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New mythological lore just dropped


actual mythology


Call the pantheon


Baldr goes on vacation, never comes back


Noooo! Who's going to create the hit video games series baldr's gate?


Balder's Girlboss


Baldr's air luminescence


Tangentially speaking of mythology, is Owlpellet an alt account of OSP Red (comicaurora on tumblr)? Prometheus' face looks exactly like her style.


no clue, this subreddit is currently the closest i've ever gotten to using tumbler


oh shit oh fuck yes


We have been giving animals cooked meat for a couple of centuries now. We've also noticed them getting smarter. Hopefully they'll run the world better than we did when we're gone.


Nuclear war is just cooking meat really thoroughly.


"Mr. President. The nukes have detonated. San Francisco is well-done." "Monsters. All of them."


We will all bake together when we bake, 8 billion hunks of well done steak.


We’ll all fry together when we fry, we’ll be French fried potatoes by and by.


At that point we're not well done we're congratulations


Reminds me of that post where there's a blast zone radius where frozen pizzas are perfectly cooked


Huh, I did just read something about dogs getting smarter overall... food for thought.


None of the species we keep as pets are going to survive the extinction event we've caused.


I don’t think I’ve literally ever heard someone say sex makes us human. Romance too. Love, yes I’ve heard, to which I hear people forgetting about non-romantic love when trying to disagree with. Aro people still feel love, don’t you? Familial, other forms of platonic, etc. doesn’t have to be what makes us human but there’s more forms of love


I think one of my favorites is that the need to throw things is what makes us human. No other creature is as good at throwing as we are. We're casually capable of calculating velocity, distance, and the size and weight of what we're holding, and we do it quickly and almost instinctively. Our arms are more optimized for throwing than anything else on the planet. Naturally, we needed Big Brains to Throw Things More Accurately, dexterity to Throw Things Better, our shape to Throw Things More Efficiently (since it's easier to carry things to throw while walking in a bipedal fashion), and generally just become a well-optimized throwing machine. Then it graduated to Build Things to Throw (like spears), then to Build Things To Throw Things (like bows and arrows), and things just kind of got out of hand.


I like ass-wipe being the thing that makes us human, or I guess more broadly rectal hygiene since bidets are a thing


Which wouldn't be necessary if we didn't have to stand up to throw more good. Most animals don't need to wipe, our bipedalism fucks with our poop chute


I dunno about the rest of the primate family. I had a co-worker whom couldn't sink a piece of paper in a trash bin 6 inches away. Yet I've seen monkeys at a zoo hit someone outside of their enclosures with their own shit.


Another more unique one imo is no other species has a chin


As an aro person, I’ve heard the love one far too many times, but while I and many other aros do experience other forms of love, e.g. I experience very strong platonic love, I’d try to steer away from arguing that it’s ok because we experience other forms of love, as not all aro people experience other forms of love (loveless aros do exist), and it falls into the trap of creating an idea that we have to “make up” for our lack of romantic love with other forms.


I have. Honestly, it’s depressing. Also stupid bc most animals have sex


Wtf why have people unironically claimed that


Sometimes it comes up when I say I’m asexual. I think they just…don’t like it? Take it as a threat to their own sexuality? Want me to feel some sort of way? But it makes me feel kinda bad for them bc fuck, I get most people really enjoy it and find meaning in it but there is so much more to life than sex


Yeah. That is incredibly weird. Sex is obviously an incredibly vital part of human life, because we are all the product of it having been done, but that doesn’t mean we need to do it ourselves.


Robert Heinlein did. He wrote a whole book about it, it involves a Martian with psychic powers


Oh yeah forgot about that. Sorry, anyone even close to sane.


I have met far too many asexual deniers that say that having sex makes you human


Someone: romantic love and sex make you human! Aros, turning to aces: gods?


I can't follow you that well most social animals feel love pretty much just like humans. And just like humans animals are capable of loving those from other species in the same way you might love your dog. There is absolutely nothing unique about human love that I am aware of.


Like I said it doesn’t have to be what makes us human but love is still the one that gets said much more than romance specifically


ok but that bird doesn’t cook meat, it smokes it’s prey out


Yeah, it's a bit of a problem with global warming now. They use the fire to hunt, but that of course causes new wild fires.


For Northern Australia, that’s good. It’s built to burn, so constant micro burning prevents catastrophic mass burning


Just curious, how does using fire to hunt cause new wildfires?


Cuz they take embers/lit branches and fly to a new location to start a new blaze. How'd you think birds were using fire to hunt?


Ok, I see, what does it have to do with global warming?


Are you being dense on purpose? Global warming causes disruptions in the weather patterns, specifically drought are more likely. hotter things tend to get drier and are more easily lit on fire by fire. In a system that hadn't been fucked up by humans, yes, wildfires are a natural part of the cycle, and these birds would be included in that. These wildfires would be less intense and less likely to spread catastrophically. With smaller burn areas, both plants and animals can bounce back from. But if these areas are too big there's no other area for food or shelter. In these areas the only plants that can grow properly are Pioneer plants, which reduces biodiversity and are less capable of sustaining herbivores. Some plants need the heat to germinate, but if it gets too hot during these Burns the seed itself completely burns up. Not only does global warming cause droughts, it causes floods as well. the atmosphere can hold more water because it is hotter. As you can imagine life gets pretty tough when everything's been burnt and then everything gets. This is the reason why there's a hurricane in early july.


Damn dude, I was just engaging innocently, trying to understand what you meant. You're calling me dense for no reason. I work with wildfires, so I have a decent background in it. I'm not denying global warming or more extreme fire behavior. I guess I was trying to understand the link between a bird's hunting strategy, which yes starts fires, but is likely in a system that is used to fires, and global warming. Is it that drought conditions make the fires this bird spreads worse?


Alright, I apologize, I did unnecessarily get angry. First I'm not a scientist, I'm just half going on memory from hearing about it before, and double checking some things. Not the best source. The drip feeding of questions, on something that I don't think is too hard to follow, was something I was finding frustrating. Out of all the systems affected by global warming I would think this is one of one's that could tolerate it more. Is that true? I don't really know. I'm sure there are videos/articles out there by experts who actually have experience with this. The closest Ive gotten to Australia is that I have an uncle who lives there. Never been.


Still gives more calories for less input, and only smart birds will do it


Now I miss Prometheus and bob from nicktoons


The show was called Kablam! and every episode of Prometheus and Bob is easily available on good ol' [YouTube](https://youtu.be/Mi8SLMP1oFY?si=tgG-VbZiYnvuQM3w)


"You know what, that ones on us. Shoulda known he would give fire to the birds too"


The "behold, a (hu)man!" Joke is the best part of this by a mile.


Diogenes was the original mad lag of Greek philosophers. Nobody else would stand up to Plato and remind him that his shit still stank.


I was really hoping this would set up a joke where Prometheus could get his revenge by showing up every day to eat the hawk’s liver as a punishment now that it stole fire


I imagine at some point they just began to make small talk, you can only hate someone for so long when you encounter them every day and every encounter goes the exact same way


I think sex is actually what makes us animals


Isn't sweating also a human thing?


That picture's a Wedge-tailed Eagle, not a firehawk. And if the wedgies learn to use fire we are proper fucked, because they're [friggin *enormous*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7uY6uGPXPI). (Might still happen though - [eyewitness accounts report three different Australian raptor species carrying fire](https://blog.nature.org/2018/01/12/australian-firehawk-raptors-intentionally-spread-wildfires/), two types of kite and a falcon).


Who is saying that sex is what makes us human? The thing that many organisms do to continue existing?


What makes us human is telling stories. Plenty of other animals communicate, but no others actually tell stories.


We don't know that because we can't understand what they communicate to each other


I want to learn more about the mentioned color symbolism


Well, I've heard that the color red has primarily positive connotations


bbq time


New mythological head cannon, Prometheus is chained in Australia


"Cooking is the one thing that only humans do..." Really? I must have missed the rabbits' International Space Station. How many symphonies have turtles written?


> How many symphonies have turtles written? [When God sings with his creations, will a turtle not be part of the choir?](https://preview.redd.it/4fjd259krmj61.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=91f37397bde41ff611cd50aba9ce9c2156a52434)


> I must have missed the rabbits' International Space Station. Panspermia. >How many symphonies have turtles written? https://youtu.be/y7qMqAgCqME?t=114


I remember reading a cool short story which featured, among other things, Prometheus being a mastermind who knew he’d get caught but wanted humanity to thrive as he predicted. But the one thing he didn’t predict was the eagle.


New Diogenes lore just dropped!!!


Learned yesterday on reddit: While a “featherless biped” is quite common, humans can indeed be accurately differentiated from all other animals (and everything really) as “naked sweating apes”. There are no other apes without thick fur that sweat like us. In fact “sweaty things” is pretty specific to humans too.


Okay, but I really like this version of Prometheus the most. Like, the idea that he not only wouldn’t hold a grudge against the bird that tortured him, but would actually help it despite the pain it inflicted, as it was simply commanded by the gods to do what it does, and sharing that information the gods didn’t want disseminated to even more creatures would simply be icing on the cake.


The firehawks use fire to start small bushfires which scares small prey out of hiding. So they don't actually use it to cook