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No way! I deleted IG and TT but damn this livestream would have been fun to watch!


Taylorswifthockybro on YouTube does some Good live streams!


He saves them too so you can rewatch them


There are good live streams on YouTube!


I Just woke up.. What the fuck is going on!!!! Is just long elaborated dream.... My brain just can't process aahhh


I never ever could have predicted this but man, I love it.


I was in the audience tonight and the way we all screamed when he appeared! I thought he did it really well, it was funny and not overplayed.


So jealous! You had such a great show I hope you had the best night ever!!!


i managed to film the exact moment because i love the transition between the two songs, and its so funny to rewatch it!


I really hope she's on new heights soon. This is so cute


Him carrying her and reviving her after she’s brought down by the Smallest Man, just the most fun thing I’ve seen in a while! And putting on her makeup and making the “go smile” face — perfect! Well done Trav!


Isn’t the whole concept that she’s being forced to put on a brave face when she’s actually depressed?


You can focus on that part of you want to! Doing this in London, I’m just getting color back into my face!


But she gets color back into her face by taking her life into her own hands. Not by a man picking her up and putting it on her face. There is almost a metaphor there. The “makeup” color back into her face is still a coverup .


She’s already done that. She doesn’t need a man to do that. But she has one, and chose to bring him on stage to do exactly that!


Exactly. It’s actually kind of gross in my opinion that her boyfriend and supposed love is the one pushing her broken body onto stage and telling her to just smile and perform. It’s definitely more morbid than romantic.


I agree! Even if the first concept was true (he’s saving her from a broken heart), I still think that’s also gross and not something that should be celebrated. The idea that she needs a man to save her from another man is not the greatest message.


Agreed. Either way it’s problematic. In the second she’s just repeating the same old patterns of jumping from relationship to relationship and saying “he’s the one!” Without actually taking anyone to heal herself or work on herself. It’s the same tragic pattern and as all the times before it won’t end well.


Right?! To me it seems like he’s playing the role of one of the men in suits forcing her to perform for everyone. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the performance and it was super cute. But he wasn’t playing a romantic role in this at all.


I definitely agree! She’s literally wearing a Victorian era circus outfit and the three men are dressed like Victorian circus directors. They’re pushing the artist onto the stage to perform when she’s not feeling great. Travis even dances like a monkey towards her then points towards the stage whilst she mouths ‘no’, and the lyrics are ‘all the pieces of her shattered as the crowd was chanting “more”!’. I genuinely don’t see how it could be any clearer.


STOPP that’s so cute!




This was SO CUTE


So cute!


When I first heard he was onstage I kind of groaned, because, what? I was picturing like him wandering onstage during the surprise songs or something. But then I saw it and it’s so funny and totally works for the moment. Any naysayers should remember she has done over 100 of these shows now and it’s fun to mix things up with something that’ll get people laughing and talking.


And it was the perfect part of the show to have him participate. Honestly she could do this every night and have a new celeb come out and play this part like she did with 1989. It’s the one part where the person can get on and off the stage quickly and safely, it’s during a transition of a song and not during the actual song, and it doesn’t require actual choreography. Just requires a little slapstick improv and that’s it! It’s not even a part where Kam and Jan (the other men) were already on the stage and Travis had to somehow come out alone. They pop out and go back down - perfect for a guest


I love that it was this song!! Like he is her inspiration and what got her past her broken heart. OMG I love it love it love it!


Not what it actually is. He is the one telling her to perform and just smile and get on with the show, not the one inspiring her. It’s actually kind of icky


Omg, i didn’t understand why i suddenly got so many reels about this specific part of the show, in not a single one of them did i realize it was travis and not a dancer


i died dead when i saw


I’m amazed at how she was able to keep a straight face! Talk about staying in character. 🤣 Such a fun addition!




I was watching the live. I was trying to finish the chapter of the book I was reading before the surprise songs. I glanced at my phone and saw him and said “that looks like Travis” to my niece then went back to reading. It took like another two minutes before I realized it was Travis. 😭 but I was soooo excited and shocked.


I just saw this on YouTube and thought for sure it was some click bait bullshit at first but it was actually true and really fucking cute 😭


So much chemistry lol


And the fact that she kept a straight face through that!


I was there last night I nearly died when I saw him.


I'm sobbing, his top hat 🥹


So goals and so happy for them


AND THIS WAS MY SHOW!!!! still thanking my lucky stars 🤍


I can’t even ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️




I love that about her! That's why I'm a fan.


This pic is my wallpaper. I love this couple so much, y'all. And all the symbolism in this whole segment...Travis picking up Taylor, the brush, the smiles and encouragement, the silly dancing... Travis picked Taylor up and put all her pieces back together after both Joe and Matty shattered her. He brushed her off and set her back on her feet. He provided encouragement with TTPD. He makes her laugh. If these two aren't true love, then true love doesn't exist. And if these two aren't relationship goals, then I don't know what is. Tayvis Swelce gives me so much hope.


Do you think that needing to be saved by a man is not a great message to put out there, though? She’s a successful, smart, grown woman - she can put her own life back together! I don’t get why people think it’s cute.


HE sought HER out, not the other way around. Make sure you remember that. He even admitted it on an episode of New Heights.


I mean that’s not actually what’s happening. In the context of the song he’s actually just another person pushing her on stage and telling her to smile despite knowing she’s so depressed. “I’m miserable and nobody knows” couldn’t be more fitting for what’s actually happening


Pretty sure you're wrong. And countless Swifties would agree with the theory of Travis picking up the pieces, brushing her off, and encouraging her to keep going instead of succumbing to depression. In fact, I wasn't the first Swiftie to posit this theory, nor will I be the last.


Just because the hive brain comes up with a theory doesn’t make it true. The cool thing about theories is that they aren’t proven true and it’s just something you believe. You have yours and I have mine, neither of them are proven true. You just want it to be true and so it’s the narrative you create.


So I was looking at your profile and noticed that you're a member of a subreddit that bashes Taylor. They're known for banning Swifties, and they like to post anti-Taylor things. It's not a good subreddit to belong to if you're actually a Taylor Swift fan.


Are you being serious? One it’s quite weird that you feel comfortable policing me and telling me what things I can and can’t be a part of if I’m a fan of Taylor Swift and what’s good for me and what isn’t. First, I’ve been a fan since I was 16. I’m the same age as Taylor. I’m an original fan and my appreciation for her and her music won’t change just because I also hear critical opinions about her. Second, they also post a lot of wonderful and thoughtful things about Taylor. I’ve actually seen so much defending of and standing up for Taylor on that sub. Third, reflect on why you feel you can only be a fan if you feel positively about everything Taylor 24/7. That’s problematic. I think for myself and don’t allow a hive mind of positivity or negativity to control my thoughts.


The dancers are literally slapping her and telling her to wake up, and she is expressing that she doesn’t want to perform. The lyrics are ‘I’m so depressed I act like it’s my birthday’ / ‘all the pieces of me shattered as the crowd was chanting more’. I don’t see how it can get more obvious than this.


You can believe whatever is spouted off in the anti-Taylor subreddit. That's on you. Neither Taylor nor Travis have stated either way what the symbolism is, but I have a feeling the majority is correct.


beginning of the tour she’s doing it with a broken heart now she’s so happy and having fun onstage!


Right? Now she’s blowing kisses to her boyfriend who is on stage beaming at her.


There will be another man under her soon


I dunno. I think this may be it - two desperate fame whores have found one another.


Mmm that boy whipped