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Do not offer money, give money, or request money. This is a bannable offense with zero tolerance.


ask a kind looking woman to buy you pads. People don't like to just give money but if someone ever came up to me for feminine hygiene products it's 100% immediate.


Yes! I will always purchase feminine hygiene products and protection, no questions asked.


I almost always carry some on me too regardless of my cycle so I would give them one right away plus a few extras while I go get some more.


If you happen to be my sis . Chances are your not but just In case give your brother a call


Yes! Plus it’s just a common thing to share. I love your username


I don't have that issue but if anyone needs help like this I'm totally down to assist.


If someone asked me to buy them tampons or pads I’d do it. You know they really need it if they’re asking


I would especially emphasize to ask to buy you products instead of asking for the money to buy them. People (women especially) are way more likely to buy you something than to give you money.


It's also much easier for people who have no cash to add something extra into their shopping. I ask people sitting outside stores if they want anything from inside regularly.


I'm a guy and will do it without question. I will even throw in extra things she may need


This ^^^^ there is no way I would refuse to buy a woman who asked me pads/tampons. Especially a young girl like yourself.


I never thought of this but if someone asked me to buy them pads I would 100% buy them no questions asked


I know ladies wouldn't feel comfortable asking a bloke, maybe even asking a chick BUT as a bloke I would sprint to a store to help if I was asked! This is really sad to hear, OP is in a real bad place & I have been there before but as a bloke you definitely are no where near as likely to be used & abused. :( It doesn't matter how low of a place you're in, blokes will still help just because they might get their dick wet.


Im a man, and how u protect each other in this scenario is wholesome.


We *have* to look after each other. It's crucial for our survival.


If you can get a hold of a menstrual cup, that's even better because you won't have to buy another one every month since they are reusable.


Not a good ideea if you cant sterilize it


That's true. You have to rinse it each time you empty it and boil it at the end of your period.


I'm a guy, and have "introduced" over 10 of my female friends to the Diva cup, and only one of them wasn't into it, I guess it didn't fit her properly. But all the others swear by it!


This is a great option, but only if there's facilities to appropriately clean it, otherwise it could end in massive infection


I have a friend and when she took out her diva cup on a Saturday night, the suction half ripped out her IUD , and she ended up in the ER. Just a word of warning for people with IUD’s and cups .


Oh god damn!


I know right . I think I have 2nd hand PTSD from that story . The horror !


This isn't an ok suggestion or considerate of OP's situation.




Some knew about them, some didn't. Otheres weren't so sure, and I had to get testimonials from my friends who did try them and swore by them. There was by no means any "mansplaining", but nice try on that. Also this wasn't just last month or last year, either, it was a decade ago when they first started becoming more popular. But thanks for womansplaining to me. In the end it only made you look silly, for lack of a harsher word I could use.


This ^^^


Call 2-1-1 and explain the situation. Also actually call that homeless shelter and see if they can provide you transportation. A lot of these shelters have a ton of good programs to help you transition in these situations.




Oh! And you should consider going to college. The homeless shelters can help you apply, but you should be able to get grants and scholarships that could cover all your living costs while you attend. They have a lot of special programs for kids of incarerated parents, and young adults who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The homeless shelter can help you find out about a lot of them local to your state / area.


This is really true. I was in a tough situation as a single mom in an abusive situation, and homeless. Social services helped in the er, but then college a month down the road enabled me to use the grant money for housing and getting on our feet even more so. Each semester, life got easier and easier. I'm really hoping this can work out for you. You can apply online and apply for Financial aid using the fafsa using the wifi so you have something to look forward to come Fall. This was the beginning of so much hope for me.


And if you feel at all unsafe you can also call 9-1-1 and ask for transportation to an emergency room until you can find shelter. If you are afraid of being assaulted due to your gender you can also look up local woman’s domestic violence shelters. If they have the space they might take you in. All these places have transitional services to help you gain independence, like they help find a job, buy a car, put money on an apartment, etc.


Jumping on to this to say, you do not need cell service to dial 911. It immediately jumps onto emergency band service regardless if you've got phone service or not


I've been a victim of abuse and been in a domestic violence shelter before. Unfortunately they don't help in situations like that. It has to be domestic violence.


It depends on the shelter, if she is at risk for being assaulted (especially if she gets harassed by a pimp or something) they would help her, but it depends on the locality and it doesn't hurt to ask.


Domestic Violence shelters are individually run, and as such, have different criteria and different exceptions. They may say no, but they may not. So, it's worth trying on the chance they can help.




A lot of churches run food banks, especially the larger ones. Some also have halfway houses and other facilities that people not really into the church may not know about. At a minimum they will probably help you find resources if you explained the situation.


I don't know where you're at, but sometimes churches will help. Where I live, they've been known to pay for hotel rooms for up to a week. Also, go to your local housing authority for government housing (if you can get there). Tell them your situation, and they'll have you fill out an application. They can sometimes move you up on the list and get you in some place very quickly. With no income, your "rent" will be anywhere for $0-$20. You should be able to get a post office box for free so you have an address. Some food pantries also have personal hygiene products, including feminine products. You may have to ask for them separately. Is there maybe a friend or family member you could stay with? If not I couldn't imagine turning a friend of my kids or a family member away. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I have 3 daughters, and one is your age. I couldn't imagine her or her sisters being in this situation. To thank that it's because your parents is heartbreaking. Sending hugs from an internet stranger that's a mom of a girl your age.


And you DON'T need an address to get food stamps, or cash aide, or free medical services. Call that 211 # and they'll connect you with the right numbers to apply for aide and shelter. I literally work for the city helping connect people to these benefits and I promise you they can help. They can even set you up with emergency funds to sleep somewhere for the night. Each state has their own cap on it, but the federal government has programs for these situations.


You need to contact social services. You are too young to have this stress. I'm sorry, and I hope things get better.




Yes, they will. I'm a social worker, and most states have some safety net for adults. If you want to DM me your state, I can help you search for resources.


I hope your helping OP. She needs a break in terms of some organisation getting her on record. There is help but right now she is just floating in the wind.




Oh would you please shut up. It's ok to not know about things but it's not ok to offer "advice" on those things.


I think you misunderstood the double negative here. It’s admittedly poorly phrased but doesn’t “no city can’t” equate to “all cities can?”




it’s a double negative. poorly phrased but they mean there’s help available not that there isn’t!


There are services available for adults.


Yes, you still deserve help.


This is a good time to go to any community or religious based organization. A church, a YMCA, a JCC, etc. If you are uncomfortable with those, find a municipal building or a library. These are places with resources that should be able to put you into contact with a social worker who should be able to help. Good luck, OP, and I am so sorry you are struggling. I hope things get better soon. Edit: for your period, please find if you can literally any OBGYN office. Or a planned parenthood. They give out sanctuary pads like hotcakes.


Also a crisis pregnancy center.


The YWCA would most likely help you for free.


They do just not a the same as with family. You can apply for food stamps and medical. I know in California we have a short term cash program but you can as the office


I'm sure if you look for shelter or church in your area you can catch a breath. I pray for you to find some peace.




Tomorrow is Sunday, there should be people at the churches then. Can you try to go to a church and maybe talk to the pastor?


Hey, I also just commented about going to a church- I work at a church as an admin, so I'd be the position that works at the desk/phone that you'd be talking to, and we usually have some really weird hours. You should be able to find them online, and if you call double check what building to go to. Because 9 times out of 10 it's not the actual sanctuary (the big building we think of when we hear church, that people go to every Sunday) that people are working in, it's the building next door called the Parish Hall. If it seemed like nobody was there you may have just been at the wrong building!


did you call the shelter?




Yeah tell a young woman alone and desperate to just go out walking for 15 hours, are you really that dense?


She hasn't eaten in a week. Try walking that far with no food in your system. What a brain dead comment to make


As well as bleeding.


Must not be too bad if they're above begging or walking


Lmao tell me you're privileged and never been homeless without telling me 😂 Op ignore people like this. They have nothing better to do than be miserable. Please feel free to message me privately and if you let me know general location, I will help look up and find services for you. There are services that will help you get to the nearest shelter. I used to be homeless for over 4 years when I was your age. I might be able to help.


You must not be too smart if you think OP is above begging or walking. You do realize your comments say so much more about you and your pathologies than they do about anything else, don't you? Judging others doesn't define who they are. It defines who you are.


absolutely clueless


how about you start walking 15 hours on no food, see how that works out for ya chief.


So unnecessary


[Reach out to Covenant House](https://www.covenanthouse.org/) Hopefully they can provide help [find the nearest location](https://www.covenanthouse.org/homeless-shelters) Are you close to Conway AR? [Bethlehem House](https://www.bethlehemhouse.net/)




Contact both places and let them know your dilemma. They may buy you a bus ticket to get you to a shelter. Just call and ask for help.




Covenant house may come get you as well.


Salvation Army I’ve seen buy bus tickets for homeless in distress. I’ve even seen a Sheriffs Office do it. At least you would be able to get to a shelter.


Once your stable or find some support start investigating how to start college. Some states have free community college. Btw is there a teacher who was very cool you could open up to about your situation right now? I can’t imagine someone like that not taking an interest in your well being.


What city/county are you located in? We might be able to help with resources. Do you have any friends or family to help? Try reaching out to your old high school. Yeah youre an adult now but hopefully someone could at least spare some pads for you . You can also see if you can talk to some restaurant/grocery store managers and let them know of your situation so you can try and get some of the expired food before it gets thrown away. A nice one might be able to get you some pads.


Oh and I mean this with all sincerity love, please be careful of who you talk to and trust. You are prime target for exploitation, abuse, kidnapping etc. I know yourebin a very precarious and desperate situation so please look out for yourself and be careful!


Are you near any college campus? Some of their libraries and such might have free pads in the bathrooms or health centers. You may be able to bum a meal swipe off of some students. Or there may be some resources if you plan to go to school to be declared an independent and receive financial aid.


100% agree on the restroom pads. My school has free pads and tampons so it’s worth a shot


Yes I saw free pads and tampons in a public library. Good Luck OP


So this is coming from someone whos been homeless for almost a decade. First things you need to do is to seek out shelter, look up shelters in your area or if youre next to a major city search there since they often have more services. If you can't reach a shelter i suggest finding a secluded spot away from prying eyes. Ideally a wooded area, make sure to scout it during light to make sure it's safe. Pan handling is a solid option but it sucks and it takes time to get used to it. But you should try to pan handle for a cheap tent and you should be good until summer ends depending on your area of course. If you need more help you can always message me and ill answer questions as best as i can Edit: anyone whos downvoting me doesn't know how it is being homeless. If you feel like my advice is bad I'd like to see you suggest better given her circumstance.


im gonna bet it was over the panhandling, but i agree if it it gets op some food and safety its not bad advice, its fucking life saving advice objectively


Its really a shitty thing to have to do. If only there were more organizations that had tents, sleeping bags, packs for your stuff.


If you could get the app “olio” it may or may not be near you as I’m unsure where your located you could pick up food for free and request needed things on the app and pick up. Also an app called “too good to go” basically just buy a bag for some money under $5 usually depending where you are once again I wouldn’t mind letting you log into my account and pay for a bag if you could pick it up? It depends if businesses in your area are on the app. If I got a idea of where your located I could see what’s in your area?


You are a good person 🥰


Sign up for Planet Fitness if there is one in your area. $10 per month. free wifi, SHOWER, and just a place to relax without being bothered. It can get you started while you figure out your next move.




If it's not too late, I'd highly suggest not sending money to this person unless they are able to personally show you some kind of proof of their situation. Their account was made today, and their story is an incredibly heart-wrenching one. But, as mean or cruel sounding as it may be, we really have no idea if this person is legit. You could be supplying drug money for a 15 year old for all you know. It could be a 23 year old college student who needs another month of paramount plus subscription. It could be anyone is the point. Sending money to people in this way will propagate others to do this as well and possibly motivate more scams if they work.


Think of the sub we’re on. Your “What about” scenarios are understandable and valid, but this could also be an instance of a person not wanting to use their normal account due to the personal nature of the post… there’s an intentional seeming vagueness when op has mentioned their whereabouts Do you have a period, btw?


You are a kind person




I also sent you a DM. I'm not near enough to your location to offer in person help, but I'd like to help where I can.


Sweetheart you don't need an address for food stamps. Just put general delivery with the city you're in. They also have a box you can check that says homeless. They can also help you get hooked up with a shelter and other services. I hope you get help. I was homeless for several years of my life so I completely understand what you're going through. Depending on what state you're in, you might even be able to get a hotel voucher.




Been where you are. Here’s a few tips: 1. Starbucks throes out all their food that’s going to expire the next day at closing. It goes from the fridge to the trash can, it’s still cold, and it’s wrapped in plastic. If you don’t make a mess the employees will usually look the other way. 2. Reach out to any and all local shelters and crisis centers. Even if they can’t help you they can usually get you to a resource that can.


I'm praying for you. Don't throw this account away. Keep it and let us know how you're doing.


Give some idea where you are so maybe someone local can help...






Ok, you’re in Arkansas. I’m in AZ sadly I can’t help you. But if you were in AZ i I’d let you stay for a few days and get showered up and eat some food at least. Get some rest..


I so desperately want to be able to help you! I'm in NZ but if there's anything I can do please reach out, even if it's just to chat.


Me too. NZ feels so far away! My eyes are leaking at the thought of such a young lady going homeless. I'm wishing I could help. My kids are only a few years older. What if it was one of them?


My first thought too,I’m in AU 🇦🇺


Where are you located? I was homeless 16-19, I know how you feel and I'm so sorry that you're going through this, but it will get better please don't give up. Please get in contact with your counties social services. They helped me with EBT money every month and provided resources to find shelters. Since you're under 21 they'll most likely look at you as a minor. Good luck, DM me for any questions.


This right a here


This makes me want to cry. I'm the same age as you and me and my family are struggling tremendously, but I at least have a roof over my head. I should really stop taking shit for granted. I can't imagine what you're going through. This thread has way better advice than what I could ever offer, so I really hope things get better for you ♡


Hang in there. You got this! Remember, it’s YOUR decision on exactly what attitude and outlook you’re going to have regardless of your situation. You get to decide where you’re taking your life! I had plenty of challenges when I was young and I wish I had realized how crucial it is to decide for yourself that you’re going to make things better and KNOW (not hope) it’s going to happen. It’s not “self help” BS, it’s real, you CAN be and DO what you want and teach others along the way. What I would have done to have a stranger tell me my destiny, REGARDLESS of my past or present, is MY choice when I was a teenager…could have saved me a lot of pain. YOU got this. There’s a stranger behind you and rooting for you…but the key is to root for yourself and pay no mind to anyone else. Good luck my friend. You got this child.


Try to get financial aid for your local community college


Jesus this is heartbreaking. I hope someone helps you. I couldn't imagine my 19 year old baby alone in the streets. But even though you are considered an adult their are programs that will help you. Emergency ones. Good luck I hope you give an update.


It's summer in the states. Look into seasonal jobs that provide housing. IE: Resorts, summer camps. In the winter ski resorts do the same. Work on a cruise ship, etc. There are jobs that pay lower wages but include housing.


I was homeless three years. I get how insane it is. A few things I hope will help: Text Free is a call/text app. They now have unlimited calling and you can use it on WiFi. People can also call and leave you a voicemail. I assume you’re in Arkansas? Here: https://catcharkansas.org/member-agencies/ Lots of links to homeless resources here Salvation Army I’ve seen get bus tickets for people. Greyhound. If you don’t have an ID they will have to go with you to the bus terminal and get you a physical copy. If you get a digital one and print it out, the bus driver may or may not ask for an ID to verify you are the owner of the ticket. Just get food and get to a shelter. I bet within 2-3 months you have your own place and a solid job. Please keep your head up. You’re young. You will get this turned around quicker than you think.


Please update us when you're able.


Can you give your general location? Maybe someone local can point you in the right direction.


You should qualify for ebt as a homeless adult. Seconding the 211 idea. Look for young adult/transitional age youth services.


Call United Way at 211, they can help you


Go to a hospital ask for a social worker.


Libraries can help too.


For applying for future aid and/ or jobs, you can get a P.O. Box, but use the physical address of the post office with your box number as the “unit” number. UPS and FedEx do this to deliver packages to post offices as well. Girl, I wish I could help you or give you some good advice! I am praying for right now! Be safe. Hold your head up. You have NOTHING to be ashamed of.


recently tried and it’s difficult af bc a lot of government (county n federal) won’t accept P.O. Boxes as physical addresses


Rules are different for the homeless population


additionally, they tend to be pricey and require a card for tha first 3 months at least, which have higher rental prices than the months which follow praying for OP


And this is why I am destined to win the hundred of millions jackpot. My plan is to build tiny house villages for the homeless. Partner with the city. Reach out to social services. Sending love and positive vibes to you.


Look into Covenant House and their crisis program. If you're not near one of their locations, they may be able to facilitate transport. There are resources available. I know that's a lot of work that you shouldn't have to do but there are services to help you if you look for them.


I’m speaking as someone who spent 6ish years struggling with homelessness. Find a local shelter and be willing to comply with their requirements. If you have an ID this will likely help you because they’ll be able to have a record of your stay in the shelter. This is essential in the event something were to happen. While shelters are meant to be a place of welcome, do not become friendly with the other tenants. This is a just a place of refuge and it doesn’t need to be anything more. You’re in an incredibly vulnerable place so you need to be very careful who you talk to. Another thing is to talk to social worker or city appointed crisis counselor. Depending on the resources in your community this might not be as bad for very long, but it can be if you allow it. Now is not the time for questioning why this is happening. You will inevitably spiral and despair if you do. Your next thought is how your next action is going to get you out of this situation. Your full time job is to find a permanent and safe place to stay. Also download podcasts or music so that you can keep your mind off of what your experiencing, at least to the point that you can focus on getting help. Reach out to a local church. At this point you don’t have the luxury of not asking for their help, and there are many good churches that will gladly help you. Find out what they can do to assist you and be willing to return them a favor for their kindness. If you’re sleeping outside (which I’m assuming is the case), look for air conditioning units near commercial buildings. Some buildings will have their units sectioned off by a brick or concrete wall and this can provide some privacy. Try to avoid high traffic areas but also don’t stray too far from them. This is a hard balance but try to think smart about where you stay. If you called out for help could someone hear you? If not, move to a better area. I promise you. If you’re still able to ask for help you’re not done yet. Look for the help wherever you can find it. I know this feels impossible but I assure you that there are people in this world who care. I would not be writing this if that weren’t true.


If you can, go to your local library—they’re safe public spaces and (at least in my area), the bathrooms have free menstrual products. It’s also a wonderful place to kill time (books and wifi!). If you can find a women’s shelter in your area (and you feel safe doing so), they can be great places to get a bed for the night. If you have a couple bucks, too, dollar tree is great for soap/menstrual products. I’m so, so sorry this is happening to you. Houslessness can be difficult—even more so as a woman on her own. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to DM me. I’d be happy to help connect you with resources in your area. ♥️ You can do this.


Apply for stamps as homeless, it will help


There’s shelters. Please seek help. Bless you friend


There are places that give help and can direct you to places where you can get help.


im sorry you’re so strong and im praying for you and your safety and your life turning around bc u deserve good things


Is there a crisis response team where you live? They can usually help you out with at least some food and water, clothes, toiletries, and probably a tent and a sleeping bag. They will know how to connect you to services in your local area, whether or not shelters are available and can help you into housing options. You have to advocate strongly for yourself. I’m sorry you’re going through this, you can get through this but it won’t be easy.


you can set up a po box to use for an address if you don't have a permanent one


Look for a homeless shelter. They often proved sanitary supplies and sometimes have cubby you can use for a mailing address.


I agree with all the advice given, I know people over 18 that have received services. I will ask those I know that have been in your situation if they can think of anything that hasn’t already been mentioned and will be back to reply. Hoping for better days for you 🙏🏽


What state are you in


If you’re anywhere near me, you’re welcome to my shower and spare bed tonight. God bless.


I cannot fathom what you’re going through. In no way do you deserve to be on the streets due to poor choices your parents made. I hope you can get peace and comfort soon. I don’t know how I can help, but I’ll definitely be checking in on how you’re doing. Please consider utilizing the resources being provided from some amazing people here. I worked in a child residential facility and a lot of what I’m seeing are ways we helped kid’s transition after they aged out. It’s saddening to hear the world is this cruel but I’m so happy to see this support. Keep your chin up, cause it’s all just mud. Change is the only constant in life, so this too will get better ❤️‍🩹


Where are the mods locking this shit for being weirdly scamish


There are shelters first come first served. Go to the local church to see when they have a food bank. Ugh What state are you in?


Good luck to you


I'm sorry to hear about your situation. If you can swing the ten or so bucks a month, a good place for showers is Planet Fitness or some other 24-hour gym. I wish I had more useful advice that may help you get out of this situation, but I hope that maybe you can at least get a shower. I've been in your position before, and a shower can help in a lot of ways. Best of luck to you, be safe.


Find a shelter.


OP I hope you have got some help keeping you in my prayers


There are also shelters that can give you a bed for the night and breakfast the next morning my mom works at a shelter where they do that. There are also libraries that may have a small “pantry” where people put canned goods I have one really close to me


I’m so sorry you’re going through this


OP Try call any refuges near you. Regardless of whether its male only, or only kids, only women, because they'll point you in the right direction. Don't be afraid to ask for help, I cannot believe police arrested your parents & didn't ask whether they had any dependents (It would be even worse if your parents aren't kicking up a stink trying to get you the help you need) that needed help or if you were there when your parents were arrested, I can't believe they didn't sort something out for you :( DM me if you feel comfortable letting me know where you are and I can help look for places for you, no strings attached :( I have been in this situation before and I know how scary it is to have to get yourself together in this world.


What city are you located in?


I don’t know much about being homeless but what I do for money sometimes is use the skills I already have, I can play music and draw, so maybe do something like that if you can find a way to? There’s always a way to make money, do you have any family or friends you can stay with? I’m sure there are places like shelters where you live




Do not offer money, give money, or request money. This is a bannable offense with zero tolerance.


Ok, where are you, like state? I would be willing to help you but if you’re not close by don’t think I can.


I'm sorry this has happened to you. It sounds like you've gotten lots of good advice. I wish I could help somehow. Stay safe.


i swear i saw the same post yesterday




You have Absolutely NOTHING to feel ashamed about Hun. None of this is your Fault. EVERYBODY Needs help sometimes. Your Brave to Talk about your situation. Please keep Safe. Don't stop searching for help.. And don't ever let Anybody take Advantage of you. Sending Internet Hugs. Please keep us updated.. Praying things work out for you..


Tell me where you live and I will deep dive on all resources in your area. Sooooo many places help with hygiene items and such. PM me and I can send you some items too


I feel bad for you especially in the situation u are in. I definitely wish and hope you can get past all this. Its something not a lot of people will experience in their lives and can't understand until you go through it. Have u been begging yet? Is there any gov agency that can help u out with some kinda temp housing they will give u vouchers for?


Saw someone else post this link here and it seems helpful for you at the moment. Posting it again so you notice (in case you haven’t) https://ourhouseshelter.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Central-AR-Homeless-Support-Guide-Jan-2022-1.pdf


Cool scam


It looks successful, I think a lot of people sent money. The lack of feminine hygiene products really got to everyone.


Set up something to get help, I’m sure you could get something to help you out, from it! ❤️


Join the military. You're young. If you're healthy, a recruitet could have you shipped out pretty quick. Some of the jobs available have pretty significant enlistment bonuses if you qualify, and you will have money for college when you get out. Good luck.


My husband is a trucker. If you go to your local truck stop truckers are usually very nice and always open to help. They'll give you one of their free shower tickets, probably help pay for laundry and they'll also pay for food. My husband and his friends, do this for any homeless individual who asks. You could try doing this to clean up before going to any community centre for help. Praying for your safety <3 If you need some extra cash to hold you please DM.


Truckers are wild cards. They are eighter very nice. Or they gonna take advantage of u


Dm me


Like many other people I wish I was in the same country so I could help properly, bring you supplies and food and even some money for somewhere to stay for a little while. Keep us all updated on this and if you need anything. I'm sure many of us will help in any way we physically can.


I wish I could help you, buy you some food, clothes, put you in a hotel for a few days. Idk where you are located


Why did you leave the apartment? Do you still have a key?




Do not offer money, give money, or request money. This is a bannable offense with zero tolerance.


There's a Christian Twitter account called PrayerHarbor and the guy who runs it once offered to help me when I was having issues with my husband. He runs a ministry and offered to help me with some money if I needed it, which I didn't because I had savings at that time. At the end I didn't need his help, but maybe you can contact him to see if he can help you. Just be careful because I never met him in person but he seemed to be a good person, but be extra careful because it's still an online person.


shoplift from the walmart


Are you a custer?




I’d love to see a man survive being homeless on their period. 🙄


I was homeless for seven periods last year. Sooooooooo messy and annoying.


Men have periods. I’m sure this happens all the time.


They may act like they are on a period but if you see a man experiencing bleeding in the gents , they would definitely have to go to hospital not hope they didn’t use their last pad/tampon in the previous month.


That’s some mega-transphobic stuff right there. Take my downvote.






You can apply for food stamps and select homeless as your living arrangement. I don't know if they would take you because you're legally an adult but I would try calling a youth crisis center in your area. You can make an emergency tampon by rolling up toilet paper into the shape of a tampon. I don't really recommend trying to make a pad out of it, it doesn't work very well. A lot of homeless organizations give out these sorts of things. I would try to find a long-term shelter in your area and apply for housing. I've also seen something on TV called covenant house. You could try there.


where about are you located?