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“I think I’m a psychopath” girl ain’t wrong💀


No disagreements here


she’s giving “don’t look at, touch, or even breathe near my boyfriend/husband. he’s my man and my man *only* and I’m crazy enough to kill you” vibes


Hi Baby Reindeer sent from iphnoe


This was my immediate thought 




It’s a Netflix show about a female stalker.


ohh, okay🤦🏼


WARNING/CAUTION: This post goes into detail of the killing of a young man. If you think you’ll be distressed by this post - please leave the page and join me on my next write up. Take care of yourself. Maulin Rathod was a 24-year-old student originally from India. He had travelled to Australia to study. Maulin had met 18-year-old Jamie Lee Dolheguy on the dating app Plenty of Fish. Jamie had made some troubling internet searches before meeting Maulin; these searches being ‘’'I'm going to kill someone tonight for fun'’ and ‘’10 steps to commit a murder and get away with it'. Jamie and Maulin had spoken online and had agreed to meet at Jamie’s home in Melbourne. Leading up to Moulin’s death, Jamie had been experiencing intense homicidal urges. When Moulin was at her residence, she restrained him with her legs so he couldn’t move and wrapped the cord of a sex toy around his neck, whispering in his ear ‘’It’s okay’’ before strangling him. Jamie called the police and confessed to killing Maulin. She’d later tell detectives that the only thing on her mind was murder when inviting Maulin over. In court, Justice Peter Almond reduced Jamie’s charges to manslaughter, taking into account her personality disorder. Jamie was sentenced to 9 years behind bars. "You chose in advance the act of violence ultimately perpetrated. You engaged him in the pretence of a game," the judge said. "You took the life of a young person who had done nothing to harm or provoke you. One can only imagine the terror he felt when he realised that despite his urgent tapping, you were not going to let go." Further Reading: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-10-22/jamie-lee-dolheguy-jailed-dating-app-manslaughter-plenty-of-fish/12801264


What personality disorder does she have?


I don’t understand how a personality disorder can lead to a lighter sentence. She’s not going to improve.


The criminal system in Australia (the state of Victoria specifically in this case) is absolutely shite when it comes to perpetrators with a history of mental health issues. The "mental health card" is often used to excuse behaviour, and it's complete BS.


Yeah, there's a woman who got away with trying to kill several people with an ax with 9 years. In her case, she was blaming it on rage caused by being rejected on Tinder by a woman because of her transgender transition. The sentence was eventually increased to 14 years, with a non-parole period of 8 years. So she could be paroled next year.


Note to self: no dating apps in Australia Edit: spelling


Its used to excuse any bad behaviour on r / badroomates as well...


Bad roommates?? Oh, you’re saying the sub dismisses bad roommates bc of their bad mental health?


Basically if you have never been there before, someone will post about a "bad roommate" who will live in their room in complete filth, dirty litterbox, mattress on the floor, old open food containers that will attract insects, dirty toilet bowl that doesnt get flushed, they hoard all of the cups and bowls in their room. They miss work, they are late with rent, all of that stuff. People will chime in and say that the roommate looks like they are depressed and expect the OP the jump over mountains to be a therapist and assist the roommate to get to a better place, without even considering the mental health toll that the bad roommate has on OP who has to live with a person that has zero boundaries or respect for anyone else in the home and expects everyone else to clean up after them.


In everyday life too. An old acquaintance of mine was going off yet again about how her boyfriend was getting sick and tired of how she treated him. She told us, “He needs to understand that I’m bipolar and get fuck over it.” I also have a (well-managed) personality disorder. My reply to her, “So when are you gonna stop using that as a crutch?” She never spoke to me again. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nopedy nope. What’s your experience in sentencing?


I don't have experience with sentencing personally, however I work in MH and have worked with clients who have perpetrated crimes/violence etc., however nothing ever goes beyond a police report following forensic assessment as they "have a mental health condition"


Do they at least get put in an institution after their sentence? I’m all for rehabilitation, but if you’re “mental health” is giving you homicidal urges a brief stint in prison is only going to make those worse.


Institutions as such ceased to exist in Victoria in the 90s as per the Kennett Government.




Yeah this makes zero sense. People with personality disorders know right from wrong.


Especially since some people with antisocial PERSONALITY disorder are literal psychopaths who kill people for fun….


If they treat their disorder, maybe they could improve. However, I think that should have to be established by doctors first. And PDP release should be contingent upon successful treatment.




I agree, but that’s not the nature of a personality disorder. There is nothing temporary about them.


People with personality disorders can and do improve all the time, but taken to the degree of homicide I doubt it’s even the extent of things


The personality disorder changed what she was charged with. Where does it say she got a lesser sentence because of it?


Right here: But Justice Almond said that while she knew what she was doing was wrong, her moral culpability was "significantly reduced" because of mental illness. "As a result, your sentence must be significantly moderated," he said.




There's only 1 version of the DSM and it absolutely still includes personality disorders as a type of mental illness.


You're thinking of the ICD-11, not the DSM. ICD is used for billing in the US, but DSM typically clinically and for dxing.


Or rather, five of the 10 that used to exist don't in the DSM-5


That was a proposal when they were coming up with the DSM-5, but it did not come to fruition. There are still 10, with personality disorder NOS still as an option too. Some of the criteria were modified for some of the PDs, but they remain pretty similar in many ways to the prior iteration. If you’re on mobile, this site is going to suck, but it’s an argument for not having the reduction in PDs for the DSM-5, while acknowledging the problems with the DSM-IV-TR. It was written in 2011 by a leading expert, and it demonstrates that the approach was far from settled as publication neared: https://www.psychiatrist.com/jcp/commentary-problematic-ltemgtdsm-ltemgt-personality/ This page (which is not hell on mobile!) lists and briefly describes the PDs that are in the DSM-5-TR (webpage published in 2022): https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/personality-disorders/what-are-personality-disorders#:~:text=There%20are%2010%20specific%20types,thinking%20about%20oneself%20and%20others I’m wondering if you are thinking about the proposal for the reduction, which nearly could have happened, but ultimately didn’t go through.


Pretty sure they're referring to the ICD-11, which actually did make the change they mention. It's used for billing in the US, but not usually clinically or diagnostically. The DSM considered it, as you say, but ultimately didn't move to the dimensional model. It just removed the classification of "personality disorders" as something separate from mental health disorders and got rid of the Axes distinguishing between them.


Ah that makes more sense then! I bet you’re right.


Some other articles mentioned that in her POF profile, she said she had borderline personality disorder and suicidal ideation. Sample [source](https://www.thesenior.com.au/story/6979502/sex-toy-strangler-could-serve-three-years/)


I don’t want to come off like I’m victim blaming, but messaging someone on a dating site who is talking about all of their mental illnesses on their profile doesn’t sound like the safest choice.


I remember seeing something years ago… this really attractive young woman wanted to do a test to see how terrifying of a dating profile she could make and still get responses. She got tons of messages, and even went so far as to request crazy things, like if they would let her pull out one of their their teeth if she slept with them, and a ton of them were still down! She literally couldn’t turn them off. 😂 I’m definitely not trying to victim blame. Just pointing out that dating — especially online dating — has gotten… weird. I am getting more and more comfortable with my impending spinsterhood. 😂


I was thinking the same. Not a great way to meet on a first date. Too sad for the guy ..RIP


Penises don't always care about safety. . .  Source: am penis


Some view mentally ill people as weak and easy to manipulate. That might be why someone messaged her.


In 2018 it was very popular ... i think even more so than now to list off all of your menal health issues as if it was a badge of honor.


I’m going to go with Homicidal Maniac.


So psychopath.


Tomato Tomoto


Antisocial personality disorder, i.e. psychopathy?


Shes a psychopath so we are going to let her out of prison earlier? What kind of fucked up thinking is that?


I’m guessing most of them




She may have self diagnosed the but without some sort of comorbidity (or her being just straight up evil), BPD has about zero to do with this. If they were going to kill some — and like almost all of them won’t — someone with BPD would for sure victimize an intimate partner as in someone they’re dating or married to. Not a stranger. BPD =/= psychopath and it being the catch all for any woman who murders is so played out not to mention inaccurate.


You assume this because she murdered someone for no reason? She could have BPD along with another PD, but BPD alone does not necessarily make someone capable of murder.


I think they “assume” it because she said it in her dating profile…


Oh sorry, I didn’t see anything about a dating profile. I saw people taking a guess under this question so I assumed it was that, a guess.


Probably aspd with psychopathy


Antisocial personality disorder, with the colloquial term for aspd?


Psychopathy is not a colloquial term for ASPD - that's a common myth and one that can be pretty stigmatizing for people with ASPD who don't fall under that term. It's not a medical diagnosis, but it is still a psychological concept and mostly forensic diagnosis measured in particular ways.


Not everyone with aspd is a psychopath


Psychopathy is not a medical diagnosis in either ICD or DSM. What are you referring to when you're saying "psychopath"?


Psychopathy is a term that is very much used in the psychology field, it’s just not a diagnosis. It’s a personality construct that is that’s caused by brain abnormalities/genetic predisposition. Some pwASDP have psychopathic tendencies and some don’t. Majority of people with ASPD have non-psychopathic aspd. You can also be diagnosed with aspd and have psychopathy (secondary or primary) listed in the descriptions of your personality. Again, not a diagnosis. This is how my diagnosis is (thanks to my cluster B family and childhood) The correct thought is “psychopathy is not a diagnosable disorder, but it is a construct that is very much studied and used in the field of psychology” Edit: this article explains it well and has a diagram on it. https://www.uspharmacist.com/article/psychopathy-a-review-for-the-pharmacist


I’m referring to the behavior. Some experts still use “psychopath” to describe certain behaviors that can be apart of the diagnosis of aspd. No, I understand it’s not an official diagnosis. Psychopathy is sometimes considered to be similar to Antisocial Personality Disorder, which is an Axis II disorder in the DSM; but there are a number of differences. Antisocial Personality Disorder does not feature the emotional deficits and lack of complex human emotions and attachments that are the hallmark features of psychopathy. Generally only 1/3 of those with aspd in the general population meet the criteria for psychopathy. It is usually used to describe behaviors and a test can be administered for it.


It's not a medical diagnosis or mental illness, but you're correct, it is still a psychological diagnosis and concept that is well-used and distinct from ASPD.


Psychopathy is still used as a clinical diagnosis, typically in forensics, and isn't the same thing as ASPD. Correct about it not being a medical diagnosis, or in the DSM or ICD, but it is still a defined concept and dx with lots of literature and validated scales.


I love how you got downvoted for explaining modern psychological concepts correctly haha


thank you for noticing lol I’m on my 3rd year of my psychology degree so I know a bit but I’m not an expert and I didn’t want to say “iM a PsYcHOLoGy mAjOr” in my comment because I hate when people do that lol


Not sure but she does have an enormous amount of self inflicted cutting scars on her arms. She certainly deserved and indefinite sentence in a psych hospital for this crime. Sick twist will be out doing it again in just a few short years.  


Borderline personality disorder


Bat shit crazy!


What in the fuck kind of sentence is that?? 9 years for pre-meditated murder?


I cannot understand the rationale behind the manslaughter charge. Hallucinations, abrupt and significant changes in behavioural traits, and intermittent amnesia are the types of psychological factors that underpin the concept of diminished capability. People with antisocial behaviour disorder or autism can experience these things, but these individuals do not represent the majority. It’s similar to people who claim diminished responsibility because of the ‘adverse side effects’ of prescription medications. Again, It _can_ happen, but it’s a far cry from the burden of proof at the core of judicial process and it’s far too rare an occurrence for criminal sentencing to adjust to account for edge cases such as these.


You guys aren’t comprehending what’s being said at all. The charge was dropped to manslaughter due to her personality disorder which is most likely due to her mental state not being adequate to meet the elements of a murder charge. The 9 year sentence doesn’t mean her sentence was reduced because of her personality disorder.


Are you American?


googles "10 steps to commit a murder and get away with it" results contain: "don't google it" WELL FUCK IT


9 years for premeditated murder???


“there are plenty of fish in the sea.” the fish:


Sounds like she was on meds that likely lead to this which is why she got a reduced charge.


I am not familiar with medication that causes you to strangle someone with the cord of a sex toy


Many antidepressents and drugs prescribed for mental illness have suicidal and homicidal thoughts as a side effect. It’s well documented but rarely talked about. The guy who shot up a theatre in Colorado was on antidepressents, he told his psychiatrist he was having homicidal thoughts due to the drugs he was on (the thoughts only started when he started taking them) and her solution was to increase his dose. Zero accountability for psychiatrists and pharmaceutical companies. When a pharma company makes $70 billion on a drug, having to pay a few million in damages is not a big deal.


Sorry but that's BS, at least about Holmes. [He had been obsessed with killing for at least a decade](https://www.cnn.com/2015/06/05/us/james-holmes-theater-shooting-trial/)


He called the mental health hotline before we did the killing looking for help. No one picked up. He told his college therapist repeatedly over at least a year or more that he was going to kill someone and at each visit she didn’t do anything besides increase his meds which made the thoughts worse. It’s all documented but I’m not going to argue the point. Psychiatric drugs have this well documented side effect but pharma doesn’t want it talked about.


I agree with your assessment of big pharma regarding accountability and research but I also believe we cannot absolve the aggressor of their inability to control their own free will and urges.


I don’t know this case intimately but I guess in this case the judge ascertained her free will and urges were not her own but manufactured by the drug perhaps. It’s important to understand how powerful these drugs are on the brain. They take away your normal free will and urges and hijack your brain. So for example if she went to her psychiatrist after starting a drug complaining of suicidal or homicidal thoughts, something more has to be done.


Oh wow. What a horribly light sentence. 😳 If your mental illness causes you to end someone’s life, you should be institutionalized for life. Especially with premeditation like this. Who’s to say she wont do it again? Very tragic.


These judges need to be locked up, they are a danger to society.


This is all Australian judges in general


Dolheguy's sentence is bonkers and very disrespectful to Rathod and his loved ones. Anyone capable of doing what she did at 18 should not be allowed to walk in free society again, ever. When she's out of prison it will only be a matter of time before she re-offends. And attributing Dolheguy's murderous thoughts and behavior to a personality disorder does nothing but continue the stigmatization of mental illnesses.


A personality disorder is a disorder for a reason, it might've been the cause it just doesn't mean everyone or even most people with that disorder would act like this


Even if the personality disorder is the cause, it shouldn't result in a lighter sentence (i know youre not arguing that) because part of why we keep people in prison is to protect others. So regardless of WHY she did it, the main concern should be is she likely to do it again? Unless her disorder is cured the answer is probably yes


Cannot agree more. There are so many instances where it seems people automatically jump to claims of mental illness. While it's possible that some perpetrators of crime are mentally ill, it seems irresponsible to make the claim absent any supporting history/evidence. Also, even if someone does have a mental illness/disorder it doesn't automatically mean they aren't culpable for a crime.


9 years later she would be back in the streets?


Parole eligible in 3 years too, seems a bit light.


damn you get away anything in Australia


Yep. Just search youth crime Australia and you’ll see countless stories of kids getting away with stealing cars, breaking into homes with weapons, high speed chases with police, assaulting people on the street and normal Aussies can’t do a thing to defend ourselves. It’s bullshit.


I don't give a fuck that I'm breaking patient confidentiality BUT this chick was sectioned in the acute psych unit I worked in years ago. She was a fucking psychopath. The Mental Health Act is a joke. She should have been locked up in a long term unit and all the other psych nurses that looked after her agreed. The psychiatrists should have beared some responsibility for this but of course they didn't.


Since you’ve already opened the floodgate, what did she do or how did she act to make you say this?


God, this was years ago now. I just remember she was extremely unsettling, displaying sociopathic traits (which isn't super common in acute psych) and being incredibly manipulative with the other patients. Female staff in particular hated dealing with her and I can't remember what warranted it, but we weren't allowed in her room alone with her for personal safety reasons.


Wow, why didn’t she get locked up?


Because they didn't want the responsibility of dealing with the mental health tribunal. Justifying their actions is too hard apparently.


I read somewhere that she could be out in 3 years. That’s sick


Yup, and she'll do it again.




That’s what I was thinking! Pre meditated murder and only 9 years, what a shame


That’s a scary place to live


Damn that’s crazy , people get more time for selling drugs


9 years for taking a life, Ending someone dreams, Taking some family’s son? That a pathetic justice system.


RIP to that young man


I don't love the US prison industrial complex, but the complete lack of respect for life and for victims and their families and loved ones that the rest of the Western world has adopted isn't noble.


People always argue about whether prison should be punitive or rehabilitative; it should protect the tax-paying public. People who will clearly reoffend should be imprisoned/institutionalized for the safety of everyone else.


Keeping people under lock and key for decades represents a high financial burden on the state, which ultimately informs the short-sighted decision to let some people back into society that maybe should have been kept behind bars. It’s idiotic, negligent and downright dangerous, but it happens


Idk I think that’s a generous interpretation. Since when do government employees care about waste of taxpayer money? I don’t think they think about it much


Ah but whose judgment counts with predicting the future?


It is justice. No one is going to release her. Mental lunatics normally never get released. Prdophiles though that's another story. They should be banished from society or killed based on evidence/atrocity


wdym no one is going to release her? she was sentenced to 9 years


Lads and lasses, please don't go to someones house alone if they message you, "I think I'm a psychopath." You can't fix them. I find it interesting that she googled how she could get away with it, but then rang police immediately.


Plenty of CRAZY-ASS Fish


Wow I just can't believe she told the guy "I think I'm a psychopath." That should've been the very first red flag for him. But boy he still didn't know what he was going into


obviously i have no idea what the victim was thinking when she said this, but seeing as they met on plenty of fish, presumably just for sex, and that he was an Indian national, could it be possible that there was some sort of language barrier and he took it to mean she was saying she is a psychopath in bed or something? very sad and i think with the possible language barrier it may have not been a red flag?


I was wondering the same thing about a possible language barrier. If they had a “safe gesture” (presumably the tapping) then that would explain why he “allowed” her to wrap something around his neck and restrain him. Maybe there was a different cultural expectation as well. Poor guy. My partners and I moonlight with some kink every now and then, I knew them for several months before we got into anything heavy (and it’s still comparatively mild and not that often). Abusing the basic rules for kink safety somehow makes this even WORSE to me. She is really sick (and not in a mental health as exculpatory way). She sought this situation out with every intention of committing murder. RIP to him and condolences to his family.




This comment doesn't add to discussion. Low effort comments include one word or a short phrase that doesn't add to discussion (OMG, Wow, so evil, POS, That's horrible, Heartbreaking, RIP, etc.). Inappropriate humor isn't allowed.


9 years?!! For removing someone forever... idk these are the veeeeeery few times I agree with US policy.


I found her profile and wow there are tons of self-harm marks all over here.


Well, she should know that she got the order reversed. They always do.


Has anyone seen her instagram? Pretty sure it’s her anyways


Yes! Very creepy posts and photos of her


Does Australia not have high security hospitals for offenders like this? I’m British and in the UK they have secure hospitals where people who committed a crime while severely mentally ill can be detained and treated for public protection. JLD is obviously extremely unwell and prison isn’t going to help her condition at all


I assume all states do. Victoria does but the beds are very limited.


Its amazing how many murders happen because of these apps yet nobody dares to criticise them or the insanely dangerous culture they encourage.




I actually came to the comments to see if that was the case, not just her looks but the fact she was able to over power a grown man.


Im not being transphobic, but before i read this and just saw her pic, i thought she was a transexual and it was a hate crime date gone wrong.


Katherine Knight part deux




This appears to violate the [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). Reddit prohibits wishing harm/violence or using dehumanizing speech (*even about a perpetrator*), hate, victim blaming, misogyny, misandry, discrimination, gender generalizations, homophobia, doxxing, and bigotry.


The sentencing is infuriating. If anything, people with personality disorders, psychopathy etc. should get heavier sentences since it's not rehabilitable, so letting them out of jail would just give them an opportunity to offend again.


Which name belongs to the he and which to the she?


"She couldn't help it, she's a psychopath". Average judge


Why only 9 years ? Australia get it together she deserves way more


As an Australian, I’m ashamed at how light the sentence is. I hate it here


dude looks like a lady..


Sounds like a hate crime. Awful


Man I hope not. I think most likely it’s that he was the only one who would agree to meet up with her. Her ig account is shocking, there could have been a language/cultural barrier that prevented him from seeing the red flags


May explain the light sentence as well. I’m in the US but visit Australia to visit family often - every single time I think, great country, shame about the racism. And a good percentage of the Australian population denies it even exists (or agree with the racism against Asians and indigenous people). My cousins who grew up in Perth told me that back in the day, Australians hated anyone who wasn’t Anglo - they made fun of the Italians and the Greeks through the 1970s. That doesn’t happen now, so I guess there is progress albeit slow.


People from Perth are weird. Back in about 2000 a bunch of us from IRC met up in Melbourne and the dude from Perth was going off "Holy shit! There's fucking f***ots everywhere!"


The light sentence is beczuse she's a woman lol


Why a hate crime?


Tons of racist violence against Indian students in Australia. It’s a thing. The Indian government had to take it up with the Oz government b/c there were so many attacks.


I remember that happening - and all Australians who are not racist being completely horrified to find out so many attacks were occurring all the time!


Shame you’re being downvoted. It very well could have been, given the attacks on Indian students happening across Australia at the time. End of the day, this was a fatal attack on an Indian student.


Reddit is pretty racist. I don’t know why people even argue something isn’t a hate crime.


I’m being downvoted for saying it sounds like a hate crime? What is wrong with people!!


Because it doesn't sound love a hate crime at all. What is wrong with you? Have you actually read up on it?


She’s white. He is a minority


And that's as far as your thinking goes is it?


She clearly is a psycho!






Avoid harmful generalizations based on basic elements of identity (race, nationality, geographic location, gender, etc).




This comment doesn't add to discussion. Low effort comments include one word or a short phrase that doesn't add to discussion (OMG, Wow, so evil, POS, That's horrible, Heartbreaking, RIP, etc.). Inappropriate humor isn't allowed.






Avoid harmful generalizations based on basic elements of identity (race, nationality, geographic location, gender, etc).


dude does have a pathetically skinny neck..... i have to read this one and see how she pulled this off. Female killers are extremely rare and morbidly fascinating.


I went to her instagram. Her brother left a message on one of her posts. Sounds like she had a very scary family, and they all have these tendencies. She has a lot of cutting scars on her arms.


oh man... killer by genetics


Why can't I click on it?


Because it’s not a link.

