just grated on me after awhile.


Tales of Symphonia is one of my favourite games and I still don’t have the PS3 plat. And it’s 4 playthroughs if you make perfect optimal choices with your companions affection, and make sure to keep track of who you have beach and dinner party outfits for. Flubbing any of that or picking someone in Flanior who doesn’t give an item like Raine or Sheena (entirely possible if you’re not using a guide or don’t know you need to prepare for that scene for most of the game)… that’s adding another playthrough on lol


Ghost Recon Wildlands. I was so fucking pissed, I have never played a game with so many bugged trophies. At least 7 are bugged for me.


interesting. Which ones? I don't recall having any issues with this one. 


All the gun modules. I collected every single one. Didn’t pop. I’ve done all story missions, didn’t pop. I’ve collected all documents, didn’t pop.


Never had any issues with this. Probably one of the best third person shooter experiences I’ve had in 2022.


I love the game. I just don’t know why nothing is working :c


I loved it too. Kinda bummed about breakpoint tho.


Do you have a digital copy or physical copy of the game?


Path of exile, it's a pure online platinum. You need to complete a map atlas (150 maps in total). The maps are either gotten by drops or trading. Chances to find them all just by playing the game are pretty low so you have the trade for them (game is built around trading). The issue though is that on console the game is pretty much dead so you won't find many people to trade with and some of the maps are incredible expensive. And let alone some of the other crazy things you have to do there. Took me 2 years in total to get platinum for it with major breaks. Definitely a trophy I don't recommend unless you hate yourself, it's one of the very rare platinums with 0.58% on psnprofiles.


Dead By Daylight, it’s grindy asl, good luck


Black Ops 3 for sure


Call of Duty: World at War. 😂 Unless you're into sadism ofc, in which case, by all means.


I'm a very casual gamer, not great at games, but I get by. This game has me on a permanent red screen, and I have no idea where they are keeping all those grenades. Yes, I am outside the Reichstag, on Veteran.


- Friday the 13th - Now unobtainable but originally you had to play 1000 matches as Jason and 1000 as Counselor IN FULL without getting booted or anyone disconnecting. - Fortnite - Its something like 800+ hours. I’ll never go for it lmao - Dead Rising 4 - On ps5 the multiplayer seems glitched (at least for me) - Wolfenstein 2 - Has permadeath, is ridiculous and luck based, and has to be done in a single sitting without saving - Dead Rising - I’m a hypocrite since i got all trophies/achievements on all 4 versions of the game (360, Xbox One, Ps4, PC) but one single trophy requires 14 uninterrupted hours of playing, around 9 of which you just sit in a single spot and hit square every 19 minutes. Intensely boring and if you dont have an entire day to dedicate to it i wouldnt bother


I am definitely a sadist cause I see Fortnite’s plat in my future. Lmao


Id love to have it for a milestone like #100, but I wouldnt have the time lol its just to much. Around 80-100 hours is my max


I disagree on Wolfenstein 2. Mein Leben is not as hard as people say. And it is definitely not luck based. With the right strategy and a tiny bit of skill everyone can do it. My only regret with this plat is that I was listening to naysayers for too long.


Ive been wanting to get around to it, all I have left is that plus the collectible trophies. But I have a 6 month old so Im trying to find the time to practice my runs for it lol. I just hit platinum #40 (Minecraft) so I may come back and do it for #50


Dead Rising 4. Multiplayer grind is way too annoying, and you need 4 people total to get it done. Also, if you wanted to go for the 100%, have fun constantly worrying that your save will corrupt after playing any of the game's DLC.


Dead Rising 2. Grind and a dead online. Craziest platinum I have.


Gotta say Assetto Corsa Competizione gotta be up their for me as well as "I am Bread" eventhough I haven't platinumed them I still had to endure them to get some trophies because I can't leave a game unplayed unless I physically can't play it or continue playing it.


I didn't do it but I can definitely imagine this hell: Oddworld Soulstorm. I plat Crash 4 and some other tough games, let's say I am not the basic standard player. Though, playing to this game was just pain because of the controls : nothing feels fluid or accurate. But you got to perform several full runs doing precise actions, saving all fellow mudokons, killing them all...I just see this as a mega random achievement, definitely not worth it.


Nier Replicant.


Wasn't that bad. I was lucky enough to have gotten the forging master trophy with the 2 free dlc weapons upgraded. It really cut down a lot of grinding I would've had to do for some ridiculously rare drops. I might've just gotten luckier with my rng overall, as I didn't have to do much post game grinding. Probably the best game I played last year.


Platinums like Ghostwire Tokyo, seems fun at first but then the insane grind to catch all the ghosts in the entirety of Tokyo (there were something like 500K IIRC), I can’t even explain how did I convince myself to commit to such pharaonic feat. TLDR: Avoid at all costs games with an excessive amount of collectibles. Not Ubisoft style games, but really excessive games that take weeks to collect everything and are simply just not fun. Edit : RNG achievements too!!! God…Ghostwire Tokyo traumatised me


Wolfenstien 2 cause mean leiben mode is...hell Yakuza games can have some annoying plats especially learning mahjong or such. Mafia 1 because classic difficulty is fine until the race level


Even though I’ve got the platinums for RE3R, RE4R, RE5, RE6, REV1, REsistance (just need hard mode for plat on RE0 and a few bits of REV2) I really just wanted a Dino crisis game. Saw Capcom released something called EXOPRIMAL - looks good - exosuits and dinosaurs. 1 trophy - kill 100,000 Dinosaurs. I’m on 26 hours and only at about 38,000. The games are fun but it’s a slog as you have to go for smaller dinos to up the count.


I hate games that do absurdly big numbers like that. I still don't have the plat for dying light 2 just because of the running 960 km trophy. I have 85 hours in the game, and I don't think I'm even halfway yet. I understand you will get them eventually if you just enjoy the game and keep playing, but they really just screw over trophy hunters.


The kingdom hearts series. I loved the games as a kid, but platinuming that series is a nightmare.


Huge disagree, they have some of the funnest trophy lists out there and i recommand everyone to go for them


Same. Main numbered entries are fantastic Platinums. KH1 being my favorite. 2 being a bit more challenging for me to plat, 3 I'm still working on, having Ratatouille challenges tho.


To be fair most of mainline titles are easy Plats. Only Re:CoM, BBS and DDD are nightmare inducing.


Avoid games that you don't like. Go for platinums of games you actually enjoy. Going for platinums for games you dislike just to have a platinum makes absolutely no sense.


Yeah, I am never making that mistake again. Great advice


One piece pirate warriors 3. It is a great game but that crew level grind at the end...


You never tried the Fujitora method eh?


Space Overlords. Was a PS4 freebie like years ago. Probably the shittest game I've ever played or platinumed.


White Night Chronicles. I don't think the servers are on anymore but you had to grind out guild challenges that took 1,000+ hours to complete.


Assassin’s Creed 3.


I'm curious. What about the platinum grind makes it so bad?


Rock Band 4


If you don’t mind me asking, what’s wrong with the Rockband 4 plat? I’m going through the RB/GH series now and just platinumed Beatles Rockband. I’m guessing the online trophies are a pain


Crash 4, unless you are a masochist. Just look for the requirements and you’ll understand.


White day was pure Hell. Every ending on every difficulty, even when saving and combing endings in runs, it takes I believe 21 full runs and many partials to platinum it. But I did it on ps4… and I’ll do it again!


Dc universe online. It's mindless with just playing the same mission over and over and to get the plat you need to pay at least 15 dollar membership for trophies to pop


GTA4. that online grind is the worst i have ever seen


I know saying an older COD game might seem obvious but I definitely wouldn’t recommend going to the BO3 platinum. It’s one of my favorite games of all time, but the platinum is just. 9-5 job that I’m not willing to do 😭


I’m currently in the process of Hundred Heroes and Sand Land and both are VERY goddamn tedious … good games on there own but the platinums are atrocious




The Stanley Parable. It has one for playing for an entire Tuesday and one for not playing for 10 years It’s also a mediocre game *ducks*


I've heard of the 10 years trophy but playing for an entire Tuesday? I really wanna check out that trophy list now, lol.


I avoid stuff that has hella online multiplayer trophies. I need to find stuff I don't have to rely on other people for trophies. I think it would make me sad.


Parrappa da rappa remastered a level is bugged so you can’t get it a perfect score on it. Doesn’t look like it’s going to get patched either


This was legit on my next ten platinums list so I’m relieved I saw this. Thank you!


Does the first one have a plat? Cause I've got hundo on the second one, and that doesn't have a plat.


I platted it on PS4. If you mean the kitchen level with the chicken then it’s out it sync but it’s not impossible - I perfected before long by playing along to a video of the non-remastered level. Would I recommend this trophy? Nope! But it’s not impossible.


RAID: World War 2. Trying to find the dogtags is hard because the spawns are random and the number required changes frequently between sessions. There's a bunch of trophies where you need 4 people. Right now there's no one playing so you'll need three friends to help. On top of that, there's also trophies where you compete directly against your teammates. And the game crashes roughly every two hours. It's buggy but it's fun. It's basically payday 2 but ww2 56 people on psnprofiles have the platinum for it


Mortal Kombat 2011. 4 words: My Kun-Fu is stronger.


Monster hunter rise took me about 340 hours to 100% the play is about 200 if you just stick to the base game.


THPS 1+2 Great game, terrible grind. Need to reach level 100, but stop earning big exp at around level 75. Earn about 300exp a session need 30k exp to level 1 time × 25. It's hours and hours of grinding. There are ways to slightly speed it up, but barely. Not to even mention the "Hard Get There" challenges.


Until Dawn is quite easily my last favourite platinum that I've ever gotten... The fact that the game has no checkpoint for chapters is annoying, so having to replay the entire chapter to only make one decision is ridiculous... The fact that if you stuff up the decision your trying to get, there's no restart checkpoint


Mad Max the games platinum is currently unobtainable one of the trophies required an online leaderboard and the server was shutdown.


From a person that has around 100+ backlogs to go the current one im going for is dirt rally 2.0 which is also a pretty painful plat but imo worst is ark survival ascended due to amount of glitches and rng that can happen


Last of us 1, not the PS5 remaster. Horrible grindy online trophy.


Injustice 2, Gauntlet and Dark Pictures games


Super meat boy


Mafia 3


Any older final fantasy. Absolute great games like FF7, FF8, FF X and so on. But really grindy and time consuming.


Fortnite. Easily 1000 hours


Depends what kind of platinum journey your looking for it it’s a long game then things like ac Valhalla rdr 2 gta 5


Valhalla, This is me starting: 😁 This is me after 138 hours:🤡


Crash bandicoot 4. I saw Nickar’s video. And he said it’s one of the hardest platinums he has ever done. After that platinum, he never wanted to play that game again 


Puzzle quest 3: Super easy free to play game. It took me about 50-55hours to get every trophy except forgemaster that require upgrading an item to lvl 50 and I think I had one item at level 45 Plat took 292 hours for me Deliver us the moon: Super easy a 2/10 and takes 8 hours to plat. Everyone i have heard absolutely loved it... i was so fucking bored i had to spread it out over 4 months to get it done Damnation: 4/10 1 playthrough 22 hours Ps3 game, even back then the game looked Super ugly, the gameplay felt outdated and the sound especially the gunshots spundet so insanely horrible. The gsme wad fairly buggy. Played through it normally and then 1 playthrough on the hardest difficulty while doing collectibles. The hardest difficulty was almost an instakill with Super fast and accurate enemies and terrible checkpoints. It was a nightmare


The games with some crazy mp trophies like 30,000 kills or some other unnecessary stuff


60 Seconds! purely based on the fact that it’s just complete luck on a lot of the achievements. You need to hope that certain events pop up in your game and if you don’t get a specific event you’ve basically wasted 30+ minutes of your life. Another one is Left 4 Dead 2. One of my favourite games of all time and the achievement list is incredibly fun and engaging but there is a specific achievement that can only be earned when Valve does free weekends for the game which only seems to happen less and less as time goes on (every 5 or so years at this point).


Any call of duty


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