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Collector > IE > Runaans is my to go, Dominik if tank, what should be the last item? I usually get kraken


I've been going BT


bt is good, love it got 2 pentas in a game and they denied the third one with an ff while i was killing the last 2, this build is so fucking fun, also the first strike sounds are just perfect


Yep collector rush into ie when you’re in the lead is insanely rewarding. Honestly feels waaaay better than bork, in fact I don’t even get bork anymore. I end up getting +20takedowns with less than 5-4 deaths whenever it happens. For my last item I’ve been going with the ad burn item (the one that looks like multiple spears). It’s been working pretty neat but I will for sure try bt.


hmmm that game they had renek and kench, didnt even buy ldr i had collector ie hurricane funny burn item and bt, still killed all of them in like 5 secs max, oneshotting a tf felt pretty damn good tho, hate that champ


I think with tk AND renek dominik would be for sure 2nd or 3rd item depending on how far you’re ahead. It makes you melt them like butter if you’re especially not lower level than them.


yeah i know, for some weird reasons i didnt buy it, funny part is that i was BEHIND, got a random good flank pentakillled with collector and then i was just too fed, weird boblow shenanigans i guess lmao


I hope they won’t need collector, it is soooo good on twitch rn, collectors and twitch e proc with pta feels like a cheat code atm.


pta bugged so i dont even use it, first strike works well enough, also hearing the sound when you ulti 5 ppl with hurricane is just heavenly, but yes hope they dont nerf collector too much


ive recently had a funny moment where I told myself hey why not try bork it cant be THAT bad. it was. it was horrible, never again this patch. compared to IE rush I was dealing 0 damage


Yesss, don’t rush ie tho, rush collector. Boots then ie. Give it a try and lmk. When you complete collector, you’ll have like half of bf sword for ie just from your takedowns. And the lethality it brings matches with your e so well. It’s so rewarding leaving the laning phase with +10 takedowns.


What about runes, do you run first strike? I find the damage from FT a bit underwhelming compared ti PTA proc


I’m very satisfied with the pta proc ngl, invis + ult pta proc deletes 1 - 2 or 3 champs with ease in team fights (considering you have a reasonable lead and 2 to 3 items finished. The funny burn item is still experimental since you could go bt instead but it is so good with your ult during team fights. The rat becomes a brand with his poison as well. The reason I havent really tried bt is that, adc is still adc, one false move or bad positioning and you can get 1 shotted, so instead of going defence I choose more offense but idk.


To add to pta, with your q attack speed, it is relatively easier to proc it early game as well. Since twitch doesn’t really have a poke, you trade hard with them once or twice and for the last trade you go all in, rinse and repeat. Lvl6 advantage is so important too, if you have it make sure to not waste it.


I just tried the collector for a few games, its feels amazing. Won every game even one shere i went ruaans second. Thx for advice although i feel like the build lacks attack speed a bit


It does a tiny bit, that’s why you never engage in team fights without your ult or invis. The attack speed granted from those both is enough for (10 seconds max ig) you to be useful/win team fights. That’s why bork is also not a horrible buy for last item since it has attack speed and that initial slow, but it’s definitely very weak for rushing atm.


Runaans second is a decent option, if you think you’ll be teamfighting and not be getting peeled off, or their team has few sitting in the back/frontline etc. Definitely play around and pick your order, ie doesn’t need to be 2nd, you can 2nd runaan or dominik, just make sure ie 3rd at least. And then continue building your items according to the enemy. Try that funny burn item though I’m not sure how I feel about it, but it got me few takedowns like a teemo shroom lol


killing the enemy adc with 3 autos is so real


nah, bro even farmed while making a penta


hahaha, I had nothing to attack there with galio zhonyas and pyke stealth