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This fued killed 2 greats. Sad and dumb


'Pac could've and should've just sat down with B.I.G. and neutralize their differences. Instead, he just chose to be loyal to his so-called „death row family" that didn't pay him one penny and only got him killed him in the end. What a fraud-ass label


It’s amazing what a simple conversation between two people can do. It is equally amazing how far from the righteous path someone’s loyalty to others can take them. Pac barely knew suge, but suge got him out of jail. Suge bought Pac’s loyalty with bond money.


Yeaaaah. Let's have a sit down with a dude that was robbed a floor, or several, beneath us, by the people that we knew. Oh, also! Let's have a sit down after talking shit to him in the Vibe magazine! Yes! Let's also have a sit down with him after ghosting him after going to prison. Yeah. Not to mention later on with Puff releasing Who Shot Ya? as a taunt towards Pac. Bruh. Sit-down couldn't happen at that time and Pac threw away his loyalty towards the East after all that happening. Also, if you are trying to troll on DR, let's also comment on Bad Boy who ripped off all of their artists, for whom some died penniless; Craig Mack and Black Rob for instance.


niggas still gettin robbed by bad boy lol presently


Baaad Boooyyyyy (FILNOBEP voice) 😂💀


Oh yeah, let’s visit him at the hospital after he got shot. But aw shit they won’t let me visit him! And Death Row is overrated AF, Suge Knight was a fake AF friend for 'Pac.


Pac lays it out right here. Continuing the beef was, in his mind, better for business than the alternative.


They didn't "pay him" because he was supposed to get his check for All Eyez On Me 9 months following it's release (November), but he obviously died before that could happen. This is a time interval most record labels follow in regard to payday. At least Death Row's artists were eating during their peak rather than *Baaaad Booooy's* (FILNOBEP voice).


no it didn’t lol


This fued, had nothing to do with their deaths


A dumb legend? Lol


I know the conspiracy theory, that puffy put the hit on pac. But him getting blasted in Vegas had nothing to do with bad boys, he fucked around with gangbangers that have nothing to lose.


Yep there’s more to being smart than articulating words.


wtf with the filter


I'm a straight white man but in fairness he was a handsome man. Smart as fuck and talented. Such a shame


Not smart enough apparently


Not true. Pac want backwards. One of the migos went backwards and died too. Pac ran his mouth and plenty others still do.


How did take go backwards? He stayed out of Drama?


lol His politically correct answer. Death Row would beat down Bad Boy Records if they had a chance just like how they did that guy in MGM. Pedo Diddy had Tupac murdered anyways.


Suge always had a hold on him when he got him out of jail & am pretty sure he would have mentioned this many times to Pac in 1996. Suge knew what he was doing getting Pac out of jail it's was a money making plan for him at Deathrow nothing more rip Pac off & make millions more at the same time win win for him. Pac had the number 1 album in the country while he was in jail in 95.


East coast vs west coast feud was started over Suge and PAC fcuking on Puffs baby mamas and Suge’s security aka best friend getting killed by Puffs security.


East and west coast acting like they had to “get to the money first”, like there wasn’t plenty to go around. Fucking stupid shit.


Tupac was broke after he got out of jail


Death Row Records is one fraud-ass label. They didn’t pay him one penny.


😭Pac a troll dude


Rap was created as a gov plan to separate and bring hate to the people. PAC and Biggie were both in on it. PAC is not the guy you think he is. Biggie isn’t either.




Mediocre at best…


Tupac CEO mode most G...


I loved how he answered with yes if they bring drama we will respond like normal but if they talking doing songs together then we will look over the contracts😂😂😂..he leaves you with oh ok that’s good after a answer…I miss him so much 🥹🥹🥹💗💗💗


He won't repeat anything. He can't. He's dead....


"To get on some gangsta, we do that better than anybody " I'M fOaMinG aT tHe MoUtH dOnT fIgHt mE God how couldn't y'all see this nigga for the true cornball fake gangsta he is How he became deified off a fake image still boggles my mind ttd


When did he ever back down in a situation though?


Stop being disingenuous "Not backing down" is totally different from a gangsta persona


He never said he was a gangster though. With to to get on some gangsta he means if they want to start trouble.


He had "THUG LIFE" tattooed across his torso




"We do that better than anybody" Dude just stop Nigga had THUG life tatted across his chest, had a Mob piru tattoo...plus a whole lotta things Just stop it


You just see what youbwant so see to hate on a dead guy. Doesnt fit your agenda that he wasnt a gangster. You saud he was a cornball pretending to be a gangster right. So according to you he is fake and therefore would run from confrontation like puffy at the soul train awards? The man himself said he wasnt a gangster and thats not what thuglife meant. If he wanted to glorify it he would say it was. He was fearless though and never backed down. Same way he didnt back down a few hours later when they confronted Nas in NY. You just got triggered by the word gangsta and now cant admit you are wrong. Had he said if they want to confront us and start a fight we do that better than anyone. Would it be better? Same meaning though.


Dude again Being fearless and brave isn't what being gangsta is.. that's a whole different ball game. Tupac claimed the latter. You're literally mocking the suffering of actual street dudes by saying shii like that.


If you're glorifying street dudes you're the problem. Pac acted like this cause he didn't come from no gangs. He felt like he had to earn his stripes after the fact otherwise rap fans wouldn't take him seriously. When he got shot he blew up even more. Fueling the idea this is what was required to become the greatest. I got more respect for the fact he made it despite not being from that life style. It's people like you that poisoned his mind in thinking he had to be a gangster to make this music. And after seeing what happened to MC Hammer when he tried to do gangster rap... he got called a fake and his career died after Its All Good. Ironically MC Hammer was a real thug in a past life before his fame with real OGs to vouge for him. But it didn't matter. I don't need my rappers to be murderers to make a gangster ass song. And they don't need be street dudes just to be considered real.


No I'm not "glorifying" shii I simply said Pac was a wannabe and a fake. That's all.


Except he didnt claim it just by having a thuglife tattoo or mentioning the word gangsta.


This guy wasn't even alive when Pac was thriving. Otherwise he wouldn't be commenting this BS. It's those who weren't around during his prime who talks this bullshit


Dude was an actor and his thug image and forced association with Piru MOB bloods was cringe. The soft spoken and well articulated theater kid who did ballet and read shakespear was closer to the most pure iteration of he really was at the core. I agree with you


Didn’t he shoot two cops?


Yeah he shot two off duty officers who were brothers in Atlanta. He didn't know they were cops, but how does that make him a legitimate street dude? I'm assuming that's the inference?


Cool story bro...


Oh, yes, because Tupac is the only rapper in history to exaggerate? Biggie literally called himself the black Frank White when all he was really doing was selling a couple of spare grams to crackheads before he blew up as an artist. Everybody exaggerated and boasted and still do for the most part. You're also completing ignoring what Pac said himself in dozens of interviews, hundreds of songs, etc...He never said he was a gangbanger or in a gang, ever (although yes certainly towards the end sure seems like he started claiming Piru). But to question Pacs toughness is insane. And that's what he was referencing, that anyone can be a "thug" it just means even if you're downtrodden, or your back is against the wall, you don't back down, you fight for you and what you believe in. There are many, many instances in Pacs life, including with actual bangers, where he lived up to what he was talking about, everyone knows the examples I'm referencing I don't need to repeat them for you.


OK we're supposed to excuse inauthenticity cause "everybody" does it... lmfao.


That was one sentence I said. And then I explained to you how Pac lived by what he talked about. Pac also never claimed a set, until if you want to say at the very end he was claiming Piru I won't argue, but for the vast majority he didn't claim, he said repeatedly he didn't claim, and he explained what he meant when he said thug, etc....Re read my comment. Pac never said he was a banger and I'd say his life he proved he was as tough as he talked about in his songs.


Most feminine gangster to ever live.


Akil lives forever kid didn’t you know?