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This whole election is a total clusterfuck. Trump & Biden should be at home watching "The Price Is Right" & napping.


tbh I’m like half their age and that sounds pretty tempting.


I agree. Sounds like a nice afternoon.


To be fair I’m 24 and would love to do that right now


This 👆🏻 fuck both of them.


maybe one will go to jail and the other will die before the election.


We’re not that lucky lol


Pfft you expect the boomer generation to back down? Who's going to replace them? Millennials drowning in debt? Gen x?!?! Yea that would be fantastic. "And tonight we are going to debate x topic, what do you think candidate a?" "Whatever, dude" "Candidate b?" "Honestly, I don't even care, I have my own shit to deal with I don't care about any of this, why are we here?" Apathy generation, would at least be entertaining I guess.


Neither one is a Boomer


Trump is a boomer, one of the original. But a boomer nonetheless. Their generation started in 1946. Biden on the other hand is firmly in the silent generation. Neither should be running regardless of their generation.


Biden is Silent Gen but close enough to the cusp to have all the boomer traits of oversized ego and misplaced arrogance.


True dat


Why Trump? He was coherent and appeared engaged with what was happening. Compared to Biden he’s as sharp as a tack.


You still can't just admit it can you? Trump is better than Biden on every front. Media lied, obfuscated, deceived, better than his own PR people. It's pathetic.


I’ve noticed it too, Biden has been exposed, but they’re trying to drag Trump down with him. lol!


Trump is a habitual liar. Why do you give him a pass if you value "truth" as much as you claim?


Trump exaggerates and everyone knows it. Biden just got up and lied about everything. no military deaths? no inflation? no border issue?


Lock step with their voter bases then


If the democrats will vote for anyone who runs against trump anyway, why are they insisting on this fossil?


It's less that they're "insisting" on running Biden, it's more that nobody wants to be the first one to raise a serious primary challenge to an incumbent president, so typically not much effort is put into the primary process when the president decides to run for reelection. It's not just the DNC either, you can look back at the 2020 GOP primary to see how that turned out as well, despite sentiment against Trump being quite high at the time. For whatever baffling reason, Biden decided to run again, and now we're in this mess unless he decides to drop out.


Yes, this requires leadership and the democrats are terrible with that.


If Republicans were any better with it, they'd pick someone other than Trump.


Why? Trump is going to win. Why would they change anything?


It would still be a mess if he dropped out. Maybe worse


THAT is a great question!


Sadly maybe he is indeed “ sharp as he’s ever been”


People hate Trump so passionately they are blind to anything else


Late stage TDS


Sure, I’d happily take Biden and his competent cabinet over the convicted felon that non-stopped lied last night and will fill his cabinet with his cronies.


No one cares that a corrupt justice system convicted Trump. How is it corrupt you ask? It allows Biden, Hillary, and Obama to walk free despite their crimes that were objectively worse. Obama drone striked American citizens, Hillary was directly responsible for Bengazi, and Biden is literally on tape talking about how he used his power to force a foreign government to stop from prosecuting his son. I'm not even touching half of their crimes and don't think I am not sore at previous Republicans either. Bush started a war in countries that had nothing to do with 911 and murdered hundreds of thousands on a lie of weapons of mass destruction. The media lies always and protects those who are part of the military industrial complex.


If the justice system is corrupt does that mean all the poor, predominantly people of color in our prison system are there unjustly?


"mrs. vice president, would you like to answer this one?"


I mean Biden is partly responsible for the 94 crime bill which helped imprison countless black people.


Yeah she fucking sucks too!


a lot of them are, especially those on trumped up 'resisting arrest' and 'marijuana' charges.


Maybe, I haven't looked into them deeply. But I look at how Rittenhouse and Chauvin were treated in their trials and I see a system that is falling apart at the seams. It's why I see so many Black voters suddenly jump up and say "I'm voting for Trump because he is being abused by the same system that has been abusing us."


Ummmm black voters aren’t voting for Trump and Rittenhouse was aquited. Are you saying his acquittal was unjust. We watched Chauvin murder a dude while he literally begged for his life and the two examples you gave of the justice system being fucked up are both white.


Yes, they are. Poll numbers after Trump's conviction went up with Black voters. I'm saying Rittenhouse was treated poorly by the justice system. And tell me you didn't watch the Chauvin trial without telling me you didn't watch the Chauvin trial. And I don't care about race, if people are being treated unfairly it shouldn't happen.


https://centerforpolitics.org/crystalball/black-voters-and-the-2024-presidential-election-a-breakthrough-for-trump/ They’re not. Black voters have come out for other Republican candidates since 2000 at larger numbers. Trump will be lucky if he breaks 8% among black voters. You didn’t watch the Chauvin trial. I watched the highlights and commentary and literally watched him murder George Floyd. I watched that complete video and he could have at any time gotten off of him. He literally kneeled on him until he was dead and kept kneeling on him. Did you watch him die? I did. Rittenhouse was aquited. So you’re saying that’s not fair? Of the two people you picked to talk about both are white right wing darlings. You can claim you don’t care about race but you probably never gave a fuck about black peoples being consistently harmed by the justice system. If you think Rittenhouse and Chauvin were treated badly just try to imagine how a system that didn’t even let black people vote until the late 1960’s treated them. If you think that Rittenhouse and Chauvin were badly treated by the system imagine how poor people with no resources and no social support are treated by this unjust system you claim to care about. So what should we do about this bad system you don’t like? Abolish it? Reform it? How???!! You’re like 100 years late to the party because you literally never cared until the guys you relate to the Chauvin the Rittenhouse the Trump were caught up in the system. I get it you feel like them you can see yourself in Trump and Chauvin and Rittenhouse and that’s the only reason you give a shit.


I watched the Chauvin trial, and you are clearly biased. Any reasonable person watching the evidence brought forward would have concluded that Floyd's system was on the brink of collapse from the speedball that he ate right as he was arrested. Floyd also told Chauvin to put him on the ground and the knee on the neck is in the police handbook to keep a criminal subdued. They called the ambulance immediately when it was clear Floyd wasn't faking. The drugs in Floyd's system would have killed anyone else had they taken what he took. And yet you believe the cop murdered him. Giga brain take.


So the poll numbers went up from what, 1% of black voters to 1.7% of black voters? Where are you getting this trash information from?


Except blacks are voting for Trump this time


Chauvin was a smug little prick that murdered a man because he's a policeman with his lights on, and nobody is gonna tell HIM what to do. He got exactly what he deserved. Rittenhouse was one of the clearest cases of self defence in US history, likely, with over 200 videos supporting that, and the media desperately tried to smear him. The only person who wasn't quite as clear was the first PoS who deserves not to be named, who died doing what he loved. Chasing minors. Who was the aggressor, as shown in videos, and who was shot because a man 40ish feet behind him put a handgun in the air and fired off.   Which gave Rittenhouse reasonable cause to believe his life is in danger (chased for no reason by an unknown number of people, gunshots immediately behind him). The media calling him a mass shooter should be sued for it. *Edit* "Seasonable cause", my lawyer friends going to love that one.


Considering the R are constantly doing congressional hearings and public fact-finding for "crimes" against those you listed (Hunter Biden's laptop & Benghazi for ex), but continue to come up empty handed- or at least, not able to produce adequate evidence for a conviction....maybe their supposed "crimes" are just poor attempts at political grandstandijg used to work up their followers into a frenzy...when in reality, nothing is there. The grand jury that found Teump guilty has nothing to do with a corrupt judicial system, but rather 12 of his NY peers who looked and heard the evidence and returned a guilty verdict. Something to consider when claiming a partisan justice system would be to consider how your story would probably be completely different if they had found him innocent. Instead of blaming a shitty judicial system, though it could def be improved, perhaps your blame should be laid at the feet of your shitty candidate.


Trump also committed war crimes… Here’s what people don’t understand: the justice system is corrupt in that injustices can occur. However the system is made up of thousands of individuals. Not all of them are corrupt. sometimes they do the right thing.


What was he convicted of?


Or maybe we are not voting just for the man but for the policies? We don't worship him or have him on pedestal?




I hate Biden, but conservatives don't believe in actually governing. they want to strip away what has been built for parts to support tax cuts for the powers that be. Biden passes legislation in the direction I believe in. imagine being dumb enough to think I'm coldly voting as I am because trump is a big old meanie...grow up man


After his coup attempt anyone who doesn’t hate him doesn’t have any patriotism.


Clearly the media was lying to you about everything else, but telling you the truth about January 6th.


Was the media lying when they said trump cheated on melania with a porn star while melania was home with his newborn son?


Repeat something often enough and it becomes the truth. I swear CNN permanently hypnotized these people. 


> Repeat something often enough and it becomes the truth like the election fraud lie?


You know a ton of people literally watched January 6th happen right?


Yeah- why would I believe my lying eyes?


I hate more that our cities were burned and looted-something your side never really addresses with the same vitriol as you have for January 6th. Also if he really wanted to overthrow the government he really could have. Why would he half ass it with so many supporters who are well armed? Stop repeating the endless propaganda? 


>Why would he half-ass it with so many supporters who are well armed? If you think well armed supporters could functionally overthrow the government AND hold onto it the three or four days necessary to establish a new ruling apparatus, well....try it then I guess. I think DC Metro's Tactical Unit could probably resolve that, and if not, the National Guard...or any battallion of Marines from Quantico, some soldiers down from Fort Dix, or up from Belvoir, or joint base Myers-Henderson right there abutting Arlington Cemetery. Soldiers follow their commanders, and real coups in the real world that succeed require the military, and specifically generals to have turned, and Trump did not have that at all.


Riots happen every year, but an attack on the white house is pretty spectacular.




Is this the first time you're hearing about Jan 6?


The capitol, bud. Not the WH


Because he didn’t need to overthrow it. Theyre “plan” was loosely concocted and poorly executed. Instead, he and his inner circle accomplished something better, more long term. They convinced impressionable people that Jan 6 was excusable and normal; that it’s the Democrats/the Left overreacting. Trump has successfully normalized gaslighting and misconstruing the truth. Look at the debate last night - 90% of what Trump said was either projection, misconstruing the truth, or a blatant lie. It doesn’t matter though, because Trump supporters have been conditioned to hate and mistrust Democrats. When the real changes start happening, half of the country won’t care. Doesn’t matter the outcome. They’ll either find a way to defend it or point the finger. Its all going to plan, especially after the debate last night. Biden ain’t helping.


If you care about the country so much why does your leader keep the borders wide open and make it so easy to come in illegally?


The only ones surprised by Biden’s performance on debate night were Democrat voters. Makes you really wonder why.


Ever know that dude or chick who's spouse is stepping out on them? First it's the small things. But they deny it's anything. Then it's more obvious things. Then they make excuses. Then their friends tell them, "You, I think you're getting played." *You don't know him like I do.* This the point where the cheater was actually caught with their pants down. Now they'll start to question themselves as to what they did wrong. Maybe they were a bad democrat?


The politics sub has been fuming since last night.


I doubt they are "surprised". It's more like they thought the Dems were prepared to expertly hide it somehow, but when gaslighting runs out of gas you get Joe Biden vs Trump 2024 presidential debate. They are now on damage control by saying "Trump lied" because there is no way they can defend the lie that Biden is as sharp as ever. At some point Biden would have to prove it and he couldn't.


No one is surprised. Just disappointed.


So you knew he was senile. Your friends and family knew he was senile. And more importantly the DNC knew he was senile and he is still the Democrat candidate. Isn’t that a lot worse?


Because Biden "won" last time and they're afraid whoever they replace him with might not win this time. So they had to lie and gaslight until they couldn't anymore.


"The debate is all the proof you need the media is lying to you and Biden's supporters are completely disconnected from reality." Yes, I'll just add that this is not a new reality today. This has been going on for the 3 years B's been in office and the year+ before the last election.


I think what you fail to understand is that there are almost zero actual "Biden Supporters". There are just people who think that the mediocrity of Biden is still far better than the absolute dumpster fire of Trump. Biden could sit in the oval office, stare at the wall and drool for 4 years doing absolutely nothing and it would still be preferential to Trump


Yes, this. I dont give a fuck about Biden. Oh, hes a criminal? Cool. Prove it and lock him up and on to the next thing then. Trump is actively a negative. I dont understand the fervency and loyalty of his followers because to my eyes the man is not likable. He's obviously full of shit but beyond that he's petty as fuck, and the job is bigger than that. He talks mad shit, isnt funny, and doesnt care about people in general and non-rich people in particular. So Im not sure why he has fans. Its like people watching the Back to the Future movies and coming out of them saying "Fuck Marty and Doc, I loved that Biff guy!"


There’s maybe a small group of “He’s like the wise old grandpa whose sweet and do adore him” I’d say 18% tops- And another 30% Trump Haters (know nothing about politics besides their hatred for the man) - & the rest support the Democratic Party and are okay with him being a puppet and letting people around him make policy and keep it going,


Right? You guys are voting for a whole party, not 1 geriatric dude. The debate has always seemed like a circus. Look at platforms and results, not a debate.


Your numbers don’t equal 50.1%


Exactly, Biden could be a literal corpse, and id vote for him over Trump.


I vote for the party that best reflects my values and beliefs, regardless of the candidate chosen to run for office. A president’s time in office is short, but they can have a tremendous influence on the long term. A great example of this is Trump appointing 3 Supreme Court justices (some are thrilled about that and others aren’t, but either way it will have an effect on our country for decades). I may not like or want the particular candidate that’s been chosen as the nominee, but I won’t vote for a party that isn’t representative of my values or abstain from voting because I don’t like any candidate.


That’s why I vote for whoever promises to maintain or protect Roe v Wade for all


Same here. I am a single issue voter in that regard.


Except for the fact that no one knows who is behind the curtain. That would be good information to have. Plus, wonder if there may be some pesky little fraudulent misrepresentation issues at play here.


“You have won the grand prize! Now your options are a steaming pile of shit and the mystery prize. Wait why are you choosing the mystery prize?”


these people worship trump and unironically call him "god emperor", they think others worship politicians like they do.


I don’t think they campaign slogan will be enough to get back in the White House


I'm pretty much immune to whatever stupid shit happens in Washington but it's a shame those who don't have the means to do whatever they want will likely have to suffer.


I mean man if you talk to literally a good 80% of democrats in real life, they absolutely are aware of Biden being old and slow and are not proud of wanting to vote for him. I don’t think I’ve met any of those “disconnected from reality” Biden supporters you’re talking about because they generally just know they would vote a used napkin over Donald Trump


Tribalism. Tribalism everywhere.


Choose Biden and risk having a demented pensionist as your country's leader for entire 4 years who's guaranteed to be manipulated to do gods know what and will stay idle drooling while the country he manages is getting overrun with illegals. Choose Trump and have a criminal as your president who's a total wild card and might be sensible or might run the country to the ground and team up with Russia and end the world as you know it. Man this just sucks for Americans honestly the world is going to shit and world war is coming.


When has Trump ever been sensible?


America has 2 wholly inappropriate candidates for president. One seems kinder than the other but neither are fit to be running. I have a lot of sympathy. But I also fear for you guys and the world if Trump wins again. His last stint weakened the status of America and emboldened America’s rivals. I can only fear what his next one would do.


If you look at what Biden has actually done, he's been successful. He's just quite old now and being the president while also running a reelection campaign is so grueling for anybody. It's amazing that he's even managed so well. And keep in mind in our country these elections are a year plus long affairs, unlike most nations.


Agreed, but he is too old now. So is Trump of course.


Biden's approval rating I think reflects the fact that people aren't happy with him. The problem is Trump and this rise in religious zealotry and white christian nationalism. I'm a Christian conservative and I'd vote for a steaming pile of shit over Trump and MAGA. All day, everyday, and twice on Sunday. They could wheel out Biden and he could be drooling over himself and I'd vote for him over Trump. There's just nothing worse than MAGA. Trump is the antichrist and Boubert and MTG are the Jezebell's. I have no doubt that everything thing I hold dear as a Christian, a Patriot, and an American are at risk with these people in office. I have no misgivings about Biden's competency - I think the problem is people who would betray everything American's value for a convicted felon.


Both Biden and trump are 2 old senile fucks. They both are idiots and way too old to run. Both hate guns. Both like like little children. Both have Way to much money to relate with the poor people in America


The debate in which Biden looked awful and his supporters then called for him to step down is evidence that we're disconnected from reality? Wouldn't someone disconnected from reality just refuse to acknowledge that there was anything wrong?


It’s also evidence of how much the media lies to you about everything else. They’re hiding Biden’s senility but this is just the surface of the lies. Russian interference, Hunters laptop, Biden’s pedophilia, etc etc etc. if there was even half the effort to investigate Biden as there is Trump, he wouldn’t be on that stage, he’d be in jail.


On what planet do you live on where you think most Dems have deluded themselves into thinking Biden is some paradigm of physical health and mental competency? Nobody I know thinks that. When polled, supporters say he's too old. We know he's basically a reanimated corpse, and we know the media hates Trump. We were all just crossing our fingers and hoping for the best last night, Biden performed poorly, and we will still vote for him over literally any Republican. I'm voting for the type of legislation he will pass, as well as who he will appoint to his cabinet and the supreme court. I'm also voting against the guy who tried to replace legitimate electors with fraudulent electors to win the electoral vote based on unproven election fraud claims, as well as encouraged a siege on the capital during the certification of the votes.


Go and look at basically any post on here about Biden's mental fitness prior to the debate.


1. This sub is largely conservative, and most posts here are just about how fat shaming is good for society. 2. Don't give me a homework assignment. 3. Are you telling me that posts on an online forum dedicated to unpopular opinions are actually evidence that the opinions posted here are in fact popular? And this is somehow stronger evidence than actual polls that suggest Biden is too old?


Why are people only coming after Biden during this debate? At least he stayed on topic with his answers , trump on the other hand said the same thing for every single answer he had , that Biden is the worst, that he was a better president, that he knows and talks to a lot of powerful people and they all say the US is a joke since Biden took office, that everything bad happening and inflation is Biden fault & that no one thanked him for how great he was during the pandemic. And when in doubt he called Biden a liar, said that something didn’t happen or mentioned hunter biden. Biden has never been a good public speaker so I don’t know why yall are acting surprised. The debate is all the proof we need to show that both candidates suck and that there needs to be better options. Also why the heck did they start fighting over golf?! That’s what got them fired up, GOLF!


>Why are people only coming after Biden during this debate? I'm not coming after Biden. Nothing in the post is against Biden.


Your whole post only focuses on Biden and his performance in the debate


The post is about people who have claimed for mo ths Biden was fine.


I love that you ignored every other thing he pointed out and just focused on this.


The debate is over and it didn’t tell me a thing I didn’t know. Both Trump and Biden shouldn’t be running at all.


I mean it's not really a surprise that many Democrats, and Redditors by extension, are deriving all their talking points from establishment sources that prop up the career politician this country has grown to hate. Anyone who says Biden is mentally well should really touch some grass and do soul searching because the corporations you claim to stand against have sold you a bridge.


A corpse is still better than a traitor in this scenario.


Trump literally tried to over throw the election and steal the White House. He incited a mob to do so. He lies, cheats, and scams every chance he gets. He was found liable for sexual assault (and has most likely done worse). He is attempting to help turn this country into a far right Christian theocracy. He has openly stated his intent for revenge if elected. You are right about the media and that they shouldn’t be trusted. They continue to let Trump say and do anything he wants with absolutely zero consequence. The guy literally ranged about post birth abortions and just blank stares from the moderators. Most people aren’t huge Biden supporters (though he has done some great things during these 4 years). We just see Trump and MAGA for what he/they are.




He did call them predators, just without the super.


So he misattributed a quote. Are you serious? That's your argument here? Have you seriously never in your life misattributed a quote? You are being completely ridiculous.


>Well, I took two tests, cognitive tests. I aced them, both of them, as you know. >We got great equipment. We bought the certain dog. That’s the most incredible thing that you’ve ever seen, the way they can spot it. We did a lot. And we had – we were getting very low numbers. Very, very low numbers. These quotes are leagues worse than anything from Biden. Were you really not laughing out loud? Wasn't everyone?


Biden answered a question about abortion by talking about how a girl was raped and killed by illegals and argued that abortion is important for situations where women are impregnated by their own sister. 


You're on a cell phone you can't copy paste quotes? Doesn't that mean every political discussion you're in you're hurting the process? >Look, there’s so many young women who have been – including a young woman who just was murdered and he went to the funeral. The idea that she was murdered by – by – by an immigrant coming in and (inaudible) talk about that. >But here’s the deal, there’s a lot of young women who are being raped by their – by their in-laws, by their – by their spouses, brothers and sisters, by – just – it’s just – it’s just ridiculous. And they can do nothing about it. And they try to arrest them when they cross state lines. You're right though. There is an obvious flub. >Well, I took two tests, cognitive tests. I aced them, both of them, as you know. Decide the election on these two quotes. Who you going with?


Yeah I did notice he mentioned "sisters" in that part. Dude was rambling and added it without thinking. He's definitely running on autopilot mode.


Happens to me when I get super anxious in high pressure situations. I’d assume that gets worse as you age? I’m not making excuses, just trying to be realistic.


Isn't that the point here? He's old and rambling nonsense. That's what we've been saying for years, but the media and all his supporters keep saying he is the sharpest he has ever been.




No, I wpuld be saying that is a complete normal thing to do. You are just making things up.




No? That is a completely normal thing anyone could do. Wtf are you talking about? Are you actually going to say ypu have never misattributed a quote?




Ok? I am not really sure what your point is here. You first fabricated some lie about me claiming Biden had dementia if he misattributed a quote, now you're claiming Trump didn't misattribute a quote. What is your point here?


Don’t really care when the guy he’s debating wants to literally suspend the constitution and has pledged to purge the government of his enemies. He’s the final guardrail for our democracy. If you don’t see that, there is no reaching you with reason.


We aren't discussing who you would prefer as President. What you've said isn't relevant to the post.


To be fair, he was completely different in the State of the Union just five months ago and there were doctored photos and videos. That said, he absolutely needs to be replaced. He's always had a stutter, but it's never been like that - and the whole golf scene was the biggest tell - completely out of character and dumb to try to tell a bigger lie than Trump. That wasn't how the real Biden would have responded and was a huge sign of senility. He has to be replaced - sad, but it must happen - and, yes there is still time. Information moves way more rapidly than in 1968 when Johnson dropped out.


Fox news is the most popular mainstream media in America. They get more views than any other “news” channel. This narrative that the mainstream media is “mostly” covering for Biden is just utter nonsense.


And I’d still vote for Biden over Trump. That’s how bad Trump is! If only the 2 main parties would give us literally anyone else…


I am not talking about who you would rather vote for.


So you are voting for some unknown person/persons to run this country? Because we all know Joe isn't. So you are voting for a shadow government and allowing them to do whatever with no accountability?


Who the Biden administration employs into positions of power is public information


Aww bless your heart...


No, I’m voting for the professionals and experts who Biden surrounds himself with. It’s no secret who the cabinet is




It’s impossible to reason with people who are so wrapped up in crazy conspiracy theories and want to see democracy fail 🙄


Is that the same conspiracy that your "talking point coordinator in chief" told us last week were "cheap fakes" and "Joe is fine!". Those people?




No, no that's not at all how it works. But you have been programmed to believe the lies. Your hatred for trump is greater than the love of your country. You are the insurrectionist.




Exactly, you have no say. Be happy. Bet your country will be shit again once the funding dries up..


I’m aware but I also don’t care. Biden - even IF he had dementia - he isn’t going to actively trying to destroy our democracy by announcing he is king or something. I’ll take the lesser evil thanks.


How is it that you believe the media has been keeping his cognitive decline secret, when you also say that journalists challenged the press secretary about it?


That's Peter doocey. He's the only one that asks real questions.


... and MJ Lee, and (to an extend) Tyler Pager


The true power of the media lies in the stories that they choose to cover and not cover. For people like us, we actively seek out information. But there is a significant portion of the country (probably about 40%) that legitimately reads the headlines and looks no further at things. And the media knows it. How many times have you read an article with a headline like "Insane thing happened and you should be upset" only to read into the article and find in like paragraph 3 that "insane thing happened, but it wasn't really that insane because *context*" In this case here it would be, "Biden gives speech to assembly" and somewhere barried in the article it'll have some comment about how he had to be ushered off the stage, or he fumbled his words, or he tripped, etc. If they even choose to mention it at all. And so most of the headline readers/peoppe in general reading that article, (if they only focus on the speech and not any gaffs) will walk away from that article only knowing he gave a speech and not all of the other stuff.


I said most media organisations were lying. Of course some individual journalists are not going to buy the narrative.


"The media I dislike is lying and the media I like is the one telling the truth" God we're so fucked


What are you talking about? The media does lie obsessively. Some people in the media happen to be honest. What part of that do you either disagree with or not get?


Project 2025 will be the end of Western Democracy.


Don’t care, I’m voting against Trump and conservatives


That isn't relevant to the post. We aren't discussing who you would prefer to vote for.


That shows how little you care and put thought into. "I hate him, so let the demented man press the buttons."


OP were you even watching “the media” after the debate? On CNN 5 minutes after it ended there was a panel of mostly dems talking about how much it sucked.


>after the debate That's the point. *After the debate*. That's what this whole post is about.


Then you should have said “supporters *were*…” you said supporters are.


Biden was never a particularly good public speaker, and he's definitely lost a step in the last couple years. On the other hand, this is pretty laughable coming from Trump people. Nearly everything he says is dishonest or just completely deranged. He's completely full of shit, and his mental condition is no better than Biden's. This is gonna suck either way


It's a stutter!!!


I'm furious with everyone. The democrats should have known better then to nominate Biden four years ago, the media should not have been covering for him and his declining mental capacity, and his grasping, disgusting, power-hungry family should have cared enough about him to say, "hey, Joe. This won't be healthy for you." and NONE of those assholes did it. I don't ever want to hear another word about Democrats being the kinder party ever again. I'm disgusted with the lot of them and the media lies like a rug.


I’m not sure about the votes but Biden sure lost a lot of general support from voters on the fringes of the Democratic Party, and that debate guaranteed has turned a lot of Gen Z away from politics in general. I actually liked the debates from 2020 better because they were somewhat entertaining and wild. This was just fking sad.


THIS is your media watershed moment? I'm a Biden supporter and I don't care about his mental capacity. Until Dems roll out a replacement he still gets my vote because the alternative is worse. Not voting 3rd party either. I've been saying all along if Biden is in a coma on a slab he's still getting my vote.


You'd be hard-pressed to find an actual "Biden supporter". We're anti-Trump, not pro-Biden. Biden is a tool, nothing more.


Whatever you call those people, a large cohort of them have been in complete denial for.mo the now.


I've yet to meet one. I've met lots of people who are going to vote for Biden, but not one is a Biden supporter. We'd vote for a rock over Trump. I'd vote for a rock with down syndrome over Trump.


I am not talking about how you would vote. I don't care who you would prefer. That is not what we are discussing. But you are being disingenuous to pretend there has not been a large cohort of people shouting from the rooftops that he was fine for months.


Maybe, I've just never met one. I have only met anti-Trumpers who are begrudgingly voting for Biden so as to stop fascism. I have yet to meet a single person happy to be voting for Biden. We're being forced to choose between a gunshot to the head and a knife to the stomach. I'd rather have neither, but I'll take the knife to the stomach over the gunshot to the head.


MSM can either have agenda or a catering to their viewers (or both, I guess). Either they want one party to win for whatever benefit they get out of it. Or they don't care what party wins and know what their viewers want to hear. Either way, it's all bullshit coming out of their mouths.


Let's just all vote for Vermin Supreme


CNN and especially MSNBC have taken major hits to any credibility they may have still had. Between Biden being, “sharp as a pin” coupled with the 51 intelligence officials and screaming “Trump is a spy!”, they’ve really hurt and divided this country. I know Fox News on the right hasn’t helped either. What a mess we have.


Who’s a convicted felon and rapist, with cases yet to prove he’s a traitor to the country?


What are you talking about? What does that have anything to do with the post?


It speaks to the motivation behind how voters are perceiving things. Supporting an old guy and purposely avoiding topics about his fitness and acuity in pursuit of avoiding a union led by someone with the characteristics of a fascist dictator is not denial.


Depressingly true and yet again I find myself without a political home or candidate


It was his stutter!!!!!!


First, I'm not a Biden supporter. In fact, this is the first pres election that I will not be voting. That said, assuming you are a Trump voters, it would be so nice if you tool the same hard line re: lying done by the news media, and treated your candidates for pres with the same moral outrage. When a group of people lie to you, there should be an assumption of conspiracy or that the group is misinformed; when an individual lies to you repeatedly and seems incapable of telling a single truth- that individual is not trustworthy, doesn't have your best interests in mind, and will exploit you to their advantage at every turn and any cost.


But this is my point. The media and the Biden campaign *have* been lying to people consistently for months on end now.  It was blatantly obvious to anyone even remotely curious that they were lying, yet they were *still* trusted. It wasn't until reality smacked then in the face that everyone seemed shocked. But no doubt they will just go straight back to trusting them.


Like most things political these days, unfortunately, I suppose it's the lesser of two evils. As dishonest as Biden and the larger support network is, I guess a lit of folks believe it's still not as much or critical lies in comparison to Trump. I think they should replace Biden. That the polling I'd even close when the D could pick almost anyone else and be way up in the polls speaks to the tight control & power the D party holds over elections. To be sure, tho, the R are no different. They both suck, & only having two options is a false choice.


He did about as well as I have expected and he did have several great zingers. He also has great people around him.


Im a functional govt supporter. Heartland makes food and we all make damned sure to keep the mechanisms to deliver food functional. Heartland also needs financing to make food. Cant have functional financing without functional govt. We can put a dead dog in the presidency and the govt will function. If we put Trump in the presidency he is going to break the govt. Alot of people seem to be fine with that, including high ranking and wealthy Dems.


"The media is lying about Biden". So Fox OANN, Joe Rogan, et al are lying when they say he is old and incompetent. Got it.


Trump is 3 years younger than Biden. Come on man. They are both old as shit.