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Greyhound and Flix have numerous buses going both ways throughout the day. Flix is usually the cheapest.


Flix bus I think only stops at ASU and the airport I think in Phoenix There's a Greyhound station I think a couple miles from the airport, not sure about chandler Both stop in pretty good locations in Tucson though, Greyhound is like a mile from downtown, and the Flix bus stops at u of a and a gas station off I 10 About half the time when I fly from Tucson, I take the bus to PHX and fly from there. Parking is too expensive in PHX, but you can often get direct flights about the same cost as flying from Tucson


There used to be three stops for Greyhound in Phoenix: Glendale, Airport/Downtown, and Mesa. Glendale spot closed a few years back, looks like a laundromat now; not sure about the Mesa location.


Mesa should still be open.


Man FREE WIFI I said to myself before the homeless guy overdosed in the seat in front of me. Cheers Portland!




Seconded. Flixbus is the cheapest and most reliable in that route. You can Uber from there.


Rent a car


Yeah I'm thinking that's the move




Don't be a jerk, people are allowed to ask for advice/recommendations, that's literally what communities like this are for. I personally can't rent a car without an exorbitant amount of money, if at all, bc I'm not 25+ so that wouldn't have been an option if it were me, and you wouldn't have known that unless OP said so either.. OP has a few options available, they were asking which was best in other people's experience. You don't have to comment, you could've just scrolled on instead of being a dick. And to OP: I have heard lukewarm things about greyhound but personally taken Flixbus most fromt he Tempe area tho I believe they also go to Chandler/Flag/etc. As long as you are VERY cognizant of your time, Flixbus is alright. Bring water tho


You’ll need a credit card to do this.


Nah there are a couple places that’ll take debit cards. Enterprise is one of them.


What a concept


If you use google maps, they have an option that shows you the public transit options. You just put in the starting and ending addresses and click on the icon that looks like a bus or a trolley, then it will give you the options with bus numbers and times.


Flix bus is the way to go!


I take groome shuttle as well, works great


If you can take the light rail to the airport you can catch the Groome shuttle. They pickup at Sky Harbor and drop off at 4-5 locations around Tucson, Lyft to your destination from there.


Unfortunately, the area's infrastructure is heavily car-dependent like most of the US. There's been talk of high speed rail between Tucson and Phoenix for years but it's still nowhere close to materializing.


I would also say flixbus. I've used it several times and it worked well every time.


This might sound dumb, but try Uber or Lyft. I know some people who drive for Uber who do runs from Tucson to the Phoenix airport, and of course they have to come home after.


Uber and Lyft drivers definitely don’t mind making runs to and from the airport. There are shuttles that run from the airport to Tucson. I don’t know that I would want to do that for work everyday.


Not dumb! I considered it but I feel bad for whatever reason doing that to drivers. Maybe it's no big deal but 🤷‍♂️


Oh I get it. My point was that you probably wouldn’t be putting someone out of their way since they go back and forth all the time.


They have to accept the ride, right? So I would think they are forewarned about the distance? Edit: By accept, I meant select the ride. Not meaning like they are forced. But it appears my understanding of the uber app from the driver side is wrong.


I didn't think they were given the destination before accepting. Many jurisdictions have laws that force cab drivers not to turn down rides to a place because of where it is. Related to issues with racist cab drivers who didn't want to drive to certain parts of town.


But uber isnt cabs. Its a private company, can do what they want. They arent subject to the same laws as license holding cabbies. EDIT: Uber drivers can refuse you service at any point for pretty much any reason. I did it back in the day, if i pulled up to pick someone up and if they were totally shitfaced and i thought theyd puke in my car, if they were sketchy, if they were obvs on drugs etc. i would just leave them there and turn off the app


Cab companies are private companies as well. Uber can't do what they want, they must follow the law in every jurisdiction they operate in.


Cabbie licenses are 100% issued and controlled by the State. You have no idea what you are talking about


Yes, issued to private companies and private operators. You seem to be misunderstanding what a private company is.


And here you go, an example of a local jurisdiction not allowing the final destination to be shown before accepting a ride https://cheddarden.com/can-an-uber-driver-see-the-destination-before-accepting-a-job/


You seem like you're reaaaalllly emotionally invested in this stupid reddit argument. Go outside real quick and take a few deep breathes of fresh air dude


I'm good, thanks though. Are you done trying to deflect the fact that you were incorrect with the personal attacks?


Maybe they have to make deliveries in between cities. You can probably hitch a cheap ride.


The Suburbians have won this war: you need a car. But let’s be honest: these car companies need us even more. Any push to eliminate them is met with a budget for press campaigns demonizing useful alternatives. There have been decades of votes for a rail network between these two major cities and for what? More suburban development keeping people away from centralized routes & access to a useful rail network.


The thing that pisses me off is that the issue with a car is that you have to drive them. You can’t do anything else while you’re on the way there. If you’re too sleepy, you might just die and take others out with you. A Tucson Phoenix rail link would be awesome.


I take the bus so I can read things. In a vehicle I’m just compounding the day’s stress tally. On a bike I’m tethered to nothing but my attention has to be clear for vehicles and the occasional branch that’s jutting out, and the pothole that jumps out at ya. Despite the dangers I face on bike I end up feeling relaxed, energized, or just peaceable at the end of the commute. Cars don’t produce the same rewarding feeling.


I've taken Greyhound before, it's typically around $30. Amtrak runs but very infrequently during weird hours only once or twice per week for $40. There is also the airport shuttle from PHX to points in Tucson that's usually around $50. There is Flix bus but I haven't taken it personally.


I have done it a number of times by bicycle. You can't ride on I-10 really, so the highway through San Tan, Coolidge, Florence, and Oracle Junction is your best bet. It adds about 25 miles and if you get hit by a car nobody will know for a week. Better off taking the bus.


The Euro way is [taxi to Maricopa, then Amtrak to Tucson](https://www.rome2rio.com/map/Chandler/Tucson#r/Taxi-train).


Shit that’s tough. Greyhound is your best bet, but that’ll take you to Phx airport essentially, then you can take a city bus to Chandler. My guess is this commute will take 4 hours and 20 mins. Good luck on your expedition


Theres a cool shuttle service called groome.


Oh wow. Public transit between cities isn't really a thing here. Greyhound? Amtrak? Honestly, I would just rent a car if you can do that. The city bus system is fine within Tucson but, it doesn't extend much outside of the city limits.


No Amtrak directly between Tucson and Phoenix. Maybe in 15 years or so.


Damn. I never needed to deal with this particular issue so, I had no idea there wasn't even a train. That's just...wrong. No wonder I feel trapped here. There really isn't any way out.


I feel the same way.


Thank you. To whoever downvoted my opinion on where I live, even though I said nothing directed to anyone that would be considered insulting...are you seriously sticking up for the City of Tucson like it has feelings that I could hurt? This kinda shit is exactly why I hate it here.


That was not me. If I could go down to Chandler and then to Tucson, would be amazing. Again, I did not down vote you.


I heard a "rumor" the government of AZ was thinking of building a high speed rail between Phoenix and Tucson. We have a better chance of landing the first human on Mars.


They won't do it because of the border/immigration problems that it would present. It will never happen. They will never make it easier or faster to get out of the border area.


I know. That's why it was a separate paragraph not addressed to you.


Your only way out of tucson is to take a train? What? That particular thing is why you feel trapped here? Why would anyone feel trapped in this place? We are on an international border, we have a great little airport, and we sit on major highways. WTF are you talking about man? Your comment says A LOT more about you than it does about Tucson.


I think they're making the point that transportation options are limited if you don't have a car, especially on the west coast.


I think they're making the point that they live with a helpless, victim mentality where they have no agency and cant do anything because of the big bad world and evil mean people out there in it. u/littlealienlost's post history shows them to have major medical and mental issues that impact her ability to anything. Surprise surprise she feels trapped.


Oh, you're the one. Nevermind. Username tells me everything that I need to know.


The fact that I live in the desert and love cats (I own 4) tells you everything you need to know? Do you not like cats? What are you even trying to say? I'm the one? What the fuck are you even talking about?


Aw, they pushed it out. 20 years ago they were telling me in 10 years lol


That’s so dumb. Can you imagine the possibilities if we had that? So so dumb not to. Sad.


There's a bus that leaves from Skyharbor that has minimal stops. A lot of the college students use it. It's about $40 each way.


airport shuttle between tucson and sky harbor lol


I just did it on a longboard/hitchhiking!! 2/10 would not recommend


I used to use Arizona Shuttle (Now Groome Transportation). You will have to go to Sky Harbor and catch it from there. For me it was very convenient. It would drop me off at the UofA. My cousin only lived a few minutes away and would pick me up. Or I would go have a beer in the area until my cousin could meet up. But I don't think there is a pick up in Chandler.


Greyhound is fairly reliable but of course there is the possibility of being 1 or 2 hours off schedule as that just comes with the territory. I suggest the train if its an option, or just book a short flight.


Not the best but all those Mexican shuttle services will pick you up at your home and either drop you off at their location in Tucson or drop you off wherever you need for extra pay. They also have a few shuttles that leave through the day


Just asking, what do you plan on doing without a car in Tucson???


Visiting for work


If you can get to Maricopa and on certain days only, you could Amtrak it. There and back. Same day.