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Apparently they already got the person, one of the leads sos showed it to his friends. He is the actual "my father works at Rockstar" and look how they treated him.


That was some pictures of the city, I believe it was actually the son's friend, not the son. Or at least one of his messages mentioned it being from a friend.


never do that kids. my father worked at rockstar just doesn't have the same ring to it.


Ooh boy, heads are gonna *roll* for that.


Apparently Rockstar said fuck it and just dropped the trailer early on their Youtube Channel.


At this point kind of had to. They are prob flipping tables over there. Csnt keep anything under wraps


Ya with 10 years and no new games fans will get pissed and desperate. Without the leaks riots would of probably formed outside of rockstar’s headquarters. Rockstar at least should of made a new handheld game to hold fans over.


GTA Birth By Sleep


Yeah thats GTA alright warts and all. Those leaks about the two player characters were right. Ill say having one of the PCs be a hot latina is preferable to fucking Trevor.


Same. Wonder if Mikey will return, though? Always had a soft spot for him...


He is gonna get killed in one of the first missions by the new characters to show how edgy the game is.


...Sadly, you're probably right. :/


Allegedly a 2025 release date?


the video looks very legit so it's most likely a 2025 release date.


Doesn't feel vice city- ish. Gives of more of a Bad Boys(1995) but in a good way


I think we've known that the setting was going to be contemporary for a while now. Lots of potential with modern Florida rather than a retread of Vice City.


>!TikTok in GTA6 was something that was obvious in hindsight, but it still surprised me!<


yeah the mix of tiktok and liveleak ass footage is a great idea for the trailer, Good way to get the franchises very nihilistic cynical edgy humor in, makes the world seem messy and alive


I don't know why they keep reusing cities. With 4 if felt like they wanted to show how far they'd come since 3, but with 5 and now 6 it just looks lazy. This one might as well be in New Orleans and 5 easily could've been Mexico City, or at least San Diego if they wanted to keep it in America.


Watching the leaked trailer with a giant ass "Buy $BTC" in the middle was a peak experience. The lighting looks fantastic, and the camera work seems to follow the mold of GTAV, instead of the more locked one from RDR2. >!Also, just learning that Florida is called Leonidia, is this a new universe thing or was it always like that?!<


>Also, just learning that Florida is called Leonidia, is this a new universe thing or was it always like that? I definitely recall them saying Florida in the original Vice City. i think most of the other games used fictional state names though


>level 1Vera\_Verse · 15 hr. agoBanished to the Shame CarWatching the leaked trailer with a giant ass "Buy $BTC" in the middle was a peak experience.The lighting looks fantastic, and the camera work seems to follow the mold of GTAV, instead of the more locked one from RDR2.Also, just learning that Florida is called Leonidia, is this a new universe thing or was it always like that? They referred to it as Florida in Vice City, and GTA IV, but I read that it will be called Leonida before the trailer. Maybe the name Leonida was in the 2022 leaks, or in some preveius game.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdBZY2fkU-0 rockstar posted it


Looks amazing


cant wait till I absorb the whole game through japanese vtuber clips


Say the line Miko!


Don't fuck with GTA fans, they will leak the entire fucking game.


You think. After 10 years with the same game fans are going to get tired of it and bored wanting a new game. With some leaking stuff. Rockstar had it coming with them not making anything new for 10 years. They should of released a new handheld game after 5 years.




Sooo many people don't care at all. Me included


Idk why it’s way better than gta v especially in story. RDR was used the gta v engine before and had and looks better.


I personally don't like rdr2 because (I think) it plays like shit and I don't care for the realism/sim angle they went for in some aspects. The vast majority of people like the game and more power to them tho


Wow, thought for sure it was holiday of next year. Least they're accounting for the inevitable delay upfront now, I suppose. Anyway, is it more than just South Florida or nah?


It's been their MO since GTAV, so I'm not surprised. GTAV Trailer 1- 2011 GTAV Release date- 2013 RDR2 Trailer 1- 2016 RDR2 Release date- 2018


When the hell did they start making this if the release is 2025? Surprising that so little fighting was shown