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Is it epiditymitis or prostatitis? Ran into this a few years ago but I switched to more supportive underwear/compression shorts and that has helped tremendously




"Oh, you might have cancer? Humm, let's see. Would you be available to come in for an initial appointment sometime next year on Tuesday at 5 AM?" Is what trying to go see doctors in 2024 is like now. Regardless of cost.


Right. Which is insane. I dont really understand why its this way either


In my country hospitals get funding from the government for x amount of operations per month. Like you will get funding for 5 kidney transplant, if you want to do the sixth then you need to cough up the funding for that. Couple this with the low number of healthcare workers and you have a slow and barely functioning system that's a little breeze away from crumbling down.


There are far more patients than doctors and doctors are already severely overworked


OP must be Canadian… our free healthcare is great in theory, but in practice it is a nightmare if you don’t have a critical injury. I waited a year for a hysteroscopy for possible cancerous polyps. Luckily it was benign, but if it was cancer, I probably would have been fcked. It is a common occurrence here that treatable cancers are diagnosed too late. I mean, it is still better that the American system, where people literally die because they can’t afford basic care, but it is really not great.


Fifteen years ago, I could walk into a clinic, say I had gallbladder issues or something, get the test run that day, and depending on time, schedule the outpatient procedure for the end of the day. Now, regardless of insurance, it's at least a 6 month wait for ANYTHING. We're down to "are you bleeding out and gonna die before tomorrow? Ok, hospital might could save you. We might be able to still see you in the next year." That has been my frustration with the industry since 2000.


So true. My dr ordered an echocardiogram for me in mid February. I’m scheduled for mid July. It’s a precautionary/ruling things out deal but still. Yikes.


My dr wanted me to have a mammogram after a recent breast exam. I’ve had breast issues in the past and a very significant family history of breast cancer. Dr said she’d make the referral and the radiologist will call me “in about three months,” like fine I’ll just die then. Also, I called my dentist to schedule a cleaning and they don’t have an opening for 8 months.


I had a very similar issue and once I got into a specialist it turned out I was having intermittent torsion so my nuts were tangling and untangling randomly for months. They ended up doing a surgery to fixate them and I’m glad I caught it when I did or I’d probably have lost them. Have you had an ultrasound done? If not it would definitely be a good idea to get one done next time you’re aching in case it is a torsion.


Do you force your pee out when you have to go? When I was younger I had pain in my testicles, saw many a doctor and never got a diagnosis. Then one day it occurred to me to stop forcing out my pee and the pain went away shortly after. Same goes for sexy time.... Never force any fluid or solid out of your body. It will only lead to issues.


What? This is not how balls work.


its the pelvic muscles being affected by pushing too much.


They make briefs with ball hammocks. Specifically, I have some from Shinesty. fixed the dull ache I had in my righty for years.


I would definitely keep pushing to find another doctor that can help. That’s obviously not normal and probably not a long term solution. Besides the fact that it could be a more serious problem. Call more doctors.


I've been told, after 5 doctors over 20 odd years, that my pain/itching symptoms were actually eczema (by a dermatologist, not one of the general practicians). So that's another hypothesis for those wondering. Though I do long for more support. The recovery period during vasectomy had me wondering if I would want to wear a cup indefinitely.


Thanks for making this less taboo and giving men an idea for a more comfortable experience!


Making it sound like OP invented the codpiece


His ancestors actually did, that first Neanderthal that wanted to hide his junk.


I’ll go full disclosure with you brother. I like wearing a jock strap. I’ve always had “low hanging fruit”. Like if the temp is right, I can’t take a shit without my balls kissing the water. Pain in the ass while trying to jog during summer and don’t ask me how many times I’ve “Mr Belvedere’d” my balls (google it.) I wore a jockstrap after my vasectomy and haven’t looked back since.


Look up bell-clapper condition? My friend sits on his nuts all the time and when I showed him a diagram of it he was was horrified at how normal nuts look like. The reason I say this is because testicular torsion can happen. One time reddit was on a crazy over it and it’s good to know the signs and not risk losing your 8 ball


I’ll check it out thanks


Was this just a way to brag about your above average dong while stomaching the oddness of wearing a cup all the time?




I was just jerkin around. Wear whatever makes you happy. Question though....is the plastic part in, or is it just the loin cloth part?


Straight up without a good supportive bra I am not comfortable, im all for whatever clothing people can use to keep their bits all safe and comfortable. The stigma is beyond me, its a shame the world can be so judgemental at times for things that literally affect no one but you.


I feel like this signals that maybe men need the equivalent of a bra, but for their balls. I’m seeing dollar signs fellas


The T-bra! Now just sit back and wait for someone to steal your idea....


Hahahahaha anyyyyyy day now..


As a Wimmin, this concept sounds pretty great- what we need to do is bring back Renaissance-style codpieces, and I think OP is just the person to bring it back! "Ladies, my eyes are up here ;D" God made me a woman bc if I were a man, I'd be a menace lol


I have had benign cysts on my left ball for over 20 years. The docs just give me antibiotics that do nothing and shrug. I just wear tight AF briefs. Nothing like a bit of support.




Don’t get me wrong, what works for you is best. You keep wearing what you need to. I just want to let you know that you’re not the only one. I been dealing with this shit forever and barely think about it anymore. Spent way too much money on docs telling me “it’s benign, take these antibiotics.” And they do nothing. I swear it’s like I have a third ball! I feel like I’m getting kicked in the jimmy if it gets too much freedom. I just keep it in briefs jail and all is well.


Mine were aching really badly, nothing helped. Got an ultrasound and I had a hernia. Got it repaired and its been a few months but Im mostly good now. It was my only symptom


just make sure you use some kind of powder to absorb moisture. fungal infections are no joke.


Like a bra, but for your manhood. Do you, if it makes you more comfortable good for you. This might give some other men an idea and help them be more comfortable so thank you for sharing with the class


You'll always pass the cup test. That's pretty cool. I wear undies with a ball hammock in them for comfort


Aye, you ain't bothering anybody. Cup away! 😂


I wear compression shorts that have a removable cup when I workout - I also need support to keep from getting my balls crushed in some workouts (yoga especially). I also find them supportive and comfortable. Be aware that when/if you want to have kids, you should wear boxers as it allows for cooler temperatures which sperm need for proper development.


“Plus it hides bonner” is fucking SENDING me. Real talk, wear what feels comfortable.


You might have a varicocele. My balls started hurting in November and I got an ultrasound and they discovered a varicocele on each side, which is an enlarged vein in the scrotum. They’re super common but they usually don’t cause pain (mine did) so you should bring it up with your doctor and get referred to a urologist


Wow…you may have just changed my life.


Have you tried the ball pouch briefs?


It's like a bra, but for your penis & balls. I think?


Sounds like you have a business idea in the works. See you on shark tank! The ball hugger 2000 would be an item I'd buy at least once for kicks.


I couldn't imagine ever hiding my bonner.


I had ball aches, literally the same. Went to the doctor when I was 16 and couldn't stand it anymore. Turns out I'm just larger than average and needed more supportive underwear, so my testicles stopped getting bruised.


Whatever you gotta do to keep the boys safe 👍


Honestly, I have a thing about like sweatpants and stuff... They just make me feel exposed. I need to wear jeans or trousers with a proper fly on them etc, or I just feel... Vulnerable. A cup might actually be a solution I didn't know I needed. I haven't worn one since I stopped playing hockey 20 years ago.




Maybe, but I also am personally against elastic waist pants/shorts in general outside of lounging around the house. What I mean is, I don't feel like I need to be comfortable wearing sweatpants out and about, because I am generally against it, in a personal sense: people can do what they like, but I don't leave the house in that kind of loose unstructured bottoms outside of like a late night/early morning run to the shops.


Don’t some men have like their own brand of jock straps like that? I saw like 3 booths of like interesting men underwear at the last HRC (lgbt expo from the human rights campaign) event I went to that looked like jocks straps with like a cup almost. I’m a lesbian, idk what I’m talking about lol


more power to you, brother


Look up sheath underwear, I have not used it, but I have wanted to. But I've heard nothing but good things. My friend told me it's odd the first couple days, but after that they've loved em. I hope you can stop wearing a cup soon cause that sounds a little odd lol. Have a good night man.


"I guess I'm posting here to make me feel less "taboo" about it" No, you're posting this to brag about your magnum dong. You can't fool me.


Maybe give Saxx underpants a shot.


My husband wore shinesty brand ball hammock underwear


You should try slips in stead ob boxers , it holds the bussines better .


Have you looked into vasectomy underwear? I don’t know what it’s called exactly, but it’s basically a cup without the cup part. You have to wear it for like a week after getting snipped.


Have you tried sheath or pouch underwear? Its surprisingly comfortable


If it works for you, go for it. No shade here.


Hey, you can keep wearing that if you want. I recommend buying a pair of Saxx underwear. They have a special ball pouch and are the comfiest underwear I’ve ever tried


Might help to loose weight and try to work on abs a bit to the area. Not saying you're fat, don't know your circumstances, but I know losing weight at least lightens the stresses in that area.


It hides bonner!?


An erection.


Do you have a tight psoas muscle?


I get aching balls...also known as 'blue balls', when you haven't....unloaded in a few days


Dunno about a full cup but a lot of gay men like to wear jock *straps* casually if that’s any consolation




I think you mean jock strap.