• By -


**Mecha.** Giant fuckin' robots. Super robots, real robots, even power armor and henshin heroes, give me all of it. Hell my username is taken from a Super Robot Wars character. **Samurai.** Ghost of Tsushima is my fuckin *jam* and everything I could ask for aesthetically. Being able to do the cool katana sheathe thing in a videogame will ensure that I will do it after *every single fight*. **Foxgirls.** Touch fluffy tail. Yes, I am a huge fuckin' weeb. Also **going fast and jumping around in open world games**. Dread Delusion's appeal for me (other than the neat story) was mostly how fast you could run around, I spent most of my Skyrim playthroughs running around at incredible high speeds as a werewolf, and the double jump and airdash in Cyberpunk enables some really fun parkour shit that's just as fun as the combat.


So what you want is a Titanfall-esque thing with a foxgirl samurai zipping around everywhere and getting in the robot buddy.




I'd play the hell out of a game like that.


Monster girl mecha game Never considered it before Need it straight in my veins now.


That sounds anime as fuck. I'm in.


I hadn't considered those to be my big draws, but when you put it like that...


First three you said are so me although I'd add other kinds of monster girls like dragon girls with foxgirls lol.


My man.


I really love cowboys, and being able to do the cowboy equivalent of the katana sheathe - the gun spin holstering - is a dream come true in RDR2.


> Being able to do the cool katana sheathe thing in a videogame will ensure that I will do it after every single fight. It actually hurts me to see people playing GoT and *never* use/find out about the katana sheathing after fights. What the hell are we doing all this for if *not* for the cool samurai points? The landscapes demand it, god damn it. And double-jumps with dashing is utterly broken in 2077. Fucking love it. I don't know if I'll ever bother with the charge jump implant. There's just so many options for movement and traversal that open up to you.


To be fair, "swipe right on the touchpad" isn't the most intuitive input. Also you can't do it without a PS5 controller. Re: Cyberpunk, charge jump just feels *so much* worse than double jump. Jumping when you let the button go instead of when you tap it just...feels so muddy input-wise. You also can't do the extremely useful overland bunnyhop thing with jump - dash - jump that lets you move as fast as a car on foot.


You watch Shogun yet? If you like samurai you should love it.


Ancient crumbling kingdoms being consumed by curses and sadness. Heretical magic that'll turn you into a demon/eldritch abomination if you use it too much. Sad people with swords.


> Ancient crumbling kingdoms being consumed by curses and sadness. Have you played The Forgotten City? From what I've heard, it sounds like it'd be right up your alley! "Heretical magic that can fuck you up" certainly makes me think of magic in Dragon Age. In that setting, learning you can cast magic just kinda fucks you up in every aspect. > Sad people with swords. I get the feeling this is a common aesthetic in Soulsborne games.


Kindred spirit. Shadow of the Colossus/ICO imprinted themselves into my personality super hard when I was a teenager,.


This is me 100%


You need to read Malazan: Book of the Fallen if you haven't already


> Sad people with swords Someone should read Stormlight Archives.


Edgy female protagonist with messy hair 


Phrased it better than I ever could.


Velvet Crowe.


Not sure if it's what you mean, but Millicent going from like a disheveled Devola to the ponytail upsets me every time






Bonus if shes stronk and big


Good to know I'm in good company, heh 


Read me like a fucking book.


Monster Girls MILFs Monster Girl MILFs


god damn it, I was trying to get us AWAY from the fetishes for now! Great picks, *but still*! It's all love though - I really should have seen this coming anyway.


Add in some melanin, and you've basically gotten my whole ass into what ever bit of media has that. Even if its terrible.


Elesh Norn, but like the in the skinny mom archetype, where fused Lusamine lives. ... I can't remember the name of the rock jelly.




Have you player Sucker For Love: Date to Die For yet, or is it not monster-y enough?


Stealthiness,clever use of tech-y stuff,electronic music,nice dresses/skirts,sleek guns,high-powered cars. Any of those elements will at least get me to look briefly at a movie/game/whatever. Also,I think John Wick Hex was a better idea for "John Wick: The Game" than another uninspired "stealth is optional" FPS or Hitman-like. Ultimately the execution was kind of mid indeed,Fights in Tight Spaces did it better.


> Stealthiness, electronic music, sleek guns >Also,I think John Wick Hex was a better idea for "John Wick: The Game" than another uninspired "stealth is optional" FPS or Hitman-like. 🤝 my DOG I'd say the exact same thing when defending the game. I was so down for Hex concept-wise and how Mike Bithell described his thought process. Deconstructing the action scenes from the movies, seeing them as "the best playthrough of a level", and putting us in the *mind* of a trained super assassin like John Wick. It was way more interesting than getting a schlocky TPS.  I just think the animations are pretty janky/goofy--looking, which I think should be a no-no for a John Wick game. Also the boss fights weren't good, and the replay feature **SUCKED**. Shitty camera angles, no options to change anything, way too many cuts (which goes against ALL of the movies.)


Anything with a create a character option, whoooo boy have I played some trash but stuck around because of character customization


Definitely feel this, as a fellow person that can legitimately spend over an hour on a character creator. I'm not even an MMO guy, and I fucked around with the character creator for Black Desert Online.


If I were a game reviewer who rated games on a scale from 1-10, good character customization could net a game so many unearned points that whatever site I’d work for would have no credibility whatsoever. Like, DBZ Ultimate Tenkaichi is a solid 7/10 to me, but only because 5 of those points come from Hero Mode.


Me swallowing up the pain of playing Mortal Kombat Armageddon just because I can replicate my OC down to her moveset


Have you tried ... The Sims?


As someone with all the dlc in 3 and 4 (excluding the really tiny 5 euro packs) ...yeah. Yeah I may have played the sims


Parkour or just any awesome movement tech. Give me a way to chain cool movement actions together and I will immediately be interested. Even better if there's some secret tech to get you going *fast*


> Parkour or just any awesome movement tech. Give me a way to chain cool movement actions together and I will immediately be interested. 🤝 MY FUCKIJG DOHG!!! It still pains me that Brink turned out shit and Mirror's Edge Catalyst wasn't the best thing ever. We deserve more parkour shit! AC Unity really had something with its descend-down mechanic, but even that got thrown away eventually. You heard about [Rooftops & Alleys](https://youtu.be/dbio7wzPAyI?si=RLZPhcEaDtlnVxEZ) yet? Solo dev behind it. I feel like we can only rely on cool indies for innovative parkour now.


Yes! Saw NerdCubed play it and added it to my wishlist, looks super dope! For now I've been playing The Rogue Prince of Persia, more of a platformer than parkour but still scratches that itch for chaining cool movement and schmoovin!


I am once again shilling Pseudoregalia for anyone's "double jump into air dash into wall jump into backflip into wall run" needs


Sexy witches, with the widest hats.


[That sorceress](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dragons-crown/images/6/67/DC_-_Sorceress_Sprite.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width/360?cb=20130424094422) from Dragon's Crown is some peak character design 👌🏼


I just [Luuuuuuv Nutella](https://youtu.be/gQrPrBaVCok?feature=shared&t=5m40s)


Feelin' this! Sole reason I got into Guilty Gear was to play I-No with her speaker/subwoofer witch hat.


You mean cool hats with witches, right?


Hit up a Renn Faire, dawg


Drill hair ojou-samas who do the ohoho laugh.


Luvia got you fucked up, huh?


Don’t love the wrestling aspect but she is very pretty and would have been my preferred route in FATE if it existed, yes.


In every measurable way, she is just better Rin.


Drill hair ojou samas who use giant hammers


If the game / movie / function has late 90s / early 2000's electronic music like downtempo or techno or house or drum 'n' bass or jungle, I'm there. Also, werewolves.


WEREWOLF BLADE RAVES 🐺🙌🏼 Would you happen to have some recommendations for tracks/artists from that era of EDM? Preferably those that lean towards more harsh/dark/aggressive sounds? I only got into EDM in 2010, and haven't delved into the older stuff really. I can dig me some dark abrasive techno, though!


Any and all varieties of fightgirl, but especially if they’re in a suit and/or have red-and-black hair. If a cool girl who does cool shit is the main character, chances are I’ll watch, read, or play whatever she’s in. Fast, light, reflexive combat systems that reward swift damage strings and perfect dodging/parrying. I am very much the Do Combo over the Big Number. Unfathomably huge underwater creatures, of the animal or eldritch variety. Ridiculously elaborate and complicated mysteries whose answers are ultimately straightforward, but dramatically recontextualize the entire work when revealed. Knife fights. Just in general.


> Any and all varieties of fightgirl, but especially if they’re in a suit and/or have red-and-black hair. If a cool girl who does cool shit is the main character, chances are I’ll watch, read, or play whatever she’s in. So you must have already seen that [Tenjutsu trailer](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/1daq64p/tenjutsu_reveal_trailer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), right? Feel like that should be checking off a few boxes. Fantastic criteria to follow. > Fast, light, reflexive combat systems that reward swift damage strings and perfect dodging/parrying. I am very much the Do Combo over the Big Number. I continue to find my people 🙏🏼 Swifty DPS over big hulky tanks for me too! > Knife fights. Just in general. The [throwing knife fight](https://youtu.be/v00zKyXbfD4?si=FnP_2oygbQmLAed6) in John Wick Chapter 3 still ranks as my favourite hand-to-hand sequence in the whole franchise. Knives just feel so *personal*. Love it.


No joke, I was out grocery shopping while the Devolver Direct was going on, and when I got home, half of my friends had separately pinged me with the Tenjutsu trailer. It is so very clearly my shit.


Gestalt Steam and Cinder might be up your alley. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1231990/Gestalt_Steam__Cinder/


I think it might be, thanks!


Beautiful anime aesthetic games and animation in general also good sound design. I'm a huge appreciator of art in media and art overall I have certain artists I really like the work of such as shigenori soejima, sachiko kono, cotetsu yamanaka and kazuki takahashi just to name a few. Also synth/jungle/drum and bass music.


> shigenori soejima YO, I have *that* man to thank for creating best toaster Aigis too!? Utter legend for creating the phenomenal art for the Persona games. Hell, you reminded me that I have the official P4 artbook! just pulled it out again to admire it and read his notes on everything. This man created Yukiko 😭♥️ > Also synth/jungle/drum and bass music EDIT: I just love finding more bassheads/ravers in the sub. Hell yeah 🤙🏼


YEP he really came into his own after being mentored by kaneko. His character design is some of my favourite ever. That's awesome I've read about some things related to his work process and influences and it's all really fascinating. I have a persona 5 royal artbook myself. Hell yeah I grew up playing a lot of games such as the original ape escape which really influenced my taste in that kind of music had that kind of sound ingrained in my brain forever.


Any kind of mechanical customization. If there is a robot being retrofitted to a situation? Im all in


So you just about finished your giga nut for Armored Core 6, right? I really need to get back to that game. I only just got over The Wall. I barely scratched the surface with that one.


Blood-likes: As in any games that take design cues from the 1997 FPS Blood. Bonus points if the main character quotes Army Of Darkness. Bloodborne-likes: Self-explanatory. Trick Weapons, Victorian archtiecture and Werewolves/Eldritch horrors will INSTANTLY activate my neurons. Shotguns in shooters: Preferably Double-Barreled, but really ANY type of shotty gets me going if it feels good to use. Pump-action, semi/full auto, lever-action, ALL of them them I'm down with. Robots/Giant Robots: Again, self - explanatory. "WOW! COOL ROBOT!!!" Transhumanism: Cyborgs baby! Mainly full-body conversions, Adam Smasher, General Grievous, The Strogg from Quake 2/4, Metallo, Adeptus Mechanicus. ALL that sick shit. Superhero Sandbox games: Games such as Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, Prototype, Infamous, Crackdown, Saints Row 4. Basically any open world game with some kind of Super Jump. Gas Masks: I dunno why I just think they're really fucking cool.


> Shotguns in shooters: Preferably Double-Barreled, but really ANY type of shotty gets me going if it feels good to use. Pump-action, semi/full auto, lever-action, ALL of them them I'm down with. I feel as though the Super Shotgun with the Meat Hook in Doom Eternal is nearly unmatched. That shit had me making Doom Guy pull some mid-air anime bullshit during my playthrough. It made me *giddy*. I also have some real fond memories of using the akimbo Model 1887s in OG Modern Warfare 2. > Superhero sandbox games: Prototype 🤝 THAT'S MY DOG. I don't want to let that IP die, man. I loved Prototype 1 & 2. 2 even gave us the sick trope of >!current protag vs former protag! Gas Masks: I dunno why I just think they're really fucking cool. This is just extremely valid and I support it.


Petite girls who use weapons that are way oversized for them. It's a weirdly specific thing but any time I see it I'm just like "YES."


> Petite girls who use weapons that are way oversized for them. 🤝 MY DOG Me and my homies *love* big contrast. This was the main reason my 3rd playthrough of Dragon Age Inquisition was gonna be a female Elf 2-Handed Warrior. Yes, this lithe elf woman will take the hugest dragonscale hammer you got, please. Also shout-out to my girl Rebecca from Cyberpunk Edgerunners 🫶🏼


Been playing Hades 2 in EA and one of the weapons you can unlock in that game is a huge fuck-off axe. And it's great.


Can I play dress-up with my custom character for hours to find the perfect drip? If so, the game is for me. Or are the characters super stylish and colorful. That's also for me. Unique, interesting world spaces to explore is fun and all but if my character is boring looking I'm gonna feel less invested. But give me drip and I'm in.


> Can I play dress-up with my custom character for hours to find the perfect drip? If so, the game is for me. My most played Pokemon generation by FAR is X and Y entirely due to the fashion mechanics. Grinding the Battle Maison for cash to spend in the boutiques was my entire endgame.


Me too I had some serious swag on my FemC. Prettiest trainer in Kalos fr on God.


I spent... a *lot* of time coordinating my samurai/ninja drip in Ghost of Tsushima. The amount of customization that game has was totally unexpected. I even bothered to look good in CP2077, and you almost never even *see* your character in third person there!


Bellydancers, genie girls, that kind of look or outfit grabs my attention immediately. Yes I have played Shantae religiously, why do you ask?


Good, attractive adult women, Fire Emblem Three Houses hit me three times in a row with Manuela, Catherine and Shamir


>good, attractive adult women Buddy that’s every adult man’s taste


I'm STILL mad that Dr. Chakwas in Mass Effect was never a romance option. > but she's like the mother figure for the crew! DAMN *RIGHT* SHE'S MOMM-


i'm sorry heres Nyx, Sakura and Elise


badass holy magic. I loathe "im just a little healer uguu" bullcrap, so any time a priest, paladin, or cleric gets to go all out and actually SMITE, Im 100% on board.


Elden Ring being able to play the barbarian paladin character I've always wanted puts it above a lot of action rpgs imo. ofc I named him He-Man.


Big Fat Anime Titties


More than understandable sir, have a nice day 👍🏼 I'm a fan of racks over dump trucks myself too.


Fat tits without an equally fat (or fatter) ass looks off-balance, though. The booty is a counterweight.


The visual ratio *definitely* gets thrown off, and getting both is fabulous, but I'm fine with that. Besides, it's just as off-balance the other way around. I just know I'm okay with there being no junk in the trunk, and I'd prefer not to tango with cutting boards 👍🏼


I'm the exact opposite. Small tits with a big ass can be a strong aesthetic. 


Woolie bait normally works on me. Things with a good skill tree. Or a good mindless open world that I can get lost in Ala Skyrim, DD2, etc. or weird shit.


- Three warring factions like Romance of the Three Kingdoms or Sengoku era Japan - Magic that was corrupted not by demons or the undead but by the government like in >!Fullmetal Alchemist or ATLA!< - Job systems - A vehicle that you can customize the fuck out of - Robot girl protagonist - RE4 item Tetris inventory system - Open ended solutions to puzzles - Weird prefixes to “punk” aesthetics (such as “Taopunk”). - Random ass pro wrestling in a fight choreography


> Robot girl protagonist I'd love a sequel to Alita: Battle Angel. I know there's the manga, but still. She was a kickass cutie. > Random ass pro wrestling in a fight choreography I concur. Random German suplexes [pop the fuck off](https://youtu.be/sk2cmSXLPO8?si=Sy7797u1NI4A206R)


Hardened and hyper competent larger than life soldiers having casual conversation/banter about mundane stuff. Like Captain Price getting mad at people [referring to football as soccer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdMo-wdj25A&list=FLkpeyuE-jA9XVLJInwutVVA&index=47) (certified British moment).


I tend to really enjoy the banter in CoD campaigns. The Price in the newer Modern Warfares is kickass. It's a shame I heard 3 dropped the ball.


3 was very much a byproduct of a 15 to 17 month development time, alongside Sledgehammer being crunched within said framework, it still has a few good bantery moments here and there but is very much an underwhelming and barelly stich together mess. Silverlining being the 6v6 multiplayer is pretty alright and is receiving a fair bit of love post launch.


Robots. Giant robots. Mechs. Mechanized suits. Big monster. Kaiju. Human sized Kaiju. The aforementioned things fighting …also non children sized women with ears and tails. Delta and Holo but not the weird children sized ones.


When the fantasy tech is big, heavy and clunky. Miss me with that sleek futurism and a bunch of glowy bits on it - I need my machines to physically chug and shake whenever they’re turned on. Edit: On the topic of fantasy, whenever a magical barrier or forcefield breaks it better shatter like glass instead of just fading away.


When the Metal Gear makes roaring noises because it's straining under it's own weight to so much as move


Metal scraping against metal could be a kink, to me.


That, right there, is why I love Warhammer 40k. Oh you want soldiers fighting in advanced skin-tight combat suits? Fuck you, here's a 100m tall Imperator Titan with a cathedral mounted on its back and 3m tall demi-gods clashing with swords in the middle of an artillery barrage. It's so ridiculous and I love them for it.


When the Shonen MC gets a power-up and the Opening song starts playing. It doesnt matter if the power-up feels earned, if it's particularly well foreshadowed, or even if the entirety of the rest of the anime is any good to begin with. Hell it doesnt even matter if the song itself is good. If an anime does this i WILL get hyped up, no matter what.


Shout out Kill la Kill for having the best one.


I think you misspelled ["Shining Finger theme" from Mobile Fighter G Gundam.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlg6KEFgUis) >!/s!<


He doesn’t power up nor is the titular MC but man (MP100 spoilers) >!they adapted Reigen’s efforts to reach Mob so god damn well!<


When the first op played it changed the meaning of the song for me


Tangentially related, but I have, I do, and I will continue to pop off every time Deku does something in MHA and You Say Run (or any of its variants) starts playing. Yuki Hayashi achieved something special with that song, god damn. Great music can *really* elevate a moment!


Yeah, there's a fucking good reason why You Say Run edits were really popular back when the first seasons of MHA came out, That song fucking slaps


Two of my favorites are jank sci fi and neon noir sci fi. Give me a broken down sprawl of technology, I want to see the beating heart of machines on life support. Also robot girls. I also like the type of fantasy that likes to sit on the edge of the industrial revolution. Not quite modern because you can still see guys with swords and staves running around, but maybe there's a goblin in a top hat running around. Also orc girls. Also slime girls. Look the point is I like big machines, big cities, and big


Y'know what, when it comes to gameplay, all bait works cause i'm very open-minded. But if we talkin' goon bait, jut any tan skin will do, bonus point if bright hair.


> But if we talkin' goon bait, jut any tan skin will do I *did* want to get away from the fetishes, but 🤝 MY. DOG. Tanned/darker skin is where it's at for me too. Alex from Totally Spies ruined me on that ages ago.




Violent asshole with facial scars who is effectively forced to become a father figure (typically to a little girl) Also refined assassin who uses wires as a weapon is almost always the coolest shit For fetish shit it’s mean muscular women and arrogant men who are actually just whiny and pathetic


- *"Some isolated location went radio silent and we are sending you to check it out, oops shits all horrible and we aren't helping!"* - Fantasy World with 'forbidden' ancient ruins that are in fact the ruins of modern day - Any autumnal setting with orange leaves on the trees and carpets of them covering the floor with a orange dusky sunlight - Perfect Parry ripostes even if i'm not good at landing them because when you do? oooooh boy - Games that have a one really, really cool moment that you want to gush to freinds about but can't because the reveal itself is why its so good e.g warframes second dream quest - >!Thick, big titty mature witches wearing glasses, shut up dont question it!<


Spellblades/Battlemages, let me cast magic with one hand and decapitate motherfuckers with the sword in my other hand, better yet, let me cast spells with the sword. Logistics, I want to know where everyone gets their food, weapons and other gear, I want to know how long it takes to get places, and have that affect the story. Goth girls, witch girls, quiet/stoic girls.


Android girls. I'm just a complete and utter fucking sucker. Three of my favourite characters in... Anything are Penny from RWBY, Dorothy from Big O, and Dorothy from Va-11 Hall-A. the more autistic they are, the better


> Android girls You uhh... you play Persona at all? There's a character in 3 you may *really* like. > the more autistic they are, the better Not reading social cues or understanding social norms? HOO BOY, I think you'd REALLY like them. ~~and she's best girl, which helps~~




Mine is what I like to call the **Neon Bullshit Aesthetic**. The more neon your product has, the better. Flood my eyes with neon coloring, give me a reason to crank up the contrast to 200%, make me taste the goddamn rainbow. And don't say "That's just Cyberpunk." No, I want even more neon than that. My baseline for how much neon I require *starts* at [GTTOD](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27TIbLmpooQ).


I can't help but appreciate unapologetically evil characters. I freaking love the demons in Frieren that are literally just unfeeling monsters pretending to have emotions in human form to make it harder for you to kill them. Where your empathy and humanity is a genuine weakness to be exploited. I find it creates very interesting ethics discussions.


I really like the eeriness in stories that deal with existential dread, stuff like: Identity crisis, derealization, and perception of reality or reality itself shifting around characters, be it supernatural/scifi or not. AI becoming sentient, but in a more creepy and uncanny valley-ish way. Gnosticism, cosmogony, origin of life. Stories about Gaslighting/Brainwashing are also good... Basically, I like stuff that will fuck me up, like Chrono Cross and Evangelion fucked me up when I was younger.


> Identity crisis, derealization, and perception of reality I take it you've played/watched SOMA? I feel like you'd enjoy SOMA. Watching an LP of that certainly fucked my brain up for a minute.


I adore that game, played it right after watching an episode of the guys on the old channel. It gives the exact heebie jeebies I want out of this kind of story


Games with either crafting on an in-depth skill trees. Bonus for both.


If the power system is influenced by belief and thoughts, the characters manifest their powers or weapons depending on what they believe or even what other people believe in them


This is kinda how magic works in the Kingkiller Chronicle


If your game has a "Gun" class, the chances of me playing your game increase exponentially. I think Guns are a comfort object for me. Mechs of all kinds. Let me get in the fucking robot. Huge capital ships in space. I love shit like that.


Generally, if an anime has even a hint of romance, that's how you'd get me to watch it even if it turns out to be trash. I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic and I love watching fictional couples' dynamics play out; ESPECIALLY, the "Well, excuse me, princess" dynamic. I dunno know why. There's just something magical to me watching 2 initially incompatible people slowly evolve into a shape would perfectly fit each other. Two haughty and high maintenance people has their facade crumble down in front of each other over the course of the story is always a fun experience to watch. My favorite examples of this is Alto & Sheryl from Macross Frontier and Koko & Banri from Golden Time.


So for characters I would like to play as or get or follow or whathaveyou. Armored(optional but a plus), faceless(has a helmet or mask) characters like Master Chief, Goblin Slayer, Black Knight/Apollonia from Granblue. Tactical/Tacticool characters like Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell and Jessica Alter from Arknights. Now if you make an armored, faceless character tactical/tacticool as well? Oh boy. So like the NCR Ranger from Fallout NV, the ODST from Halo, and Hunk from Resident Evil.


Anything trading card-based fucking gets me, I liked Midnight suns before it was cool. I'm a sucker for good sports stories, Moneyball is one of my favorite films, and I adore eyeshield 21 and Ippo because of this. Werewolfs or beastmen in general as big burly man myself I find a lot of commonality with the furry community, not my cup of tea sexually, but I like the non-horny art. Hammers or large blunt weapons in general, I always go for that build in games.


OP might be interested to know that the gun-fu used by john wick (and Leon) is called Centre Axis Relock, a technique designed to be used for situations where its too close quaters to actually aim, and its more efficient to just ready the gun and just kind of push it at the enemy. Wick does mix in some Sambo and stuff as well, though, with the locks and sacrificial rolls. Tellingly, my bait is whenever media explains a fighting style in great detail. The history, the core philosophy, the training methods, the mechanics of movements and the techniques, that shit makes me fully erect. My phone is full of my own made up martial arts, which is cringe, but whatever.


My friend might I reccomend Kengan Ashura and Kengan Omega.


Oh im all up to date with those. Same with strike it rich, Tough, Baki, and Ippo, and I tried strongest disciple but fell of hard because i didn't like the humor. I'm gonna look into Lookism once im done rereading all of baki.


I want to read Baki but I have trouble getting into something if I can't start from the beginning. The first series still has no good translation


**Attache Case-esque minigames!** Ohh and ninjas


Heavy music with either heavy cultural influences (SOAD, Skindred, Bloodywood, Wagakki Band, etc) or elements from other genres that would typically be considered out of place (Babymetal, Hanabie, Maximum the Hormone, etc). Probably stems from really liking SOAD as a teen, they're still my favorite band. MtH was up there too which is probably why I gravitate towards J-Rock/Metal. But yeah stuff like Hanabie is instant catnip for the ears to me.


Are you playing licensed music during a fight scene? I'm in. John Wick, Alan Wake, hell, even Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts got my ass. It doesn't matter what kind of music, metal, classic rock, techno, or [50s love ballads.](https://youtu.be/DpejbRzGU1c?si=fHwjRBY5zNi5La1O) My ass is marking out. [Acane](https://youtu.be/3JUO-idpH3s?si=mLbob5tNiqHxrjCV) really got me. [Points to Back 4 Blood for the jukebox section too.](https://youtu.be/uKjFzK9oQ1k?si=KjyFjq4ocRF8akG7) Also, have you watched Equilibrium?


Oh dude, you don't know how hard I popped off in the theatre when that huge stairwell fight happened in John Wick Chapter 4, and fucking *Genesis by Justice* started playing. My basshead brain went into overload. And oh yes, I've absolutely watched Equilibrium! Probably shortly after first watching John Wick. I just didn't mention all the movie examples of gun-fu in my post because I feared it was too long already. I unironically love the last fight scene, no matter how goofy it may look with grown men kinda... slapping each other's guns away from their face 😂 Never saw Ultraviolet though, but I think I'd be more of a fan of the gun-fu stuff than that movie's Gunkata style (even though Equilibrium literally calls it Gunkata.)


Oh damn I haven't even seen 3 yet, guess I'll finally catch up! Ultraviolet is dumb as hell but worth a watch, if only for peak Milla Jovovitch.


Purple haired women that also have a lust for blood/battle makes me weak. It's up to you to figure out who I mean


There’s a game called trench crusade which is a dark fantasy wwi based setting in which Christians and the ottomans have been fighting off a demon invasion continuously for hundreds of years. I want to inject this setting straight into my veins, I love when more modern eras of history are in a fantasy setting, I love when the ostensible “good guys” are hyper violent psychopaths, I love when art direction is just so incredibly creepy and wet and gross.


Goth girls


Cool monsters/demons will always get me interested in stuff, but I really enjoy it when there's a Seven Deadly Sins or Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse theme going on with them. Like the Seven Hells from DMC3 or the homunculi from FMA, for example. I'm also big on Greek Myth stuff, and cool angels are also interesting to me. Basically anything rad and mythical will catch my attention.


The Roman Empire.


Not a day goes by i don't think about the [leaked dm](https://youtu.be/HURI6EHXybc?si=HpGiNncP2hDR5W_k&t=1002) between Octavius and Mark Anthony, or how i can't believe Cleopatra got with a total fuckboy like Mark Anthony. I mean, i understand why she did. I'm just incredulous at the long term consequences of that choice.


Spears and archers.


Hunky angsty antiheros. Red Hood, Moon Knight, Kaine Parker. Also deep voiced muscular women, _realistic_ muscular women, not hourglass figures with abs, I'm talking Zarya levels.


I don't think I can find the right words to describe what's me-bait, but there's a specific vibe I get from settings like Kill Six Billion Demons, Dread Delusion, and Suda51 games that makes me want to consume it all.


Butch Lesbians. Which as a mostly straight man is a very frustrating form of attraction to have


Muscle girls, witches and swordswomen


Any game labeled as “Earthbound inspired” or “Sonic inspired”                   Also furry stuff


Horror games with any kind of combat system. The walking sim ones bore the crap outta me but I love anything from survival horror to action horror. Bonus points if it has fixed camera angles but I usually prefer 3rd person Oh and also, pixelated/retro art styles will always look way more appealing to me than anything photorealistic


Strong people fighting is it man if your media doesn't have strong people fighting in it then why did you make it


Interesting powers or abilities. Bonus points if there are no guns. Love Dishonored, Loved Cyberpunk combat that wasn't gunplay, been having a blast with Ghost of Tsushima, love Souls games and usually play a hybrid gish build, love the spider man Sony games, etc.


Someone recently posted about badass old men and women, like the kind of guys who’re ancient but will still kick your ass. That. That’s for me. Ashina Isshin and Owl in Sekiro. Kishibe and Quanxi in Chainsaw Man. Bradley in FMA. Yamamoto in Bleach. Gehrman in Bloodborne. Gimme. Gimme the old people.


* Calm, pale girls with red eyes, sleek black hair with straight bangs, and disproportionately adult voices. * The Japanese countryside * Green apocalypses


It’s tropey as hell but i love whenever a mind-controlled/corrupted/rampaging character is able to break free from any mental influences and goes to use the enemy’s own tech/power against them. Bonus points if their friend’s efforts to reach out to them was what did it.


On one end: stone cold, sword-wielding bad bitches On the other end: great big cow girls. Not the Western kind.


Eldritch abomination-like characters that are spooky and in some way clearly don't fit into the world; maybe they don't follow in-universe rules, maybe they have an entirely different art-style to everything else, maybe they're just totally inexplicable and weird


Proper fairy tale/folklore/occult vibes. Both scary and whimsical. I wanted to say dark first but that would include the edger stuff. That is hit or miss for me. Old buildings, especially ones made of stone or old mansions, with vines and other overgrowth everywhere. Rainy, grimy Bladerunner (1982) style cyberpunk cities. That kind of blending of sci-fi and fantasy you used to see in older anime. Goofy, tall, morally dubious to villainous chaos ball characters. Blond somewhat sterner guys (bonus if they can play the straight man to the before mentioned chaos ball.) Goths, bonus of they're hot. Also dream logic horror à la David Lynch.


The rival fight with the hot color/cool color pallets, respectively. Bonus points if you recognize elements in the rivals fighting style that mirror the protagonist's. That shit gets me every time.


I love tomboys with short hair (Woolie and I share that interest), but I also love psychological horror (Pat and I share that interest). I also love goth/emo/alt girls which can be a weird and cool combination of both! I also love guns like Pat does (but I can tell I know more about them because Pat gets shit wrong about guns a lot and it bothers me) but I also love certain punk shit like Woolie does (I loved Woolie specifically participating in the Tony Hawk LPs with Matt and they're the reason I ever got interested at all in Marc Echo's Getting Up), and I was raised to be Christian just like Woolie (and technically Pat) but I love Devil May Cry and demonology so I also loved their whole playthroughs of the entire DMC series including DmC (I also got mad alongside Woolie about his potential plotline of "why not have DmCVergil actually be good the whole time but then get corrupted when he fought Mundus one-on-one at the end God damn it that would have been good"). So I guess my "perfect bait" would be a psychological horror action shooter with a main character that is just a tomboy with short hair with trauma that she needs to sort out by using real guns that are realistically handled and function realistically, to kill demons that are half psychologically connected to us and half trying to destroy the world. This game can exist, shit like this happens all the time, just do it. Hell, it literally just sounds like Devil May Cry: Lady's Night with a horror twist, like how does this not already exist somehow? Or if it does, how do I not already know about it? I'm also a massive fan of Resident Evil in the exact same way that Pat is, and I'm surprised nothing like this exists there either, but it was hinted at during the beginning of RE3 Remake and the fact that it went nowhere still upsets me. Like, why get me excited for a plot point that you're not going to follow? Trauma is real and Jill **very clearly** has trauma, but it's only ever hinted at and never utilized? It's literally lore about her, but you'd never know that just from playing the games outside of the beginning of RE3 Remake.


Anything with Celtic mythology; including Arthurian legends as well because that's all Welsh stories with French fanfiction thrown in see Lancelot the French (derogatory) knight that got put into it as the perfect Mary Sue Big Robots go brrrr Martial Arts 🥋 of basically any kind SciFi fantasy love space orks or fae powered machines


Oni. Straight jorkin aside the variation in depictions is the first stop along the ride, be it massive built like a brick shit house types, slimmer types, more humanoid amongus or even just monstrous small ones or massive ones; that shits so cool. Bonus points as always for red or blue and personalities that match or clash with their appearance. Then their weapons, we got big fuckin clubs, we got fists, we got booooooone swords and so on. Sometimes mystical magic yokai shenanigans too. Think I like them the most when they're on the boundaries of human space and mystical space. Humanoid, but whats ticking up there is different software so dont get too comfortable.


Stories about self-discovery and the nature of self-worth beneath systems that are designed to suppress it. Bonus points if the protagonist shouts their own name, given or chosen, in a triumphant moment that turns the tide. The Matrix. Lae'zel and Shadowheart's storylines in BG3, etc.


For things I find hot - defined lips on women For things that make me go "hell yeah!" - slick combat with no stamina management. Love souls game but I'm not a fan of cool downs. It's why I appreciate that spider-man 2 for having the abilities recharge by how well you're doing and the gadgets refill by doing combos Anything that encourages you to actively stay in combat instead of waiting around is good in my book


Big witch hats and transforming gunblades


Japanese delinquents have been cool to me since I watched JoJo Part 4. I’ve never been much of a troublemaker but I love the fashion, hairstyles, and attitude they have. Grappling characters are also very cool. I already enjoyed using grapplers in fighting games, but the anime Hinomaru Sumo made me appreciate the technique that real grappling sports/martial arts use. I’ll play almost any video game if there’s dating sim elements. The reason I got into game series such as Fire Emblem and Persona is because of the relationship systems. I also like stories with Superman homages/knock-offs. I don’t know why because I haven’t read a whole lot of Superman stories but I like seeing other people’s depictions of that kind of character. Games with stealth elements are always fun to me as well.


* Female sword fighters, especially if they are redheads and/or Elves * Hero mechas that look monstrous/scary * Videogames that give you a customizable home base * Evil organizations that are nice place to work and had cordial "off duty" relation with the heroes * Steampunk, Dieselpunk, Candlepunk, etcpunk robots and mechas * Gentle giant archetype characters * GIANT DRILLS


**Toku Heroes:** Be it Power Rangers, Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, Metal Heroes, or any character that's inspired by them. **Scarves:** FUCK YOUR CAPES, give me a superhero costume with a scarf flowing in the wind, bonus points if the scarf is long as FUCK. **Swords:** Be it traditional European broadswords, rapiers, or Katanas, swords are cool. **Armor:** Plate armor or high tech, doesn't matter, the more metal the better. **Big Shoulder Pads:** Anything that emphasizes an imposing frame. I'm more partial to big round shoulder pads. **Mecha:** Give me your hypest mecha, from stand-alone super-robots to combining Megazords. **Gattling/Chainguns:** There's a reason why the Delta Megazord from Power Rangers in Space is one of my favorite Zords. And the Chainguns from classic and new DooM. **Dark-Skinned Girls:** Especially with raven hair, bonus points to blondes and red-heads. I don't care if its unrealistic, ITS REAL TO ME DAMMIT. **Cyborgs:** Though more partial to those that are more man than machine in a sense (ie, robotic endoskeleton covered in living tissue), I'm also partial towards cyborgs with more robotic bodies, so long as they have some semblance of humanity. Showa-era Kamen Riders, The Terminator T-800 and Alex Murphy/Robocop are my biggest inspirations for the cyborg concept. **Super Strength:** Especially if it follows the anime/Fist of the North Star rule where training really damn hard gives you super strength, its best when at minimum they can bench press a car. **Healing Factors:** The human body is a fascinating case where some things just can't be explained, and the depiction of healing factors in fiction has always stemmed from that. Usually it involves characters surviving and healing from things that would normally be impossible, like getting shot in the head or stabbed in the heart. **Heroes/Main Characters wearing Sharp Suits:** Not every hero needs a costume, but some can make a trenchcoat, tie, and mask look especially cool. Shout out to the OG spiffy suit wearing hero The Spirit.


Cocky girls with jackets and jeans (short hair is a bonus)


Girls with dark black hair and bangs, like Suzi and Shadowheart.


I like my fictional women in two flavors: - Mysterious, quiet, seemingly stoic yet complex action girls / femme fatales with soft voices. - Completely unhinged psychopaths that makes me shit myself in fear but I can totally fix her guys I swear. In terms of video games, my dream game for a long time has been "WET (2009) but good."


Any game that features extensive martial arts will always be an instant plus for me, whether it be a fighting game or not. Oh, and video game women who are Marisa sized walls of muscle.


Alright this list could go on forever and psychiatrists would have a field day but let's keep it short and simple. Tomboys Maids with guns The quick draw swordsman. The more outlandish the better. The psycho "I can fix here" manic pixie girl bad guy [Redacted] Most of those stick figure animated fights on YouTube Last but not least when a person is hot so hard they fly across the battlefield but the attacker catches up to them and dishes out more punishment on the pain train


Characters creation where i spend way too much time. Robots armies or just robots in general. Cool and/or strong female protagonist (my WoL in FF14, my Fenyx in Immortal, Samus, Korra,...). Animal peoples. Nonhumans in general, we need more media on nonhumans (real nonhuman not just humans with pointy ears or divine blood). Villains romance. they are completely evil but very much in love. Villain friendship are also very fun. Fantasy worlds and characters full of color. don't bother with this "realistic" grey and brown, give all the rainbows colors. And of course, cackling mad scientists.


Cool looking Sci-Fi armor/Battle outfits with helmets on and everything Cool looking Spaceships and Mechas And If I like the character design of a female character in a piece of media. It's an instant hook for me because I would be curious enough to check out the media that character is from simply because I like the design. Bonus points if said female character is a badass. Things that instantly get my interest design wise are: Twin-tails, emphasize on legs aka nice looking legs, red hair, red eyes and black hair, sword wielding, goth aesthetic (Pale skin, black lipsticks, black and white colored hair, black outfits), characters with double colored hair, tattoos, etc Also stories that deal with themes of loneliness, and seeking purpose/a place to belong, self discovery and also self-love/self-appreciation are things that will immediately gain my interest. Because I personally find such themes very relatable


Prosthetic limbs Mecha Musume Shapeshifting/transformation (magical, mechanical or organic) Summoners and other such "pet" class archetypes (includes stand users as well) Athletic builds with good tone (not muscle mommies but not twigs either) Glasses Depressed retired heroes who get back in the groove


I will always get excited about Punch-Out style sections like in that new Power Rangers game trailer and Deltarune chapter 2, as well as over the top, absurd, and silly action like the Killer Bean and Squirrel with a Gun trailers. That being said, I *will* buy a game for art alone, with Unicorn Overlord being the prime example. General art style and character designs can get me to buy a game, though since my tastes in designs are so varied, I can't really pinpoint a specific type that will hook me. Best I could say is a design that mixes cool and sexy/attractive in one, with a current example being [Angell](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/path-to-nowhere/images/d/dd/Angell_Interrogation_Mobile_Wallpaper.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20240602164120) ([second image](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/path-to-nowhere/images/1/1a/Angell_Prisonphoto_Mobile_Wallpaper.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20240602164110), a reddit post showing her in [other costumes from the current event](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathToNowhere/comments/1b7m8rs/angell/)), from the gacha game Path to Nowhere. I rolled for her on design alone, knowing she is a "waste" of resources for me. So I would say that I more have a lot of small baits, but no major "This will occupy all of my thoughts" type of baits.


When the boss theme has vocals. That's great! But when the boss has vocals kick in in a certain point in the fight???? Metal Gear Rising you will always be famous


Mecha is one big plus in anything because giant robots are cool. I will also pay attention to smaller robots, but I prefer the building-sized ones. Armored Cores are probably my favorite mix of those two things; big enough to trample a car, small enough to engage in urban combat. Customization is always fun, the deeper the better. Parrying mechanics are also great, but they have to feel a certain way. Dark Souls parrying is alright, but give me Bloodborne or Sekiro and it's my favorite tool in my arsenal. Style meters are another big one. I tend to find myself more motivated to do cool shit when there's a meter on the screen telling me exactly how awesome or lame I am. Basically, my dream game would be an Armored Core-Devil May Cry hybrid.


I’m a sucker for the evolution of tech in a series. Gundam, specifically in the UC does this super well with its overarching timeline but even in the individual shows. Like the RX-78 shows up in the One Year War as the ultimate murder death robot and is leaps and bounds beyond anything else that existed at the time, and by the end of the one year war it’s kinda outdated and not amazing performance wise. Same for zeta and double zeta too, however the zeta itself gets a pass for being fairly specialised to the point where even about 10 years after it’s introduction, the mass production model is still getting used fairly regularly


A big one for me is armor, especially scifi armor. Doom Slayer, Master Chief, Samus, Space Marines (Blood Angel supremacy)… actually pretty much any imperium faction with full armor really like Grey Knights and Sisters of Battle. That shit kicks ass every time Another one, boomer shooters. I like a lot of fps games but if it follows the basic Doom formula then yes please. Lastly, dinosaurs. They’re just fuckin cool


Grime, trashpunk, nightmare shit that you just kinda live with. Examples: Dorohedoro, Dai Dark, Kingdoms of the Dump, Death Trash, Sludge Life 1/2, Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator, Rain World, Pizza Tower, STALKER, Norco.


Victorian gothic settings with slightly futuristic elements that don't quite make sense in a Victorian gothic setting. Dishonored (loosely), Thief, Resident Evil 4 (loosely, the castle is one of my favorite locations), Drangleic Castle (loosely), Bloodborne, Devil May Cry 4, I mean the list is endless and my mind is of course drawing blanks but whatever aesthetic is all of these settings and places is shit I fucking love. I fucking love it bro. Dear god do I love it.


- Snow-white and red color schemes, whether it's hair and eye color, outfit design, a weapon or even a location. Give me that Izanami-coded ominous bullshit. - Sharply dressed, pants-wearing women. Not big into skirts or dresses too much. Give them a lab coat or a uniform and they're even better. - Androgyny, short hair for women, longer hair for guys. - Androids and to a lesser extent, AI. - Dark-skinned/tanned and literal paper white skin. The the former often being the anime tomboy type, and the latter often being android related. - Girls who are extremely passionate about their interests. They can be ditzy, smart, aggressive, silent, whatever. But there's nothing that makes me fall in love with someone who isn't afraid to enjoy life and gush about the things they like. - Axes, Halberds, Polearms and Sabres. You're gonna lose points if you're using a standard Katana or Shortsword. - Classical music mixed with rock or metal. Can be new or a homage. - Clever knowledge-application mechanics in games. Stuff like clever shortcuts, very exploitable weaknesses (not just like 10% damage increase), puzzles you could've technically figured out at the start, but lacked the comprehension until later on. - Actually effective plate mail. Imagine how terrifying the armored warrior in Sekiro would be if they weren't just a desperate merchant. - Religious and mythological symbology and theming that actually delves beyond the surface level and explores the philosophies and tenants behind them. - Corvids, Cephalopods, Snakes, Sharks, Owls and any themes related to them. - Retro Sci-fi settings, particularly those that are colorful and creative that mix high-tech with mundane life. - Green fire has always been sick as fuck, ever since there was Shego on Kim Possible.


Mecha are a big one Vocal tracks that embody a characters personality are another Tokusatsu like transformations Dragons


Role playing simulators: Games like Space Station 14 or Barotrauma where everyone tries to keep the sub/station running as long as possible through different roles. Tons of different stuff to do. Girls with white hair: 2b, Angel, Elena, AKI, Ash, Jade Cargill. Dungeon crawling: plunderin crypts and caves in Skyrim, Elden Ring, or in a bunch of board games. And pirates. OH! And when the theme for the final fight/confrontation is a variant/remix of the main theme!


Full on hero/villain "I am" speeches. Some people may think it's extremely cheesy for a character to declare themselves to be the hero of ultimate goodness, the one who will stop the evil, hold back the night and the one who wields the blade of destiny. I just fucking love that stuff. It's cheesy as hell and that's what makes it awesome. Besides that, any mediocre work can usually be salvaged by a good insert song. There's some things that are salvaged solely by how good their insert songs are. [Take Control](https://youtu.be/k0QsHKH77MI) is an example, where I don't think the game Control would've held up if it weren't for this song and the Ashtray Maze, but it's there and we're all the better for it.


A lot of things but one specific bait for me is women in suits. Seeing [Mia Fey](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/29/7f/72/297f72ab76d29bb6e5b2154ec3da4403.jpg) in my formative years did a lot for me


Cool Robot/Armored dude with a jacket.


Big ass swords and characters that wield big ass swords. Also battle mages. There's something cool about weaving swordplay and magic together that makes me pogface


Class systems, particularly when they go in-depth with a ton of skills and customization. I’m still chasing the high of Final Fantasy Tactics and I fear I’ll never find it again. (Though on that note, D&D 4e scratches the itch PRETTY GODDAMN WELL.) Wrestling. Wrestling ladies. Wrestling ladies wrestling each other. Man I would kill for a Rumble Roses 2… . . . MAN, I would kill for a wrestling SRPG where each class is a style of wrestler and then you can cross-class abilities so you get shit like the big muscle woman pulling off an out-of-nowhere moonsault. Cyberpunk. Love me a good fuckin’ cyberpunk story.


Stuff that combine martial arts and guns. Basically Equilibrium and John Wick


Honestly I'm open to a lot of different things so I'll try to keep this (relatively) short to stuff that is absolutely my shit: Aesthetic/narrative stuff: -Cyberpunk city settings esp with synthwave music (Blade Runner changed my brain chemistry) -really cool female characters especially if they are a badass fighter (including but not limited to: women in suits, glasses, muscle ladies, red/black hair with a short bob haircut, if she could kill me with a look we're golden) -stylish, colorful urban settings usually with hip-hop/electronic music and techwear styled characters (Jet Set Radio, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, Hi-fi Rush, ZZZ, etc.) -Vampires, werewolves, witches (and by extension gothic horror/occult settings in general) -any of these in a modern/futuristic setting is also really sick (Underworld changed my brain chemistry) -stuff relating to Judeo-Christian mythology (demons, angels, 4 horsemen, 7 deadly sins) -"Cute spooky"/Halloween vibes (Jack o lanterns, skellies, etc. I love Medievil) -fairy tale/storybook vibes (e.g. Fable, Alice in Wonderland) -Mexican Day of the Dead aesthetics (I immediately backed the upcoming Mariachi Legends on premise) -Mouse Protagonist and/or a cast of animal characters (i.e. Redwall, Nimh, Mina the Hollower) -mechas -using a yo-yo as a weapon -characters wearing cool jackets (especially when they are just draped over the shoulders) -big swords (wrapped in cloth is a bonus nice touch) -Power armor (e.g. iron Man and space marines) -Pirates -"dark knight" style characters (basically anything inspired by Guts) -Rogues and Spellswords -power ranger/Sentai/toku inspired characters -a song when the lyrics kick in at a hype moment -the "tired fistfight" (e.g. the end of MGS4. There are other games that have it but I won't spoil) >!-Bunny Ladies (bunnysuits also welcome), Demon Ladies (horns and tails welcome), honestly alien/monster girls in general are good!< Gameplay stuff: -character creator (I love making my "OC" in any game I can) -job/style systems -Copy ability mechanics -social link/bond mechanics -Turn based combat with action commands/minigames/interactivity makes me way more interested in that type of combat -minigames/microgames -Wall running/parkour mechanics -witch time mechanics -punch out style boss fights/sections Ok this wasn't that short, I got carried away lol


Sombra is the only reason I ever picked up Overwatch. Cyberpunk aesthetic, side shave, purple color palette, moody X cute attitude. Seems to grab me every damn time


I’m huge on settings that are fantastical but either tease or reveal the idea that “wait is this actually Earth?” It’s my favorite shit. I also like stories that explore the intricacies of leadership in fictional settings. Irl I’m not much for most leaders even when elected because they are almost inherently oligarchic but in fantasy settings I can detach myself from that and enjoy the story. Recently my partner and I saw every Planet of the Apes movie barring the newest one, and they were unsurprisingly ‘my shot’ since they have both of these concepts in spades.


Hey, you know that thing? Yeah, that detail? The one that everyone else forgot about 1000 episodes/chapters/pages ago, but that you held onto specifically? Not only is it *back*, but it's the SICKEST SHIT you've ever seen in your life, made to appeal to you, and you specifically. ...Can you tell I like One Piece? >!And yes, the euphoria I had upon the reveal that Luffy is a ***rubberhose cartoon character***, when I myself am a fucking Western animation freak who was attracted to One Piece *specifically because of its more cartoon-y style...unrivaled. To this day. Like Oda himself came into my house, gave me a filet mignon for dinner for free, and left. Though Egghead's getting there.!<


Bro, have you checked out the film Equilibrium with Christian Bale? For me, it's the badass group that are more powerful than our heroes but are doing things somewhere else.


Yep! I just didn't go through all the movie examples of gun-fu I knew about because I feared my post was too long already. Pre-Dark-Knight Bale doing dramatic pistol poses? Inner sleeve reloading mechanisms? Grown men pseudo-slap-fighting with pistols? Saving puppies? P E A K. And that's some good shit, bro. Will they be cool allies to join up with later? Potential enemies in the future? Just another group of badasses doing their own thing? Who knows, but they're cool!