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Restraining order for both you and your sil. Your brothers behavior is only going to escalate when he realizes your sil doesn’t need him to be happy.  She will move on and he will lose his control over her and things will only get worse from here on out.  Be careful. Thank you for looking out for your sil and kids.


Yes, I agree. He bought them tablets since they are homeschooled. He wants to take them away because he can't "afford" it but also says he will keep the tablets for when they are at his place. If he comes over again I'm just calling the police. This behavior is shocking and unsafe.


Also security cameras.


That is awful. I'm so sorry for you and your SIL. Good for you for standing up for her and her girls. If I were you, I would write a letter to the judge outlining your brothers behavior for the judge to read or show up to the custody hearing. If he is acting like this, he should have limited contact with the kids. Then, I would write a letter or text to my brother telling him how I feel and go NC. Red pill ideas are nothing new. I've taken care of some of them when they get older. I've called family members to let them know their loved one is passing away soon, and even their kids don't want to come say goodbye.


She needs to document everything, get a lawyer and get custody agreements in place. He seems unhinged and she might want to get a restraining order. He should NOT know her new home location. They should do custody exchanges in public at a specific location each time, preferably with cameras.


She's looking into it right now and has the girls in therapy.


That's great! I meant therapy for her, but the girls are important too. You are a Rockstar for realizing who your brother turned out to be and protecting your neices and sister in law.


Too often families support their family members because “blood is thicker than water” even when the family member is an absolute POS like your brother. This situation is absolutely horrible but you’re a good person for helping your SIL and nieces. I second attempting to obtain a restraining order and for both you and your SIL to document everything. Your brother is clearly unstable and your SIL and nieces especially need protection from him. If your family can support them during this process, they will be in a better position than a lot of women are while they’re divorcing monsters.


Yeah, his mistress tried to guilt trip me talking about how could I take "her side" and if this is the "weird shit" im on then thats sad because im his sister.


That 22 year old is about to learn some unpleasant life lessons. I genuinely hope this blows up in their faces, as quickly and as spectacularly as possible, and hope any good karma comes yours and your SIL’s way.


Oh definitely. He has her talking to my mom about how her dad died how she always wanted a family and how she's not a bad person. But told my SIL that she is a psycho and will get crazy if need be.


Get your sister in law security caneras when she moves out, ideally don't give him her new address at all, only meet him in public places with the kids and have other people there like yourself


Yes, she has cameras already. That's how she caught my brother coming home with the mistress. She's not sharing the new address, and neither will I.