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A lady I work with started wearing masks during covid and realized she's allergic to pretty much everything outdoors, so kept wearing it all the time away from home for the newfound ability to breathe. I don't care what they have on their face so long as they leave me alone in my crocs and jammy pants. It makes no difference in my life and may make a huge one in theirs. *edit typo


Yeah, I live somewhere that the air quality is regularly pretty shitty. So I don't really give a second thought to seeing folks outside and/or by themselves in masks. There is a number on the aqi where I do the same. Also, there are times I'd like to wash my hands before removing my mask. I'd rather just keep wearing it than be touching my ears/face/glasses with dirty hands.


I definitely drove in my n95 and wore it outside when the AQI was terrible here (northeast). I was getting migraines and it helped.


This is actually why I still wear a mask, allergies.


fr I never stopped wearing a mask and I feel so much better. I havent been sick in years, my allergy sniffles have gone down, and a mask is DEFINITELY the move if I go for a nighttime bike ride because it prevents bugs from flying in my mouth which they seem to love to do so much for some reason.. covid just made me realize how functional they are in general


Yep this. I wear masks during allergy season (best I felt in years) and when I come down with a head cold or other vital fun I wear a mask when I use our car so I'm not sneezing all over the steering wheel and then letting my husband get my sloppy seconds. In this case sharing is not caring.


I wish more people were like this. So much


My wife likes to the wear her mask sometimes when she’s lazy to do makeup, or when her breath stinks 😛


If her breath stinks, wearing a mask would be awful! It's why I use Listerine on days where I mask up.


Exactly. As someone who’s also allergic to the air (got tested lol and pretty much am allergic to all pollen that’s in the air) it actually never occurred to me how helpful it is to wear a mask, I just noticed I can breathe better and don’t sound sickly with my sinuses all flared up. Idk why ppl still have issues with other ppl wearing masks as it doesn’t affect nor apply to them. But I guess that makes it an unpopular opinion.


Hello. I have scar tissue in my throat, that periodically gives me issues. Some of these mean my throat will sometimes bleed as it tries to scab over. This is incredibly painful and causes a very dry cough. It makes breathing hurt, and breathing makes me need to cough. I've worn masks for years for this. It makes the air I breathe a lot less dry, as well as usually warmer and slower. This makes it hurt less to breathe as well as reduces the need to cough. I know this isn't what you're referring to, but just for everyone to know, people have their own struggles. You don't know what's going on in their life or their motivations for the actions they take.


Exactly and no one should feel the need to justify why they are wearing a mask to anyone because guess what? It’s none of your concern. It doesn’t effect you at all and you judging someone for it says a lot more about you than it does about them.


Yeah OP says “not counting people doing it for medical reasons” as if they’re knocking on everyone’s window and confirming who’s who


Big "but you don't LOOK disabled" energy


I fucking loath people who say that shit. I’ve gotten it way too often.


OP can smell disabilities


But he can TELL!


I wear masks outside because it turns out they’re great for allergies.


100%! Also my allergies gives me a month-long cough every year around September, and wearing a mask seems to make people around me feel better.


Ah, ragweed season! My favorite time of year! /s


They’re awesome in the cold too


Winter with masks was a game changer


Definitely helps during pollen season.


We were wearing masks outside before covid because of all the wildfire smoke. Mask mandates are gone now but the wildfire smoke is still here. 🤔


I have been wearing a mask since 2020, and thus far, I have skipped 3 flu seasons, 2 allergy seasons, and 3 cold seasons. Got Covid 4 times, but tbh I'll take a Covid a year if it means I miss out on the rest


I’ve worn a mask since middle school when I started long distance running. If I don’t my nose runs, and I sneeze non stop. Ive also worn a mask in my car alone on the way to pick up my family member from chemotherapy


I've been masking since before covid because of severe allergies. Allergens are still on the air even if I am alone.


Seeing someone on the highway, alone in their car and wearing a mask, is one of my favorite jokes. Because I feel like we've all seen it. I get that maybe they're lazy, forget it's on because they wear it so much, whatever. It's still funny. Fun edit - I don't think I've ever gotten so many reddit notifications in a day. Do what you feel is right my friends. If I get a laugh from it, be glad to put a smile on someone's face ♥️


When you wear a mask for work everyday you do honestly forget it's on. I've on several different occasions taken a break then went to put a mask on after to realize later that I just put a second mask on top of the first.


Fair point.


I always assume those people are like Uber drivers between rides. I haven’t worn a mask in a long time at this point, but when I see Uber drivers/cashiers or anyone in the service industry wearing them I think it makes sense since you potentially come into contact with hundreds of people a day.


This is what I always think too, it’s gotta be easier than ripping it off for two minutes and putting it back on again.


Other peoples germs don't magically disappear from the car when they do either.


And then there’s that too.


How dare you make assumptions that are rational and don’t put other people down!?!


Yeah! Get him, Lads!!


Most original Reddit comment


Most rational Reddit comment


Don’t worry someone will be upset. Rational thought is in short supply for a far to large number of people.


If I can't let my emotions dictate how others should behave, what good are emotions?!?!!? /s just in case


I had to wear one work and caught myself wearing it alone driving just because I forgot


When I was waiting for my test result, I would wear a mask alone in my car on the way to get my kids before they could get vaccinated. I can't help them 100%, but I can still do something (helps that knowing me i would lose my mask or step on it if it left my face haha, and it is a short car ride)


I wore one anytime I was driving my dad's car because he was severely compromised. Would've had air particles from me if I didn't, seems like a common sense thing to do because I was exposed at work several times and I had to be able to take him up doctors appointments.


Or they're currently positive and its a shared vehicle.


Back during the height of mask mandates, in the winter, I would wear my mask driving because it was warm! Also, I have long hair and I wear my stocking hat in the winter, so it was a pain to pull the hat on and off to adjust my mask between stops and my hair was getting tangled in the ear pieces. So I just kept it on to save time. I’m from a very red state so it’s shocking to me to see people driving with masks on still.


As an RN I can tell you that I’ve forgotten mine many times


I can almost guarantee you they forgot the mask was on. I accidentally did this all the time during the shutdown.


Or they *finally* got it into a position where it's not fogging up their glasses and they don't want to fuck it up in the 15 minutes it'll take them to drive to their next thing


EXACTLY why i left mine on in the car. I refuse to fiddle-fuck with it for literally 5 minutes when i get where I'm going. So it stays on when i get it into that magical position. Fuck judgmental people in the car beside us making up an entire reality about how stupid we are lol


Never forgot to take my mask off (it came off asap), but did stop by the grocery store after work once, got back in my car and realized I still had my earplugs in and my safety glasses on. So I can certainly see where that could happen with a mask!


I forgot my mask on before, 45 minute drive on the highway alone in the van. I realized I still had it on when I got to the grocery store. After a half an hour of shopping I realized I also had my knee pads on it, as well.


But but you didn’t suffocate?


This made me laugh so hard I almost suffocated.


Yup. I would forget so often that I had it on. Ha. I’d be at a stoplight realize I had it on and be like, WTF.


Yep, usually I’d grab my water bottle and only realized it was on when I tried to take a drink


I have no idea how this could happen, wearing a mask was all sweaty and heavy. But then again I only wore it for an hour max at a time


Maybe bc I had nice quality ones but I rapidly forgot I had it on during 10-12 hour shifts wearing it basically 100% of the time except when eating/drinking. But everyone’s different, we all have our own tolerance for certain things.


They could also have just been out and leave it on so that they don’t have to / accidentally touch their face.


I saw a video somewhere of a guy riding his motorcycle with a mask on, but no helmet.


Some people just still take COVID crazy seriously. Look at the sub ZeroCovidCommunity, I’m not going to tag them because I lurk there and don’t want to get banned I saw a post where a guy was talking about his precautions. He wore his mask from the moment he left his house and never took it off even when outside or in his car, he would go 10+ hours without eating or drinking any water. Wore eye protection, didn’t touch their phone or even their own clothes, and used hand sanitizer every 20 minutes while away from their house. Hadn’t been out to eat, to a movie, or on a plane in 3 years. They disinfected every surface they came in contact with and carried around an air quality tester. They lived alone but would still wear their mask for a full hour after they got home so their air filter had time to cycle all the air in their house


Here’s another way of looking at it- they live in the United States and with the state of healthcare they can’t afford to get sick. It’s basically catastrophic if they do. As long as they’re not bothering you. Before the vaccines, paxlovid, the other things we can treat, I would say mask up. Now that we’ve got known treatments I’m less masking-you do you. I’ve been vaccinated 5x. I’ve gotten Covid once pre vaccine. I also am diabetic, work in healthcare. I mask up because I hate feeling when I’m sick. I didn’t mask going to concerts but I sure did mask up on the plane. But we also tell patients to mask up who have extreme allergies when they’re outside. Like debilitating allergies. Or those who are going through cancer treatments which we see. So yes there are those who are more risk averse which is okay- that’s their life. My parents who are in their 70s and still treating patients both came down with Covid the last month which is scary but they have treatments. They’ve come back to masking when seeing patients.


It's almost like it is so unburdensome, that people forget they are wearing it.


It’s amazing what you can forget you have on. I had a semi-heavy microphone I wore to teach a few years ago. I wore that thing home so many times.


People wear it for the same reason they wear gloves in the car. UV radiation is pretty bad for your skin, so they cover up


I forget to take mine off all the time and then I have a good laugh at myself.


Right! Those wannabe ninjas! 🥷


Probably ride share drivers.


I thought these people were silly until I forgot to take it off in my car. It was the dead of winter and it kept me surprisingly warm. I continued to leave it on in the harsher weather.


I keep mine on outside in the winter-- it really is so nice and warm when it's freezing out.


>forget it's on because they wear it so much Happened to me when the mandate first started. Grabbed a coke out of the break room at work, popped the top... and dumped half of it down my shirt because I forgot I had a mask on.


So taking it on and off can actually end up compromising the mask. I have to assume that the person needs it on where they're heading and deemed it proper to not remove it during the trip.


The funniest part is the people who get personally offended by other people wearing masks. Like, I get it. You don't like them. Not my problem. All through the pandemic, I would wear my mask for my 10-hour shift and then just, not think to take it off once I got in the car. During the winter it kept my face warm so it was nice.


Lazy? That's honestly what you're assuming to be a probable reason?


If they’re delivering food, it could deff be something similar. Sometimes I would just drive with my mask on because it got annoying constantly taking it on and off 6 times a delivery.


….annnnd wearing surgical gloves I mean come on?


Taking a mask off and on repeatedly is more irritating to my skin. There are a lot of reasons to just keep it on.


i live in a very touristy area of the rockies, and a few weeks ago i saw a person who was by themself taking a photo at a scenic turn off on the highway, and they had a mask on…


It's such a non issue that normal people forget they are there.


I struggled with it - I think it was a sensory issue


Im pretty claustrophobic and that was a struggle at first. I really don't like my face being covered.


People have all kinds of reasons for doing so, and it's not my business. It hurts no one so it shouldn't bother anyone. And you can't tell if someone is immune compromised by looking at them, nor do you know if they live with someone or are close to someone who is compromised. I just try to make a habit of not concerning myself with things that don't affect me or anyone else.


Honestly, where I live, people wear masks like that all the time. It's due to air quality here, pollen, wildfire smoke, and other pollution that makes some people sick. (I live in the grass seed capital of the world) Some people who wear them alone in a car maybe picking up an immuno compromised person and don't want to chance getting them sick. Others are simply paranoid. However, it's impossible to pick out the who's who of mask wearing. 😷


I worked 12 hr shifts in a clean room wearing mask and safety glasses. You just get used to it because you have to. Then it is not something you even think about. Plus go to SEA and everyone wears them all the time and it is just a normal thing. Sadly it is only the 1st world countries that treat wearing masks in public as issue, much less to comment on other people wearing them.


I wore a mask all the time before Covid because my mom lived with us and was immunocompromised and had stage IV COPD so couldn't get sick. Literally no one ever said anything to me and no one cared when asked to wear masks if they came over to visit. Then Covid happened and everyone starts freaking out about it and going all crazy about masks, refusing to wear them and making a huge deal out of it (I live in Texas). It was like living in the Twilight Zone because these same people would put on a mask before with no problem and now (when there was a pandemic) it was like I was asking some of them to kill a puppy or something. Now that a lot of people aren't wearing masks or anything, but I still do, people say things (like OP) all the time. It's like "Why do you care? Why should I feel like I have to explain private health information to you otherwise you call me lazy or stupid or something?" Ridiculous.




I actually have seasonal allergies to grass and tree pollen, wearing a mask during allergy season does give me some relief.


I picked up someone from the airport yesterday and wore a mask on the way there because I'm under the weather and didn't want to get them sick by filling the car with any potential viral load. It's not paranoid, it's common courtesy.


It feels like people forget, including OP, that people wear masks to be considerate of others. I've never found it weird seeing people in their car wear masks. If you are sick, why wouldn't you want to help reduce the spread of germs in your car? If seeing someone wearing a mask alone makes you think any differently towards them, in this case thinking they are paranoid, then you should look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, "Why the fuck am I so hyper focused on what people I will never meet again are wearing".


Thanks for being kind


Person could be sick and doesnt want to spread their germs, they might also have issue with the air quality and the mask helps them. They probably have reasons, even if they didnt, they can do what they want.


I once wore a mask while walking alone to pick up food from a restaurant just because I had a really nasty zit that I didn’t want to pop lol


This is me. I occasionally wear one if I don’t want to do makeup and have bad acne outbreak lol




Many people wear masks for allergies and such. Not sure what the big deal is.


They probably just don't want to put them on and take them off constantly. Like if you're on a five minute car ride to the grocery store, it's probably easier to just leave the damn thing on. IDK though, some people are weird.


Would be my best guess. For everyone who **hates** wearing a mask there are just as many people who just don’t give a shit. Forget that it’s even there like a piece of jewelry. It’s funny but who cares ultimately?


Thank you. I don't go to a cafe, sit down and take my shoes off since I'm not walking... why should I remove a mask simply because others aren't around and it's not bothering me?


>They probably just don't want to put them on and take them off constantly. I remember when people were upset about seeing workers in places like a restaurant with masks, and their issue was "Well, when you put them on and take them off, you're getting your hands all over the thing that's catching all of the germs"...but then you leave your mask on, and it's still somehow an issue. 😅 I have long hair and a pony tail most days, so when I'm driving in between errands, I'll just keep the mask on so I don't have to re-do my hair every time (yes, I do need to still wear the mask in public per doctor recommendations because of a health issue *and* my specific treatments).


Yeah, cuts down on the amount of sanitizing/washing needed if you just touch your face twice to put it on and off instead of removing it all the time.


Also probably doesn't bother them same as wearing glasses when you don't need them.


That's my assumption too. I don't wear a mask anymore unless I'm with someone immunocompromised or going to somewhere high risk like the doctor's office or hospital, but back when I did routinely wear one, I'd often just leave it on if I was going to need it again shortly. Maybe mind your own business?


Conservatives are genetically incapable of minding their own business bc they view anything even slightly deviating from the norms they've seen on TV as a symptom of societal rot and degeneration.


Yeah sometimes I forget to take them off and didn’t realize until I already started to drive because it’s not so bothersome. I don’t suffocate and die like some large population of people.


Now that’s mask wearing has been normalized I wear mine for asthma reasons on days the air quality is low. I’m very sensitive to the wildfire smoke that’s been in the air in North America. I’ll take it off driving as inside the car it’s never as bad but I do forget especially if it’s just a medical mask and not a n95


In your second edit you say you’re not referring to anyone who is immunocompromised or has medical issues but how do you know that anyone you see wearing one isn’t?


It's funny because there are a lot of reasons to do it from pollution to alegies. Sometimes will just forget they are wearing them. Happened more than a few times leaving work that I wouldn't realize I was wearing mine as I didn't really think about it.


We are officially in the Brawndo generation.


you mean like, from the toilet?


Starbucks?? I don't have time for a handjob


It’s got what plants crave!


When I was in Asia, I learned people wear masks for all sorts of things. Cold weather. Air pollution. Anonymity. Covering pimples. Etc. Lesson: it's not hard to mind your own damn business


Yes if everyone wore a mask when they were sick and out and about everyone would be better off.


People don’t just wear mask because of Covid people also wear mask due to bad air quality especially if you have asthma it might be best for you to wear a mask as far as people wearing them in the car. Why does it bother you? Does it also bother you when people are walking around with one earbud in with no music playing like who cares? It quite literally does not affect you one bit.


Some folks have bad lungs for a variety of reasons including asthma, and and the air quality has been atrocious. Harsh judgment towards people for doing things that have zero bearing on others is in style these days I guess. We have an empathy crisis.


I have a cold and chose not to spread it..


Thank you for that


Yup, when the air quality was terrible this summer because of the wildfires, I went out to water my plants with an N95 on. Didn't give a crap what the neighbors thought; I wasn't about to flare up my asthma.


I think it’s more weird that it bothers some people so much. Sure, I might do a double take if I notice someone alone in their car wearing a mask (which I’ve done before realizing I had left it on), but I’m not gonna make a post about it making fun of or getting irrationally angry at them.


It’s not even weird. For us it’s flu season or allergy season. So why would we want to risk breathing in airborne illnesses or pollen or whatever? Even if weren’t not sick or susceptible to getting sick easily.


It's easier than taking them off and putting them on every 6 minutes


A lot of people realized how easy it is to breath while wearing a mask due to allergies. Unless you're asking everyone who's wearing a mask why they are wearing it, all you're doing is making assumptions about others, then getting high off your own made up narrative. I'm one of those people that may or may not be wearing a mask due to allergies. Do you want people to wear a sign that says it's for health reasons? Will that make people like you feel better? Do you have anything better to do rather than get upset at people who don't want to be sick or deal with pollen?


The answer to your last question appears to be "no".


I couldn’t give less of a shit if someone’s wearing their mask and I certainly don’t judge them for wearing one if I seemingly don’t see anyone around. If they feel more comfortable being outside with it on due to pollutants, air quality, etc, who am I to judge? You strike me as the weirdo judging people off of a very trivial choice.


it can help with allergies


There *are* other reasons to wear masks than just covid, you know. Some people have pollen allergies, some people have anxiety, and some people just don't want their face to be seen for personal reasons.


You say "I am not talking about immunocompromised people" but you don't know if those people walking outside or in their own cars are immunocompromised. You don't know if they're feeling sick or driving to pick up someone who's immunocompromised. It's best just to say "well, I don't know their life" and move along.


While I generally agree with you, I do have an uncle who has to wear a mask in certain areas of the state. He has an allergy to a plant that causes his blood to not carry oxygen. Luckily, they don't have those plants where he lives, but they are more common where I live. So if he comes to visit family around me, he has to wear a mask, or he kinda dies. .. it's not like instant, of course, but he gets pretty sick pretty quickly. So yeah, he looks like a weirdo walking around outside with a mask on.


It's usually that I forgot I was wearing one until I look in a mirror, touch my face or someone brings it up. I had to wear a mask for a client after we lifted our mask mandate. I forgot I was wearing it until I got home and my gf asked why I had it on.


People who get mad at others for wearing masks are even more weird. It doesn't impact you in the slightest, why do you care? Maybe they are sick and don't want to spread germs.


The stupidest part is, normal masks don’t do diddly squat, you would have to have one with a respirator like the N 95 to do anything at all besides stopping your own cough, and that not completely


In their defense: it may be that they just forgot to take them off, after getting used to the feel. During Covid, I used to do that all the time. I had to wear it for consecutive hours at work, get used to it, and then just forget to take it off.


Sometimes it's annoying to take them on and off. Especially if it has headstraps, it messes up my hair. Easier to leave on.


People in cars are probably Uber drivers or delivery drivers. People walking alone are probably on their way somewhere and have most likely put their mask on already or plan on walking past other people.


Allergies and air quality in general dude


Guess what everybody’s weird


It’s actually good for recovering from any throat-stressing conditions like the cold or flu, especially in colder dry climates. You reuse the water vapor breathed out as your own humidifier.


A few questions Firstly, how can you tell if those same people aren't also immunocompromised or otherwise at greater risk? If you just see them in a park or in their car, do you go up and talk to them, or just come to the conclusion that they're weird? And secondly, why do you assume it's a COVID thing? A lot of people wear masks for allergies and other respiratory-related illnesses. I suppose it just seems... assumptive? Closed-minded? To assume that this piece of medical safety gear is a political thing only to do with COVID, the most politicized illness since AIDS.


While you’re allowed to state your own opinion, I find it funny that you express who you *think* you’re not talking about - the thing is, a lot of us immune-suppressed or compromised people have illnesses that are largely invisible, until the mask goes on. So, you think maybe the people you’re judging might fit into that category? Or are you going to continue to think they’re just weird, when you should know by now that you have very little context for that specific individual


During the early days of the pandemic I caught myself wearing a mask in my car by myself, I simply had forgotten to take it off. I usually assume something else is going on or they’re on their way to pick someone up and are trying to be courteous. The walking one I think is unfair, because they might walk to a crowd of people and just prefer to not keep putting on and taking off their masks, but this sub is for unpopular opinions so kudos.


I find it funny that you can't come up with one of the many reasonable reasons (e.g. forgot to remove the mask after leaving the store, allergies, currently sick and contagious with COVID or the flu...) and instead decide to go straight to thinking they must be weird.


People who care about shit like this are weird.


People who wear clothes when they're alone are weird.


I'm WFH and I still wear underwear as I don't want accidental shit on my work chair, etc. Also, when I get horny once in a while, I tend to leak pre-cum and I don't want that on my furniture. I guess this is the same reason for those that wear masks even when alone. They don't want to spread germs within their vicinity. It's incredible though how much time and effort some people will go to for something other people do that does not affect them in any way whatsoever. And that to me is the weirdest thing.


>when I get horny once in a while, I tend to leak pre-cum and I don't want that on my furniture. Bro lol


I know. 1st thing I do each e ending when I get home is take mine off.


I used to frequently forget to take my mask off after leaving a store and driving home.


I used to keep my mask on when delivery with DoorDash a couple years ago because it’s one extra annoying step. It’s not about laziness. It’s about being logistically most efficient. As for wearing it outside, I usually didn’t mind wearing my mask because I like being under the radar. The pandemic was an awesome way to stay low key and unnoticed, especially if you live in a place where you can likely run into someone you know.


You see that a lot in Asia. I have been told it when someone is a bit sick and dont want to spread it (the opposite we do in the west)


Some people doing this might be neuroatypical in some way. I’m autistic, and sometimes I would use my mask to hide the fact that I talk to myself.


This has the same energy as somebody complaining that people wear seatbelts when there’s nobody else driving on the road. Stop whining about what other people do to keep themselves safe.


People who don't care about the health and safety of others are sociopaths


Are people still holding this dumbass take? Taking a mask off then putting it back on defeats the purpose of them. Unless you are cracking open a new one every time you walk by someone, you should be wearing it until you finish whatever errands you are doing.


No doubt OP is one of the people that constantly complain about masks being so uncomfortable and such a huge inconvenience. Can’t wrap their brain around people just putting the thing on and forgetting about it.


>masks being so uncomfortable I mean, you are lying if you actually think it's more comfortable to wear a warm facial covering that restricts airflow than to not wear one. Especially if you are a glasses wearer.


Believe it or not, in the winter, I enjoy wearing the mask outside walking by myself because it helped keeping my nose warm and moist. I don’t like breathing in the harsh dry winter air.


This is another good reason. My lips get dry and cracked too if I leave it out to winter air.


I mean, it doesn't affect you, so why worry about it?


good lord, how hard is it to just let someone live their life without wanting to change them??


This sub is all about opinions. OP didn't say he wants to implement a new law or anything. Just that he thinks something is weird. If you can't handle someone saying "X is weird" then you might want to avoid subs where people share their opinions.


Bro I just got distracted by something happening in my head and forgot to take it off


I have done it. I got so used to the mask I forgot I was wearing it.


Or ... People don't want to be taking them off and putting them back on all day, risking breaking the straps, so they put them on before going to the store or work, and just leave them on. I also don't want to carry it around when I can just put it on like my shoes and not think about it again until I get home. YMMV, but I'm just lazy that way.


I was driving alone at night with my mask on, because I had forgotten to take it off. Pickup truck pulled up next to me and started screaming insults. I thought he was gonna cry. I realized that people who care about me wearing a mask alone are weird, obsessed with others in unhealthy ways, and stupid. Since I like to piss off morons, I wear a mask in the car all the time.


Sometimes I'm just too lazy too take it off


I think we should let people wear masks if they want and stop talking about it every single day. Please, I beg.


When I get into a car, I immediately put on a seatbelt, even if I'm going to spend a couple of minutes on my phone, finding a radio station, etc. It's a safe habit and having a seatbelt on isn't a huge deal. Wearing masks is a safe habit and a lot of people forget they have them on because wearing a mask isn't a huge deal unless you're a giant baby.


I've never seen Slipknot or WWE professionals driving around on their days off.


Keep in mind that not everyone wears a mask for germs. I don't wear one, but I should on high pollution days. If I go out too much, I end up sounding like Barry White. So some people are probably trying to get at least some relief from the pollutants. Smoke, pollen, take your pick. :-)


I have bad allergies leave me alone 😔


Some people use the masks to help filter out smoke particles.


My mom does it cause it helps her allergies lol. She's done it for years.


This summer I wore one outside sometimes alone when air quality was shit due to Canada wild fires


For the car: I forget For outside: Covid helped me realize that masks are AMAZING for keeping away pollen, swollen eyes and a swollen throat.


It's better than repeatedly removing it and putting it back.


I assume they have allergies and are using the social acceptance of mask wearing to make life easier on themselves.


The people that wear them for simply wearing them and not because of an underline condition are funny because they assume still that wearing it protects them from all the big bad particles when the freaking CDC said wearing the stupid thing was to protect others FROM YOU!!!!! If your that contagious that you have to wear a mask maybe you should stay home.


I have very bad seasonal allergies, and the masks helped a lot without me having to take daily pills. I wish people weren’t so weird about it. You really never know what that other person might be going through.


counter point, properly fitting a mask and leaving it on is far, far more effective than constantly putting one on and taking it off.


I wear a mask from my car into a store because I wear glasses and it’s hard to get a good seal so that it won’t fog my glasses so I set my mask before I go in. People judge me, but that’s their problem. I still wear one in crowded places for my personal health issues. I don’t care what others do, so it would be awesome to not receive so much judgment for trying to maintain my personal health.


they could also be trying to stop themselves from spreading it, air quality, etc.


Sometimes I forget it’s on since I wear a mask a lot(work). It obviously doesn’t bother me & I don’t really care what anyone thinks of me wearing one.


I used to do this during the pandemic. 99% of the time it was just because I wasn't thinking about it and/or I just didn't wanna be taking it on or off constantly.


I just see it as another clothing accessory.


People that give a shit if someone is wearing a mask are weird.


I saw many people wear them outside on their own a long time before COVID. Mostly for high pollen count days as well as to breathe in less traffic and other pollution


I wear a mask to protect the ones I love from those whom wish to use them against me.


What does their wearing a mask even have to do with you?


People who make reddit posts about what other people wear, for whatever reason, are deeply sad and trying to find a way to elevate their own decision making as 'normal' and wanting to feel 'accepted'


It's flu season. I worked in a store a couple of years ago where two kids with the flu projectile vomited all over the floor. None of us got vomited on, and didn't get any on us when we cleaned it up, but we all got sick. Germs are everywhere. If I can wear a simple mask and guard myself heck yes please. Also, sometimes I just like having that block so weird dudes don't hit on me. It's nice.


You keep saying your not talking about immunocompromised people. But that's most likely what your seeing. Not all disabilities are visible especially immune disorders. Also I wore my mask a few times in situations like that, but only because I genuinely forgot. Or in the peak pandemic if I was going a short ways either by car or on foot rather than take off my N95 and cloth sleeve ripping out pieces of hair only to then put it all back on, I would just leave it on and be that weirdo walking down the sidewalk with a full mask on. So yeah, I guarantee 99% of the people you see are either: Compromised Forgot they had it on Left it on because they will be around people again soon.


Allergies to pollens are a thing and a mask can help quite a bit.


I have a cold nose lol


I don't really get the point of this take since you can't just look at a person and know if they are someone who is immunocompromised or close with someone who is. I just assume anyone wearing a mask has their reasons. And if you're going to all that trouble you may end up wearing a mask when alone becauze you want to wash your hands right after you touch it to take it off or you will just spread around all the germs that landed on the mask.


The air quality has been terrible this summer. A mask helps a little bit.


During COVID I wore them in my car while alone. I didn’t do it for any reason other than laziness and cleanliness. I’d go everywhere I needed to go in one day, so I’d just leave my mask on rather than touch my face to remove it/put it back on.


I think a lot of times people forget that they have them on. When kids were in masks, I saw them try to eat and drink through them all the time


Nope, you’re just a judgmental person who apparently got their ideas and talking points from bad faith conservative media. Mind your own business, dude!


When my mom was in hospice, I wouldn’t leave the house without practically being in a hamster bubble. She had the immune system of a fucking rock and I wasn’t trying to bring in ANY rando bug that was gonna kill her any sooner than she was already dying. I just told this story the other day in a comment, but some random dipshit at the drugstore was tryna dunk on me for wearing a mask and I told him something like “my mom is in hospice dying of cancer” and he just paused a beat then said “don’t even work” or some bs. I was so ticked off, but I ended up like snot-tracks sobbing in my car cause my sweet, mind-her-own-business mom was dying and that old asshole is probably gonna live forever. Like who tf cares. If I see someone in a whole ass beekeeper suit I’m just gonna stay in my lane. You never know what awful/weird/sad/fucked up stuff someone is going through.