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They need to show shareholders that the amount of PSN accounts is rising rapidly.


As I said, I think that's thinking too small. You could bet on a dedicated PC launcher tho, to bypass the Steam cut.


The Steam cut is so people actually want to play the game.


You're also thinking too small, a few years after introducing the Playstation launcher on PC the next step is to make people pay PS+ to play online using it.


That's unlikely. What makes more sense is their dedicated launcher has it's own PS Plus catalogue.


Just like any other company with multiplayer game?


I must've forgotten the Namco accounts we all had to make to play Elden Ring multiplayer. Oh wait.


I do think it's important to mention that this is just for the multiplayer mode and PSN trophies, you do not need to login to PSN to access the single player.


Sony: Wanna see me piss of an entire fanbase? ... Wanna see me do it again?


Why no one is pissed by Fallout 76 requiring Bethesda account? Or how Halo requires Microsoft account.


Plenty of people are pissed about those things. Helldivers 2 gained far more traction because they released the game and didn't enforce their requirement for three months. Meaning people who would take issue with account linking bought the game during that time. Whereas with Fallout 76, not only is it free, but people going into the game also know about the requirement before they buy/install it. You have to buy a game on steam to leave negative reviews.


If you think Sony did that PlayStation overlay just for the fun of it, think again.


All this about needing to create psn account for sony/playstation branded shit on steam. (And the needlessly convoluted headache its spiralled into)  Has Got me thinking about, that (ALLEGED) claim that microsoft are looking to bring halo over, and how funny it would be if they made you pay a gamepass sub to acsess the multiplayer.


If a Sony multiplayer game gets ported to Xbox, you can definitely expect this system to be in place, asking for a PSN account. Subscription wise I think it's either illegal or no one wants to do it because there's no gain lol


Oh yeah, there's no way either of them could do it. But could you IMAGINE? Its the actual and probably illegal turbo slip up that nobody wants to make. Nor, should they *actively* want to.


How do you think that is illegal? MMOs have had dedicated accounts and subscriptions on consoles for decades now.


I don't suppose anyone here knows how the Xbox version of MLB The Show handles their online features? Since that is the first and only PS game on Xbox AFAIK


That's a good question, and I have no idea.


I don't think it's strictly illegal, it's just that trying to pull the online fee rent-seeking routine *on a competitor's platform* would get their shit banned immediately.


Better think why people are pissed by Sony requiring accounts, while pretty much everyone do this


I completely forgot about the online mode for Ghost of Tsushima until now.


This is for all of the "playstation has no games" jokes isn't it.


Why are they just turning ALL of Playstation into U-Play?


Ooooh it really is what some other guy in this sub said, they're just trying to bump the number of people that have PSN to show at some corpo shit meeting to go ''look big numbo'', its literally pointless, if you're gonna require us PC shitfaces to have PSN to play your Playstation games, then you know what, fuck it, be brave enough to make your own shitty launcher everyone's gonna hate and put EVERY playstation game there for pc, at least we get something out of that, probably not bloodborne, they'd put every single playstation game ever made there except bloodborne just to spite us.


They'd actually break into your house and destroy your copies of Bloodborne before even letting you pretend to think it's coming to PC.


I would want to believe that this push could also mean a stronger push's towards making more Sony games in general in pc and give themselves as a company some level of comfort as they enter deeper into the market but could also just be as the other comment here said "Hey! Shareholders look at our subscribers' account raise!" Also, I could see this also then trying to make so that "Hey, do you want to play this online only game? Well, pay us 80 dollars a year to access the servers. " They would love to do that, but I think even they know that if they tried that people would rebel hard!


It worked out well for Microsoft with GFWL, which is still going strong to this day.


I give 3 years to a PlayStation exclusive to come out at the same time on PC, because my bet is that Sony wants the PC market money just like Microsoft does. Why stop making money on a console when you can sell to another public


**INHALES COPEPIUM** My only hope is that they also rerelease older game on PC with some fanfare and maybe give gravity rush a second wind.


I can see them chasing the Gamepass model, meaning their PS+ subscription will work on their store, and you'll have access to the classics of the PS+ Premium. I don't think Sony has the power to fully ignore Steam/Epic (mostly Steam, let's not play around), but they can do those incentives to move players to their launcher. How far can they follow the Gamepass model? Hard to say, we know from the FTC trials that they fucking hate that Microsoft has the money to throw at it tho


I very much doubt Sony wants to chase the Gamepass model because the Gamepass model *sucks* for the company. It's just not profitable or sustainable, Microsoft had to rebrand their "we'll unblock your online play" subscription service to "Gamepass Core" to try and make it look like the program was even slightly in the black.


If it means bringing in my digital PSN purchases to PC I wouldn't mind it.


Another good push for it


Twice in the span of literally a day is fuckin ballsy. It is *not* going to pan out the way they hope.


“So I heard you want bloodborne on PC”


Sony slaps you on the back and whispers into your ear, "PSN." It'll send shivers down people's spines.


Ghost of Tsushima has an online mode?


It was added a few months after launch.


I hope Sony embraces Epic more. Steam is an unmoderated mess as is clearly proven. Epic to pay for Rebirth next!


Wdym? Steam rightfully gave people refunds over the matter.


This was known before the Helldivers thing and no one really cared, and I'm still not bothered by it in this case. You just need it to access a cool but unnecessary raid mode for multiplayer, the real meat and potatoes of the game is there without it.


What the hell is happening? Why is Sony muscling into the PC gaming scene like this?


Because there's money to be made


Just the logic confuses me. They were earning money through the game, right? So by now requiring people to have accounts, they've cut off large markets of people they otherwise couldn't get money from because they don't have PSN available in the countries. Am I missing or misunderstanding something?


No, you're noticing Sony has to step up their game, to accommodate the PC market, which I agree with. If they're gonna do it properly or not, we'll see


Getting 100,000 sales is good, sure. But for shareholders, it's more attractive to say you got 100,000 more customers into your "ecosystem." Investors don't actually care about profit. They care about growth. A game selling well today is not a promise another will sell well later.


It's so god damn frustrating when an otherwise good thing gets kneecapped cause of shareholders squeezing a products until it's a corpse. It's not hard to not kill the damn golden goose.


I mean, not in this case. This is only for the multiplayer, not to play Ghost of Tsushima at all. I very seriously doubt there is a huge market of people wanting to get GoT only to play the multiplayer mode. Obligatory "I'm not defending the decision, just clarifying they aren't making base GoT unavailable to tons of people"


Sorry, my mind went to the current Helldivers 2 thing going on, along with this as I typed out my previous message. And Sony's back to back push to make people make accounts for them.


Basically to keep a long story short, the console market is stagnant. The industry can't seem to sell more then roughly 250 million consoles per a generation which combing all three of the big hardware sales. While some of Sony's big franchises like God of War, Last of Us, and Spider-Man are all growing in popularity. But the best case scenario for the PS5 hardware is selling on par with the PS4. Coupled that with game budgets blowing the fuck up in the last decade, especially for American AAA studios. Sony needs to expand Playstation's eco-system to lower their margins. As they are reaching the point of spending more then they are actually bringing in if they don't.


They aren't reaching the point of "spending more than they are actually bringing in". They're reaching the point of "having smaller profit margins than last quarter". If games companies weren't beholden to shareholders, all they would need to do is make a profit. Sell $400 of hardware for $500, and a million digital $50 copies of a game that cost 40 million dollars to develop, and do that consistently and you're golden. Even doing the console loss leader thing it's easy to make a profit as soon as the users buy some $70 controllers and $60 games. The problem is that the shareholders need the line to go *up*, not stay the same at "profitable". This is why Valve gets to big chill, by the way. It's not because "steam store prints money" it's because having a consistent money printer *works* for a private company. For a shareholder driven company, if you printed 100 million dollars in 2024 on the money printer, you'd need to deliver 105 million dollars *next year* to not be considered an abject failure. If *Valve* makes 160m in profits one year and only 80m in profits the next year, all the employees still get paid and all the servers stay up and all the factories keep making Decks.


It sucks to see an otherwise phenomenal game get dragged down due to them trying to catch up.


This is just gonna encourage crackers and piracy down the road, isn't...


No? PS account is just for the multiplayer mode, which you’re not gonna play if you’re already pirating it. Same thing with Helldivers, you’re not gonna have access to multiplayer with a pirated version.


Yup. I'm already praying for a helldivers 2 spoofed server crack or equivalent. I already bought the damn game and i'd like to be able to play it.


At least they're telling their customers before they buy. That's progress. Let's hope progress continues.


I see this is gonna be the drama of the week, maybe even the month.


Until Sony fully submerges into the PC market, pretty much lol


Gonna fucking suck reading the same stupid whataboutisms and dooming for the reset of the month.


"Wah, people are mad that 177 countries worth of people got banned from a video game they purchased, why can't they just shut up and suck the asshole of the corporation?"


How long until they start mandating PS+ to play online on PC?


Guess it's a good thing I kept the PlayStation around. What with Xbox games coming to steam in some capacity, the only thing I'm missing out on is Nintendo, and I can live with that.