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Link the homie freeing Zelda before getting pulled into the darkness, a hero through and through


Link is a real one for that.


Perfect needle thread for the haters. Link still saves Zelda, but then the story just doesn’t end there.


didn't even consider that. Nintendo balancing on a wire over their fanbase lol


Knew it was worth the kill assist points.


Zelda has gained the power of Gmod




Woolie: Oh so this is Gmod??


Ganon watching 500 mudskippers with jet engines hurtling towards him at 200 mph:


I just realized, I think that explains why Nintendo got their models off of GMod a month or so go.


**Broke:** The Tri Rod **Woke:** The Wand of Gamelmod


I would like to point out that Zelda can lift a boulder without a power bracelet. Meaning that she can canonically pound Link to the ground.


god i wish i was him


Can't use a sword, but can use a boulder.


Zelda: STR and WIS Link: DEX and item bonuses to all other stats.


He has the courage to not care what anyone says about his min maxing his item slots.




Zelda and Chris Redfield should become friends


The same Chris "Fuck Boulders" Redfield?


>she can canonically pound Link I mean yeah Link has always been a bottom- >into the ground Oh wait what were we talking about


No you were still right the first time.


Happy cake day!🎂🎂🎂




~~she can pound me~~


You know, it's funny. Both Princess Zelda and Princess Peach now have solo games where they get Rods. Remember the Vibe Scepter?


The vibe scepter might be the reason your mom is acting funny. - literally the game


“Your mom might have one hidden away in your house” - literally the game


Don't forget Mario RPG where you can dig around peach's room and find something called the ??? Where one of her attendants is like hey don't go looking through people's private things like that!


they pretty much wanna give a mage vibe for them. Well , it fits Zelda due to the whole Triforce of Wisdom....


Also in the **Age of Calamity** game she was basically a artificer/cleric, so it fits. (She also did [sick motorcycle tricks](https://youtu.be/pGGVR6G24Ts?si=QrVW4bNO9cBgkxC3) in that game, but, i guess that's irrelevant for the current subject)


and in Hyrule Warriors, she had the windwaker and the dominion rod as alt weapons


That is relevant for EVERY subject, actually.


Mage Zelda, Swordfighter Peach, and of course Gunner Samus is our leading lady trio party


>Vibe Scepter? I can't believe the ending of that game makes it into a vibrator joke, it's *wild* XD


Dude I've been watching them get rods for, jesus, 20 years. Maybe more?


Gameplay had me worried for a sec but it got better as it went on.


Yeah I'm pretty intrigued now. Customized platforming and turning enemies against each other are both really unique ideas that could have crazy consequences as the game goes on. Feels like they got inspired by the atypical combat you could do in BotW/TotK.


Especially with the line that nobody will have the same experience.


I'm calling it now, you're definitely gonna be making bosses fight each other


I can't believe the new Zelda game is an immersive sim--


Yeah I’m down for necromancer Zelda.


ReDeads are the worst, now everyone else can feel my pain


Yeah I might have started with something a little more hype than a table to show off the Echo system


I did kind of appreciate the buildup. Table, to other assorted objects, to enemies themselves, to ridiculous combos of luring enemies and hitting them with a trap. Shit is kind of crazy. Legend of Zelda has kind of been going through a Renaissance when it comes to innovating it's gameplay. I can't wait to see what they're doing with Mario.


yeah it was a neat buildup honestly. they showed off copying an object, showing you could spam it, showing they could be stacked and then showing the sheer amount of shit that could be copied


Eh, I'm still definitely not sold. I like Zelda games for the level design and puzzles, and the "you can do ANYTHING!" mentality really tends to cause games to sacrifice level and puzzle design. Hopefully I'm wrong, but man my heart sank when they opened that echo menu and it just went on and on.


Honestly after a while in ToTK i have to admit it got a bit sad how so many areas could be solved with the same simple tricks/builds and it got a bit too old quick


Having to scroll through a menu everytime to place a new item or enemy for combat could get old real fast. I agree with you on the puzzles too. It's a problem I've had with new Zelda design. Solving a puzzle that has one intended solution feels way more satisfying to me then stacking a bunch of items and climbing on top to solve. Doesn't even feel good to complete, I feel like I cheated.


There's got to be more than just the rod, too, I have no fucking idea how to work around it, though.


Eh, they shoulda just given her magic to blast enemies with.


It's a bit sad that every cool ability they showed off comes from the rod, not from Zelda. She's just the hand holding it. Gameplay should characterize the PC. Though I guess their response to that would be "she's wisdom, so she has to think of all the cool item combos and puzzle solutions".


Let's be honesty, Link's power is basically just the ability to swing a sword, use a bow, and throw stuff. Everything else is granted items and magic and finesse.


... hm. kinda got a point there.


Plus in Ocarina of Time the master sword essentially goes "OH shit you are not ready yet, stasis time". Link tends to get a lot of magical support as a power enhancer!


I do appreciate that she has access to the LttP throw stuff at enemies. Reminds me of the US SMB2 as well.


I always honestly liked how rare magic was in the zelda series. Link primarily gains magic aid through enchanted equipment more than casting spells directly, and those that do magic in the service of good are *rare.* I think it's neat and I have no further comments to give.


... I think that's a function of it being a dungeon crawler with only one playable character who is closer to a rogue than a wizard, and whose bard actions aren't something he starts with. Like Link be using faeries to heal (using magic) all the dang time since at least a LttP, and I don't think it is because he eats them. They just heal him and leave. or you stuff them in a jar to have them heal you later.


That's still making use of the efforts of others. I didn't say it in the original post, but I do, in fact, have **MANY** further comments. I think it's like this—at least at first—because Zelda as a setting was really comfortably rooted in Christianity in window-dressing, if not in themes, with the final iteration more or less removing that concept by OOT. There's some old concept art from aLttP that straight up depicts link kneeling before a cross. Wild shit. I choose to interpret this as basing on the christian viewpoint of witchcraft and sorcery, in that it's almost solely practiced by wicked folk. There are others, of course, but they are rare exceptions that I cannot recall in the space of time I'm caring to dedicate to this comment. This idea was iterated out more or less completely by OOT, but it's fun to think about how that might've been expanded upon in later entries. Of course, knowing where time sent us, probably not much, because pining for a Nintendo game to make good use of its setting is a laughable pursuit.


... except that faeries have existed in every game up to OoT, and possibly all of them, but I only care about those first 5 games. And Adventure of Link turns Link into a fairly standard magic user with a sword ala DQ1. Like I think you are taking the limits of the NES being able to do a massive fight with the LoZ dungeon elements and assuming the world empty of active magic users means something.


What about what I said precludes that. Fairies exist as mundane spirits in several kinds of christianity. I said that Link doesn't do a ton of magic on his own. There's always cases of Link using it, but they're not really too bombastic outside some noteworthy exceptions, like in OOT.


... Adventure of Link (the second game) has Link learn 8 spells by talking to Old Men. The spells don't have a physical presence. This is literally the second game. Link basically works like a DQ1 character here (in a ARPG). Basic attacks are physical, but with a lot of inherit spells with the only difference being that DQ has spelled learned on level up, rather than discovering a teacher. LoZ only had the candles, sword beams, and teleporting recorder as obviously magical in and of themselves effects in and of themselves, sure but AoL radically changed that.


Is it just me, or is Aonuma afraid of making a traditional Zelda game? BotW and ToTK are great, but they seemed obsessed with subverting ths norms set by the series, despite the fact that those norms are so great other developers have been inspired by them since the beginning. This game seems to be very traditional in every aspect, except removing any direct means of combat. I get wanting to make Zelda different by not giving her a sword, but why not give her a bow like she's used before? I just feel like throwing rocks or waiting for summons to defeat your enemies will get old fast. This could still be a great game, but I wish we could get a traditional Zelda game that isn't a remake/port.


I mean if there were ever a game to drastically shift the core gameplay, the one where you play as a different main character than the last 17ish games seems like a good choice.


But on the flip side, having Zelda show up repeatedly over those games wielding a bow just to take it away when you finally get to play as her is pretty disappointing. Honestly, making a classic LoZ game that centers entirely around the bow without any melee combat would still be a drastic shift.


It seems like he has gone on record to say that he doesn’t want to anymore. It’s not that he is afraid more uninterested. He feels like he has made those experiences already. Also as times change games have to change with them otherwise they just don’t do well what you might call traditional others might call derivative and boring.


Itooks like it's just the gimmicks of botw brought to 2d. I wanted a more classic experience but this seems like a chore to play.


Oh I can't *wait* to see the speedrun tech of this game.


When I saw the bed-stairs i could feel the gears turning


She literally put down a box, then a box on top of that, and then a box on top of that, and climbed up. I feel the only solution to avoid this being used everywhere is invisible walls, but that would kinda defeat the creativity if stuff like that only works in certain spots. Really curious.


Well, I imagine echoes are likely time-limited at least a bit, not to mention you can notice Tri has little triangles (triforce shards?) that get used up as you place echoes, so the game is absolutely going to limit how much you can put down, at least for a bit. Probably have a heart-container-like collectible to have more echoes at once. I saw at least one enemy echo cost 2 bits, too.


I thought the same thing, it's gonna get WILD


Yo this Direct is actually fantastic.


That was my exact thought. Ending on Metroid was a fucking baller choice, too.


Hell, starting on M&L was a absolute power move


Fucking AGREED. So many fond memories of playing the DS game as a kid.


As soon as this one was announced towards the middle, I had a hunch that Metroid was closing the show because why would they not close with that (even if it looks to be a smaller Zelda game).


So is this really the first Zelda game where Zelda is actually the main character? After nearly 40 years?


This guy forgot the CDI games, let's all laugh at him


Somehow forgot about the best Zelda games ever made smh


You know I bet they didnt even own a CDI.


Only one of the CDi games. The other two you play as Link.


*Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon* technically the first I believe. Not that most people would count it.


"YOU KILLED M(Y MARKETABILITY AS A MAIN CHARACTERRRR" ... "Good. :D" -Exchange between Nintendo and the CDI devs.


At least we got Arzette out of it!


And this one also features a magical wooden stick


Not if you count the CDi games


Oh they 100% count, in my book anyway!


Should’ve called it “The Legend of Link” smh my head.


For a second there, I thought Ganon was gonna possess Link. Would have been a wild-ass twist. Technically, it's still possible, too.


Just like the finale of *Twilight Princess* where Ganondorf possessed Zelda and you had to fight her. Would be wild to see Ganon clinging to life by possessing Link.


"Now Zelda, you must face the might of me, Twilight Link!" "... Twink?" "Bitch, don't hate me because I'm fabulous"


I wonder if this connected to Link's Awakening remake besides the obvious artstyle.


Ye I was wondering if they're using the same Link, which I think was also implied to be Oracle Link and also maybe Link to the Past Link? The timeline is confusing


The map Zelda is on at the end of the trailer at 1 minute in is definity the bottom right corner of the Link to the Past map.


Cane of Gmodaria it is, then. Summoner gameplay on Zelda seems great.


\>Cane Absolutely was my first thought with the table/boxes. >"Mom can we have Tri-Rod?" >"We have Tri-Rod at home." >[Tri-Rod at home](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/58cd0e91-fd9a-4bfe-9523-6c3afcc4dd6b/d4qpize-cf92b192-711d-42d8-b010-fee1ed22ff8d.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTpmaWxlLmRvd25sb2FkIl0sIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiIvZi81OGNkMGU5MS1mZDlhLTRiZmUtOTUyMy02YzNhZmNjNGRkNmIvZDRxcGl6ZS1jZjkyYjE5Mi03MTFkLTQyZDgtYjAxMC1mZWUxZWQyMmZmOGQucG5nIn1dXX0.CFzNuUegZkFqwV_K1cfHkMq7sm2-VBbFTzFQV5sgL90 "Cane of Somario, go!")


FALSE ADVERTISING THIS IS CLEARLY THE LEGEND OF LINK Very excited though, the 3DS game showed us how fun it can be to have magic-focused moveset, so this should be a lot of fun, especially if they double down on fights being puzzles.


finally zelda is a girl


hopefully this is a sign of playable zelda for the next 3d entry as well, please nintendo


Description on youtube says we FINALLY do


Link has the Courage to face terrifying danger and peril. Zelda has the Wisdom to get someone else to do that shit for her.


Dang this is exciting. 1. I'm so glad were still getting 2D zelda games. 2. Oh shit zelda game as zelda. This is like the number 1 fan forum ask next to like edgy grim dark LotR zelda lol. Can't wait.


This will truly be Zelda's Adventure.


Reminds me of Scribblenauts meets Captain Toad. I like it! I will only be calling this game Zelda: Wand of Gamelon 2, however.


Nice! Glad this team is getting to work on a new project after remaking Link's Awakening, and with Zelda as the protag? This is definitely the dream game for a lot of fans!


I'm looking forward to this, but I hate that they're still using BoTW's straight line inventory UI. It was clunky in 2017 and the more tiles you have the worse it gets. Also, these subtitles have gotten pretty generic this gen.


Eh the title makes perfect sense at least The thing she makes are called echoes and she represents the power of wisdom in the tri force


About time.


The rod mechanic looks neat but I wish Zelda had more direct combat. Her fighting styles in the Warriors games are excellent, from rapiers, to motorcycles, to launching minecarts like a homemade railgun


I swear many creative minds will exploit the heck outta this game mechanic much like in ToTK.


finally a game where we get to play as Link


The idea of Zelda crushing a Moblin's skull with a boulder then reviving it to fight his buddies is the kind of morbid creativity I'd expect after Tears of the Kingdom became a Warcrime Simulator.


I'm a little concerned the echo gameplay is going to be very shallow... When your introduction is "table" and then the whole inventory shown off is a bunch of different decorative items that will be mechanically similar, it doesn't excite me. Then we get to see monster echos, but they only seems to last very briefly, rather than being a full on summon you can take with or a trap to place in the world. I guess what I'm getting at is: if you show off your sandbox mechanics, there should be at least one moment that makes me go "Wow, I wouldn't have thought of that/thought that was possible", and the gameplay shown here didn't have that.


The only puzzle they had to show was climbing ledges. I like the concept of this game, I'm just doubtful they're going to go anywhere interesting with it. Puzzle games are almost all either too easy, or crushingly brutal like Baba.


water cube?


Would you consider a static cube of water interesting or something you wouldn't otherwise have thought of? There's no fluid physics like flow, and the only use case presented to us is swimming upwards, something just as easily done with a ladder. I wouldn't be surprised if you could swim horizontally as well, but even then that just makes it the same as water in Mario. It's not especially unique or interesting. Heck, there was more interesting water mechanics in Minecraft 10 years ago than what this trailer showed!


Not a big fan of the art style, but that's a really cool gameplay premise. Not quite what TotK was doing, but a similar philosophy of many tools and the freedom to find whatever works.


Eyyy, a Zelda starring Zelda! Looks pretty cool, too. Wonder if any direct combat will be included?


I noticed that the rod was assigned to the right dpad and the other directions were blank, so I assume she’ll be getting some kind of different equipment. However, they put so much focus on the rod’s mechanic that I kind of doubt there will be a more traditional form of combat.


The combat is summon items and throw them or summon monsters.


Aw. No using the rod as a blunt instrument? That's a shame.


From the small bits we saw it's only to summon shit, and then you throw said shit at people, but no normal combat. Only gimmicks.


I see. Hope it's as fun as it looks, then.


It doesn't look fun to me, it looks as tedious as using your powers in TOTK and BOTW is. It's just gimmicks. But we will see when they reveal more.


We'll see indeed, my friend.


You gotta assume at least someone pitched calling this one The Legend of Link.


The Legend of Link: Zelda's Adventure


Yo, unrelated but Aonuma's still looking GOOD


I'll bet good money that by the end of the game, it turns out Link was having his own whacked out adventure in the negative zone helping all the other people who got taken.


Took long enough. Glad to see Nintendo has confidence they can make game's staring their traditionally non-playable female characters with this and the Princess Peach game.


I think it has potential, and I do like the concept. But my main concern is just puzzle design, like some others have said. The BotW series so far has really struggled with engaging puzzle design, and I'm a little worried this type of gameplay will cause a similar issue caused by puzzles not having a definitive solution.


Hopefully we get to play as Sheik at some point. Would be quite the story to see that transformation over the course of the game.


Yoooo this looks so cute


This seems like the more puzzle focused Zelda game I always wanted.


It's a new classic top-down Zelda game! ...and they're bringing over the "solve every problem however you want" approach of the Breath of the Wild games. Great :/


TBF Link Between Worlds was also pretty open endend, puzzles and items wise.


> ...and they're bringing over the "solve every problem however you want" approach of the Breath of the Wild games. ngl that wasn't the impression I got at all. Knowing how Link's Awakening plays, I expect there to be a fair amount of backtracking and stuff that's only solvable after you reached a specific area or point in the game - it's just that it'll revolve around Gmodding.


Lol this was my exact reaction. The "stack items and climb up them to solve this puzzle" philosophy seems to be this series' new MO. I miss items...


I wish it was called Legend of Link just for maximum parent confusion


Legend of Zelda: Echoes of GMOD.


Zelda being a magician type is great. Despite preferring Link Between Worlds' models to Link's Awakening HD I still love the overrall aesthetics.


Zelda with the power of furniture and rocks. Gremlin potential is high


Zelda being the star of her own titular series was one of the last dinosaur-stubborn sentiments from Nintendo, right? The only one left I can think of is allowing Achievements in their gaming platforms.


The Legend of Link: Save the Twink.


The PointCrow videos will be amazing! I think I'll wait to see it played before getting it, but Im so happy 2d zelda is back and theyre trying new things


Honestly thought for a brief second it was going to be A Link Between Worlds remake.


So the Echo system made me think: this system would be really useful for creating a Zelda Maker game. Place blocks of water, earth, stone, wood, to create maps. Place monsters to create dungeon scenarios. Obviously not the exact system they're using, but the underlying mechanics could be used for something like that in the future, maybe


This is the first original 2D Zelda since ALBW, right? And it's starring Zelda instead of Link? Fuck yeah! WAND OF GAMELON 2, BAYBEE!!! *(oh wait, Zelda's Adventure...)* WAND OF GAMELON 3, BAYBEEE!!!


I wish she eventually gets to just spellcast with that rod. Echo may be a cool game mechanic, especially the summoning part, but taking matters into one's own hands is more fun in my opinion.


That tri rod stuff really isn't my thing, but no doubt there's an audience that will be all over this.


It looks charming, if nothing else.


I'm ambivalent! Hopefully it'll be good, and I guess it kinda makes sense that since Zelda's whole thing is Wisdom she wouldn't be as direct in the action but I do hope she gets more tools than just the copy wand.


YYYYEEAAAAAHHHHH. If I owned a Switch this’d be a day one purchase.


It's all over, this is the game of the year. I mean, people have been waiting eons to play as Zelda. I love how much the Zelda games have been focusing on giving players a wide array of tools with their latest entries.