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You grossly overestimate the memory capacity of the general public. She's a flash in the pan and will be forgotten about with time, just like everyone else. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø If she's smart, she will capitalize on the 5 minutes of fame before it disappears.


She's already making t-shirts and shit.


Smart woman.


That hawk tuah is about to pay all her school loans! šŸ’°


She's not making T-shirts she signed a deal for 50% with a local clothing brand local to her hometown... It's good at the moment but she needs a mentor / manager to show her her next move to capitalize on this because this will not last forever


When is the OF coming out?


As soon as that HAWK TUAH money starts to dry up


No this guy is right... If you look at anyone that got caught up in a meme overnight you'll see exactly what happens... Now Yes at the moment she is capitalizing off of this but it will not last unless a mentor/manager picks her up and teaches her her next move... She needs to be a couple steps ahead on this one and she can really make this work in her benefit because what is working now will not be working forever.


Aint nobody got time for that!


Nah people don't forget on the Internet,maybe less views but it'll be there forever.


Itā€™s only been two days and this still aged like raw meat in the sun. The woman was fired from her jobā€¦


Source? All the articles I've seen just say "rumors" and I know a lot of them are based on the satirical TCT post.


She wasn't. That was a satirical article. "Even if you didnā€™t look at the accountā€™s main page to find its tag line reading 'Tippah Countyā€™s #1 Publication For Satirical Laughs,' there are several clues throughout the fake article." [Fact check: Was Hawk Tuah girl fired from her preschool job?] (https://www.dailydot.com/memes/hawk-tuah-girl-fired/?amp=&_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17194468672768&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailydot.com%2Fmemes%2Fhawk-tuah-girl-fired%2F)


Hey idk... me and my pals still remember the "hide yo kids hide yo wife" guy.


It was one of those things where street interviewers are everywhere in places like Nashville and Austin so she expected it to be another video. She definitely did not expect to get that famous and I donā€™t think most people wouldā€™ve. Thereā€™s conflicting reports on her name but if the rumors sheā€™s a pastorā€™s daughter are true then the family dynamic just got a bit akward.


She said she doesn't have to apologize as she was just being herself. She is now selling 'Hawk Tuah' merch


There's definitely Hawk Tuah merch. Not sure if she's selling or someone else is selling.




Smart move


A local clothing brand from her hometown is selling their clothes with their brand in her logo on it she is making 50% off everything sold with her logo...


According to an article she is selling it, but there's also a lot of misinformation about her out there. I saw a tiktok with basically a whole article in the description, said she got fired from her preschool job. It may have been satire, but it wasn't very funny in general. Usually articles like that have some sort of humor to them. I guess the kids spitting on eachother and dusting cobwebs for allowance money might have been the joke and it went over my head, I'm realizing real time, lol.


Sheā€™s definitely not selling it, they are sure much smarter and faster people who do it.


She is selling merch. Definitely. There's articles about it with a picture of her and some old guy that's printing the shirts etc. for her.




What the fuck is the internet!?


I mean, [have you tried this new thing called "Google?"](https://www.cgwall.com/sports/the-hawk-tuah-girl-on-tiktok-is-now-selling-her-own-merch-heres-where-to-buy-it-2024/)


Uh, what? Is she dumb because she's a woman? Is it cause she goes out? Or maybe because she has sex? Idk, the dumb thing is calling people you don't know "dumb" based off a 15 second clip.


Everything you said yes


Nah the next thing will happen next week and everyone will forget her in a month


Yeah, the cash me outside girl thing is still out there tho.


Serious question: do you guys really like that move? Being spit on?


If sheā€™s hot then yeah


Not the hawk part, that would involve snot.


No. It's nasty


F*** yeah definitely spit on that thing... Nobody wants no dry ass hand on it creating a bunch of friction... What the f*** kind of question is this... If you got a man I feel real sorry for him cuz he does not know what he's missing


I remember when a girl first did that to me. I was driving. She grabbed it, spit on it, and went to town. I was a little shocked at first but it was enjoyable so yeah. Spit on that thang


Not particularly. I wouldn't ask for it, but I'm not kicking her out of bed either šŸ¤”šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜‚


Fuck yeah.


Personally, I don't like getting the spit done on my dick before receiving a blowjob.


Far more that she just seems fun and uninhibited. In the right moment it wouldn't be the end of the world move wise but not top of the list of desires.


Honestly? Can't recall a time when anyone's spit on my cock sexually. I say "sexually" because there was a time years ago when I was pissing at a trough and a guy pissing next to me accidentally spit on my cock, but that obviously isn't the kind of cock spitting that we're talking about here.






You just canā€™t make that up man šŸ’€


ā˜ ļø


Holy fuck you're so funny I wish I could subscribe to you for life.


So you turned to him all pissed off AND NOW whoā€™s the homophobe?


Maybe they should interview that guy. Maybe he could sell some T-shirts.


Can't just leave it at that! Did he apologize? What did the spitee say, if anything? Someone accidentally spitting on my dick is a story that needs to be told, completely.


We're you at a Phillies game?


Thatā€™s great haha. I peed on my neighbor once but that wasnā€™t as good as this.


Guy what the hell. How do you recover from that


I hope he at least had the courtesy to vigorously wipe it off for youā€¦


What the hell is wrong with you? You and that guy pissing next to you should have both had gay sex and a gay 69 just to make up for the awkward moment when he accidentally spat on your pissing dick, it's only fair.


Everyone will forget she exists in a week.Ā  Ā She'll be fine.


This meme will never die


Name one meme that hasnā€™t not died?


Valve can't count to 3. Shot 1 and 2 clearly missed.


Shot 1 and 2 Iā€™ve never even heard of. And valve not counting to 3 really is less of a meme anymore and is still alive because itā€™s just a true statement


Paige, no


Condescending Wonka comes to mind. Iā€™m sure there are others. This girls hawk tuah has so many applications.


I havenā€™t send the condescending wonka meme seriously used in a decade. Memes eventually die.


I still see it regularly still to this day. Hard to believe frankly you havenā€™t seen it in 10 years. I guess that goes to show that your perception is only as good as your visibility to things.


Iā€™ve noticed itā€™s big on the right. They never let memes die. Theyā€™re still talking about tide pods and chanting letā€™s go Brandon


literally had people referencing it in call of duty maatches.


And somehow thatā€™s worse than ā€œbounce his balls off her chinā€? *The irony*


Never have a meaningful relationship again? Calm down bud. Some guys are probably gonna be dicks to her but I donā€™t think that sheā€™s become unloveable Some of you have truly freakish beliefs about women and sex


This girl shot to the top of the desirability index. She should be knighted.


People love to see a craftsman thatā€™s proud of their work


The smell of incels on reddit is amazing


Smells like rancid onions, crusty socks, and untreated mental illness. šŸ˜…


Yup, why the hell would anyone pull out their phone during sex with her and ask her to do it? Sheā€™ll be embarrassed for a little while, then no one will remember her


Most of these people have never had aex let alone been in a relationship lol


That's immediately what came to mind when I read this. Man, I sometimes wish there was some sort of policy that required people to use their real names on the internet. That alone would stop all these bitter incels cause mommy would kick them out of the basement if she knew what her wee baby boy was saying about women on the internet.


this 110% people can't just stop and think, "Wow, that was funny!" The actual interview question was, "Whatā€™s one move in bed that makes a man go crazy every time?ā€œ to which she responded, "Ya gotta give 'em that HAWK TUAH, spit on that thang, ya get me?" OP just paraphrased it to sound worse than it was


I agree, OP paraphrase made it sound worse. Why are they so pressed over a stranger on the internet? šŸ˜… What does it matter to ANYone if she "ruined her dating life" (she absolutely didn't lol) but even so, it doesn't effect OP in the least. This post is kinda weird imo


Thank you for providing the correct question and response. OPā€™s interpretation was so grossly misquoted, it was giving me a migraine.


Thatā€™s the entire reason I did it šŸ˜‚


Okay, so I assure you that I'm not an "incel," and I literally have said nothing about this young lady, about whom I only know about the back and forth that made her famous. I passed no judgment on her character whatsoever. I only said that the price of fame may be great for her, and provided but one hypothetical example, though I'm sure there are others. There's a reason why famous people are often miserable.


Dawg what the fuck is this response šŸ˜­


Agreed. OP stop while you're ahead and by ahead I mean abysmally behind


She'll dye her hair black and move on


She will be another flash in the pan trend that will go away soon like Corn, My money don't jiggle jiggle, etc.


Lol, this meme will burn out quickly, and she'll go back to her normal life. Let her enjoy her 15 minutes; she seemed happy enough to say what she said. People have short memories.


HAWK TUAH SOUNDBOARD -- [https://www.deercowboy.com/soundboard/hawk-tuah/](https://www.deercowboy.com/soundboard/hawk-tuah/)


I heard she was fired from her teaching job as well? Any truth to that?


This is the first I'm hearing of this. I'll ask around...


I thought the spitting was after a blow job.


When did this sub become sex-ed?


Are you talking about freshly blown load? True enough, that necessarily does happen afterwards, but the "Hawk Tuah" girl was talking about pre-orgasm cock spitting. My interpretation was that she expelled saliva from her mouth (primarily, though the "hawk" perhaps hinted at the presence of mucus, too) and onto the cock of her lover or lovers. Traditionally, saliva, when used in this manner, is to serve as a lubricant, such that the fellater may alternate between their hands and mouth while performing the blowjob. The saliva acts as a lubricant such that the coefficient of friction between the hand or hands and the cock is greatly lowered. This increases the pleasure for the person receiving the blowjob/handjob, and simultaneously hastens and enhances the forthcoming orgasm.


That was an incredibly detailed explanation and I love it. Take my upvote.


>Every time she meets a new bloke and he's about to bounce his balls off her chin, he'll be, like, "do the Hawk Tuah thing! Spit on my dick! Why do you think they'd have to ask? She's obvs gonna do it.


She's selling merchandise lol she will be forgotten soon


I think she'll be fine.


I prefer lube, but whatever


People think you can get rich from everything some just because a lot of people saw something


Sounds like some projection here.


I think you nailed it. With his response to me and the other dudes comments. He chose to insinuate that we were defending her. And white knighting. I donā€™t understand. Tbh.


I feel post like these expose the OP more than anything.


They absolutely do. Congrats OP you won the "Worst Opinion" category on Unpopular Opinions.


Dude, I get it - you're a really fuckin' nice guy. Like, you're defending this girl from some imagined offense, and I gotta say- I have nothing but the utmost respect for you. I thank the Lord Jesus fucking Christ everyday that there are guys like you out there to defend helpless women the world over. I mean, I didn't even say anything bad about her, but that doesn't matter. The bottom line is that, in your mind, my post cast her in an unflattering light, and that's the evil that you seek to defeat. Women across the world and even God thank you for this.




I think you may have the habit of looking too deep into things. And thatā€™s good thing in moderation. I kept my opinion ambiguous. The other guy just thinks itā€™s a bad take. But honestly Iā€™m confused. Are you replying to us or was this meant for someone else?


It was directed at the Kronik guy because he offered a number of replies during this thread to which I took exception. The theme of his replies was, "OP's an incel, unlike myself, and this young girl is perfect," which I thought was strange since my thread didn't indict her character in any way. I was trying to be funny, tbqh, and join in on the "Hawk Tuah" fun, but I forgot- Reddit is where fun goes to die.


I think Reddit humor still funny though. šŸ˜Ÿ


Well, it does say a lot about you that you immediately project all future relationships for her will be a certain way. Perhaps the way you'd probably treat her?


No, I wouldn't treat her like that, bro, and I wish I never made this thread because you people are fucking weird. I intended this as a joke, and while I admit that I'm no comedian, I thought that was pretty obvious. The reality is that it's entirely likely that she's never even spit on a guy's cock before and she, too, was joking when she provided that answer to the interviewer. She was hoping that her outrageous and matter-of-fact response would be funny, and she was right. Anyway, it blows my fucking mind how serious you weirdos took this. Like, you read this, and you literally thought to yourself, "this guy wants to seduce this beautiful young woman so that he can further victimize her with revenge porn." It's incredible - breathtaking, actually. I intended only to propose a ludicrous vision of the future in hopes that it would elicit some laughs. I don't actually think there will be any guys that will film her with their phones in the manner that I described. Again - it was just a joke.


Not all guys are that gross. I personally wouldn't try to do as you describe.






She already has a meaningful relationship with ā€œpookieā€


this fucking idiot thinks youtube will have a viral blowjob video haahaha


This take is chronically online


She can hawk tuah me 365 days out the year šŸ„“


Does anyone know who she is like her name or anything lol


Even if I did...I ain't snitchin'.


How would you be snitching lol and she needs do something because other people been making money off her


Hailey Welch or something


meh magaluf girl was worse.


OF will have her set for years. Then we all forget anyway


She will be forgotten in a month. I hope she makes lots of money until then and lives up her 10 minutes.


Plus: Her parents must be proud.Ā 


They gonna be proud of the fat sack of cash she makes on merch and ad revenue when her tiktok blows up.


You said "blows". Herr..ha.ha..ha...haha. signed,Ā  BeavisĀ 


Sheā€™s hiding which means sheā€™s ashamed.


Uh, is that really the only reason you can imagine a cute, young girl who went viral would hide from the internet? That's a lack of either imagination or experience on your part. Idk how old you are but I can remember seeing some young, 12-15 year old girls get 4chan famous and having their entire lives/identities picked apart. Sure, cyber security has evolved since then, but so has desperate dude's creepiness. Not to mention every other female influencer has an army of stalkers. Shit dude, non viral/famous women have stalkers.


accurate, itā€™s creepy out here lol.


Hey man, the woman in the video was her *wife*, I think sheā€™s good.


Wow, really? That makes this way funnier, actually. Based, tbh.




Nah I don't think that was her wife, maybe that was just her friend. Hawk Tuah woman aka Hailey Welch seems heterosexual, I do not think she is a lesbian.


As a man, to be in a relationship with a woman that doesnā€™t like to/regularly give blowiobs is a tragedy


I very briefly dated a woman who outright refused to give blowjobs, opting instead to rim (and only a rim). I never let this happen. The relationship was brief, as I said earlier.


So you're allowed to make fun of women all your lives for sucking dick (we know you do) and then still expect women to gladly step up to the plate ok


Dude that chick is a fucking badass. Sheā€™s has a great sense of humor. If all youā€™re getting from this is she gives a mean blowjob then youā€™re missing the point.


Youā€™re the person who reminded the teacher they hadnā€™t picked up homework yet, werenā€™t you?


Those type of people pissed me off sometimes in school, lol.


That wasnā€™t even close to what was asked or what she said.Ā 


Well, then - please enlighten us. Also, I covered that in my post. I didn't claim to post the transcript. I was pretty clear about that.


You should probably figure this very simple shit out in a 16 sec clip before posting because you look like a clown. You start saying: the question posed to her was something to the effect of "how do you make men blow loads?"Ā  This is what was actually asked: "what's one move in bed that makes a man go crazy every time you do it" Then you add: Her response was, in essence, but not verbatim, "I spit on his cock -Ā *Hawk Tuah*Ā - ya' know what I mean?" Which is exactly what was said.... Why do you add so many more qualifiers to the second part which you got right perfectly but now want to feign ignorance for the first? Also, only cringe losers would do what you are saying to this woman.


Tl; dr, LMFAO, you actually posted all that? Mate, IDGAF about what was actually said, oh my God. And, btw, the woman that is the subject of all this is most likely not going to see this thread, and even if she does, she's not going to DM you with declarations of love and admiration. The simping in this thread is *off the fucking charts*, even by Reddit standards.


I understand it's hard to ask for something then get gut punched with reality. Cope harder "mate." The projection is real.


So in other words what you said was completely wrong?


I was joking around. You guys are taking this shit WAYYYYYYYY too seriously. This shouldn't be taken seriously at all. I thought my creative retelling of the back-and-forth was funnier - that's literally all this was. The reality is that I watched the original video and thought, "meh, that's funny enough, but lemme edge it up a little bit," so I utilized language that was more vulgar and brusque. It made me chuckle, but I guess it fell flat with most of the people in this sub. A "tough room" as they say.


Naw you just made stuff up. Its cool though. Just take the L bro


What did I make up? I mean, my summary accurately depicted the verbal exchange, although not verbatim. Saying that I "just made stuff up" is not accurate. Why are you arguing with me about this?




She was fired from her school teaching job because the kids kept saying spit on that thang to her


That was just a rumour started by a satirical news site and it was stated as that. Nobody truly knows what she does or who she is (apart from those who know her personally, of course). And like others have said, she'll enjoy her moment of fame and in a week she'll be forgotten about and we can all go on our merry ways. Edit: just to add, it seemed like the girl was having a bit of fun and banter with the interviewer with what she was saying. People are looking too much into it and trying to pick her apart.




I say good for her, capitalising on a random comment made on a night out. Clever girl.


Were you trying to prove she was fired? Cause that doesn't prove anything


that's not her


Why were preschoolers watching this video tho.


Ruined her life? This is beyond stupid. Endless men that will marry and that worship that girl until the end of time without issue. Worlds dumbest criminal running for president who paid off a porn star and said he can grab women by the snatch because he's rich and powerful, but this chick ruined her life?


This is the cringiest comment that I've ever seen on Reddit. Jesus, man...are you fucking kidding me? So your take is that the girl that is the subject of this thread should be worshipped for eternity. Simp much? Holy fuck, man. Wow. Just wow. And then you closed your shit comment by shoehorning Trump and bullshit American politics. It's literally like the entire point of your comment was to declare, "hey guys! I'm both a simp AND a normie!"


Everyone that made a negative comment about this girl is a complete and utter shitbag. Straight up jealous. Can I get a hell yeah


Concur. Dry-dicked haters, the lot of ā€™em.