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.... I don't even remember it being that bad as a kid. You don't see any of the deed (or her body) on screen, just a gun shot rings out, then shortly after Bambi looks for her, before encountering dad with him explaining she can't be with him any more. Like, I don't know what you could change to lessen the 'trauma'. Also didn't Mufasa's death play out like 1:1 in the Lion King Remake? That shit was way worse as a kid.


Also it's better for children to learn about the concept of loved ones dying through watching movies than to experience it very early on as a kid without any preparation.


Yep. And it's weird the more I think on this. Like this isn't 'oh different time period' thing. In house Disney, both proper+Pixar, and even some of what it was willing to distribute like Little Toaster, has never really been scared to put scenes that would scare a kid in, either death or just violence in general. Bambi, Finding Nemo, Tarzan, Hunchback, off the top of my head. Heck I remember the reporting of Cars 3 trailers causing it, since it had Lightning wrecking. This feels like a bs excuse to just saw down the parts of Bambi that hurt it as a safe production that appeals to the largest market possible. Which is ironic cus that scene is probably the only thing people actually talk about from Bambi, and its an important establishing scene for when Man returns in the backhalf of the film.


Yep, it is way better to have a scary or upsetting scene like Mufasa's death in a children's movie. Kids need to learn how to handle those emotions, and media gives them an easier outlet to process everything.


Bit of a tangent, but there is this story I've been building in my spare time and my idea for the rival character/deuteragonist is basically "What if you had a person where for their entire childhood, literally everything went their way and they never had negative or traumatic experiences? Like far beyond just being lucky, it's straight up a supernatural blessing type of thing." Direction I decided to go with him is that it's resulted in him being a pretty nice dude, but he's weirdly alien in a lot of ways and finds it hard to relate to other people, he has an insane savior complex since he's realized that everything always seems to go better if he does something himself instead of letting others handle it, and he has *zero* coping mechanisms developed for when bad things do happen to him later in life.


I know it had the effect on Gladstone Gander that he refuses to leave the house carrying money.


Reminds me of a particular variation of the events that occur in Madoka Magicka - if the blonde lives long enough, she can't handle the even *more* traumatic stuff that happens and starts killing her friends off.


it wasn't that, it was that >!the revelation that witches are fallen magical girls causes her to decide they're better off dead than risking potential damnation!<


The things we said aren't mutually exclusive.


lucky ted :v


It’s called being truly rich


Yeah it's why the Newbery Medal has a reputation as a seal of death for important characters, books get used to teach kids that lesson all the time.


Yeah I would say being trampled to death by a stampede of wildebeests is a lot more brutal than being shot.


“Bambi’s mum has been banished to the Shadow Realm. Forever suffering from her bullet wounds, “living” in agony until the end of time.”


Oh no the hunter is coming at her with a **Dark Energy Disc!**


- DARK ENERGY CLUB. "That is clearly a gun colored blue in post processing." - DARK ENERGY CLUB


*hunter holds up an invisible gun*


It’s okay, I can see her parachute blocking the buckshot!


It was a Sunday no deer where in the office.


[She's gonna have a nice room, IN A DUNGEON! For the rest of her days.](https://youtu.be/PT83Gsy59mk?si=K1bEgAqE7ic7S0Ko)


Ya gotta love how lazily 4kids edited some of those scenes. Like the really shitty-looking hammer they turned Helempo's gun into.


I can imagine a censor going into a panic attack when he sees Mihawk's crucifix sword.


I can just picture the hunter pointing with his extremely long rifle like and calling the Deers Ewdeers


i like how they zoom out to the pile of obviously dead people but they couldn't show her being aimed at


“I will send Bambi’s mom to the NEXT DIMENSION!”


*2 movies later...* "Somehow Bambi's mom returned"


“She flies now?!” …. “She flies now!”


“She’s been sent to HFIL! The Home For Infinite Livestock”


Alright but what if in the sequel we have punished Bambi's mom who escapes from Yu-Gi-Oh Hell covered in bloody bandages with a dualdisk?


Bambi will now be trampled over by a stampede of wildebeest


Ah good. That solves everything.


she'll be pushed off a cliff by a dalmatian


The dalmatian did it to distract Cruella. You don't get to see any of it, but you can see the look of terror in the dog's eyes as the witch loudly skins bambi's mom with her bare teeth off camera.


God I almost forgot about that stupid Cruella movie but now you brought back how dumb it is and how much I had to hold in laughter when I saw dogs push a lady off a cliff.


By modernised retelling I was hoping they meant the bullet caliber


.50 BMG explosive rounds. Skull pieces everywhere.


I thought it was really jarring when the movie cut away from the forest to show black and white drone footage of Bambi’s entire family being struck by a hellfire missile.


Spec Ops The Line 2 is really going places.


The beauty is, if you get the measurements right, the white phosphorus will cook the deer before you go pick it up


"Do you feel like a hunter yet?"


*white phosphorus*


*whitetail phosphorus*


That hunter had just got a killstreak from those rabbits.


[Leaked footage of the hunter shooting her](https://youtu.be/hseWOv2fvF4?si=JtP90Ip6BIk2t6fx&t=102)


Bambi's mom gets fucking glory-killed.


have bambi find his mom mid being hung up to bleed out and be skinned.


With a newborn deer below her still attached?


That would be very poor sportsmanship


"That still only counts as one"


>”They'll make the hunter an evil White man, Bambi's mom will be a message about incel rage and Bambi will also be black," wrote @NintendoFan729 That username was the perfect punchline


> and Bambi will also be black I can imagine that happening disney executive: "make bambie black" assintant: "but sir, they are animals, that doesnt make any sense...." disney executive: "*pulls out gun* I said, make bambi black...."


I just got this thought in my head that they get someone to read Bambi's lines in deep, heavily stereotypical Ebonics and the execs unironically thinking it is great representation.


Im sure theres a newgrounds era animation that does that


Bambi now exclusively talks in jive


"We brought back in the racist crows!"


I can imagine the "woke" crows actually being a worse take


Oh god, you're not wrong I bet they get James Corden in to voice one too


"Put out a press release. One of those animals are our first gay character."


> They'll make the hunter an evil White man Except I don't think there's been any game hunters in fiction that haven't been white Americans, British, or Afrikaners, so I don't know what this Twitter user is getting at.


Isn’t Kraven the Hunter Russian?


Oh yeah some are Russian as well.


*"Bambie's Mom just had to move Upstate with her Human Boyfriend."* *"How do e621 Users keep getting into these Writer's Rooms!?"*


Disney birthed e621.


"To better reach a wider, more modern audience, we will now be depicting Flower the Skunk as a twink femboy. To increase our demographics. And protect the kids from harsh truths."


The way that some people talk about this scene is almost like it was some life-altering traumatic event, like they still have PTSD from Bambi's mom's death. I remember just thinking it was kinda sad, but I just kinda forgot about it. But Bambi was also just kind of a boring movie for little kid me. Idk.


Got to keep in mind that back then it was pretty ballsy. I mean you never see the body, but the shot ringing out in the background, and those birds that got shot earlier as a hint, they don't say his mom died without being too explicit about it. Someone said it best, something like that helps ease kids into moments like death in the family and come to grip with it. This remake is looking to just say "Fuck that subtle lessons of life and death nonsense! Nothing bad happens in Disneyland!" At some point kids are gonna learn, and usually its through these movies or something from school, and taking that away you just make them helplessly aware of the rough patches that do inevitably happen.


Hollywood tries to coddle the children to hide them from the concept of death, while ironically living in a country where firearms is the number one read for children fatalities in the USA. On top of the fact that children are faced with the concept of death all the time, be it school shootings or police brutality if the child is Black. Kids are far from being the sensitive babies Hollywood thinks they are, they’re more resilient than they look.




That’s quite a punchline in and of itself


It’s like Elmer Fudd losing his shotgun. Since when did hunting become such a controversial issue to these people?


“Hunting is immoral” is a pretty common liberal belief


And I disagree, people should be free to hunt meat in a sustainable manner. (Or in the case of invasive species like wild hogs in the southern USA, indiscriminately hunting until they are extinct)


Oh joy, horrible CGI deer


They really need to stop with the live-action remakes because of how uncanny valley the cgi makes some of the characters in them.




> "Contrary to popular expectation, Disney will not be removing the scene where Bambi's mom is hard murdered." > "They will actually be removing the scene where [Bambi meets Flower the Skunk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LguqqFIezIg) because Flower is acting flirtatious and feminine despite both Bambi and Flower being boys." > "Disney apologizes for The Gay and promises to continue removing any instances of the The Gay from their past and future movies." The above is a joke. I'm still pissed off about how close Disney came to successfully burying the Nimona movie.


"We doubled down on the furry though. All y'all's kids are gonna be mad for the dussy, ten years from now"


Chris Pratt is Bambi


He's so cool.


Everyone is talking about the shooting scene but here I am traumatized by that devil deer at the end of the film. So...will there be no evil deer?


I have no memory of this


Bambi vs Evil Deer to fight for who will f### his girlfriend. That unmemorable?


I'ma keep it a buck with you, I remember fuck-all of my first (toddler) viewing of Bambi beyond thumper smacking the ground with his foot and Bambi's mom being hunted, and I have never seen this referenced once in my entire adult-memory life.


I do vaguely remember the fight for the girl yeah, but I didn't remember him being particularly evil, though that wiki link you send does imply he's quite the dick


For some reason, I added an extra D into that last sentence, and all I could think is "there's a DEVIL DEER?"


I'm sorry, the what?!


[EVIL DEER](https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Ronno)


Bambi’s mom gets deer wasting disease and smashes her own head against a rock.


>"Not to spoil the plot, but there's a treatment of the mom dying that I think some parents these days are more sensitive about than they were in the past. And I think that's one of the reasons that they haven't shown it to their children. But I do think there is a way to update Bambi, and our take on it... did give a little bit more of a scope to it. And I just think that to be able to bring it to life for kids these days in a way that maybe they relate to a little bit more would be of service to the original," she said. I love this quote. They're calling millennial parents sensitive bitches because theyre're not showing Bambi to their kids and they think it's because of the scene. I just remember Bambi being boring as fuck, and i wouldnt care to show it to my kid if I had one, but that's my opinion. Also how would gen alpha kids "relate more" to the mom death? By making her die from being a toxic parent? Edit: a climate change related fire will probably do it lol


Bambi is like "please get the shot, mom, it doesn't have microchips", but it was too late, she already read all she needed to on facebook.


In the real world, deer populations have been spreading COVID a round no joke.


Yeah I had the same thought. The mom dies at the start of Finding Nemo too but my parents still showed me that because Finding Nemo fucking slaps.


>I just remember Bambi being boring as fuck, and i wouldnt care to show it to my kid if I had one, but that's my opinion. That's because it is, easily one of the most boring Disney movies. If I wanna watch pretty animated scenery and animals frolicking or something, I can just put on Fantasia and get the same thing with better music and condensed into a smaller timeframe.


They'll make the mom antivaxx. ^^^^Which ^^^^now ^^^^that ^^^^I ^^^^think ^^^^of ^^^^it, ^^^^might ^^^^not ^^^^be ^^^^that ^^^^bad


I mean it has some top tier animal animation, but I think Lady and the Tramp is also better on that front.


> Edit: a climate change related fire will probably do it lol *looks over to the distance, where an oddly pink coloured smoke seems to be rising up into the air* "We must run, dumbass new parents are gender revealing in the forest"


Bambi's mom dies live on TikTok.


I never saw it, but I heard nothing about the Lion King remake changing the part where Simba watches his dad fall to his death or parents sheltering their kids from the original.


The Jungle book live action also went *way harder* than the animated version. Shere Khan bodied that wolf!


Kids know what death is. They know it happens, they might not have enough experience to understand it's gravity but THIS IS HOW YOU TEACH THEM. By constantly shielding children from uncomfortable subjects and thoughts we aren't preparing them for the real world. I'm not saying bambi is going to prepare them for losing grandpa but it helps give them something to work from for dealing with the feelings they will have.


I say Double down. Show her on the grill


Thanks for somehow stumbling backwards even further than you already did and caving into producing more squeaky clean media that teaches young kids absolutely nothing.


Bambi... I'm fading into the next dimension...


Bambi's mom got arrested for [can't say that in a Disney movie] so she's absent from the rest of the film.


Bambi kids crying cause mom got shot off screen...Meanwhile, Land Before Time veterans...


I took my son to see it because it was randomly playing on a Sunday in a local theater, and still fucking lost it when he saw her “shadow”.


I want nothing to change, but instead of a rifle it's a large calibre revolver. And he loads it round by round, none of this preloaded or speedloader crap.


"I love to reload during a deer hunt! There's nothing like slamming a long, silver bullet into a running doe..."


Oh just make the question of death much more awkward then!? Bambi serves as the perfect stepping stone to actually explain the concept of death without having anyone in your own family die. Goddamn helicopter parents wanna protect their children from everything that could actually make them grow as an person and develop their own identity based on the thing they experience.


Just pull a G I Joe and have the gunshot put Bambi's mom in a coma


Disney: Time to launder more money so that fake ticket sales will make it look like the movie made money... again.


I can see Bambi's mom's parachute, she's ok!


Nobody better come fucking near **Watership Down**


Netflix already did in 2018. Fortunately, no one noticed. Silflay hraka, Netflix.


I don't know if the outrage is real or not but a few years ago I came to the conclusion that I was so traumatized by Bambi that I blocked out the entire movie For decades I thought the movie ENDED on the mother's death but that's the beginning?!? It fucked me up so much I don't remember anything that happened after that except for being surprised that Bambi, who was clearly a girl to me, grew antlers


I was denied access to watching Bambi as a kid. My mom didn’t like the mom getting shot


Certainly the opposite of the Don Bluth philosophy, that you can show kids the saddest scariest things as long as you give them a happy ending.


It means that they are adding the cut scene of finding Man's corpse, establishing that those who fuck around will find out.


Show them bambis mom above the smoker


Laser instead of bullet


Disney truly became the main enemy of imagination and expression


I want George from Deadly Premonition to be the one who kills Bambi's mom in the remake.


Bambi's mom went to live at a farm upstate.


yeah just remove the one thing people talk about with this movie that sounds like a great idea


Release the Doom cut where she explodes into gibs...


I can't believe that hunter sent poor Bambi's mom to the Next Dimension


"You can't help her, Bambi.Her heart has been taken by the Heartless"