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The Pirates of the Caribbean scenes are especially funny. Just extremely realistic looking Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom, but also anime boy, Goofy, and Donald Duck.


I love how in the Frozen world, Elsa is singing "Let it Go" and the trio are just...there.


You can tell that Frozen world was creatively chokeholded by Disney. On the other hand, the Big Hero 6 one decides to bring up >!the Baymax body that got left in whatever dimensional stuff that ring was from!<.


I will honestly kinda defend the Frozen world a little bit. Don't get me wrong, it sucks that we had to climb the big mountain 3 times, its like the first world in the series to have both of the popular musical numbers weaved into a "regular gameplay" Disney world (Do You Want to Build a Snowman and Let It Go is just recreated ingame) and people are very tired of those songs. Sora isn't allowed to interfere with the movie plot which genuinely does suck. But the Ice Labyrinth is one of the more interesting level designs in the series, and despite making you climb the mountain 3 times, its a new map design every time you climb. You fight Elsa's snow monster bodyguard thing and it becomes your party member later on, which also ties into the very sick last boss being a big ass wolf kaiju. I feel like they did a good job considering their limitations. I blame a lot of the issues I have about Frozen's inclusion in KH on the movie itself honestly. Frozen's earlier draft is much more interesting than the final version. KH3's writers wants the KH-original characters to reflect on a Disney world they've been to, but they don't want the KH-original chars to interfere with the movie plot (unless it's approved by the movie creators like we see with Monsters Inc/Toy Story) so when the Frozen movie itself flip flops on whether they want Elsa to be truly evil or temporarily evil, we get a similar adaptation in KH3. KH as a general rule has never really wanted to "fix" movie plots or anything, which makes the Frozen world kinda fascinating to me from a creative standpoint. I believe the KH team actually loves the Frozen movie which makes sense why they did what they did with the world, but the Frozen movie is a little bafflingly written.


Yeah I liked the ice labyrinth too. I’m still convinced the original idea was for Elsa to make it and not Larxene and her sudden electromagnetic ice powers.


You like the Ice Labyrinth? That's the worst part of the world!


> You can tell that Frozen world was creatively chokeholded by Disney. Bruh why do people act like the Frozen world was the **ONLY** world that got hit with that? Especially when you also have the Tangled and POTC worlds are retelling the movies? And that's not even getting into the world of *previous* games that also just retold the plot of the movies. But noooo it's just Frozen because Frozen is the easier target.


I think Tangled (and POTC no idea because I just started the world) are more ignored because the trio isn't just there, the plot still happens the same, but at least feels they are part of the plot and not getting musical montage where they are just staring. At least until an Organization member appears to go "is a canon event" and drops them from the plot. Is jarring when it happens in Corona at the end, is extra jarring when it happens like three times in Frozen. Seriously, why they haven't started a stab on sight protocol for the Organization? Even then, how the trio never interacts with Frozen bad guy? At least they have a short interaction with Tangled one. They are still worst than then ones who actually have permission to just do what they want. Monster Inc working as an unofficial sequel while Toy Story working as neat side story. Then there is Olympus that is happening the last part of the films but without all of the schemes Hades had to stop Hercules because those were already derailed by the trio the previous game (Hydra, taking Meg hostage and the multiple times he send someone to kill Hercules). So we are just to get the final laugh on Hades once and for all. Hades sees the trio and is just completely over the pain in the ass they are in the first time he sees them in KH3 and at the end he probably hates the trio even above Herc. (this is also why Atlantic sucks plot wise in KH2, because Ariel shouldn't be being tricked by Ursula after previous events of the games).


The whole level is you climbing the mountain and getting knocked down 3 times in a row. It's legitimately awful and the game knows it too. One of the most memorable shots in the game is the trio laying in a pile of snow after the final time they get knocked down with the purest expression of "I'm done"


At least the boss fight had that cool moment with the Snow Monster. Didn't like that level either but at least there was that.


The Frozen world has 2 moments that went extremely hard. The first is Elsa's snow monster bodyguard being a boss fight, who then joins you afterwards. The second is the final boss of the world being a giant Fenrir wolf monster.


Elsa: "let it go..." Sora and friends: "ummm, can we go?"


Its MAD that KH is still "allowed" (i've mused about dis before) aside from disney being, what i assume to be VERY PROTECIVE of their ip's its no wonder thst nomura just made it i[the kingdom hearts franchise], its own beast, after the second game*. Onwards, sometimes It just feels like the "disney component" is only there via contractual tidings so that the ip can continue to exist. *kingdom hearts 2 proper


After the second game? You mean Chain of Memories? The game after that, KH2, had more Disney in it, Disney is a big reason why the series is the way it is and it's not going away anytime soon. That's like saying "Marvel vs. Capcom should be its own thing instead of adding more Marvel characters like the X-Men."


KH is a Disney IP, so it was never going to not have Disney. Nomura clearly wants to tell his own stories with his own characters, but the Disney elements in the games are trying to celebrate the Disney IPs, not exactly lazily thrown in. I get that Frozen was a slight anomaly for the series (they've reenacted movie plots very often throughout the series, Frozen was just a bit more hamfisted about it) but come the fuck on.


oh yeah, i'm aware of that. it was just a funny basless observation' calm down dude.


The best is in KH2, where you have the uncanny valley models of the Pirates crew, combined with James Arnold Taylor's terrible Jack impression.


I wouldn't call them "uncanny valley" models because, for being PS2 models, they actually look really good, especially on the HD version. Also, I wouldn't call his impression "terrible," dude was just doing his best since Johnny Depp was working on Dead Man's Chest so he wasn't available.


Did Depp ever say he would've voiced Jack for KH? I always figured it was because he'd be too expensive.


Reportedly, he (and *supposedly* other actors like Geoffrey Rush) was willing to voice Jack in KH2 as he was a big fan of the first game, but since this **WAS** 2005 it meant that he had to focus on working on the movie. Same thing happened with David Warner, he was excited to reprise his role as Sark and the MCP, but couldn't due to scheduling conflicts.


This is unlocking an older memory of the internet stored somewhere During ye olden days I remember seeing articles stating how the Pirates characters weren't available to get their roles reprised, but somehow Geoffrey Rush had enough time to dub over Barbossa's roles solely for KH2's Australian release Obviously this wasn't the case but I still remember seeing those internet pages detailing that Also funny enough Bethesda did manage to get Johnny Depp to reprise his role as Jack in another Pirates game shortly before the second movie came out, and that was about half a year after KH2 was released


> but somehow Geoffrey Rush had enough time to dub over Barbossa's roles solely for KH2's Australian release **HOLY SHIT I REMEMBER THAT** The time I spent trying to look for YouTube videos of the Australian version of KH2 was *absurd.*


I don't know what KHs pockets are but they've managed some big names Like Christopher Lee originally voiced Ansem the Wise/Diz in 2


I mean, KH **IS** a series made by *Disney* so it makes sense that they'd have the money to get celebrities to voice some of the characters. And that's not even getting into the celebrities who reprised their roles as Disney characters.


Just there's some who didn't come back, like aside from the some of the pirates cast they got a sound-alike for Phill from Hercules instead of Danny Devito And of course we had Homer Simpsons VA as Genie instead of Robin Williams but that's a whole other big thing.


I mean, said soundalike, Robert Constanza, was also Phil's VA in the Hercules animated series and Dan Castellaneta was Genie's VA in Return of Jafar and the Aladdin TV series, so they still managed to get VAs known for voicing those characters in other media to reprise their roles. Though, on the other hand, you also have weird recasts like Sean Astin as Hercules in KH1 instead of Tate Donovan.


didn't even know he was recast actually awkward


Yeah, according to Astin, it's because Donovan wasn't available so they asked him if he was interested.


"Those Organization XIII chaps make us pirates look like proper gents." —Capt. Jack Sparrow I still get the giggles thinking about that line—this weathered, rum-swilling, veteran pirate (who probably cut a few merchant navy throats in his day) watching a bunch of goth anime teenagers summon their bobbleheaded cartoon shadow demons to run around and make a mess of things and going, *"oh fuck, these guys are hard, these are bad guys"*


Captin Sparrow’s just being a good Christian lad who don’t want to mess with the devil.


The most jarring is when they recreate the ending of the third movie and Sora and company are cheering as normal humans are being blown up alongside Beckett’s ship


Sora’s never been afraid to put a cap in someone’s ass, especially not in this game where he actually has a gun.


"I'll never be a memory." >Sora on his way to Smash so he can put Sephiroth down again.


Doubly weird cause theyre *real people* from our world, and then theres cartoon people which are the same species


Did someone mention the Door to Darkness?


I must consult with the Elder Gods.


\-Chris, Ding Dong and Julian laugh maniacally-


"How is it going, fellas?"


“Quan Chi and Admiral Razorbeard may possess the amulet and open communications with Sektor and Mister Sax, but the Land of Dreams will give us the access to reach all of the realms. Sub-Zero, Scorpion, take my hands.”


You joke but that would go hard.


I never joke about Rayman.


kingdom hearts is THE crossover franchise, that will NEVER escape its other half \[The disney part, even though that's part of the franchises identity\] you could just pick up sora, and just plop him into other things with the proviso that "kingdom hearts" \[as a concept\] exists EVERYWHERE, but we "learn" that via sora's appearances.


Yeah, you can basically take most non-Disney movies and make a cohesive KH world of out them with the landmarks, exclusive party members, NPCs, boss fights, unlockables, minigames, etc.


Now let's do a side scrolling musical level set to Black Betty.


ohwoah Noob Saibot, Bam ba dam


"Whatever you're talking about, I don't care!" \-Woody to Xehanort


After what felt like decades of Xehanort talking constant bullshit and everyone dramatically gasping at everything he says, Woody the fucking Sheriff calls him the fuck out. It's cathartic.


Woody had a gamer moment "I don't care what you're talking about , nobody loves you , and you're a punk ass bitch"


Donald Duck: Sora, it's Sephiroth!


Isn't Sephiroth the dark part of Cloud's heart?


Honestly one of the more eye-opening parts of Kingdom Hearts is that you realize that Goofy seems to have stuff figured out before the other two. He's *Goofy*, but he ain't *stupid*.


He's the only one of the trio who's married, has a steady(?) job, raised a son as a single father, and is the star of an entire line of instructional videos.


High Wis, low Int.


Hes the Team Dad *and* general One Brain Cell user of the party for a goddamn *reason*.


Example A. He figured put Mulan was a girl right away when the other two completely fell for it.


"Maxy, your father doesn't make love... **YOUR FATHER FUCKS."**


Donald and Goody know who Sepiroth is.


Just wait till wave 3 of the DLC Lu Kang: "Omni-man and Homelander continue to rampage across the realms, their battle bringing discord to our timeline. In order to stop them, I've been forced to call upon an even mightier hero. Kung Lao, Scropion, meet our new ally in Kombat!" Wordgirl: "Hi everyone! Oh! Did you know you've all been spelling Combat with a K, instead of C?"




You too? I started getting Rugrats videos a few weeks back before it was mentioned on this sub. The algorithm definitely keeps track of those who sub to the guys' channels.


It’s a good show written by SNL writers.


World girl could totally beat up Homelander


You could argue that any hero that deals on the regular with actual super villains should be capable of taking Homelander from expertise and possible power creep. Doesn't help that Homelander could totally try to tank an unknown power out of pure arrogance.


DnD parties when the DM isn't strict enough about character creation


base pathfinder 2e party too


The elf mage, the human fighter, the dwarf cleric, and the leshy barbarian.


Only one person showed up in costume, doing an accent


Ramone is Rayman's nobody.


Ramone did nothing wrong. Like seriously by the time he did what he did, >!he didn't even want that job anymore he just saw a chance to deal a critical blow to the system he helped prop up.!<


Did they ever explain who that 2nd Rayman they replaced him with is? I wonder if Ramone will try to kill that guy, supposing Captain Laserhawk gets another season. Would be cool to see a Rayman v Rayman brawl


This is my sleeper agent activation phrase


Kinda wish Disney didn't own part of KH so we could really get Sora universe hoping. I wanna see a scene with Sora and Donald and Goofy and ***Maliketh the Black Blade, Shadow of Queen Marika***


The scarlet rot would *totally* be tied in with darkness.


Disney owns the whole of KH, actually. The KH original chars are Disney's property. Larxene is a Disney certified evil stepmom.


She may be evil, but even red flags need some love too.


Stepmom, eh? Will she step on me?


Disney owns everything about KH except the Square characters. Nomura even had to reasure fans that the KH versions of the FF cast like Cloud and Sephiroth are still owned by Square and not by Disney despite them being given exclusive designs for the series.


Yes, all the Square chars in KH are still owned by SE. It's a similar approach to how Geno's legal rights are handled in SMRPG.




"My guess is no one's ever loved you before."- said by Woody as he approaches Xehanort while Roundabout plays.


Mortal Kombat X was Kingdom Hearts for your dad's childhood nostalgia


Bi-Han; Rayman…your blood is NOT Lin Kuei! Rayman: I mean, yeah? Rayman pulling up as a guest alongside Ghostface/T-1000/Conan


Jokes aside I would main Rayman in a MK game, fuck it I don't care if he's a MK11 zoner type character.


this is a funny tweet, but i downvoted because of the millennial ass title. it sounds like it was written by a buzzfeed writer. "erm... he's not wrong???? xD"


You're calling **ME** a millennial?


Ermmm.... THAT just happened 😱😱😱


Wait... wouldn't Injustice be more accurate for this scenario?


Sora Donald and Goofy become part of Noble Team to try and save Reach