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That's the neat part, you don't Jk, but seriously you just gotta learn the rhythm like any other hero. Jaks new auto attack is phenomenal for things like wards too E: came back a day late because I ran the numbers. The update didn't affect his base damage other than splitting it evenly in half for the two attacks. Jakiro attack cast speed is .59 base, he added a .2 second delay for the second attack which means he lost over %30 of his right click DPS. That's kind of nuts....


Not just wards, courrier tombstone, egg, tide's shard and other spells.


Yea exactly. He may have lost some attack damage but his number of hits/second are way up


Almost double


It's... Double...?


Pretty sure it's not.


If every hit is now 2 hits isn't that double the number of hits lol


No because his attack animation is longer. It takes longer to get the two hits off than it did for the single E: second attack takes .2 seconds


Attack animation does change attack rate tho, maybe at most base attack time if u rly max out the attack speed


It does. His attack animation requires .2 seconds longer to animate. That's literally the point.


Just practice it, it'll come. Once you get the rhythm of it down, you'll find that you actually screw up the enemy last hits because of the weird rhythm that *they're* not used to


Quelling blade helps, it's double


Holy shit




That's actually pretty cool for core Jak


Funny part is, it's so much easier for me to deny as mid. Idk why maybe the second attack made enemy midlaner doesn't know when tondeny I guess


It's definitely harder, but quelling blade helps. You get flat +4 dmg on both attacks, so it's like you're getting +8 dmg.


it’s really not anymore complicated than weaver or voker with fire spirits


Well it is, both of those characters have a single instance of damage that's normal, Jakiro doesn't.


no it’s fundamentally not


what’s your build on thd core? mael or diffu first?


Diffu sounds crazy, I'm gonna go try it mid


Use the lasthit training program under the 'Learn' category. It helps you polish lasthitting for the different heroes e.g. while queing.


I never had a problem with lasthitting with it, although that quelling blade trick someone mention here might do the trick. Anyway, when the patch first released, and there was a thread here theory crafting about core Jak (credit to this amazing sub), i thought it was interesting, so i gave it a try and it works wonders. But the problem with pubs is, as soon as the game looks even, not even losing, people start blaming you as a carry jakiro when your lane is actually fine. It grinds my gear that i have to wait for a few games before playing carry jak again so i can tank the reports in case we actually lose. Now it grinds my gear more when Jak carry becomes mainstream, and i didn't have the chance to fully abuse it when it was less known. Do we really have to wait for pros/immortal players use it before it's acceptable in lower ranks? Sorry for getting out of topic from this thread, i just couldn't fully the knowledge i got from this sub to it's potential