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Akshually his name in Japan is Vega.


I know that due to them "rotating" the names in North America in SFII means that we have to call them Claw, Boxer and Dictator in international markets for clarity, but I maintain that the Vega name just makes much more sense for Claw, as he's a Spaniard and Vega is a Spanish surname.


...What would everyone else's Claw/Boxer/Dictator names be?


Headband, Thighs, Wrestler, Blond, Soldier, Beast, Yogi, Sumo, Eyepatch.


shoryuken, red shoryuken, evil shoryuken, evil-


Well, let's limit it to the characters seen in *Street Fighter II: The World Warriors* (that trio's first appearance). There's far too many characters to name all of them otherwise. Similarly, these are just my theory/opinions, so take it all with a grain of salt. Sagat would probably be Tiger, what with that being the first word for most of his specials. Dhalsim would be Yoga for the same reason. Chin-Li would be Legs, and E Honda would be Hands, for their mash attacks. Zangeif would be Wrestler (to match Boxer), and Blanka would probably be Monster, though I'm less sure on the latter. Ryu and Ken are the tricky ones, as they hadn't really started their divergent evolution (Ryu being Shoryuken focused and Ken being Tatsu focused) yet. Let's say Ryu is Karate, and Ken is Blondie. Still not sold on Ken, though with how Ken works as a name on both sides of the Pacific, I'd argue he should be just Ken.


There's no way Honda would be anything but Sumo. Love the rest though.


Ryu and Ken are Mario and Luigi


I suppose I better throw my own thoughts in the ring. Blanka would be Beast, Zangief would be Bear. Honda would be Sumo, Chun Li would be Officer. Dhalsim would be Yogi, Guile would be Soldier. Ryu would be Fighter and Ken would be Brawler. Incorporating the adds, Cammy would be Agent, T. Hawk would be Warrior, Dee Jay would be Dancer and Fei Long would be Star. Last, Sagat probably would be Tiger, but since someone else suggested it I'm going with Scar.


I remember finding out about the whole name change stuff a few years ago, and the revelation that M. Bison was originally meant to be a Mike Tyson reference completely floored me.


Then he should have been driving a Chevy Vega


Not as big of a missed opportunity as not releasing Bison on a Tuesday


That was the old Bison, the new amnesiac Bison is more of a fan of Wednesdays


No, you see, he's actually returning to Street Fighter 6 to tell Ed "Bye, Son."


He’s like an evil Lone Ranger who only shows up to kick your ass and then leaves


Its a reference to the painting of Bison from the Street Fighter live action movie


One *could* ride a bison, but it has to be trained from a very young age, and even a tamed one would be both wholly impractical and extremely dangerous for a variety of reasons. ...Which would be pretty perfect for the "American" interpretation of the character.


Actually, they didn't blow it. He poses on this horse the same way he does in a painting in the live-action movie. It's a way better reference than just a nod to his localized name.


I like that he has his own kokuoh now


Nah, he should be riding the brightest star of the constellation Lyra.


Ok that one actually got me good.


For YOU...the day Bison rode in on a horse was the most important day of your entire life. For ME...[it was tuesday.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/superepicfailpedia/images/2/26/General_M._Bison_Crossing_the_Alps_-_Street_Fighter.jpg/revision/latest/thumbnail/width/360/height/360?cb=20210119160129)


They should have him ride a Buffalo to add infinite pedantry for the worst person you know


I do appreciate how they basically made him Raoh.