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I'm not kidding when I say I could have written this post myself. The description is SPOT on. I became even more insecure after an emergency surgery from complications from mastitis, I have some scars as well. You won't ever see me changing in front of a friend, or getting that nipple piercing I used to want. My teens I was always keeping my shirt on, and scared to have people touch them st all. As an adult, i am still self-conscious about them with everyone, even long-term partners, but I don't hide my boobs from my partners either. I have been in long-term relationship with both men and women, and have been open about my insecurities with both. They of course react wonderfully. No one agreed with my description of my boobs as "ugly" . Rather, they told and showed me how they loved my breasts exactly as they are. And I find, once people know what you feel insecure about, they can show you just how understanding they can be. My partners both would understand if I felt like wearing a bra sometimes during sex, at least for part of the time. As hard as it is, trust me when I say it feels like a giant weight has been lifted when let it out. Your insecurity is lessoned when you realize others don't see your flaws as flaws at all. And worst case scenario it's a perfect question to sus out if the guy you're dating is actually a giant dick.


That last sentence is spot on. As much as I really just don't like the way I look, if someone I'm trying to have a partnership with would leave me over something as fickle as what I look like, I don't want them. It's about what's in your heart and your head that makes for a lasting relationship.


I’m with you both. 100%.


I really enjoyed reading this, im glad you can share your insecurities with partners and they are supportive like that! Thats amazing


Oh I'm right here with you both. Until I met someone that thought and taught me that this was someone's dream body. Please know that you are beautiful! You may not feel this right now but when you find that person that gives you the love and appreciation oh your whole being. You will know that there is someone for everyone and that men love those big beautiful round pepperonis!!


Genetics suck sometimes :(. I'm still studying to as why i got red hair when the person that had it was 3 generations ago.


I’ve seen em all, and I’ve never met a boob I didn’t like. No one cares as much as you do. Promise!


Let me tell you about the worst pair of boobs I ever saw- they were amazing.


Couldn’t agree more. All boobs you get to see are amazing boobs.


Fucking amen brother


That's a lot of boobs my man


Bro got them x-ray eyes


I was hoping top comment would be something along the lines of “doesn’t matter they’re boobs”


I agree. Not to mention that almost everyone has parts of their body that they feel this way about. I have 5 or 6 areas that I feel this way about, honestly. OP, you should do what makes you happy, but you're perfect exactly as you are.


Have you seen my man boobs?








It’s not about you or anyone else. It’s about this person. Boobs are cute and all, but totally get in the way. They change through out our lives. Plastic surgery will allow you to form yours the way you like. Do it for you. 💕


Have a breast lift, augmentation, change them to smaller, bigger, whatever you want. Your body and if it is taking up that much in your head when you are going to graduate school ( congratulations!) You do YOU. Do it for yourself, whatever it is. Your feelings are valid and they matter. Hugs from an internet stranger!


This made me smile lol


Girl, if those things are bouncing in some guy's face during sex, he'll think they look amazing. They just like boobs. If you meet one who doesn't like yours, there's 1000 who will.


*10,000. Guys hear "DD" and that's all they need to hear to be happy to see them unleashed in their presence.


really giving the subreddit "True Off My Chest" its name.


Hahahaha dudee


Came here to write this


We all did


Reduction is not equal to boob job. Just like a rhinoplasty because of a bad diaphragm is not the same with a nose job. You are a candidate for a better life experience because while you are young as you grow older lower back pains will be evident. Go for it.


I know your pain. I've had huge boobs since I was a teenager. I don't even remember if they were perky at any time. The sagged quickly. I am on the heavy side, and I am on the 44DDD. It's actually more painful to be without a bra than with. I have also looked into surgery, but it looks painful, expensive, and with a long recovery, but this seems to be the only alternative. Other than that, just wear a good bra.


During the pandemic I went without a bra (36G) for the longest period ever in my life and my shoulders and chest starting aching. Before I headed to the doctor I realized that the stress of carrying my breast on my own was to much weight to bare.


I’m the same size and honestly been considering 😩


After my mom got pregnant with me, her boobs grew from a D to and H cup (don't know the width size, probably 38) and she had to get surgery pretty soon after she had me because it was too hard stop give newborn me a bath, let alone just live day to day. I was so scared to get pregnant in case that happened to me. Instead mine just shrunk to pancake boobs lol I hate them but it's something I can live with.


If you have the ability to, medical tourism may be a cheaper option. My bestie got a breast reduction at a resort in Thailand and had her recovery there too. Said it was like a spa. Totally fixed her back problems too.


If you have good health care, see if you can get a reduction. If you liked them that would be one thing, but you don’t and they are not good for you. I know three women who’ve had reductions and they were so happy with them.


If you don't you can still get a reduction. You just have to pay for it yourself.


I did not have to pay for my reduction and lift. It was covered by insurance and I was the same size as OP.


Were you able to find out if your insurance would cover it before you had the surgery? Mine are so huge (h cup) and I get such bad neck and back pain. But there’s no way I could pay for it out of pocket.


The insurance that I had at the time covered it. I had documentation of neck and back pain so it was deemed medically necessary


as you say. it all depends on what insurance you get. "medically necessary" are the key words. so find a doctor that likes using them.


To have it covered by insurance, they usually want to take out a certain amount of grams based on your size, along with a history of showing it is causing you problems (neck, back pain, etc). If you want the surgery possibly covered, start reporting to your doctor how they are hurting you at every appointment so there is a record of chronic pain caused by your breast weight. I’m a recovery nurse and it seems a lot of women who get it done want to go quite a bit smaller, so are fine with the weight removal requirement. I’ve had a few friends look into it for themselves, but weren’t ok with how much smaller they would be forced to go to have insurance cover it, and opted not to have it done. I find it super frustrating how they force women to jump through so many hoops to have the surgery covered.


Maybe some nip work too. Is that a thing? It's probably a thing. Edit: Gynecomastia surgery


The question is if she doesn't like them because of what she thinks others are thinking, or if she would care about it as much when being alone. Gotta do it for yourself, not for others, but that's just me. 🤷


Or, perhaps, a breast lift.


Same! Mine are like deflated balloons. The sag is unreal


Same and my husband absolutely loves them. 😂


Same. My ex had a lot of flaws (hence the ex part) but he sure loved my boobs.


I would chat with a therapist citing concerns that you may have body dysmorphia before booking the reduction. I’m not saying that you do, just that if you do, the reduction results may not result in the image you have in your head. I would hate to spend all that money on a reduction just to hate my body just as much when all was said and done. It’s perfectly normal to not like something or another about your body, however. I’m all for people getting cosmetic surgery if it makes them feel happier in their own skin. But I firmly believe that a bit of therapy is a small price to pay to ensure that those cosmetic surgeries will achieve that result.


Agree with this. I think you would benefit from therapy. Body dysmorphia is common in young people, especially women. I think if you are afraid to be naked in front of a partner or your mother, working towards self acceptance would benefit you greatly. 


Rip your inbox. That being said, most guys don’t give a shit what your boobs look like, and will gladly suck on them and play with them with pleasure. I get the insecurity, because there are a lot of jokes out there, but when you’re so insecure you can’t even show them to people you’re supposed to trust, it becomes more of a problem. If you’re thinking of a boob job, but you’re scared to show your bf, mother, or friends, how is showing a stranger going to be easier? I think the first step here is to have someone you can confide in, (honestly your mom might be the best bet.) and express all of this to her, and show her if you’re both comfortable with it. If you plan on doing the surgery, you’ll have to show them off before it’s done eventually. But, I do think that women tend to be more insecure about their breasts than they should be, my wife is pretty insecure about hers also, and I absolutely love them. It’s okay to be insecure about them, it’s okay to get a boob job if you don’t like them, but imo, I don’t think people would hate them near as much as you think they would.


I bet if she went to a subreddit with her boob type, and saw all the comments, she'd think differently about how men (and women) see boobs.


If you can't speak to your mom about this, could you show her this post? You don't have to show her. You will have to show the doctor. I guarantee your boyfriend is not repulsed. I strongly suggest you tell him you're wanting a breast surgery and why. My suspicion is he might have an opposing opinion. And even if he agrees, it won't be because he hates them. It might be appropriate to agree if he thinks it will help your self esteem or your heath. For your info - rarely, but sometimes insurance will pay for breast reduction surgery. It would be for problems caused by overly heavy breast like back pain, arm pain. Nerve impingement from overly large breast. So if anything like that be sure to tell mother + doctor. You may have to wait a couple years, but if you get in to see a good doctor they will advise you


Girl i feel you, I’m a 32DDD and also have nipples that cover the entire front side of my boobs. It’s wretched and they sag so much like there’s nothing you can do to stop it cuz they’re just that big. So i can for certain say that if you want a boob job, you go get one as soon as possible for you financially. I in fact will be doing the same thing. So just know you’re not alone and that your boobs are not abnormal, or that you have at least one other person with similar boobs


Have you talked to your gyno? S/he might be able to give you some good feedback and discuss your options. When I’ve told my dr labia concerns she said there is no “normal”. I have heard that women who get breast reduction surgery are happy with the results. If your mom is nice (not all are 🙃) you could just say you aren’t comfortable showing her. There’s no need to.


In construction, when something is good, we often say it’s “tits”. Why? Cause I’ve never seen a bad one. Note: not “I’ve never seen a bad pair” it’s “I’ve never seen a bad one.” If a dude is that bothered by it, he ain’t worth it honey.


Dude here, I’m gonna tell you a secret. We like boobs! All boobs. Now if you’re not confident in your relationship with your partner and ask him. I think not a therapist or a counselor here but your self image is very important so let your partner know


Hey! I have similar boobs. Massive areola and super tiny flat nipples. Like they look like small drawn on circles. Saggy down to the bottom of my rib cage. I’m a 36G. I’m 34. I slowly grew to like them. I like that I don’t have to worry about my nipples making little pokes through my shirt. I still dislike how large my areola are, especially since they darkened after pregnancy and never went back to their pre-pregnancy pale pink. They were saggy before I got pregnant too. I’m more confident in them now- I don’t care changing in front of friends anymore. My husband doesn’t seem to have any complaints. I can give a great boob job. I have found crop tops that support them and they look good in. Weirdly watching porn with people with large areolas helped me get over my insecurities a lot. Anyway, you aren’t alone or a freak or anything. Lots of people have boobs like us.


Listen, having “ugly boobs” is really sucky. After kids my perfectly perky D cups went to H cups. Now that the kids are older I’m back down to double D’s. Well I should say D as righty is twice as big as lefty now, and that areola is the size of a side plate. Lefty got mutated and my nipple is no longer centered in my areola. They sag damn near to my belly button and have 3 hairs that grow inches overnight. Why am I divulging this on the internet for the world to see? Because to my husband they are the most beautiful things he’s ever seen. Almost 8 years in and his face lights up like a kid in at Disneyland every time he sees them. He gets mad at me when I complain because “no one talks about my wife like that” If he’s the right person for you, he will love all of you just the way you are and won’t see the flaws that you do. It will take a long time for you to overcome the insecurities but it is possible. It’s a lot of work, but you CAN do it.


Went from “True off my chest” to “Truth of my chest”


I feel the exact same way! At 18 my breasts sag so much, and I feel like my nipples are huge, I’m a 40D and I hate wearing wired bras so they always look so low and deflated. I also have a bunch of larger pores/blackheads that definitely do not help. I really want a breast reduction and lift by the time I’m 25


Im the exact same! im also a 40D and I can’t STAND wearing wired bras without wanting to die inside.


Just FYI. I too thought I was a 40D because that's usually the largest size in the building before they have to order. I finally when to Dillard's and got appropriately sized 36G. The straps are better and the cup fully covers. If you've never been sized, I highly recommend it.


I’ll give that a try! thank you for the tip.


Bet you my left nut guys prefer your boobs over no boobs. I'm also going to go ahead and assume there is a subreddit dedicated to boobs that look like yours that has hundreds, if not thousands of followers. No matter what you look like, there are people that are into you.


You've never seen a real feed back for your boobs because you never show it to your bf or to your friends how would you know if its really that bad?


It’s possible you are comparing your boobs to those you may see on tv or movie. That’s not real life. Most people who let people see their boobs as part of their job get plastic surgery. If your boobs make your back hurt, definitely look into reduction surgery. I don’t know anyone who had it who regrets it. But if you hate them because they look different from what you see in the movies etc, please reconsider.


Think of me as a old man sitting on the top of a mountain passing out advice for free. You get what you pay for or double your money back. Two choices: you can get them fixed or show them to your man. If he doesn't love them both drop him in the next wood chipper you see Try again. Had a gf with 34 dd with a similar description. Another gf with 36 a's. I saw the same thing most men see, BOOBS.


They are better than you think. As a breast cancer survivor and double mastectomy patient, you have breasts, so it is hard to read this personally. However, as I have gotten older I can tell you, don't waste anymore time caring about what other think about you or your body. The right partners are stoked to see breasts and any other comments about them are coming from assholes.


I totally get where you’re coming from OP - I’ve always felt the same way about mine. Add in two kids and 15 years and I REALLY DONT LIKE THEM. My husband however says they’re fantastic 🤣 He would say men love boobs - big boobs - small boobs - big nipples - small nipples and everything in between. If surgery is what you want after kids is ideal because trust me - THEY’RE NEVER EVER THE SAME! Anyway here’s to boobs my friend the good and the not so good 🎊


I have the same type of breasts as you do. Turns out that the people who have seen them love them. The second I started treating them like my best attribute they turned into it. And I fell in love with them. But of course if you choose to go forward with surgery I'd at least recommend for you to wait until you turn 25. That's the age your brain finishes developing. I've wanted buccal fat removal since I was 15, saved up money and all... My dad made me promise to wait until I was 25, if I still wanted to go with it, he'd pay for all the post op expenses, meds, check ups and all. I can't describe the mental change that happened when I turned 25, just that I finally understood why he insisted so much in waiting. And to whomever that compares our nipples to pepperoni: "this pepperonis ain't for your pizza 🍕😘"


>I’ve thought about how much I hate my boobs everyday since high school. >I also am applying to graduate school, and can’t justify a boob job when I am going to be in extreme debt from student loans. Please go see a dr. your mental health is extremely important. Think of it this way, with your new boob's you can stop worrying and allow your full mental faculties to focus on school and knock it out of the park. Money is important but what good is it if we are suffering.


I feel this in my heart. I hate my boobs personally. They're quite different from yours. They never developed during puberty. They're *pointy* and I feel like I look like a prepubescent child. They didn't even grow when I was pregnant nor was I able to breastfeed. I sincerely think there is something medically wrong with my breasts and the fact that they were useless to my child made me hate them even more. I also have large nipples and "pepperoni nips" jokes make me die inside too. All that being said, I've literally never experienced a man who was anything other than turned on by me being topless. Many men have gotten off on the fact that my nipples are very sensitive. It makes for very fun foreplay for me lol Human bodies are not meant to be "perfect" they're meant to be unique. Embrace your uniqueness (easier said than done I know).


You might not have to pay for a breast reduction tbh. Your description of your chest sounds similar to what mine looked like pre-reduction, and mine was covered except for paying off the plan’s deductible (my surgery happened to fall early in the year). Consult with a surgeon. Just getting a consult doesn’t mean you have to get the procedure, and your surgeon will tell you during the consult whether or not they can get it covered under your insurance. Even if you aren’t gender-queer yourself, I highly recommend seeking out a surgeon who specializes in plastic surgery as gender-affirming care. Mine was really kind and helpful. Even with the scarring left over from my surgery, I’m way more content with the way my chest looks now. I personally think the scars look rad. Recovery was long and painful, but totally worth it. A huge weight off my chest, both literally and emotionally.


You should talk about it with your mother, most likely she has the same "problem". Your boyfriend isn't getting intimate with you because of your chest. He realises that you are uncomfortable with it and is giving you your space. In any case, better talk with your mom or boyfriend than with strangers in the net.


You're 22, and you can get a boob job without your parents. Making adult decisions may help with boosting your self-esteem and confidence, which seem to be in need of some boosting.


Mine look exactly like what you described, I wanted them removed because I feel like a cow and I get gender dysphoria because of them, but my partner and all my exes liked them and I think I’m starting to accept them, it’s just a body part after all and they can sometimes look good, just like hair that is sometimes messy but it can be fixed, it will be messy again when I wake up but I can make it look good


I’ve also seen a lot of boobs in my life and never thought they were ugly, so I guess I don’t like mine just because they are mine


You don't have to show your mom your boobs. You're entitled to privacy tell her. If you get a boob job it will improve your mental health and I believe that you will do better in school. I have tubular breasts. While I have never really cared about what my boobs look like the contracted tissue at the bottom of my breast causes me pain and I want to have breast implants for at least a couple of years so the tissue can expand and I won't have pain anymore. There's nothing wrong with wanting to change something about your body. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/tubular-breasts


OMG so sad to hear this. If you can, try visiting a topless beach (you don't have to join in). Just seeing the variety of bodies and the comfort of people displaying them is empowering.


Let me just say this. All titties are good titties unless they are medically hurting you. Those are the only bad titties. It's 2024 for cripes sake. If your partner doesn't love your titties, then he can buy the boob job. But I relate, my boobs took a very long time to fall in love with.


I went for my first mammogram in November of 2022. I was 41. I had breast cancer and it spread to my lymph nodes. I did 16 rounds of chemo and lost all my hair. It didn’t kill all the cancer so they bumped me up to stage 3 before I did 30 rounds of radiation. I now take pills for the next 10 years of my life that make my body feel and look like it’s 80. Love those healthy ass titties. I wish I could love mine, but these assholes tried to kill me. Healthy boobies forever!


I literally have these exact boobs, lmao. Giant areolas, small nipples, saggy as hell. I'm not sure what advice to give you, but as someone who's about 5 years older than you, I slowly stopped caring. If someone gets to see my boobs they're probably so involved with me that they'll be happy regardless of how they look.


Create a throw away and post your boobs. I think you will find lots of people out there that would love what you have.


Boob man here. You got beautiful tits. Im a big tit enjoyer. Dont ruin your tits.


I am pretty certain your boyfriend loves you and your boobs.


As a man…I can say there’s no bad boob!!


Yeah I used to be insecure about my boobs… but then I met men lmao. They do not give af. I have inverted nipples and not ONE has cared about it. In fact they make it a game to try and get them to come out (one side will and the other will sort of lol) Moral of the story: men do not care. Boob is boob.


I know a lot of guys who love big saggy natural beautiful boobs. I’m one of them. Don’t be so hard on yourself, everyone has an opinion, trust that there are many many guys who will adore your boobs.


These posts remind me of the meme about wishing you were the size you were when you first thought you were fat. The reality for a lot of these younger women who think their breast's are so terrible have never seen what boobs look like after breastfeeding.


Male perspective. A good friend of mine had ginormous breasts that caused her all sorts of spine problems, compounded by the fact that she is less than 5’-4”. When she was in her late twenties she had a reduction and is much happier. She looks pretty normal from what I can see. She’s in her forties now and has shared it was one of the better decisions she’s ever made.


Perfect subreddit, jokes aside, ur body is beautiful, all are, to some people. Don't worry about agenda from marketing. There will always be a person thinking, you are a greek statue turned alive.


I get this completely. I've always had a hate/hate relationship with my boobs. They've always been larger, not round and perky and generally get in the way. I've recently lost almost 100 pounds and went from a 44DD to a 40 Long. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to have maybe a lift done or a reduction. Definitely talk to your mom. I know you are uncomfortable about showing her why but I'm going to bet good money you'll feel better after you do.


I feel like many females are really insecure about what their boobs look like. Most of the tits you see in porn are fake and that's probably what you are comparing yours to. Maybe someone hurt you previously and gave you this mindset. People can be cruel and it's crazy the affect one person can have on you. But guys love em no matter what. Maybe one day you'll be happy with yours. But don't live your life in fear of showing them off when you want to. Someone special will really enjoy them and will probably help you feel more confident about them. -From a fellow female who also hates her boobs but not as much as before.


My boobs started small but with large areolas, and i was fine with that. And then I gained some weight, and my boobs like tripped in size. Now my nipples are full on cross-eyed, areolas are basically saucers at this point, and despite all of that, my husband acts like they are the greatest gifts he's ever seen. Literally just squeezes and compliments them several times a day. From personal experience, men just love tits, all shapes and forms, and if a man judges, he isn't worthy of seeing them at all. As a bisexual woman, I hate that I criticize my own boobs because I genuinely LOVE all boobs. I think any and all variations are gorgeous and sexy. Wish I could turn that perception on myself but we are all our own worst critics. Tits are unique and I haven't seen a single pair that didn't make me indescribably happy. Point is, if you do want a boob job, please please please only do it because YOU want it. Not because you're worried about what other people think. I'm in full support of people altering their bodies how they want, but please don't do it because you're afraid others won't appreciate your chest. Boobs are great, all boobs, your boobs included, and I say this as a self-conscious bi-woman trying to love my own.


You won't believe me, but your boobs are great. Wanna know how I know? It's because all boobs are great.


Just save up for a augmentation. My wife did it and still 4 years later she is very happy. Just is what it is


Had the same situation, totally hated my boobs. Since I was 15 (now I'm 22) I saved money for a breast surgery. In December 2022 it was finally time and I never regretted it one single moment. Much more life quality and self esteem. I don't what to talk you into it and there will be a lot of hate towards me but it's an option. I still hope you will accept them.


If your having back pain, your insurance will cover a breast reduction, just putting that out there


I'm a 32 J, and large breasts are different than small ones. But surgery has all sorts of risks. Even the best plastic surgeons have procedures that result in lumps, uneveness, poor texture, nerve damage, nipples not approximating and having to be removed, complete loss of sensation, infection, necrosis, and death. I would seriously suggest therapy and body image work as more likely to have a positive effect, and there's no chance it will kill you.


let me guess: tubular breasts? I have them too and theyre the whole reason why I am still a virgin at 22 y/o. I feel your struggle, you're not alone!!


I had a breast cancer scare. Since then there is no insecurity that will make me dislike them because at least i have them. I hope you find your confidence OP you deserve to love your body!


It may be covered by insurance as medically necessary reduction if causes you back pain, grooves in shoulders from bra straps etc. See a plastic surgeon for a consult. Consider if you might want to breastfeed in the future so they can do best to maintain that function if possible . Loved my reduction and never looked back. Was able to partially breastfeed 3 kids.


My wife has been a 32DD since she was an early teen apparently. She's 5ft so they look even bigger on her. Let me tell you about the absolute joy it brings me to see those things bouncing around for any reason.


Male (25) here with a  gf (23f) who was self conscious with her boobs like you were. Pretty large but also saggy, and I didn't mind that at all, but she did. One thing I will recommend before you get breast reduction, is to hit the gym. She's been joining me for a year now and her chest looks much better than before. Not as saggy, slightly more lifted and looking more voluptuous. She feels much better about her chest now than she has her whole life but still doesn't like how big they are. She also has pretty large areolas but there's not much you can do about that. I'm sure your boyfriend won't mind how your boobs looks like but I'm sure he'll be understanding if you talk to him and tell him why you want to start hitting the gym as well. 


Girl, let me tell you that no man gives a shit about the size of your nips and areolas. Not a bit. I get where you’re coming from, but it’s not as bad as you think it is.


did anyone who had surgery can tell us how it went ? are you happy with the result. It seems as many of us here in the comment section and OP share the same burden and thought of that method !


I'm sorry you did not win the "boob lottery", that is tough, especially when you are so young. You can do something about it whenever the time is right. And remember that you do NOT have to show your mom your boobs. Period. If she asks, let her know that you understand her curiosity but you are not willing to put yourself through the mental stress it would cause. You will have to show all doctors you consult so they can see what they are working with - so just be prepared to do that, knowing they have most definitely seen a lot of unfortunate situations - and their intent is to help make you beautiful in your own eyes at the end of the day. As for your boyfriend situation - consider getting a couple very pretty industrial strength bras that you would feel sexy wearing when you are intimate. My sister had natural 32GGG boobs, and gravity was not her friend. She found some beautiful bras that had an almost lace-up corset look with ribbons, and satin, and lace - and she and her husband loved them. They were pricey - but not actually more than a Victoria Secret bra. Wish the best for you on this journey.


i also have boobs exactly like yours. i’m fortunate enough to let my boyfriend in and he helps make me feel so much better about them and he always tells me how beautiful they are. if he’s the right one he will help you on this journey and be understanding and patient. whenever i see my boobs i just think about all the women before me and how their partners loved them and fell in love with their body and mind and soul. hopefully this helps a little. ❤️❤️


Aw I have had the same problem mentally, altho my boobs are small and uneven. I am less self conscious with age (34F) but it’s still there. I have to actively remind myself that my body is not flawed. It’s just my body. The judgement and pressure society puts onto us to feel as if we’re meant to fit a certain mold of what beauty means - that is what is flawed. Our bodies are beautiful because they exist in a diverse landscape of what human bodies can look like. There’s no such thing as a beautiful boob or an ugly boob. There’s just boobs.


I didn’t like my boobs when I was younger because they were small and people would comment how big boobs are prettier and more feminine. 28 now and after having two kids my boobs are 32/36C and are like floppy sagging cucumbers and one sags more than the other so they are disproportionate. And UGH!! I hate them so much. My mom makes fun of them and makes me even more humiliated to even wear a swim suit. So I don’t and just wear a shirt over my swimsuit.


If you want to feel better about yourself remember that thousands of guys are typing your description into the search bar of every porn site going. You are a type. It's not the type that is on the front cover of Cosmopolitan. It's not the type that perhaps the majority of people might crave but it is a type that a lot of people either want in a woman or at least have zero negative feelings about. Porn is exploitative and not to be lauded but it really does show that men and women really are attracted to all types shapes and sizes. Don't be ashamed of yourself. Plenty of people would think they hit the jackpot if they were with you.


I just restarted the process of getting a breast reduction and lift cause not only do my breast make me look fat and there saggy, but also the cause me severe pain. Like it's so bad I've consistently wake up in pain from sleeping can't sleep on my front,back,and now my sides. The first time I stopped because of criticism and " don't change your, your too small for a reduction" talk plus a horrible experience with a breast doctor. But this time I went straight to a surgeon and I have a good chance of getting one. Maybe talk to your mom about how you feel and if it still acts like that see if you can find plastic surgeon in your insurance network to talk to.


Honestly enjoy your body, love what you were born with self love is what will boost your confidence and personally all boobs; shape, size, color they are all beautiful just need to find your supporters im sure all these people commenting are supportive and friendly


i promise no one cares as much as you. as someone who somewhat struggles with the same thing.


the thing i’ve had to learn is there’s really no ‘good looking boobs’. like you said, you only ever see people’s boobs at their best with a good supportive bra. without a bra, all boobs are just big heavy lumps of fat on our chests that sag and point in different directions, no natural breasts will be perfect and perky, and even if they are, that girl will probably think her boobs look weird also


I also hate mine, like i completelyunderstand the hatred of them and how they look. But my problem is kinda opposite. Mine are small, and never formed into proper globe shapes. Yes, we all have slight differences in things that come in pairs (one leg longer, one foot wider, one ear higher- those kinds of things) but my boobs are significantly different sized, completely different cup sizes! Hell, they never even produced milk when I had my kids. I've been over 400lbs, and down to 130lbs- they have never ever changed. Now that I'm older, and had 2 kids, gravity is doing its best to make the situation even worse. Woooooo boobs are dumb and gravity is an A-hole.


Find the subreddit that matches your boobs, and post there. I have some extraordinarily weird ones thanks to a hormone disorder during puberty and people (in the sub) actually LOVED them. My husband is obsessed with them. I’m in my forties now and wish I could give you the confidence of experience. I’ve been around the block A LOT, and have never heard anything bad about them, and tbh that’s saying a lot.


The description you gave is similar to mine, even close down to cup size. I struggle with the same thing, but i try to remember that everyones boobs look different. I am a piercing apprentice so i have seen lots of different boobs whilst assisting in the nipple piercing process. They range greatly from size, shape, perkiness, skin elasticity, texture, etc. Ive also been insecure about the flatness and small size of my nipples. I just got them pierced and its boosted my confidence, you could always try that if you are interested. There are procedures you can get done if you find a place that can do them safely. But try your best to remember that your body has done a lot for you and takes care of you, although it may be hard, appreciate it in any way you can and partake in some self care. ❤️


Don't worry darling we just love boobs no matter how they are


Get a reduction for health reasons. You won’t regret it. Excessively large breasts are bad for your back and shoulders and will inhibit your ability to exercise effectively. I can imagine humid weather would suck too with all the sweat and chaffing caused by your large breasts. People may say you are being silly but you know yourself better than them and you don’t need to live in discomfort for the entertainment of other people.


You have some deep seated body image issues that surgery will not address. Get some therapy. Also, as a straight guy, we love boobs. LOVE THEM. Give you BF a chance to love them too.


Own em


I feel you need a therapy to deal with your emotional issues about your body image first, then will move to surgical options when you bring yourself to be comfortable enough with medical professionals. I’m not sure the reduction will magically fix all the issues you have, it may but may not because the procedure is famously very painful long healing recovery time and it may traumatise you if you’re mentally unstable. If you’re busy with your school tasks etc you probably should focus on that for now, find cute workout outfits and start weight training if possible. (Only if you don’t do that) I know it won’t fix the issue but your boobs aren’t whole your body and personality, it’s just parts of it. If you hate them, valid the feeling but you can put effort on legs or arms or back etc you will be proud of. You need one person you can talk about it, highly recommend therapy. I’m not sure about the boyfriend if he is good for your mental health and soul. I’m not here to make any assumptions about him but you should evaluate carefully and realistically if this man is good for you or not. Take care. I know it isn’t about it but you’re beautiful.


Girl get a boob job. You will feel so so so much better after. ♥️🌹


No matter what “your boobs are perfect just the way they are” advice you get here, do what feels right for you. If your boobs bother you that much, go for it. Nothing wrong with getting a boob job at all aside of the expensive and recovery time.


Get the boob job you won’t regret it


Redditors are the best gaslighters on earth. No, not every set of boobs are attractive. Get a boob job if you feel you need to and move in with your life


Girl! I have the same size and cried in the bra store yesterday. The girl was great; she helped me with some super sexy and supportive options!! I left feeling like a new person for the first time in my life. I don't know where you live, but if you're in UT, I know a place that might help your self-esteem. Big boob issues are real. They kill your self-esteem.


You're beautiful. Stop searching for all the little imperfections in the mirror, when it comes with your body, your bf is the one you should trust :)


breast reduction can be covered by insurance. i got it at 21 and no regrets. your mom might not want to make you self conscious by bringing it up but i'm sure she'd understand if you broached the topic to go for a consult.


I’m 40 and hate my boobs I’m a 38DD but think pancakes bc breast feeding killed them. They look amazing on lingerie or bras etc but that’s i comfortable and annoying. I want a reduction and lift. I literally want to be a B cup and never have to wear a bra again. I have a few lbs more I want to lose them I’m going to do it this winter or next winter depending on scheduling. Whatever you choose to do, do if for yourself and your comfort. I would suggest therapy first to make sure it is what you want to do. Then do it if u can afford it.


Ugh I have pepperoni nips too :( I’ve always been super self conscious, but my husband loves my breasts so it has helped me see them in a better light. We’re our own worst critics sometimes- I’ve noticed that if we were bullied, we tend to bully ourselves because it’s what we know.


heya! i could’ve written this myself when i was 19. i had a 34JJ cup (uk sizing, translates to about 34O US) and i HATED IT. Exact same as you. i got a breast reduction at 19, went from JJ to about a D (they removed 2kg) and it was great! Mine grew back and i got diagnosed with some other stuff but bro when i tell you that’s one of the best choices i’ve ever made… not only did it help with back pain and just general pain and being uncomfortable, it helped the way i saw myself too. they basically cut off your nippels and remove a bit from the areola to fit your new breast type. mine also did a breast lift. i swear, even if you’re scared to tell your mom please do it if you think it’ll help in the long run. also, your body is yours only, even your mom has no actual reason to see your breasts if she asked you to. just like your bf. wishing you all the best <3 boobs are boobs, and even if you think yours are not “pretty”, believe me, some people would murder for yours.


wait did they sew back the niplles ? genuinely asking as I want to do the same


yeah they do lol, you might lose some feeling for the first few weeks tho


That's the nature of 32DD I guess, completely normal.


You do know that your mom probably has the same boob structure. Any guy worth your time and attention will not care about how your boobs look, but will care about you and your physical and mental well being..


I think a boob job might not even be such a bad idea. It’s expensive and I love telling people that they’re perfect as they are. But hearing you be so unhappy. I can understand not wanting to have saggy boobs at age 22. I hope you do your research well and will find a doctor that will listen to you and has a good track record.


Can you make a plan for getting a boob job in the future? Maybe set up a savings account just for that. Working towards that goal may make you feel a little better. In the mean time, cute, supportive lacy bras! I know those are hard to find these days, but there are some out there! (I buy old Victoria Secret ones on eBay 😂).


I think Insurance will pay for it if they cause back pain.


At the end of the day it’s your choice but I had an old co worker who was 20 at the time get a breast reduction and she stated it was the best thing she’d done.


It's not fun not liking something about your body, especially a part joked about. People can be terrible and their mental health is shit too. When I hear things like that I know that the person making that "joke" is insecure about themselves and are making themselves feel better by taking other people down. They are sad, but it does suck to hear it. You also care way more than other people.


Sorry you're feeling this way. I believe you're hyper focused on your tits in the wrong way. I'm confident your bf, your friends and even strangers love to see your tits. I think you got so used to hiding them from everyone and that's become the norm. You might need surgery at some point but right now it sounds like you want the perfect pair of tits vs health reasons. I'm going to tell you that you do have the perfect pair. Allow yourself to love yourself and your tits too. Become comfortable in your own skin is your journey


I understand you because I also have saggy breasts and I'm only 29 and have never been pregnant. I'm in the DDD zone. My boyfriend loves them, but I don't at all.


A significant majority of women with large breasts have similar issues with appearance without the scaffolding. You're actually with the majority here, your body is quite normal. I know this doesn't remove the insecurities you are experiencing with your body, but I'm hoping that understanding that your body is quite normal helps.


If they cause you discomfort, make your back hurt from the weight, etc. It is considered a medical issue and insurance will pay for a reduction.  Anyone on this thread who tells you how great boobs are doesn't understand what you're saying  I think you should talk to a doctor. There's no reason for you to show your boobs to your mom.  You're 22 years old. Will be on the age when you can determine whether or not you should have a surgical procedure even if you live at home and are on your parents insurance.  But I do think looking at it from a medical angle will be your best bet. Good luck. You should be comfortable in your own skin


I can understand you, but you should still try to trust your partner. If they like boobs and especially big boobs, they'll love yours if you let them play with them. I had 75F by the time I was 20 (Nordic measure, but I think it's a triple D), and they sack like all big boobs. My husband loved them, and that made me like them, too. There isn't anyone better to compliment you on your boobs than a loving partner who gets to have sex with you. Now, if they're a jerk, they'll reject you, but then you know you can tell them goodbye because they're not worth having.


I think what would help is to weigh the pros and cons of the situation. just remember, its only **your** decision what you do. dont let others make it for you. do what feels right for yourself, do what will make you genuinely feel happier. that way you wont have any regret later on ^(also talking with a therapist or counciler will help. they can help you work on your mental health and insecurities)


I can assure you that your boyfriend definitely loves every part of you equally and wouldn’t say anything horrible about you! I’m insecure about my nose, chin and stomach but my boyfriend says he loves everything about me and uplifts me so much!


I had a brest lift with reduction and after that I couldn't breastfeed my baby and yes I did ask about it before hand, they said it will be fine and it wasn't, I understand you are so young and probably don't think it matters right now but just in case you decide to go with a reduction remember this


I hate mine also, (18f) I’m hitting a 34H, I just hate the attention they bring me and the pain


This sounds EXACTLY like mine, except I’m a 32G. I’m not going to tell you to learn to love them, because I also know how uncomfortable they can be. All I would say is to not let your discomfort over them get in your own way. If Dr. Miami is what you need to be comfortable in and happy with your body, go for it.


I read that like “hate my boss” and entire time I was waiting when is the boss involved in this


Was your mom offering to pay for the job? I'd ask. The only reason I say that is that some of my own children (oldest ones) had issues of personally disliking their body parts, especially after losing a great amount of weight. I told them that no matter what it was, that if something ever bothered them that deeply, to come to me and I'd do my best to cover the process for them. The last thing I'd want is one of my children hating themselves for years (or forever) and feeling like they had no options. This life is too short to be despising the body you're in. I had children as a teenager and never had that option, so I made it available to them for any issue they ever had. I did tell them I'd like them to speak with a therpist first to make sure it was something they truly wanted to push through on. So... Ask your mother if she was just asking or if she was offering to help in this.


All boobs matter! Irrespective of shape and size


The breasts you see on tv, in movies, in commercials, etc are not indicative of real-life boobs that most- if not all men and women see and enjoy. On TV people work to make boobs appear a certain way, they look perky and perfect but that's not real life. In real life a woman removes her bra and her boobs drop down to a normal position. Unless you have small boobs or fake boobs it's not normal that they don't drop and hang with gravity! I'm 48 and sure my boobs don't hang down far because I dint have large breasts. Doesn't matter you age if you have real boobs they hang, some guys prefer large nipples which come with large and small breasts and some guys like smaller nipples which can come with large or small breasts. The majority of people have no real preference with small or large nipples they just love therm and love whatever breasts they are attached to! You have real life boobs with real life nipples not altered, taped up, make up on and all the other tricks that are used for TV and movies to make boobs appear perfect and perky and completely different than real life boobs. There is absolutely nothing wrong with yours either. Any girl with naturally large breasts has them hang down without support- that's real life/normal gravity. People that are attracted to boobs like all boobs, not just fake movie boobs. Most breasts don't match each other either there can be an entire size difference from one to the next and a nipple size difference, some are harder to tell because there's not much difference and some have a really big difference but no one cares! Most boob lovers don't notice at all, you notice because you see every flaw, you stare and feel and obsess but others don't even notice. They don't notice a size difference in breast or nipple, and even if they did, they don't say anything because they still love the boobs. They are so happy they get to enjoy the boobs they don't care at all! I promise you, they are so in love and happy to have them, touch them, kiss them, hold them, admire them- they do not care in the least! There have been so many women so worried about how their big floppy boobs look that they have got a reduction-due to looks only, not pain, and it makes their partners very sad and upset because they adored and worshipped those huge floppy boobies! They don't wanna hurt feelings so they pretend it's OK if there's a reduction and yes they still love their partner and they still love their boobs, but they loved the old ones just as much abs sometimes more than the new perkier ones! You need to look at boobs, real boobs. Pictures online of real women, not the altered ones. Not the fake ones. People that love huge boobs know they hang down! Where else would they be? Pointing straight out? Pointing up at your face? Of course they hang! They hang and they are worshipped by boob lovers. The bigger they are the further they'll hang lol that's just life! If they are not causing you physical issues then you simply need to work on your mental issues surrounding them. Even if you couldn't live without getting a reduction or some surgery you still need to work on loving your body. Don't be afraid to look online and see what real boobs look like and how many people love and worship those real saggy boobs! Please! I guarantee your boyfriend adores them, wants to see them, touch them, bask in their glory! All people who love huge boobs with huge nipples also love that they hang all over abs would happily suffocate in those things! You just need to realize no one else sees the flaws you think are there. No one else cares where they hang. No one else is thinking wow those are big nipples! No they think omg look at those large perfect nipples in those huge beautiful perfect boobies! And they are mine to enjoy! Let your boyfriend take off your shirt in the light, let him remove your bra, watch his face light the fuck up when he releases them and really gets to see them! I promise you- you will see the pure happiness in his eyes! You will see in his face what others see- not what you think they see. Yes there are lots of women that are jealous you have big boobs and they would trade in a heartbeat! They would be happy to have boobs hanging down with nipples to match! You have no idea. Please learn to love your body as it is now before ever thinking of changing it. Get therapy, look online at others, love what you have and then if you are still unhappy with the size start looking into a reduction or something but not until you realize you are the only one not loving your boobs. Anyone who wants to be intimate with you absolutely wants to see and love the boobs you have now exactly as they are! Very sorry that's so long, I just want to be sure you understand that it's only you thinking that way. People want to be intimate with you because they want to see those big boobs hanging down! They WANT that! They LOVE that! They fantasize about that! Tldr. Big boobies good! Lol Also sorry I can't find my glasses to proofread or spell check so hopefully everything in that novel is understandable! Also goodnight!


If your boobs are too big, get a reduction. It was the best thing I ever did. I suffered with bad head aches for years, had neck aches and shoulder pain as well. All disappeared after my reduction. It took me 20 years to get insurance to pay for it though. That still pisses me off.


Do you have insurance? If so, get a consultation about the pain they are causing you. And I promise, if they aren’t? They will. I know some insurance companies have covered it for health reasons. Blessings sweet girl. I’m 51 and understand.


Same!!!! They're pretty big and I am chubby too now I am slowly reducing but they have no intention of reducing 😭 But I'm not insecure ... I just want them to get smaller so I can wear whatever I want 🥲


When I was in first grade a teacher got me on the head with a else to make me be quiet, my mom called the cops 😍🥳🥳🥳


First, no one has to see your boobs if you don't want them to. That includes your partner during sex and your mom/friends if you tell them you want a breast reduction. If they're saying things like "it can't be that bad, let me see" - your response should be "your opinion on my breasts won't change my opinion on them. I'm looking for support, not a challenge." If you want the surgery, get the surgery. Either way, I would advise you to look into therapy because you've traumatized yourself with all these years of negative thoughts. You don't have to "love your body" but you shouldn't hate it either. Hope you feel better just getting this out there.


I’m not in line with most commenters but I honestly think surgical options are worth it. It’s something you’ll see and appreciate every day. And I absolutely understand the need to love and appreciate your body, but it is just a body, one that changes all the time, so it’s not so precious that you can’t change it on purpose.


Get the surgery, make yourself happy. I know a few people have said guys or anyone else in general don’t care or whatever, but you do, and that’s the only thing that matters. If you have the money, or the means to finance it and it’s not radically financially irresponsible, then do it. If you’re concerned at all with breastfeeding in the future as some people have brought up: > You can breastfeed after having breast augmentation, and breastfeeding with implants is safe. **Source:** [Cleveland Clinic](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/can-you-breastfeed-with-breast-implants) Read the whole article though for a complete understanding of the risks of reducing milk supply etc if that aspect of the surgery concerns you.


I am 36G. I have had some tig ole bitties my whole life. Let me guess, you wish to conform to the itty bitty titty clan, like Zendaya. Well, you know what, women come in all shapes and sizes. Wtf good is going to do you to feel self-conscious over such an integral part of you? I say free them. Free them for you man and free them for yourself. Look in the mirror with them hanging. Look at yourself provocatively. Be silly. Dance naked. But own your fucking body. Don't let this world OR YOURSELF SHAME YOU. Your breast are apart of you AND THEY ARE GORGEOUS.


Get the surgery definitely. I’m sure you look great and it’s not as a big a deal to other people as you might think but it’s clearly a big deal to you. Might be worth seeing a therapist too to talk about how much shame and discomfort you’re feeling.


I'm (22) 34 DD and your description is as similar to what I have. I used to hate it too i still sometimes do (when I'm not able to wear that cute top which looks so good on a woman with smaller boobs or when I have a doubt about my outfits always being a little too sexy.) but now idk I love my cleavage most of the time I do not like the sagging still that's irritating cannot even go bra free but my partners have always adored it. Whenever I've told them I don't like my boobs and I used to try and hide it as much as I could they used to say it's too beautiful to hide. Don't feel bad about yourself talk to your partner and your mom as well. You still want that surgery then get it when you have your funds arranged but even if you didn't get it, you'll still be amazing. I used to think the first thing I'll do when I have money of my own is to get them done but now I feel that is not a necessity. At the end of the day you should be happy with whatever you choose to do and how to be.


You dont know how many men would kill to have those pepperoni nips smacking them in the face, honestly


I have huge boobs. I'm not overweight. I also have big areolas. Let me tell you, no man has ever complained and I get nothing but compliments. You're probably being too hard on yourself! But do what you need to do to be comfortable with your own body.


If you are worried about your boyfriend, i’m sure he’d love to see your boobs more. Idk many men that would not want to see or play with their girlfriend’s titties during intimacy. He might not want to press it since you’ve made it obvious to him you are self conscious about them. I’d say have a real conversation about how you feel.


Umm.. 99% of people will love them lol you’re def overthinking this


[Bare reality](https://www.lauradodsworth.com/bare-reality-photography) by Laura Dodsworth is a compilation of breasts, penises, vaginas & vulvas to show that there is no normal.


I (34F) had 32-34DD by the time I was 16 I think. A few comments from my experience 1. If you intend to have children and breastfeed, hold off the breast surgery until after that. Both for aesthetic and functional reasons. 2. You most probably will have back issues because of the weight, so start doing exercises that help with shoulder and back muscles 3. I know you are self-conscious like I was at a younger age, but trust me other people think your breasts are yummy. My husband isn't even a breast man, and yet he loves putting his face into them. Altering a completely healthy, functional and pretty (as per current cultural norms) body part surgically because you don't like it isn't the best mental health option. Once your breasts are gone your mind might focus on something else like your new breasts or another body part. Ask your boyfriend, would he prefer to sleep with you with a shirt on or off. I am pretty sure he will excitedly tell you to take the shirt off and might even enjoy looking and touching them during the act.


I completely understand how you’re feeling. I felt the same way when I was younger. As I’ve grown, 30 now, I’ve learned to love my body. I’ve even gained weight and am not in the same shape I was when I was in my early 20s. But I’m more confident now than I ever was. What changed is my love and acceptance for myself and my body. I think its just growing up and realizing that life’s much more lovely when you just accept yourself, criticizing yourself and having negative self talk is something everyone constantly faces, but I tell myself, I’d never talk to a friend that way, why would I talk to myself that way? Things that helped me: therapy, surrounding myself with genuine and loving friends, cutting out social media when I’m feeling negative and comparing myself to others, making time for hobbies and self care, and learning how to dress for my figure to compliment my curves and embrace them. Best of luck my friend! I hope you can start a new journey of self love and compassion!


I know it probably won't mean much, but honestly i think all boobs are great, i am sure yours are as well. And i would bet your partner thinks so. If you want to go for a surgery, if you don't identify in your body or they get in the way of your daily life, go for it, but know that probably you are overthinking it and you are a gorgeous woman, large boobs and all


I feel for you. I definitely understand insecurities. I doubt anyone would really be turned off, but that doesn't change how you feel. I have a close friend who has really large breasts. Since she was a teen. Wears 3 bras, I think she was a g/h cup. She was always skinny too, not too tall. She loved to run but couldn't. It was a 2 person job to try to get them under control so she could at least jog, but it was still so painful. She got a reduction. They were amazing at first. It looked so painful, but the incisions healed well. 5 years later they grew back to original size at least. Dr said it's extremely rare, but I feel so bad for her.


I feel for you. I definitely understand insecurities. I doubt anyone would really be turned off, but that doesn't change how you feel. I have a close friend who has really large breasts. Since she was a teen. Wears 3 bras, I think she was a g/h cup. She was always skinny too, not too tall. She loved to run but couldn't. It was a 2 person job to try to get them under control so she could at least jog, but it was still so painful. She got a reduction. They were amazing at first. It looked so painful, but the incisions healed well. 5 years later they grew back to original size at least. Dr said it's extremely rare, but I feel so bad for her.


>I’m a 32DD >when we first started dating, he told me he was a boob guy when I asked if he preferred boobs or butts You don’t say


I switched to my alt account to comment but your boobs sound amazing . Believe me when I say there are lots of people that are into this and will really enjoy your body. That being said my wife had similar build and even though I loved them she didn’t and after we were done having kids she got a reduction. It made her feel much better and she could workout much easier. It would be worth a consult for sure. Good luck and love youself


You are not alone. I feel your pain and I send you nothing but love and support on this (no pun). I have the same feelings about my chest specifically. And I’m responding from a throw away for the same reasons you posted from one. It’s a topic that causes me a lot of heartache. I inherited my grandmothers breasts. Like you- they’re genetically large. So loss of body fat doesn’t change them much. But Gaining body fat makes them horrific. I was a professional ballet dancer and even at the peak of my career with very low body fat, by breasts were still disproportionately large and always at the forefront of my mind. I had to work hard to ensure they were never a reason to replace me. Even now that I’m retired from ballet, I’m still extremely athletic and my breasts are still my bane. Always in my way. Always making me feel conspicuous and lopsided. I’m 5’5” 115 lbs. I don’t feel comfortable in my clothes unless I’m wearing an SheFit. And dance (which I still do 7 days a week) is literally impossible without one or these bullshit breasts will give me a black eye and make me hate everything. I’ve consulted a plastic surgeon on the topic of a reduction and it’s simply an issue of expense for me. My husband is my saving Grace. He makes sure I know how he sees me and reminds me that no one notices them the way I do. But it’s still very hard and emotionally painful. Sending you all the love in the world and hope that you find relief from the pain of hating your body. With all my heart 🤍


I relate. I’m fat but even before I gained weight they were big. I hate how saggy mine are.


This is negative self-talk, which isn't healthy at all. You don't have to approach and judge your body this way. You control your own perception and self body image.


Girl, I've had the same boobs but bigger, 38DD, since I was 15, saggy, huge areolas, Grandma boobs. I know they suck and guys stare at them a lot because of their size. I wish I could get reconstruction surgery without scars to make them perky and pretty but that's not possible so I just deal with it. I always forget how huge they are until I see them in pictures lol


I hear what you’re saying, but consider this: everyone has insecurities. Attractiveness fades, but loving partners want to please their partners, not their partners’ boobs. If you’re really that unhappy, get the surgery. Doctors are great and can help a lot. Consider a mental health doctor consultation before going under the knife. Both kinds of healthcare seem appropriate in this case. Good luck!


i’ve never related to a post more


I’ll be the judge of that


I've never met a guy that didn't love every single boob they came into contact with. You might not like then but i guarantee your boyfriend loves them.


Body parts come in all shapes and sizes. You only think you are in a minority because of what they show on tv or online. Do what feels right for you. If they cause you pain, a reduction may be covered by insurance. As far as nipple shape & color, I can attest that they change with pregnancy and childbirth. The areolas get darker and more defined. I hope you can learn to love yourself and your boobs no matter what you decide to do! 🩷


I’m sorry you’re going through this OP. As a man I can’t pretend to know how you’re feeling. But I can understand insecurities. As others have said usually others don’t see our insecurities as bad as we see themselves ourselves. I’m saying this as a man with many insecurities. More to the point my wife has a similar insecurity about her breasts. And used to hate them before we got together because of their large size. She still does but I believe it has gotten better when she shared her insecurity with me. Let me tell you her “flaw” couldn’t be farther from reality. I love her body and I love her boobs. I’m too am a boob guy. I wouldn’t change anything about them. As a guy let me tell you. That guys especially boob guys appreciate all boobs. Especially if they like large boobs they will be over the moon with boobs as yours. No matter the shape or areola size or nipple size. Boobs are beautiful each in their own way.


As someone who was already a 34G in my early 20s, I get this more than you know. Boobs are terrible and make life significantly harder. Please know you aren’t alone in the misery. That may not help, but it’s good knowing people understand. It’s so frustrating with all the pain and lack of comfort and nice clothing, yet people will always roll their eyes at your complaining.


Idk what you choose sexuality wise but I heard men say this so as a representative for the girlys I’ve never once seen a pair of boobs and not been incredibly happy afterwards im personally just happy to be there. But I do also get boob insecurity so I personally know that it’s a hard think not to get into you head about but just know we are all our own worst haters and that what you might find ugly someone else will love. 💕