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Normally I'd say that a joke like this is terrible, but considering what they've done to you... It's absolutely justified.


Exactly. Proverbs 3:13- Don't start none, won't be none.


This is the Detroit area code. The phrase is applicable.


That was what I was going for. -me, but lying.


I’ll back you up




Oh that's hilarious!!


Corinthians 69:420- f*ck around, and thy shall find out.


Just putting your favourite numbers in there I see


Proverbs is full of excellent life hacks


Yup. OP, you now have an opportunity to have a conversation with them about how their pranking is problematic


I think compared with what they have done to him that this was really mild!


I mean, it's on your mom for calling all her friends and sharing your news within hours of you telling her. She's a gossip and it bit her in the arse.


His parents sound like terrible people


Their pranks alone would drive me to no contact


I think its fucking hilarious, but also that you better be ready come April 2025 xD


Oh yeah, I'm preparing 😂


I think I have an easy solution. Have some sort of excuse to not be physically present at all the day of April 1st anywhere they would be. Then, turn off your phone. On April 2nd, you can resume life as normal, phone on and all. Bonus points if you stonewall them and say you don't know what they're talking about if they ask you about your one day disappearance lol


Do all this on the day of but act sketchy as hell for the week leading up.


I was thinking along the same lines. Just don't talk to them at all on 1 April.


my variation was "let someone else pick up the phone on April 1st" like, get someone to go "hello, I think this is OP's phone" in one of those professionally kind voices, you know? then hiss "be quiet guys I think it's his mom calling" while supposedly not properly covering the phone so OP's mom can hear it. She can think it's an ER or a police office, or she can think it's kidnappers


That could be good. So long as the parents have zero opportunity to do any of their craptastic pranks


yeah, in the end I think your idea is better. * mine : OP's mom thinks it's kidnappers, flips out, sends a SWAT team (or something like that) * yours : OP tells everyone "I'm going on a hike in the mountains, see you tomorrow" & turns off phone, mom can't reach him to prank him, figures there's no coverage in the mountains & pouts when he's back (whether he's gone or not)


Time for you to fake a medical emergency. Get some fake blood, FT them all bloody and say you’re on the way to the hospital, and beat them to the hospital ER entrance so you can reveal the April Fools.


That is fucking amazing 💀😂😂😂😂


I’d find a kid that would be as old as the fake kid if you did knock someone up and just show up with the kid. Call mom grandma etc, when she asks whose kid it is say yours, I told you last year I knocked someone up. Then like leave with the kid before you can get to into it. And then show up on the 2nd and when your mom starts asking about the kid, ask what kid what she’s talking about. Etc.


YES! You can make this a running gag! Your child that only exists on April 1st!


Yep. Alternative dimensions.


I love this idea!


I would recommend laughing heartily and hanging up when they prank you next April, unless you're into it.


I would have you and a friend go camping and then your friend calls and say you OD or drowned or something.


Dress up in a mask with friends and kidnap them


Set a calendar reminder for April 1 - Watch for parental payback today


You should've gotten a 50yr old woman to play along for the pregnancy prank. Just to add to the shock value. Anyways, live and learn.


The meanest thing i can think of is a fake winning lottery ticket


Do it on days that are not April Fools... just to keep them off balance.


As an idea for 2025, Idk how often you talk to your parents or see them irl, but if you live away or have any kind of seclusion, don't talk to them for 3 months and then show up as a Mormon at their door 🤣


I live with them but I could go stay with a friend for a but in the months leading up to April


Bingo! Show up with the friend both as Mormons!


With a 'Mormon' wife.


or maybe a few


Mormon is too basic. Go straight obscure cult member lol.


jehovah's witnesses


Yes. Or Scientologist, it would be hilarious, talking about thetans and volcanoes


Maybe say you’ve joined Scientology and you need to cut them off as “oppressives”!!!😂


*[Suppressive Person](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suppressive_person)


Ahhh thank you! I knew I didn’t have it exactly correct!


As an exmo, I’d say Mormon still qualifies


Your mom is pissed because she fell for it and had to go and tell her friends it was actually a joke And that's why you don't ***immediately*** start talking shit


Fucking hilarious. I lost a friend in college bc his gf liked to give shit. I let it go for a long time then I started to give it back when I thought we were familiar enough with each other. She was the type to give it but can't take it. Some people have zero self awareness.


I can’t help but feel like some real tragedy is fated to happen in your family on an April Fools’ Day….


I wouldn't be suprised


The punishment of a liar is not being believed. One day one of them will go to the ER on April 1 and they won't understand why you don't show up.


Not that you dont know this already, but the over the top nature of your families "jokes" is cruel and relationship damaging. Faking accidents, large thefts etc destroy the trust that relationships are founded on. Jus sayin'


Pranks are supposed to be funny, confusing at most, for the one being pranked. The parents "pranks" are in emotional abuse territory for me. The fact that the parents didn't react well to this pranks tells me that their "prank" intentions are evil and not lighthearted fun. If they're upset at a taste of their own medicine, they are acting abusively.


I hope next year's joke is even worse. They had it coming. 


Fake a news cast being in a terror cell. Golden


Im curious, why is okay if she fakes a medical thing but not you? I mean, im pretty sure why but im wondering she brought it up.


The “pranks” your parents pulled on you are legit insane


Any prank that sends you into flight or fight mode or plain agonizing panic is just plain abusive. It’s not a prank if you cannot even laugh in the future about it. Pranks are both sided :( I hope that they learn from this. It’s not fun when you’re not in control


This is amazing. Even more so that you got the coworker involved. Well done


Yeah nah fuck them what shitty people with the jokes they played. I’d straight up ⬆️ suggest continuing to be more and more diabolical each year.


Roll up in a blood-covered car next year and scream for them to get the hose. Have hair hanging out of the trunk.


your parents suck not just at jokes, but also being somewhat decent people these are shockingly cruel “jokes”


That is normal for that type of person. Maybe one day she will get over it but maybe not. Wait until next year's April 1 and see if she is still into pulling stupid pranks or learnt her lesson.


I usually say don't joke about pregnancy but this feels like the one exception lmao


Dont joke about death either but they far crossed that line too. Id say its called for lol


What you did is kind of tame compared to letting you think your mom DIED.


Dude yours is infinitely less traumatizing than what they have done to you!!! Letting you think your mom was hit by a car or attacked is batshit insane behavior.


Show up with a kid next year and say you weren’t joking 😂


That's perfect!!


So, mom can dish but can’t take it without it being cruel? Yeah…time to go even higher next year!!! Maybe get fake married 😂😂


*"How dare you treat us the way we treat you!"*


she'll get over it


My dad loved playing pranks and breaking people's balls. However, he had little appreciation for levity when it was at his expense. I came to think of it as "hitting him with a ball of his own shit". My parents split up when I was four, and my dad got primary custody. My mother hated the fact that my older brother and I ended up with our dad's sense of humor until we started playing pranks on our dad. She saw it as justice. My brother and I did *not* inherit our dad's indignation about retaliation, though. I have never loved my son more than I did the first time he played a prank on me.


Totally deserved. Well done.


Next year a day before get your boss or someone to pretend they are have them call them say you had a accident at work and you are on your way to the hospital and give them a number to call when they get there lol


If you want to go for the most diabolical prank next year, you can do this: Get a very authentic looking police costume. Have a friend they don’t know wear it, go to their house, and give them your death notice. That will traumatize them into never pulling this BS again.


This is literally Young Sheldon.


You should wife up that coworker, too. That’ll show them.


I think it is hilarious. However, people like your mom & stepdad will never see it that way because “April Fools jokes” are only funny when they are the ones carrying out the jokes, not the victim.


Plot of young Sheldon


Good job. Clearly they can dish it out, but can’t take it.


People that love to prank or roast others but can't handle when it's on them show that they do it out of malice, not good fun.


On April Fools of 2006, my brother and his gf sat my late mother down and told her they were expecting. Mom started laughing and told them that’s a really good joke. G/f started bawling. My niece was born that December.




What your mom has done to you, repeatedly, is unbelievably cruel. I hope she’s learned her lesson, although I doubt it.


Fuck them both. They had that coming. To be honest I think you still owe them a couple of shots.


Your parents aren’t playing pranks. They are bullying you. This kind of behaviour is disgusting and they are upset because they didn’t like to get a taste of their own medicine. All I can suggest, other than moving away from home, is that you don’t give any credence to their so called emergencies in the future. No matter what they say, you should respond with ‘I know this is a prank and I’m not buying it’ If there is a genuine emergency in the future they are going to learn the hard way that crying wolf is a bad idea


Too bad, so sad for your Mom.


Great joke man, I genuinely laughed


Apparently, pranks are funny until one is played on her. Was what you did an asshole move, yes. Was what you did justified, hell yes!


Ah yes, no one likes the payback xD


That's a good one OP!!


If your family does extreme pranks on the same day every year, why do you believe anything happening on 1st April? Like wouldn't you all be like "yeah sure it's April fools day, I don't believe you"


Eh, your parents had it coming. 


They only had themselves to blame.


If you'd have been there, if you'd have seen it


pranks take away consent, and hopefully everyone here has learned that they suck


Your mom and stepdad sound insufferable


I cried with laughter! If your mom brings it up again, just recount the numerous occasions where she has literally fucked with your mental health with her ridiculous so called 'pranks'.


Your prank was far less traumatic than theirs. Your mom is only pissed because she embarrassed herself gossiping to all her friends. Which was a pretty shitty and disrespectful move by the way. You got them good. Hopefully they learned their lesson. Probably not, but at least you had fun. Mom will get over it in time.


You need to talk to them about de-escalating the jokes as they are going too far.




Nothing like psychological warfare to keep the family spicy. .. Seriously though, what even is the joy in this? Just to know you've triggered someone's stress response in their body? Sooo funny, until you get the diagnosis for an enlarged heart at 30 from stress.


Fabulous - do more !! I hate pranks like the ones they pulled they aren’t jokes and are pretty abusive really - these people need a few more lessons in humour - I’m looking forward to hearing more about your future “pranks”


They are awful and deserved it.


They deserve it, its her fault for instantly gossiping to all of her friends


What they’ve done to you in the past you’re not wrong for doing this.


FAFO. Well done, OP. 👏 Masterful and more so because she blabbed it to all her friends like it’s something to brag about.


Considering the background examples you gave, this matched their level precisely. Your co-worker knows what's up. As much, not an iota more. The fact that your mom couldn't take it sounds like a personal problem that she needs to work out.


Now you just have to keep this going on to pay as many “pranks” as they have done, and they may learn to be adults. Maybe we redditors can suggest some pranks for OP? Being in jail? Help me find a spot for this body (goat)? Have someone so very classy special effects so it looks like he falls on the grand canyon? Telling them your dream job finally came,but its in a country far far away?


She's just mad it went over her head so she feels stupid.




Bot Account.


I didn’t finish reading past “I got a girl pregnant” Yes, they take it to far. It isn’t funny. No, what you did isn’t funny. Truth be told, it doesn’t seem like any of you truly understand what an actual joke IS but this isn’t it? If you were going for “do unto others” then yeah, you nailed it and if you don’t stay mad about what they do to you, they shouldn’t stay mad either, but none of this is humorous 🤷🏻‍♀️


I hope you taught them a lesson and they don't do it anymore. (Or you know, completely block them from March 30- April 2 every year!!) On a side note, pregnancy as an April Fools joke is pretty awful to people who have had miscarriages or any sort of baby loss. Please don't do something like that again. P.S. I hope you and the 27 year old start dating once you at least become drinking age. She seems pretty cool. Maybe you can tell your future kids this story! 😂 


Drinking age where I live is 19, so it's a possibility 🤔 😂 Also this is the last time I do a pregnancy prank