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Convicted felons can’t get a job most places thanks to the same sort of people who are eagerly voting for trump. I don’t understand the level of stupidity, cognitive dissonance and just plain fuckery that goes on in peoples heads anymore.


The Constitution plainly states insurrectionists are not allowed to run. Why the hell is anyone entertaining this?


Because until a court declares him an insurrectionist, no state will be allowed him to be removed from the ballot.


It makes no sense. I’ll just confuse and sadden myself trying to wrap my brain around it. Why is no one -stopping- it?


Because too many of the people who’d be required to ban it stand to profit by it.


Because it's a cult...there is no other explanation. MAGA is the biggest cult in the world with **millions** of followers. The brainwashing is so powerful that many of the fools on his ship would lay down their lives for him, commit murder for him and get down on their knees to kiss his feet and worship him. What is that, if not a **CULT?**


The people I know IRL who support Trump are, like, normal people it seems. A surprising amount of black and hispanic people I know like him. Biden is boring, so he's bad. Trump is entertaining so he's good. Its so weird. They're not otherwise stupid people, but they listen to Fox News and the believe what they see on Tiktok and its just the world they live in, its not propaganda to them. They just... accept it as truth, no matter how absurd it is. Like, it doesn't matter how obviously and unapologetically propaganda a source is, they just... they just accept it. Maybe democracy doesn't actually work and its always been a battle of the news media elite to influence the country. I don't know. But its hard to reconcile the fact that normal people I know now believe some of the dumbest things I've ever heard. There's also a strong overlap in Trump supporters and, like, thinking Ancient Aliens and shit is real. They just accept things I could never accept and don't see the issue.


Trump is the ultimate victim. Everything bad is always someone else’s fault. Everything good is because of him. All the normal people you mention, they think like that for themselves. So they like that Trump displaces the blame of their own failures in life.


Also because it gives them people to blame for their current failings and you know these are the people who have literally zero self awareness or critical thinking abilities, it's the perfect storm of egos/narssiccim and victim complex all wrapped up in MAGA bacon flavored fuckery. These people will forever choose their damned eco chambers and patriotic cos play.


Democracy works, but the American electoral system doesn't. Trump lost the popular vote in both 2016 and 2020.


Everything you just stated shouts out how stupid these people you know are…


I don’t think many claim that democracy “works “. It’s terrible. But it’s the best guard against tyranny that we have.


As a european, the entire us political system seems so shitty.


He gives people an excuse to be their worst. Low intelligence individuals find that irresistible.


He removes important motivation to be better. This might not even be their worst, just what they've always been on average.


These comments are wild..


I can’t even vent in peace lol screw this


I feel like some algorithm picked it up and threw it in some dark place lolllll


Like a bad toupee


People are voting for him because they love how horrible he is. He says all the vile things they think and they eat it up. It is sad and disheartening.


I suspect its more of a distain for the powers in charge and lack of public accountability for anything across the world. If people could trust anyone, I couldnt see him being popular. but when you feel everyone is lying to you. But perhaps its just populism and a cult following hard to say


I work with a dude that was on the verge of tears when he heard the news that the "libs finally got him in court" and he was really sad because "who's gonna save the country now?" I just stared at him. He was president for 4 years why didn't he save the country then if he was going to do it? I just have a really hard time understanding the logic.


I was going to comment that I felt similar! Then I saw the comment section and was reminded why I prefer my introverted solitude. I hate looking outside and seeing what the world has become.




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Black people love nothing more than being denied housing because of their race. That is what they sued him and he settled, pure love. They also loved how he never apologized to the exonerated five, more love 🤡




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It’s mind boggling how you can be confronted with so much evidence that the election wasn’t stolen and yet still believe him just because he tells you so. He’s on tape asking people to lie for him.


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Trump allowed supporters to put away their white hoods and put on a red hat. I can't wait for VonShitzenpants to join his first wife at the old golf course.


All the ignorant people coming out the woodwork in the comments section lmao


Same. I honestly don’t know who I despise more: brain dead trump supporters, the far left pro-Hamas progressives who want Biden to lose, or non voters who are too lazy to fill out a bubble next to any name at all.


You have no idea what far left is


Of course I do. The far left is defined by an opposition to capitalism and western imperialism and a desire to dismantle related institutions and systems. It’s a sliding scale but that is the core of what I call the far left.


And where are any of those present in North America? Not voted into any office.


No not holding office thank god (although some of the “squad” comes close). But if they would just take their meds and vote blue like functioning adults elections would be a lot easier for dems. Instead they are harassing Jews and gluing themselves to sidewalks.


Women getting arrested on college campuses, protesting in support of Hamas when they’d be raped and killed within minutes of stepping inside Gaza.


He’s out of turn, but he’s right👌


I’m as far left as it gets and though I dislike biden, I really don’t know how one can ethically suggest not voting for him when there’s no real alternative.


I think it all boils down to good old fashioned accelerationism. They hope the additional pain, suffering and desperation of another Trump term and whatever horror comes after will force the working class to finally unite for the revolution. The ends justify the means. It’s dangerous and deluded thinking.


That’s an interesting perspective. All I ever hear is about sending a message to democrats that they’re not entitled to our votes without doing the work (which I agree with!) but then I’m like, ok but then what?


I do hear that too. And then what, exactly. What’s really dumb about that strategy is that it ignores one of the most basic laws of politics/sales/marketing ect which is that it’s easier to keep a customer than obtain a new one. Politicians market to people who consistently vote. That’s why republicans market to gun nuts and anti choice freaks. Because they always, always vote. If young progressives were a consistent voting block they would be seen as more valuable by politicians.


So you’re a Kamala Harris supporter? She was the first one voted out of the Democratic preliminaries during the first Trump election. No one wanted her as VP, not even Biden’s wife who can’t stand her. Biden isn’t going to last much longer, so you’re voting for cackling Kamala actually. This is one of the many reasons Biden’s numbers are waaay down. Bummer!


Kamala Harris is much more capable to run this country than Donald Trump. She’s better for more people from a Government standpoint, and President is the leader of the government.


She was assigned to work on the migration issue, but as of yet hasn’t even gone down to the southern border since being VP. No one voted for her. No one. It really is amazing how effective propaganda works on a certain segment of the population. At least it’s a good way to filter out the idiots in my life.


Mike Pence had to drop out of the presidential race in like minutes. And when he was Vice President, his supporters called for his murder. But Kamala is a worse VP? The truth is, there are no circumstances that justify voting in Trump. No political policies, no liberal/conservative slants. The man has made no bones about his intentions to dismantle our democracy as we know it. He already attempted a coup. No true patriot would vote for this man. He doesn’t represent America or patriotism. He has assembled and enabled hatred and allowed hateful people to label their hatred as patriotism.


Omg… you sound like the echo chamber. Why not post your own thoughts instead of the others drilled into your brain?


What? Millions of people voted for her when she was on the same ticket as Biden. Who the hell do you think voted for Mike Pence? The same voters who selected Trump/ Pence.


What? lol! They voted for whomever was running against Trump. They were so propagandized and filled with anger, they would’ve voted for a brainless old man (oh yeah, they did!). She wasn’t voted into office, Demento Joe picked her because she’s a woman and sorta blackish. The whole identity politics thing the crazy leftists drool over. When she tried to run on her own merit she got booted first. She had less than 2% of the vote. How embarrassing for her. I wouldn’t mind a woman president, but the first one in US history should at least be someone who earned it on her own merit. Cackling Kamala talks in word salad. Listen to her carefully, she says a lot of words, but they mean nothing. It’s crazy how so many fall for this like they actually understand her nonsense. She would be more of an embarrassment than poopy Joe. The rest of the world is laughing at the mess we made in the last 4 years.


How is this a gotcha? I agree with her politics more than Biden’s. Although she doesn’t have Biden’s leadership skills.


>I disdain the general public and prefer my solitude. Did Bigfoot post this?


TIL I’m a Sasquatch


There is 200 million of you people. There's no way more than 100 million of you are *for* that clown. Ya'll just lazy. Get off your arse and vote the old man back in again. It's that easy. Pure apathy will get him back in office.


Yes, but it’s not that easy. There’s this Electoral College bullshit that puts the ultimate decision in the hands of an extremely small segment of our population.


How would a society function if they just ignore each other?


Man if you think 2017-2021 was bad you should see 2021-2025, shit is on a whole new level. And just you wait for 2025-2029, it'll blow your mind! But at least you're correct on the vast majority of people being total idiots.


The vast majority of Trump supporters believe in the constitution such as free speech and right to bear arms. They also believe that America and Americans should be first not Ukraine and Israel first. They believe in economic freedom and prosperity. They believe that life is precious and sacred. Is that idiocy to you?


Hah! The majority I have seen somehow think they have free speech rights on a forum like reddit, Facebook or the lovely nextdoor. No. Doesn't work that way for private businesses. We went down the path of America first before (most of ww2), then we realized the outside world does affect us. We have outsourced the majority of our food and commerce/technology. How exactly do you think that will work if we go back to America first (and all other countries follow)? We will all starve during a complete breakdown of society. That sounds great.


Free speech? This coming from the same party that pushed for congressional meetings to censor media such as television, movies and songs. The same party that has banned books and is burning books? Putting Americans first? I'll believe it when they take care of their veterans, when they provide better public infrastructure, when they stop shutting down poverty housing. Economic freedom and prosperity? Don't make me laugh. The only thing that has trickled down to the working class is the scraps left behind by the wealthy elite. They run around yelling that they don't want government intervention yet they sink millions into lobbying, ask for handouts and demand to be protected.


Which media got censored? Name one. I can tell you the many conservative-leaning people that got banned from Twitter because they went against the Demoncrat’s agenda. The fact that a sitting president got banned from Twitter from posting mean tweets shows you how evil the Democrats are. Then the nonstop calling Trump and his supporters fascists.


Trump got his account suspended for inciting violence. That’s it.


Inciting violence my ass. If you believe that, I got a bridge to sell you. The DemonRATS conspired with the FBI to hide Trump’s actual tweet on January 6. Keep believing the lies they feed you.


Inciting violence my ass. If you believe that, I got a bridge to sell you. The DemonRATS conspired with the FBI to hide Trump’s actual tweet on January 6. Keep believing the lies they feed you.


The fact that they believe that Trump of all people will deliver them any of these things is, yes, a sign of idiocy.


I wish we had a serious 3rd party. Look at Biden’s history, the things he voted for in the Senate. He’s about as good a guy as Strom Thurmond (who he seemed to adore). No matter if Trump or Biden win, we’re still fucked.


The corporate duopoly doesn’t want a third party. We the people have to make one, if we’re still believing in elections and their cycles anyways.


I just posted something similar. I dislike choosing the best of 2 evils (per se). I don't align with Biden either, and I wish there was a chance for a 3rd, 4th or even 5th party.


Washington called it when he basically said the worst thing the US could do was have a 2 party system.


It’s wild how many people in the comments defending Trump fail to understand basic economics when they talk about why prices were cheaper then.


It’s wild that people still don’t understand statistics and facts don’t matter, what matters is how people felt. It felt better living in America when trump was in office for the average American, whether that had anything to do with trump most people either don’t care or will attribute it to him. All people feel under Biden is a failure to pull out of Iraq properly that we don’t talk about anymore, inflation, subsidizing the Ukraine war; subsidizing the Israel and hamas war. Facts don’t make votes, feelings do.


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What mess? Low inflation, low unemployment,  no new wars? 


Lack of COVID leadership is a mess either way you look at it. Let’s say Fauci is evil, why wasn’t Trump or his people smart enough to weed him out right away? If you tell me Fauci was too dastardly, that just means Trump and company were too incompetent to find the problem. I don’t want that incompetence. Was COVID a harmless hoax this whole time? Why didn’t Trump know right away? He was tricked by other people? He allowed the economy to shut down? Sorry I don’t want that incompetence. Is the vaccine good or evil? Apparently evil. Why does Trump take credit for it? Did hospitals purposely put people on mechanical ventilators to get paid more? Why didn’t Trump stop Medicare payments for that shit. Medicare leader was Trump supporter. Incompetence again. Now for Biden. Current economy and inflation are bad? Funny, moneys coming from somewhere. Disneyland expensive as hell and packed as fuck. Go to The Grove in LA, money spent left and right. New restaurants popping up left and right. Shark Tank millionaires created left and right. My retirement investment its highest it’s ever been. If you can’t afford to eat out anymore; maybe you need to work harder to make more money— isn’t that how capitalism and personal responsibility work?




This is how badly THOSE white people (it is surely not all white people) want to be able to openly display their bigotry and hate for anything or anyone who is “other”. “Give the poor white man someone to look down on and they’ll empty their pockets.” Or something like that. Some rich white politician said that decades ago and here we are. They are literally voting against themselves in hopes of hurting people they hate for simply existing. And that is not just the boomer’s either.


oRaNgE mAn BaDdDdD!!!


Indeed dude. Orange man is a POS.


Not sure what you expected when you post about Trump. He is a polarizing figure on both sides, and they get vocal about their side. I understand why you prefer solitude. I have to work with some Trump supporters and try to avoid politic talk at all costs because they don't believe in facts no matter what the proof. It's pathic really how so many in our population are living in a completely different reality.


Can you define the "mess"?


no. I'm not gonna go down this wormhole tonight.


So, no you can't.


He called Nazis very fine people. He banned travel from Muslim countries for no reason. He put his family in positions of power despite them not having any qualifications. He sold off PPE to the highest bidder He refused to release his tax returns. He fired a US attorney for refusing to take his phone call (when US attorneys are not supposed to communicate with the executive branch). He lied something like 35,000 times while in office. He crudely insulted people he disagreed with. He tried to buy Greenland. He told the police to rough up suspects. He called POWs losers and refused to visit the graves of veterans, calling them losers. He ignored the fact that his National Security advisor might be in the bag for Russia. He praised dictators and insulted our allies. He threatened to pull out of NATO. He withdrew from the Paris accord on climate change. He slashed the pandemic early warning and preparation program...right before we had a pandemic. He revealed national security secrets to pretty much anyone he wanted to flatter. And so on.


You still believe the “fine people” thing 😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡 try watching the whole video. I didn’t bother reading the rest, it’s obviously nonsense. You can’t even do the first one properly lol


"I didn't bother reading the rest" Trump supporter summed up in once sentence pretty well lol


so no, I'm not gonna be baited by trolls.


Didn’t you throw out the bait? This is the equivalent of an teen Facebook post saying “worst day ever 😭!!!!” And then refusing to elaborate.


If it's bait then you fell for it.


Of course he can’t.


It’s all the usual buzzwords and propaganda the media shoves down people’s throats that they believe without questioning any of it. Plus it’s long time debunked stuff like: “Trump thinks all Mexicans are rapists” It’s a waste of your time.


Amazing you can dismiss 34 felonies as brainwashing. Absolutely unhinged. Get help and medication.


I followed the court cases as much as you or anyone else. Guess what? He has 34 felonies, but we don’t care. How is that brainwashing? The Democrats have tried since 2016 to ruin Trump. Over and over again they have failed. Have you ever wondered why they are so scared of him? I know why, do you?


"He has been proven to be a criminal in court and I don't care. But have you ever thought about why people wanted to bring his crimes to light?" >How is that brainwashing?


Who are you quoting? If it’s supposed to be me, quoting someone means you put in their EXACT words. Or else it’s not a quote. Yikes…. Good try, but that’s not a quote of mine.


Almost every buzz worthy quote used against Trump is straight up wrong and or missing obvious context. It’s insane really his easily people are manipulated with clips and headlines and they never seek out the unedited video and apply their own logic filter to it.


I know a lot of felons, it doesn't mean they're bad people


Biden can barely stand up let alone put together a coherent sentence … it’s insane to think he’s fit for the role .


The fact that so many of you people get worked up over it just makes me want to vote harder


That's the thing. Trump voters love the idea of upsetting others. That's what they want more than anything. It's sickening.


“Trolling” is a mild expression of psychopathy. Deriving pleasure from the discomfort of others is antisocial, full stop.


You know that you can only vote once, right? That said, how hard can you vote harder than that one time?


You know it’s also possible to vote 0’times, right?


That's kinda the opposite of voting harder. Why would someone not vote at all? smdh.


You still seem not to be following. A person may choose not to vote. Then, something may happen to urge that person to vote. The desire to vote is “harder.” Now do you understand?


They think their sycophantic obsession is a force multiplier. Sorry bud, one vote passionately cast is still one vote cast.


I get that. Though I think it's healthier to have a more positive outlook. Things weren't that bad when he was president, and I doubt they'll be bad regardless of who is elected this time.


Amen.  And the proof is indeed in the pudding of the cesspool that is Reddit.  People are just…ugh 


A bunch of sheep being lead by the blind


Yep, Bingo.. I am very much in the same boat. It's fucking insane and makes me feel like we are lost as people. I fear we come closer and closer to the age old prophecy of "Idiocracy" coming true and honestly it scares me to the fucking bone, what's worse is that my fiance is just kind of "meh" it's not a big deal of he wins again... Seriously last time he became president, due to other things in my life that coincided with the election I ended up reaching my end and having my first of 3 psychotic/manic breaks from reality. And while I was in the mental hospital waiting to be admitted I just kept saying things like " what's wrong with this world where I am In the asylum and fucking Donald Trump can be voted in as president.. they ended up locking me in isolation because quote " I am making some of the parents and family members angry or uncomfortable with what I was saying while shitting on fucking Don the con.. I am not worried about another break or anything this time because other aspects of my life are much better but I am still very much ashamed and worried about the future of us as a society...


Cornpop was a bad man, sleepy joe for the L


The mess he put the country through..? Bro no new wars, low ass gas prices, cheaper groceries, unemployment dropping, chill with most countries, stepped on North Korean soil when they tried threatening everyone with nuclear war. The “mess” was the public being mad at him 24/7 for the most random shit that nobody cared about until he was president and stuff that was put in place before he got there and rioting over it. Nothing drastic he wanted ever even went through because the rest of the government blocked it. At absolute worst, he did nothing. At best, he kept us out of wars and made living a little cheaper. And I will die on that hill. Do I want him back? No. Not because I think he’ll be a damaging president, but because the public reaction is going to hurt the country more than he ever could and because I work delivery, I will be genuinely concerned for my safety like I was when I was told to stay home during the Lakewood mall riots because of blm, ya know the group of people that our current presidency supports. $5 says the only comments to this are gonna be insults backed by nothing Also, don’t you find it kind of wild that a sitting president is actively attempting to incarcerate a political opponent, while exclaiming that trump is gonna do the same thing if he wins and that that’s a bad thing


People probably just see him as the best of two horrible options. Biden is a useless shell of a man who clearly has dementia and isn't fit to run his own household, let alone a country. It's impossible to ignore this. Glad I'm not American.


It wasn’t Biden tweeting out military secrets on twitter because he’s desperate for attention and validation. Biden isn’t ideal but he’s a hell of a lot better than Trump. Literally during the entire Trump presidency every other week we heard about another thing he completely screwed up (of course when he wasn’t on the golf course)


Biden has spent more time on vacation than Trump ever did playing golf 🤡


Biden is old but when he talks, it's adult talk, it makes sense and I understand it. Trump emits word salads that won't make any sense. If someone has demantia, this is Trump.


Apparently if you say both options are shit then you're a shill for one of them


This is why the bird people are going to take over. You fools fail to see the bigger picture both Biden and Trump are puppets of the Bird Cabal. They seek to divide us and set us against each other. Then when no one is looking they will steal the seeds from all our farms rendering us seedless and unable to make food without them. They will use this leverage to enslave us under their tyrannical bird government and the Bird King Roton-Kit will be master of the world.


Why are the people so blind!! I weep for mankind’s lack of vision


A constitutional crisis caused by a felony conviction is still better than WW3


Huh? You do realize that WW3 won't be started by the US or any of our allies. You do realize that, right?


Does it matter who starts it?


It does actually, because the world won't end even if it happens. Russia and China don't possess that capability, they never have.


Is that what the media tells you? Unbelievable.


I don't listen to the media, they're some of the dumbest people on the planet.


So where do you get your information about current issues and US politics?


Actual fucking research. Something both the media and most people on the internet are allergic to.


Great. Where?


Video and Physical evidence tend to be the best, but if that isn't available cross confirming data across a large pool of sources tends to work as well.


They have more nukes than the US


And they don't work.


Not on the right side of News TV. They cycle a LOT of Russian talking points when it comes to NATO and foreign policy.


The right side of news TV doesnt talk about felony convictions or constitutional crisises


That means they really aren't informing you. Trump is a felon. If elected, he'll be the first felon in the Oval Office. There's no rules in Constitution about that, which is what makes it a Constitutional issue. It's a crisis because Trump has shown a disrespect and a desire to tear down institutions whether or not he can legally. Having a gray area with someone who lacks appropriate restraint is a concern.


How can you honestly say the US won't start it? We have more than 300 bases around the world pointing weapons at various countries. Other countries are just aggressive with us because I'm a 'right winger' ?? Not because of all those weapons pointed at them? Besides, in the grand scheme of things, does it really matter who \*starts\* it? I just want a president who wont fucking escalate wars to prop up the stock market!




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I will vote for a felon before a pedo any day


Trump insists on keeping his friendship with Epstein secret, so lucky for you, you get to vote for both at the same time!


So why haven't Democrats released and perp walked all of Epstein's list?


Who was in charge when he died. Who do you think has the book now, if it exists anymore


Maybe the same people who lied about hunters laptop? Or the Russian collusion? Or lied about Obama spying on trump?


So republicans, republicans and more republicans. Trump is all over the book and he knows it. He so badly wants democrats in the book to go down (and trust, plenty of politicians are in there too), but he doesnt want his name out there too You can stop pretending now, we all already know


He was never on the island. Theres witness testimony of that 🤡


Lucky for you, Trump is both. As well as a civilly liable fucking rapist and a fascist pig.


What mess did he put your country through and how did Biden supposedly fix it? The "convicted felon" part also doesn't hold water because it's obvious even to his detractors how Democrats fudged the whole thing and are basically using the establishment against a political rival. You live in a Banana Republic, and that's been the case since before Trump. 8 years of Obama's "hope" and apparent "change" resulted in people going "fuck this, I'm voting for anybody but the establishment stooge". Go look in the mirror if you want to see the reason you're in this mess right now. All the calamities you claimed would happen under Trump have happened under Biden.


What country do you live in?


I got a lot of friends move to mexico, we will accept y'all while y'all don't start the funny business on politics ya got on there People are actually scared of what it's going to be next, if a convicted felon can have the support of a big part of the country what's next? Extremely dangerous


These are the real mess the DemonRATS created. 1. Russia collusion hoax (the original) 2. Russian bounties on American soldiers hoax 3. Hunter laptop was Russian disinfo hoax 4. Trump responsible for Navalny's death hoax 5. Trump invited Russia to attack a NATO country that doesn't pay its bills hoax 6. FBI informant for the Biden bribes is a Russian spy (probable hoax) 7. Putin blew up his own pipeline hoax. 8. NEW: Trump is romantically attracted to Putin. 9. Russia is behind the anti-tax movement (Peter Hotez) 10.Alfa Bank hoax 11.Hamilton68 Hoax And so much more.


Sometimes I can close my eyes and picture what a person who uses the word “DemonRATS” looks like and I’m embarrassed for them.


Still going to vote for him, You might want to turn off the TV for a little bit.


Please define "The Mess" you are referring to. The Trump administration, not simply because of Trump, actually did many positive things for this country. "The Mess", that a majority of rational humans see, was caused by agitators, that were unwilling to accept Trump being President, that started with the screeching at the sky, and some claiming to want to blow up the White House.


There isn’t a single positive thing trump did for this country. The closest thing is maybe the covid vaccine which his own supporters were too stupid to take.




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Trump signed a law that makes animal cruelty a federal felony. Oh and the save our seas act.. which clears garbage from the ocean. He signed a bill making CBD and hemp legal. And another one that required airports to provide private spaces for breastfeeding mothers. Signed a bunch of bills making healthcare better for Americans. He signed acts around sex trafficking. There are a whole load more that I remember reading (on a fact checked website, but feel free to check yourself if you like).. I don't like the guy. I think he's arrogant, narcissistic and crude, to say the least. But to say that he did nothing positive for America would be unequivocally incorrect. Lol @ the downvotes.. prove me wrong instead? I'll wait.


He did not make healthcare “better” he tried cancelling out your child in your healthcare plan at 18 instead of 26 and tried to make it so companies had the option to not give you healthcare. This to me is still crazy how people use this as a counter argument when trying to hype up trump.


How is "he's arrogant, narcissistic and crude" hyping him up? Cherry picking arguments is so last season.. lol He did do positive things for healthcare. Ended gag orders on pharmacists that prevented them from sharing cost saving info. Signed a bill allowing drug imports from Canada to bring costs down. Signed an order making health care providers disclose the cost of their services, meaning people could look for cheaper alternatives. Provided HIV Prevention drugs for free to 200000 uninsured patients. Signed an act focused on better understanding and therefore prevention of maternal deaths. That's just a handful. I get that he's polarising. Again, I do not like Trump. At all. I think he's quite deplorable, in fact. But I also very much dislike dishonesty, hence my comment. Saying he did nothing positive with his time in office is misleading and a statement made on emotion instead of fact.


Fair enough. I guess even Hitler painted some nice pictures.


I expect nothing from Reddit. Thank you for meeting that expectation.


Idk why I allow myself to get on here and argue with people who have sub 100 IQ's


Who are you arguing with? You cannot argue with those who are ill-informed, while they simultaneously have no concept of critical thought.


name some positive things Trump did for the country. Turnabout is fair play


Guessing you were asleep when Covid hit and Trump got caught completely unprepared since he disbanded the pandemic response group, and decided his approach to the pandemic was: - say it will go away like "a miracle" - downplay those infected - (joke?) that drinking bleach can cure it - horde n95 masks and refused to allow states access, unless the govenors kissed his ass - set up bidding wars for respirator machines between states - tell people in states who were trying to lock down to ignore mask mandates - Mike Pences pray it away response team ..im probably forgetting other things he shit the bed on then Covid was always going to kill a number of people, but Trump took this WAY too far. In my opinion, he is liable for the deaths of many thousands of americans due to the misguided handling of it. That was a huge mess.


They’re beyond help. Don’t waste your time being reasonable. The brainwashing goes deep at this point.


17 - 21 were about as shitty as 21 - 24 imo.


Nobody cares because the trial was all political show. It’ll be overturned on appeal.


You need to have some valid point which could change the outcome of the verdict to appeal successfully. Did he not commit any crimes despite the evidence?


He was proven guilty by a jury which was selected by both sides, which means there were people in the juror that leaned left and right.


Yeah, Trump was horrible. Low gas and grocery prices were disgusting. I’m glad I pay more now. Biden 2024!!!! 🇺🇸


Low gas prices during a lockdown and people were barely driving, simply amazing! And restaurants were so cheap too back when nobody was eating out. 🙄🙄🙄


Sorry he gave us peace in the Middle East and did a lot to help out the average American. The man deserves a Nobel prize. Yes, he has the mentality and humour of a fifth grade bully, but that's the exact level of unpredictability and spunk that's needed for when Russia or North Korea come calling. The fact that we've been in this mess of a country for so long since Trump makes me not want to leave the house. The current President literally shit himself in public and can't remember his own name . . . but whatever I guess.


The quality of the two frontrunners to the white house makes me question how much power that position actually has anymore.