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But you're not fooling yourself. You've taken a big step


I know how hard it is to do that for someone who's been an addict, so you're really amazing


Its beyond hard. Currently, I really hope if that situation ever arises I have the strength to say no, too.


I know I would be good for any medication added; my one fear is is MXE magically dropped into my lap ( someone I know had some) … I really don’t know if I could avoid taking some. I think I would try to do it as therapeutically as possible and do it as if it were ketamine depression treatments but I don’t know if I could say no to some MXE again. It’s my holy grail.  Opiates are my first DOC but arylcyclohexylamines are my second and MXE was *the one*.


Dissociatives were my DOC. DXM was my first love and MXE was like finding my soul mate. I haven't used in yeeears but if MXE was in front of me...I don't think I'd resist.


Le biiiiiiggggggg sigh … yeahhhh, lol.  I never really enjoyed DXM like many others did. I had some fun experiences but just didn’t click with me in the way it did for some people. But Ket, PCP, 3-MeO-PCP and MXE were glorious.  I have a year, a month and 28 days off of fentanyl and everything else but again, I think I would struggle if someone handed me 200mg MXE to not use it a couple times. Almost certainly won’t happen because though it does still exist in small capacities it’s not just out there like that and I definitely wouldn’t just run into someone on the street that would have such a rare designer drug, but it does make me wonder. 


Aak them to put it in your chart not to offer it


Absolutely, hella proud of OP


Being honest with yourself is the most important part of getting sober or getting help.


Yep, occasionally I will have the idea that I am 13 years clean and sober and more mature and I can enjoy maybe a drink or two or neglecting to tell a doctor my history, but then I sit there and am brutally honest about what the next few weeks and months might look like, and it always ends with me being in a place I don't want to be way faster than is even comfortable considering, so I never end up giving in. Being honest with oneself and being completely transparent is a learned skill that has been almost as valuable as being clean and sober.


I’m gonna add to this and actually say it: I am super impressed by your self control. You have done so well to come to the point where you’ve turned down and prevented access to something you have an addiction to. OP, keep up the good work, I’m proud of you!


I’m impressed.


Just because others may not understand the feat this was, doesn’t mean that you don’t, op. Celebrate it


wow, man. I'm in recovery myself, but phenobarbital is like getting your hands on quaaludes. I don't think I would have been as strong. I am super impressed.


That's incredible strength. You should be proud, even if others don't get it. Stay strong!




phenobarbital is a barbiturate, which is like what benzos were invented to replace, an old school downer. It's what old hollywood stars used to take, Marylin Monroe OD'd on it.


Ok, this is a sincere question. I know nothing about drugs. Why do ppl take downers? Uppers I can imagine/understand


Can’t speak for others but taking Benzos is akin to all your worries poofing away and you feel fuzzy inside.


Oh like Comfortably numb?


Benzos feels like all your problems going away and just being totally at peace like a Buddha achieving nirvana. An opiate for me feels like the most pleasurable and relaxing feeling in my body. I'll lay in bed and be so in bliss I feel like I'm floating in a cloud in heaven and can just close my eyes and feel great. Absolutely awful being addicted to either of them. I've never been very addicted to either but I know damn well how good they feel so I try to stay away.


Benzos are super addictive. I was only taking them for a few months and I know even after a few hours I was withdrawing hard. It’s hard for your body to go back to default after experience Benzos.


Benzos are also one of the few drugs where the withdrawals can kill you. Alcohol as well. I'm already a walking panic attack of a person so I absolutely avoid benzos or any gray market anxiolitics.


My benzo taper took something like 5 months. It's no joke.


I love the last bit. This is so much me. I have never done drugs, not because I'm too virtuous, but because I know I'd never do anything else once I started.


When we were 19 or 20, a group of my friends were all sitting around bullshitting and talking about drugs. One of my friends looked at me and said “*NEVER try coke. You will love it. And that’s gonna be a problem.*” I’ve never touched it for that reason. He and I were very similar people so I trusted he knew what was best for us. Lol.


Fortunately for me (probably due to ADHD? idk) I tried that shit once, then again like a year later and just didn't really get anything from it. Mind you I was drinking both times. Lots of my friends at the time were into it though. Thankfully everyone's stopped.


Is morphine a benzo?


Benzos are the prescriptions you hear of people taking for extremely bad anxiety and panic attacks. Ativan, Xanax, etc. They mess with your baseline so much. I don’t even understand how people use them for fun because half a dose put me to sleep every single time. Hard to have a panic attack when you’re passed out. However, the sleep never felt restful. You’d wake up feeling crappy and it would destroy your sleep schedule. I started having panic attacks after cancer surgery, which is the only reason I started one in the first place. I used it sparingly because of how crappy it made me feel but, then the panic attacks started becoming more frequent. The only way for me to stop them was taking the meds but, the meds then make them more frequent, too. It’s a bad cycle to be in, and they’re a hell you can’t even conceive of unless you’ve been through it, when you’re trying to quit taking them. I don’t recommend it.


I took Valium at the same time as taking meth, crack, coke and X, the Valium offset the comedown symptoms and helped me get to my next one. It also helped with the mood swings, coming down I’d go from happy and fun to pissed the fuck off and ready to fight, Valium would keep me in the happy and relaxed space until my next hit.haven’t touched any of that in a little over 4 years, and while some days I miss the high, I don’t miss any of the other shit that went along with it


Morphine is an opiate


Basically, I know when I was on them I didn’t have a worry in the world. Could talk to whoever, do whatever, no stress at all. No issues falling asleep and would sleep all night.


Bro im sold shit sounds sweet


It is sweet, the downside is they’re incredibly addictive with horrible withdrawals that can kill you.


That's a good way to put it. All the stress and worry just fade away. Especially if you're already someone who deals with anxiety regularly.


Because it feels good (for some people). They relax your muscles, ease anxiety, and create mild euphoria. Not for me though, benzos just make me agitated and unable to sleep. Think of alcohol, the most common downer. Why do people drink? They like how it feels to be disinhibited.


well most people like the boost of uppers, but some people, myself included, are anxious and hyperactive and find downers make you relaxed and feel good. Alcohol is a downer, pills just are generally "cleaner" for lack of a better word, and don't leave you with a hangover. A warm calm sense of contentment.


The downers help you feel good and relaxed. Uppers make you feel great and give you insane amounts of energy while downers make you feel great, feel relaxed and happy and help you sleep. Uppers are great for waking you up and keeping you going for 7 to 8 days at a time, they also give you some wild ideas that you’ll be convinced are the greatest ideas in the history of ideas. Downers help offset those effects and calm you down and stop your mind from racing. Most downers are opiate/opiate adjacent so any pain or discomfort you’re feeling goes away too


Go on down to the nearest bar and ask anyone in there. Feels good, worries go away, inhibitions loosen. When you think barbiturates, just think super booze.


Not a drug user but dad and uncle took heroin, painkillers, and alcohol. From what I saw, it was the withdrawal symptoms and habit. I assume the initial concoction gave them a certain high too, so they chased it while numbing the withdrawal pains and chilling out around the house half-asleep. As a bystander it looked ridiculous 😔


At the end of the habit, yes, you are only doing it to feel "normal" and not have withdrawals. But everyone knows heroin is bad for you. Like, we all know. But if you hurt deep enough inside, for long enough, you'll do anything to make it go away for a bit. Guess what heroin is *amazing* at?


I was given xanax for panic attacks a while back and they really are like an off button for anxiety. You just feel so chill. I get a similar result from yoga or acupuncture but with xanax you feel even more chill and nothing can snap you out of it. Definitely super risky though. One of my coworkers OD’d on xanax and barely survived.


Asking this question with Alcohol being the most popular drug, while being a depressant(downer).


drug abuse is self-medication. not everyone is broken/sick/hurting in the same way.


RIP your inbox. (Kidding)


Pro tip: never put on your socials you have lots of phenobarbital in your home hell don’t even mention it to people no matter how well you know them just to be safe. If they happen to mention it in front of the wrong person that your cat is all drugged up and you have a stockpile? Yikes. I’m assuming your reddit is fairly anonymous so you’re probably good. I know I sound a bit paranoid but you would be shocked what someone would do to get their hands on it especially knowing you have a good bit just laying around.


I’m impressed. This shit is not easy on its own, let alone when your doctor is inadvertently trying to knock you off the wagon. Well done, celebrate it op.


That's what I'm saying! This absolutely IS something to brag about and be proud of! The wrong audience wouldn't care, but those of us that understand just how hard that decision was applaud you, my dude!! You're doing awesome! Get yourself a lil treat to celebrate


You have just leveled up buddy! Take that and my upvote! Greets from a 46 yo guy who has been clean for 3,5 years after 20 years of using alcohol and drugs.


Well done!! You are also leveling up.


I went to the ER several years ago because I was in a lot of pain and my pee was extremely dark. While I was checking in they thought it might be kidney stones. They were giving me a little attitude possibly because it sounded like drug seeking behavior. Then I said I’m looking for a non narcotic option. It’s like all of the sudden they took me seriously. I was admitted and they gave me a scan and it turns out it was kidney stones. Doctor comes in and says would I like a shot of morphine for the pain. As tempting as it was I declined. They gave me intravenous ibuprofen and the relief was immediate because I fell asleep. Kidney stones are no joke. Doct


I had kidney stones while pregnant and it was almost as bad as labor. You can’t have ibuprofen while pregnant and I’m allergic anyways, so they admitted me and gave me low dose narcos. I don’t have addiction issues but really didn’t want to take it while pregnant, but the alternatives aren’t approved for pregnancy. The pain was unbearable or I would have toughed it out.


I was in a pretty bad work accident and they said they'd put something for the pain in my I.V. It turns out they were giving me morphine and I went from excruciating pain to floating on a cloud in less than 10 seconds. They came back around 30 mins later to offer me more and I had to say no. I don't have a history of addiction, but I definitely didn't need any more of that in my life.


IV morphine (in a hospital) is what taught me why people become opiate addicts. It would be so easy to get hooked on.


Yeah, the crazy thing about that is that the hospital I was in is the one that deals with most of addicts in the city when they OD or need attention. I was literally stepping over addicts passed out in the entry/waiting room, and they were willing to pump me full of the stuff. The first nurse even briefly tried to convince me to take it. "The pain is going to come back."


I had a massive ortho injury last year, landed me in the hospital for 4 days and a wheelchair for 3 months. They had me scheduled for IV hydromorphone every 4 hours, and Oxy every 4 hours, 2 hour intervals between swapping doses back and forth. I do not have any alcohol or drug addiction in my past. But I refused anything beyond Tylenol, because I did not want to learn I loved Oxy. They told me flat out, that at some point I would have to take the painkillers or I would not be able to complete the PT. It would be too painful. I was able to get through three months in a wheelchair and five additional months of intensive PT without a single opioid. I do not say that as a pat on my back. My circumstances happened to allow me to function without opioids and work through the pain. How many people are being told they need to take the painkillers, are ending up addicted simply because they trusted the doctors assessment that they could not heal without the painkiller?


If the PT is too intensive to require you to use painkillers then the PT is too aggressive is what I've always been told.


I'm super impressed. You should feel very proud of yourself!


I was tested like this one time at my job. I was a restaurant manager and while checking the floor I found a bottle of pills. 17 Percocets. (Yes, I counted them) Instead of taking them like I wanted, I called the pharmacy and had the pharmacy contact the patient name on the bottle. The patient came back to the restaurant and picked them up. That was when I knew I was going to beat addiction. Congrats to you, it sounds like you're there!


Wwoooooooowwwww that's truly insane to not keep them wow I wouldn't have done the same I'll just say.


Trust me, I thought about it. Then when the girl came and picked them up she snatched them out of my hand like I stole them from her and didn't even say 'thank you' to me. I wished I'd have flushed them then.


That’s fucking amazing. Nicely done you should be so proud. Your story gave me a lot of hope today thank you


I'm super impressed. Take a mom "I'm proud of you" from a random internet mom. Saying no when it's served up on a silver platter is a huge accomplishment. \*big squishy Mom hugs\*


Not OP but just wanted to say I can definitely feel the comforting nonjudgmental acceptance, trustworthy praise, and the peaceful loving familiarity only a true mom can fully possess just emanating from you and that's not easy to be too ⅞ppy0


I am super impressed for you Well done Be proud You did well today


I am super impressed. Once you get the hang of it, it’s relatively easy to avoid situations where you’ll be tempted, or at least to be prepared to deal with the temptation if you can’t avoid it. This came out of left field and was a risk-free situation - but you recovered and turned it down. You should be damned proud. We are. Great job!


Let your doctor know, though.


Yeah I know it's not the point of the post but reading this was infuriating. Offering hard drugs to someone you know is in recovery is shameful. I think a lot of doctors offices simply don't account for addiction as an illness and treat people accordingly. OP did amazing but should never have been put in that position in the first place.


Did the doctors office actually offer drugs? It sounded more like they were reading the list of current medications and this one hadn't been removed despite it not being currently prescribed. I have to do that monthly at my oncologist office and it doesn't mean they are going to refill a prescription.


Finally someone with some sense. Yeah good job OP for doing what they thought was the right thing but people being outraged at the doctor is uncalled for. It's pretty standard they read a list of medications you have taken but doctors don't just go prescribing narcotics just because they are on the list when they weren't the original prescribing doctor to begin with. It's likely that at some point in time OP may have visited a doctor or hospital in the same network that shares your chart, it's not a list of only medications that this specific doctor thought he was prescribing. I've had oxycodone, morphine, norco, etc on my chart several times from ER visits and never once have I been offered a refill even if I wanted one.


We’re all actually very impressed bro 😎


Phenobarbital is still used to treat symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, which is probably how it accidentally ended up on your drug list. It’s also a very dangerous drug. Abusing it causes you to develop a “high” tolerance in which you need more and more of it. But unlike opiates, there is no concurrent lethality tolerance. The lethal dose doesn’t change despite needing more and more to get high. You literally choose to live by declining that medication. You should be proud! Keep going, one day at a time. :)


I had a theory that it was probably because there is someone with a similar name to me who is in the same system as me. I often get called David (same last name) when I go to various doctors (my name is Daniel ) and this kind of thing has happened before. Your theory makes more sense though.


As a recovering alcoholic I’m pretty impressed. That’s willpower.


This random internet stranger is proud of you 🫶🏻


I appreciate all the kind comments. Thank you very much. To be completely honest it was about 70% not wanting to fall back into substance abuse and 30% I don't think I would get away with it. It can't be legal to accept narcotics under false pretenses, can it? I've had a little trouble with the law in my time (nothing too bad but another thing I'm not interested in revisiting. When I was really in the depths of the whole thing there was a fair bit of shoplifting of alcohol) and that was a concern. Just to get the full story out there.


That 30% still doesn't take away the achievement of the 70%. My whole life has been filled with people (family) who would have not had a seconds thought about saying yes to it if offered like that. Don't do yourself down, keeping clean is one of the hardest things someone can do, it's a fight for your own life and sanity and you just punched it right out there.


Keep that proud feeling! I was addicted to Vicodin pretty badly in my early 20s. Almost died a couple of times from overdosing. I was in a terrible accident about 2 years ago and was prescribed a painkiller (I don’t even remember the name of it now). I was so worried about myself, but my boyfriend knew my history and we agreed that while it was risky, the accident was pretty bad. I had to relearn to use my left leg. So I was in pretty serious, genuine pain. I ended up only needing to take it for bedtime because moving in my sleep accidentally was excruciating. I think I only took like 4 of a 14 day supply. Pretty huge achievement that I still pat myself on the back for. Temptation is a bitch. Stay strong!


I am super impressed! (4 years sober) it amazes me what doctors will offer post surgery, especially to people who tell them they are sober.




As someone that used to work in a rehab, I am EXTREMELY impressed by you. Recovery is a life-long process that requires daily commitment, and that can be exhausting. Being in recovery alone is something impressive that you should be so proud of. Refusing a temptation like that is a WAY bigger deal than you're giving yourself credit for. You made that choice. You chose sobriety. You did good, hun. This random internet stranger is very proud of you. 💜


I am very impressed. And very disgusted with the Dr. office. Congrats!


Impressive! Addiction is tough. This shows your commitment to the journey.


I don't understand, they were offering it to you or just listing the meds they thought you took? Cuz they'll list stuff off the I haven't taken in a very long time. It doesn't sound like it was an offer. I'm also a life long addict, on and off. I have 3.5 yrs clean this time so I get it, I just don't think it was an offer. That's what the heaven's gate cult took to go meet the UFO following behind the comet


With some distance and some of the comments I've seen, I think you are right. I didn't know that though. I am not well-versed in that type of thing.


What matters is that at the time you thought you had an opportunity to get some and you refused. Doesn't matter if the opportunity was actually there at the time.


As a friend of Bill W I applaud you!


Dude, you’re not patting yourself on the back enough. It would have been so easy to fall back into that shit. Walk with your head high today, dude!


I'm impressed, being responsible and saying no to something you want is never easy.


Congrats addiction can be a hard battle, but you are still fighting it. Be proud of yourself.


I am SUPER impressed, and very proud of you. This is a huge step in recovery, don't underestimate yourself.


Congratulations, what you did was monumental, so many of us may have cracked.


I’m so fucking proud of you.


Could it be a weird kind of test by the doctor, because they want to see how you as a recovering addict react? But Test or not, you can be incredibly proud of yourself!


The doctor wasn't offering those medications, they were reading off the medications list which will often have medications that patients havent taken in years or was prescribed but never filled nor taken. That's why when you go to the doctors office they often review the med list to make sure it's up-to-date.


i can't believe i had to scroll all the way a third down the page to find this answer buried in the comments. i thought everyone on reddit was an ER doc lol. they certainly pretend like they are


yeah, this post is stupid. The doctor or nurse wasn't going to just give them phenobarbital because they said they took it. It was a medication reconciliation. I mean, there is a chance, but almost certainly no.


that was my thought as well but it sounds EXTREMELY unethical ?? anyway, OP that’s amazing !!


That's really weird. I'm 42 and have never had a Dr care that I was using . Like they never tried to trick me. I've had years of IV drug use and years of clean time. I always told my Drs when I'm using so they know how to best treat me. They generally don't care to bother tricking me into admitting something. What's the point?


It isn't a thing. People are just confused how a doctor's office works.


I’ve always said no to drugs that may be addictive. Cuz I know my past history with drug use. While mine were always uppers, I could very well see myself getting hooked on sleep meds or other similar drugs. Good job!!


I'm impressed and I'm very proud of you. It would have been so easy to go backwards but instead you took a big step forward. Keep it up!!


Congrats!!! Iron will activated! 🙌🏽


Well done OP, it takes gonads of steel to resist temptation.


"No one's gonna be supper impressed" WRONG! I'm super impressed! Proud of you buddy!


That’s power. Good job


I’m impressed


I’m proud of you too!!!


Proud of you, brother.


Look at you go! I hope you are proud of yourself bc that is a big deal.


I'm super impressed 🤷


I am very impressed and so very proud of you. It takes a lot of will power to say no like you did. From one recovering addict to another I wish you the best life. ♥️


Well done!!


>No one's gonna be super impressed. You're wrong about that... I am incredibly proud of you! And I'm sure a lot of others are as well. See it as a test... and you passed. Woohoo! Now go find another challenge, in a positive way. Any positive changes you want to make to your life, but you put off because you thought you wouldn't be strong enough??


Very impressive and you should be proud!!


You should actually be super proud! I'M super proud of you! Congratulations buddy!


I'm impressed and I'm proud with you. That's a big temptation to pass up. You did something good for yourself, for sure. <3


>No one’s gonna be super impressed. Incorrect, u/Danbing1. [I couldn’t be more proud of you.](https://media1.giphy.com/media/l1TqF9rA0bcKiRSQsT/giphy.gif?cid=9b38fe917rw87yqoma1xkfs69ohc9qzijr8c4nnxg29uamzj&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Holy fuuuu! Dude! Congrats!! That's a big win!!! I'm very proud of you!!


>Anyway I feel a little proud of myself No no no, you shouldnt feel a little proud of yourself, you should feel MEGA proud of yourself! Staying sober is just as hard minute by minute as it is day by day, especially given life is just so unpredictable. You should be incredibly proud of yourself and celebrating your own accountability to stay and live sober. You owe it to yourself and your dedication to feel proud at all you've overcome, do yourself that service! Wishing you all the best, OP!


I’m super impressed. You are doing a great job of taking good care of you.


I'm super impressed. It's a big deal. Go you!!


As a person who has been housing and helping a brother with a narcotic addiction that I recently just discovered relapsed.... - don't short change yourself! That was a huge freaking step for you and you did so well. You should be super proud of yourself.


You're kidding yourself. This is something to be proud of and brag about. You have self-accountability. Hold onto that and be consistent with it.


Great job. Proud of you. That’s some next level of recognition and self awareness.


Well done!


Wow, congrats! As someone who became dependent on Xanax after my boyfriend died, teetering on addict, I can honestly say I don’t know that I would have had the strength to do the same.


Yaaasss! Snaps for you!


Wow. Holy shit good job!!!! I dont think i would have been strong enough to say no. U are amazing. You are in control instead of letting the drugs control you. Freaking fantastic.


Good on you! You really need to give yourself credit for this.


I am impressed! I’m proud of you. You chose YOU


That's really impressive!


Dude. I am so fucking proud of you for that. -signed an internet stranger momma who deals with being a recovering addict


good for you buddy! keep that sobriety pushing 🙌


Congrats! I don't even know you but I'm proud of you for turning it down. That was a huge deal!


Huh, my cat has an Rx for that (he has epilepsy). I guess that explains why they keep it in the safe. Didn’t realize it could double as a party drug.


Don’t diminish your willpower by saying it’s not something to brag about - you should be proud


Good for you. Also the dr would have been able to look up and see if the phenobarbital was still a current prescription for you because it’s controlled so at least you keep your integrity.


You did a great thing but a conscientious doctor wouldn’t have just prescribed it because you asked for it. They were just confirming what you take, not offering to prescribe it.


I am super impressed. Congrats on the continued win!


Just in case no one has told you, I AM PROUD OF YOU. You did the right thing. Keep it up, every step you take away from your addiction is another step in the right direction!


> No one's gonna be super impressed. Don’t sell yourself short. I’m impressed. Be proud.


You rock! I'm so proud of you!! This is my fav post of the year. I'll forever be in awe of such strength. **TW** *alcohol and death mentioned. Self harm mentioned but tried to limit graphic words to minimum* (Also, I had permission to share this story) I've been supporting an alcoholic for over a decade now. He's been supporting me too. Addiction is so hard. We made each other promises, we still go by them. He stops drinking, I stop cutting. It had to stop. We went cold turkey. One of the hardest moments was when he was surrounded by people who were drinking and they offered numerous drinks. He was at a funeral and with the extremely close loss it was a *really* bad time for him and he was **so** strong to say "No" to them all, especially as he had not been off the sauce for very long at that point too. So strong. So proud of him every day. I'm glad you are feeling proud too, you should!!


Don’t underplay it! This is something to be extremely proud of! You will now always know just how strong you really are!


You were never in a position to be prescribed it. That's just the list of medications they have on record that you're actively taking. It's not a list of what they've prescribed to you. So they might think another doctor prescribed phenobarbital to you. The doctor there isn't going to suddenly write you a *new* prescription for it for no reason. You saying "yes" would have only caused slight confusion and possibly out you as an addict. It would not make your doctor write you a prescription for phenobarbital.


Thank you, can't believe no one else is pointing this out. They go through my list of meds at every visit. It's just so they know what you're taking, it's not like "we're prescribing all of these for you today".


Well, I didn't know that. But that makes sense.


It's an easy thing to misunderstand. As evidenced by apparently none of the other commenters knowing this lol. Doctors have to manually write you a prescription though, it's not just an automatic thing that a nurse can do when they update your medication list. It's still great you didn't try to get drugs and you should be proud of that. I just thought you should know that the fact that your medication list was wrong was not indicative of a serious problem with your healthcare provider. That there was no malpractice and that they weren't irresponsible enough to almost give you the good drugs.


Way to go! And I might add, should you say something to the management there about what happened and how they are putting people at risk? I’m sure she was acting with what she thought care looked like but geez.


Well, this random internet stranger is super impressed and very proud of you! That is a huge win.


I'm super impressed. Good for you! Thanks for sharing. Keep going on. You're amazing.


Awesome for you! You should definitely be proud of yourself! That’s BIG!


That is AMAZING!!! Nicely done!! 🙌🏽


I don’t speak for ALLLLLLL of these trees here, but I’m definitely really fuckin proud of you. 🥹


Sorry, but I’m impressed! To not take that drug says a lot about who you’ve become. There is no going back and you’re done with that life! Congratulations 👏


I’m super proud of you! That’s hard to pass up when it was practically stopped at your feet! Good for you!


That small moment was huge and it shows how far you have come. Congratulations on making a very powerful choice. I’m impressed.


I am super impressed! You could have easily gone with the flow and not pointed out their error but you didn’t. You chose to say something. Very impressive!


Very very proud of you. That is not easy at all.


I am super impressed! That is great progress!


Super proud of you. I am infact super impressed. Keep it up OP


I'm impressed!! Very proud of you! A lesser person would have taken that and ran, but you didn't and you should be proud!


I’m super impressed. I don’t know that I would have had the strength.


Wow! I’m very proud of you! Way to go!


I mean I am pretty impressed


I'M IMPRESSED!! One little word could have made your world come crashing down, and I'd tell them they should really review patient prep better to screen for potential triggers/access like this because some newly recovering addicts may not have the same resolve. You're perfectly in your right to report/ignore/whatever makes your heart happy because you definitely should be proud of yourself! Everybody struggles, but not everybody conquers some of their hardest struggles. You have and continue to! You've already won because you're on the journey of holding yourself accountable no matter what. That's success whether relapse ever occurs or not because you and I both know relapse isn't defeat but a catalyst for change and reminder of the why of the recovery journey.


> No one's gonna be super impressed. I am. That's extremely impressive. They were handing you that on a golden platter. All you had to say was "yes". You didn't. Nice job.


It’s very difficult to say no. I have to tell doctors and medical staff that I CANNOT have opiate-based pain medication under any circumstances and it kills my addict self every time. Be proud of yourself. Many people don’t have the same strength.


I am super impressed. I don’t personally know how hard that was, but I can say it’s so much harder than me dealing with something like stress eating. Sometimes you just have to celebrate the seemingly small steps as big wins. Because in reality for us, they are.


You should be massively proud of yourself. There's nothing wrong with your inner strength!


Yeah we are all super impressed though. I don’t even mind that you’re fishing for compliments here. You deserve all the compliments you can get




i am impressed. great job bro.


Do you think she was testing you? To see if you’re still in recovery or drug-seeking?


I'm super impressed. All the people that read your story are super impressed


I'm super impressed 👏👏👏


Not super impressed?! That’s SOO DAMN IMPRESSIVE!! 12 years and 18 days clean and that would have been tough for me too! That’s so damn amazing Pat urself on the back u have to be proud of yourself!


Congrats, you're solidifying that new neural pathway in your brain you're created to keep you healthy. Don't downplay making yourself stronger.


They weren't offering you some, they were reviewing/updating your med list. Still an achievement for you since you believed they were offering you some though.


One time my ex knowingly handed me three opiates. Loritabs. I stood there for a minute holding them… and shoved them back into his hand. Left the state with our kids a week later. Before this incident he did the same thing and I ended up ODing because it was laced with fentanyl.


You are incredibly badass and strong, you can be proud of yourself and I am proud of you too


I’M super impressed! I’ve never struggled with opiate addiction, and I haven’t smoked/vaped in about two years, but if someone handed me a cotton candy-flavored water vapor stick of death right now I don’t think I’d say no. And I know opiates are way more difficult to overcome than that. Good for you!!


I’m so proud of you for not taking that bait. I’m impressed. You should really be so proud of yourself for saying no. Good job, man.


I’m SUPER IMPRESSED!!! I turned down MORPHINE for a 6.3 mm kidney stone (that I later had to have surgically removed) while in the ER a couple of months ago… I did take over pain management post surgery for 2 days and then Tylenol after. It wasn’t as tempting as I was worried it was going to be! I’m very proud of you!


Much to be proud of! Big or small, a win is a win - take this as a big win!


Props to you, that's a tough drug to turn down too. Congrats on the willpower !


I'm impressed....that's no easy feat; you should be proud of you self control and commitment.


I'm impressed! Nice job, seriously- few people can resist*that* level of temptation!


Nah I'm super impressed. I can only imagine how much strength that took but you did it! I'm proud of you, keep going. If some random Internet stranger is proud of you and happy to see you stay strong then you're damn right to be proud :)


That’s very impressive op. You’re on the right path


I am super impressed!! Great job!


Wow. Obviously I don’t know you, but dang — I am crazy proud of you. That move on your part was *enormous,* and you’re a freaking hero to all of us who are going through something similar. Just know that a bunch of strangers out here are giving you a virtual standing ovation. Way to GO, babe.


Addiction is a real struggle, and you stared it down and said no. I am absolutely proud of you even though I don't know you. I like seeing people succeed!


For the record OP I am super impressed!! That is some seriously impressive strength for anyone let alone anyone in recovery! You should be proud. Hell I’m proud of you, that is some god level restraint. Congratulations!


>No one's gonna be super impressed. Well, I am impressed and proud of you, OP. Well done, keep going strong!


I don't even have addiction issues myself, but I've been close friends with and have family members who do. I'm proud of you! That had to be super hard and you made a good choice!


Yeah...thinking it over, I'm not sure I would have been able to, so my relieved self applauds your strength and courage and determination! You've got genuine ovaries!


I'm super impressed, too!!!


I am very impressed