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Everything. He's always given creepy desperate man vibes. Forced himself on just about every woman he came in contact with. To be noted : Sookie strung him along yes. But he should have got the hint that she wasn't into him. That kiss after the DGB at the cafe was so cringe and forced omg.


That’s the problem tho. U give a man a little flirt they take it to the extreme, although Sam should have kept it professional being their boss after all. But that rarely happens in the real world. 😅


They really take any little thing and run with it. It's crazy


uh then dont flirt with a men then...u playing a very dangerous game, u wanna play with fire you gonna get burned!!!


Flirting doesn't equal consent or interest. Most flirting, especially in work settings, is an innocent act. We all just want the day to go by easier so as coworkers we get friendly. Sometimes as women we like to humor them as long as they're being respectful about it.. And that's for many reasons. One being, we don't like to bring unnecessary conflict to the work place or within friends. Sookie did not want to be an asshole about the whole thing bc Sam is her boss and also her friend. We don't want or need to be cut throat about it when it comes to people who matter. If it's a stranger on the street we are more assertive about unwanted cat calling or advances. It's very easy to tell if the flirting is innocent or if a woman is actually interested. It just sometimes can take patience/time to find out. Direct questions will always give u the true answer. Honestly if you're not a woman u could never understand.


then dont flirt! making jokes about stuff is normal but not about sex between 2 different genders and if u are in a fcking relationship....and especially not between co workers. how many women have slept with co workers....almost all, I seen it myself women call it innocent flirting and then it leads to sex while haveing a husband at home!


What does different genders have to do with it? That's seriously not a factor. Flirting does not mean talking about sex dude. People innocently flirt without bringing up sex at all. U have some warped ass view. U have clearly been hurt and u don't get out much.


stop flirting yeah creating an emotional affair before they start fcuking u women need to stop having affairs with co workers, u 100% had an affair with an co worker


Ur weird bro. Never had an affair in my life. But u certainly were cheated on little buddy. Stop hating all women bc one didn't want ya.


Stop sleeping with CO WORKERS!!!!!


Take ur meds


I told my co worker to stop flirting with a male supervisor is was completely innapropiate, she told me to mind my own business, this was a woman who had SEX with a different supervisor a year ago, and then went into depression for 6 months after the affair didnt work out, her poor husband didnt understand why she was depressed and he took her to the hospital. And she tried to have an affair AGAIN, she let the newsupervisor go so far as to grab her ass!!! guess what I did I told everyone what she did and I contacted her husband and told her everything, she stopped working a 2 weeks after that, cause shit blew up at home . somewhat had to tell the poor guy, he was the nice guy the sucker she manipulated to raise HER son she had with another man for 15 years, and she didnt want to give him a child of their own cause she didnt love him (her own words!!) all the women said I was wrong for yet, yet all the guys APPLAUDED me for calling her out, women are manipulative like I have nvr seen


I’m willing to bet so much money that you’re a psychopath who made all of this up in your head and ruined that poor woman’s life for absolutely no reason at all. Or worse, you watched a woman being sexually harassed at work and took the side of the abuser instead of minding your business like you should have. Like Chelsea said, take your fucking meds weirdo


nope she was always going on lunchbreaks with him, and openly discussed SEXUAL POSITIONS with him thats the super visor, while me and another male co worker were 3 feet away!!! !!!!Always going to his office and turning the lights off when we had the night shift, me and piotr a polish co worker couldnt say anything, untill one day he had enough called her out on it and she lost it, and few weeks after that I had enough and I called her out and again she lost it.cause when you work with women you cannot tell them anything and you wonder why its impossible to work with them. he grabbed her ass and she giggling and fake hitting him, wtf this is a married woman who has a son from another man whos husband has been raising for 15 fcking years, but she wont give him a child and she fucked a Turkish super visor, and the new super visor was also Turkish, and turkish men are narcissists who cheat on their spouse all the time.


I don’t. I know better. Some women don’t, unfortunately. But Sam also should have known better by not flirting with his employees. That position of power is unfair.


Agree with all the above, but also have to add when he called Terry a “shell shocked motherfucker” 😭.


I loved terry so much. It was so uncalled for to kill him out.


Acting like an incel towards sookie constantly with his woe is me attitude.


Shooting his brother. Shooting two people when he was young. Taking advantage of a young girl who was maybe 21 and getting her pregnant. Being a little incelish with Sookie. Being an asshole to Tara.


“incelish” hahaha


Lol it was the stupid "nice guy" argument and I fucking hate it. Didn't know how to say it otherwise.


Agreed. The “nice guy,” comment was a huge ick. I love Sam but he was definitely incelish a few times LOL


I love Tara, but he put up with a lot of shit from her first.


Knocking up Nicole and then trying to hide her pregnancy from her so she had to keep it


Worst bit is she already knew he was a shifter, he could easily tell her that he could smell it and it wouldn't be far fetched or a how do you know moment.


Also when you add in their age difference, her being like 20 and him being like 35, that relationship was red flags all around


IIRC he wanted to make it seem like the marriage proposal was out of love for her, not obligation to their pregnancy. That's why he didn't let on he knew. Which yes is manipulative.


The way I saw it was he knocked her up in a one night stand and then after he smelled the pregnancy he decided he should marry her and have a family. He basically projected his desire for a family onto his 20y/o pregnant one night stand and then decided to hide the info of the pregnancy from her so that she didn’t see that he was just marrying her for the baby/family he so desperately wanted. At least that’s how my best friend and I interpreted when we rewatched that part last year.


Sam and Alcide both smelled the pregnancy due to their supernatural abilities. Normally, the woman is the first to know. Alcide was a good guy and even he agreed to let her find out for herself. I didn't view it as malicious, moreso not an ideal situation. I will say there is a reason Nicole's mom was so mad. I remember not loving the storyline since he was still in love with Sookie, so it was more of a duty proposal.




Was it within 5 days he knew she was pregnant? I'd have to rewatch. I remember it differently with him knowing slightly before her missed cycle.


I feel like, despite the circumstances surrounding why, shooting tommy ranks pretty high on the list


The first season where Sookie goes on a date with him and he like forces his mouth on her and gets like aggressive every time she is hesitant.


This!! He shouldn’t even be flirting with her anyway considering she works for him. Bosses should keep it professional. Unfair to sookie.


Probably murder that couple back in his youth


Shit. I did not feel bad for them at all. Weren’t they setting him up and attempting to rob him? Fuck them lol


I feel the same way, but with Tommy. After Sam trying to help him, he went over the top with his shit. He was never going to stop.


Yeah but Sam had robbed a jewelry shop himself 😂 it wasn’t exactly hard earned honest money


Yeah, but robbing a person vs robbing a store is different in my eyes. It’s more fucked up and personal. Lol didn’t he love that girl and she set him up? That’s why i don’t feel bad for them. 😂


it’s this. this came to my mind fast. like they may have been frauds and jewell thieves, but damn


Absolutely, I watched the scene last night and with the woman I can see why it would be self defence as she shot at him first and it seemed more of a reflex shot but he shot the other guy execution style ☠️


Tommy, and I never liked how he slept with Tara, which was fine. I like them together, but if Sookie even looks in his direction, he runs to her, and its bye Tara


Nicole. That is all.


Probably getting a 20 year old pregnant when she was drunk and vulnerable, right after his serious girlfriend died with her daughter in the other room


Convincing Tommy to leave his parents and come live with him and then abandoning Tommy when he showed some behavioral issues. Which to me is expected if you’ve lived your whole life with abusive/neglectful parents.


I didn't like when he was perving on Sookie as her employer. Like I know he did worse but that skeeved me the most.


It wasn’t fair to Sookie at all with him having that position of power as her boss. Keep it professional & in ur pants u creep.


Beating someone to death in cold rage infront of everyone in his establishment was something i could never look at him the same way again. The hillbilly wasn’t a good person at means but that was beyond brutal.


He deserved it lol


Murdering the robber couple when he was young, I felt that truly brought down his character. I don't know if he is written that way in the books, but damn. Also, his anger issues. There were times in which he could become very intense and impulsive like in season 1. The way he was very insistent and obsessive with Sookie was like wtf. Later he got better, and became more of "good guy" than a bad one. But he is definitely a very gray character.


Tbh him not being there for Tommy. I get it, there was dramatic irony that the viewer sees that he didn't...but still


Not marry sookie


Wtf? He’s a creep. Glad sookie never married him.


Being a good guy


I’m going with murdering the couple as well. If you steal something and then it’s stolen from you, that’s tough luck. Not license to kill.


Turns out he was a Bank robber and killed the woman he supposed to have loved


I've never actually watched the show to it's completion(maybe the first season when it was still new). But I'm currently finishing up the books(re-reading) and was considering watching the show. If they changed Sam and his backstory so much in the show I don't think it's worth watching. Sam is literally my favorite male character and I spent the majority of my first read through desperately hoping Sookie would end up with him instead of one of the manipulative vampires.


I don’t like how he basically preyed on her even tho he was her boss. Like, keep it professional u creep.


He didn't in the books 🤷‍♀️ Like I said I've never watched the TV show. In the books, prior to them becoming co-owners of the bar(and thus , equals) they went on like 1 date and he kissed her once, otherwise he was a gentleman and was just there for her as a friend whenever she needed him.


Y’all Tommy was fucked up beyond repair 🤷🏾‍♀️


I didn't see anyone mention this. I may have missed it, but when he convinced Terry he was seeing insurgents when he actually saw Sam running naked while fishing with Andy ,that was messed up.


He was a psycho on the low like nobody knew it but I did. He had extreme anger problems and put his intrusive thoughts into action.