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Man, I say it with every trailer release, but holy shit those swarms are huge. CanYouRunIt is giving me the green light, but I'm still scared I'm going to have issues running this lol


guys i don't want this to sound hyperbolic or overly effusive, but that footage of Space Marine customization for Co-Op mode really jorks my peanits.


Really punched my melpert there


I remember customization being good even in the 1st game


Immediately after Bricky had to derail his Summer Games Fest video to talk about how they haven't shown enough gameplay for Space Marine 2. Thanks Bricky.


Similar thing happened with Helldivers 2. In his original video on the game he had problems with how much content and variety there was. And like literally the next day or two Helldivers released a bunch of new things.


I feel bad for Titus. He just wants to do his Chapter proud, yet he keeps >!running into Chaos, gets accused of Heresy and Demoted. Once the Thousand Sons show up, he'll probably just get accused of Heresy and Demoted again.!<


I feel like getting accused of heresy is standard procedure for any main character in the imperium.


not if you’re a Grey Knight then you just get suspected of being the first ever member of your brotherhood to be corrupted by demons! constantly! …wait, that’s not better.


No chance the Ultramarines let that happen again. They put out lore in a recent-ish White Dwarf I believe about what happened to him in the past century or so and one thing it points out is that the Ultramarines basically felt nothing but shame for letting him get taken for so long. Pretty sure Calgar himself ordered Titus rescued/reinstated when they learned of his location. Considering this takes place in "modern" 40k, any bullshit that gets pulled on him might have even Guilliman raising hell.


I SAW MY HYDRA BOYS. Wonder if they're just a multi-player option or those maybe traitors will also be attacking along with the Thousand Sons. Also the huge horde of tyranids not being a set piece but actual shoot shootable enemies is so good. Though I know I will never be able to run this.


Yo the jump pack can air dash what the hell


NOVA MARINES MENTIONED I cant wait to stand there awkwardly while my friends Marines sit there and talk about how much they hate traitors to the Imperium


Finally. Game looked good. It's getting made by the WWZ devs (I believe?), and it's Warhammer. I'm buying it anyways. But man when games build their whole marketing on "we are going to splice a bunch of less than 5 seconds clips together and not show how it actually plays" it REALLY breaks my confidence. Looking at you Indiana Jones


Fuck yeah, man. This is gonna be great.


It looks like Gears of Warhammer, and I'm here for it.


Space Marine 1 was basically that with a more expanded (better imo) multiplayer that's still active to this day


As someone who is not into Warhammer at all, I loved Space Marine 1 and this is essentially my most anticipated of the year. Just looks like an absolute blast.


I feel crazy that nobody else has mentioned just how…. Stiff, this game looks compared to the first one. Like, that little pseudo-QTE when you draw your pistol and shoot an enemy reminds me of the fucking Callisto Protocol. That is not what your space marine action game should be reminding me of. I really hope this will be good but I am incredibly worried about it’s quality compared to the first


Stiff is not a descriptor I'd be comfortable with applying without actually having played, but the game definitely looks slower than Space Marine 1. The actual pace of hits and shots doesn't seem different, but Titus walks noticeably slower, so you're probably covering less ground in most fights. I feel like this is almost certainly a deliberate choice to roll back the hyper mobility from the first game though, maybe in favor of being closer to the lore. The dodge rolls in SM1 gave you a lot of agility and I can see the design and lore reasons to change it. I also think the pistol shot will feel fine in the final product. It might look weird in specifically this trailer because the clips are so short, but they were shown a few months ago in much longer sequences, and seem like they just provide brief breaks in the action, similar to how counters momentarily de-aggro you in the Arkham games. Combat pacing as a whole will probably feel different because of it, since now there'll be pauses from the executions as well as the parries, but it doesn't seem very worrying for that combat design imo. It's different, but doesn't seem bad. If you haven't watched the longer sequence footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuIIoiiBLEo




I think Space Marine 2’s gameplay looks stiff as hell compared the first and what I described is an example of it


I imagine the pause between the draw and the shot is to create anticipation and make it feel more powerful. It's meant to feel like a counter/visceral hit, at least that's the impression I got.