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>exclusive to PS4 and PS5 You mean PS4, PS5 and YouTube.


Honestly, I'm kind of amazed that Sega got Sony to pay for this.


PS4, PS5, YouTube, and PC with a mod.


Are you fucking serious, Sega? You couldn't have just dropped it on YT one month prior to launch like you did with the Knuckles prologue from Sonic Frontiers?


I'm reminded about the stink that Sonic twitter (hell) made about the previous prologue shorts (and comics) not being in the games proper, how they should've been cutscenes instead of ads. Look at that monkey's paw curl.


That monkey paw has curled itself so many times, it's going up to the shoulder at this point.


Right? Hope it's at least temporary, but I doubt it will be.


Even if it isn't, it will be on YT at latest a few hours after the game comes out. So wait a bit, watch it, then start playing. And F Sony and their BS, and I say that as someone who grew up with PS1 and PS2 and always loved their exclusives. But they've been taking it way too far for far too long.


Agreed. Bullshit like this is ***why*** competition is important in gaming. I just wish Xbox was smart enough to actually fucking try...


I think Nintendo is currently filling the void for that.


Are they, though? The Switch and PS5 are hardly comparable...


That’s true, the Switch actually has games


Legit, I'm probably just gonna skip the PS6 and get a Switch 2. All of Sony's games come to PC eventually anyway.


Switch 2 is around the corner. The Switch has trounced every console these past generations and I feel it’s a very safe assumption it’s gonna get 3rd party games like never before when the Switch 2 releases. Nintendo games sell better than almost everything. Sony wishes it has their sales in this climate of the industry imploding in itself.


I dunno man, I think people will yell either way if Xbox started making their games exclusive again.


That's the stupid and shit type of exclusive. If a console holder wants to fund a game and have it exclusive great but this already exists and Sony just paid a bit extra to have it on its platform exclusively. This is really fucking dumb


I'm wondering how that conversation went. Did Sega go, hey Sony want exclusive content? And Sony said, "Sure, how much would 20 bucks, a half eaten hot dog and pack of mints buy us?" Cause this seems like something dumb to buy as an exclusive. I could just watch it on YouTube and be happy.


More money to the devs


Indeed. And Sega sucks extra ass for agreeing to it. No amount of cash they got in return can be worth this much, right?


That's stupid as fuck lmao


Once again, Sega proceeds to shoot itself in the foot regarding Sonic, for no apparent reason other than "because fuck you."


It's a proud Sega tradition at this point


That's exceptionally shitty and petty. If the Shadow short isn't being put up online for free like the Knuckles one, it forms a notable part of the value of the Season Pass.




It's going to be on Youtube the week of, if not the week before, the game releases. But y'know what, get that bag Sega, hope it actually goes to funding Sonic team better (it probably won't)


Giving them credit, SEGA has gone on record for upping the team's budget after Frontiers' success, and it shows with the visuals in the Shadow campaign.


They're fucking buying exclusivity for Sonic cartoons now? Good Lord.


> have the worst summer event of the big three by far > announce a spinoff in one of your core franchises that is also releasing on a competitor's console > continue blueballing people who are waiting for your big exclusives > continue locking content out of games on other platforms > cause a publisher you had a bunch of exclusivity deals with to pursue an aggressive multiplatform plan Fellas, what is this strategy called?


Is this where we pretend Playstation is doing poorly? Last several months they published Spiderman 2, Helldivers 2 (best selling game of the year), Stellar Blade, Rise of the Ronin and had FFVII Rebirth as an exlcusive and the remainder of the year have Concord, Astro Bot and Horizon Lego. You realize Square had more exlcusives with Nintendo than anyone? State of Plays aren't supposed to be about big announcements PS5 has been the best selling console for months and Playstation is breaking records every quarter. Trying to frame them as struggling in any way is ridiculous


I really dont get the "Square was exclusive to Sony" meme going on they had three games exclusive to PS and its just FF7s remakes and FF16


JUST FF7 Remakes and FF 16. Tent pole games that didn't do well enough so Square-Enix came out and said exclusives were a mistake. Square-Enix was fucking stupid for taking the deal but Sony knew what it was doing when it money hatted Final Fantasy which included keeping it off PC for an extended period too.




err no I remeber ffxv launching day and date on xbox in all its cup noodle glory




People are gonna buy Sega's games on PlayStation anyways, it has the larger install base and a bigger market for Japanese games. No one gives a shit about marketing once the game's actually out and it's the same across all platforms. It's another thing to pay for exclusive content that gets locked out of the other versions entirely. That actually effects the end product.


FF7 Rebirth, Stellar Blade and Rise of the Ronin are paid exclusives, Spiderman 2 was a buggy letdown compared to the first and even Miles Morales, and Helldivers 2 was on PC. None of those three upcoming games can really be considered a big exclusive. There is zero reason to own an Xbox or a PS5 these days.


> Is this where we pretend Playstation is doing poorly? I never said that, but it's hard to not feel disappointed with the current state of things. > had FFVII Rebirth as an exclusive And that game's diminishing sales despite being a genuine GOTY contender caused Square to announce that they were going fully multiplatform. > Concord A game that literally no one is excited about > State of Plays aren't supposed to be about big announcements Resident Evil 4 Remake and Tekken 8 were both announced at State of Play events; the former was also in a State of Play that had the gameplay reveal for Street Fighter 6 and a trailer for Final Fantasy XVI; the latter was in the same one that showed off Stellar Blade's rename and revealed Rise of the Ronin. State of Plays can be good events, it's fair to criticize them if they don't live up.


With them publishing a ton of games and pretty much all great and selling incredibly well? FFVII Rebirth is the 4th best selling game of the year Concord will probably do better than most games. The game is made by Bungie veterans who specialize in great gameplay. None of those are big announcements and again State of Plays are always meant to have smaller announcements. They weren't trying to have a big showcase or else theyd call it a "showcase" And the whole.point of your list of nonsense was to try to downplay their success but they are literally more successful than ever. They generate more revenue than any other game company meaning people spend more on Playstation than any other company


> And the whole.point of your list of nonsense was to try to downplay their success but they are literally more successful than ever. No? They are absolutely doing well for themselves in terms of revenue, but that doesn't mean I can't criticize them for other stuff.


You just listed a bunch of bullshit full of hyperbole for what? Just couldn't stop yourself from console warring?


Bruh how am I console warring? I own a PS5, I play the shit out of Helldivers II, I will be buying Astro on release, and I still want better from Sony than everything from the past month or so, and I've wanted better from them for the past two years. It's not "console warring" to wish the State of Play was better, or for them to not gate off content in third-party games from other versions, or to rely less on third-party timed exclusives that would sell much better if they were multiplatform, or to think that Concord doesn't look appealing (and the Bungie devs part doesn't help either, they haven't made a good game in well over a decade), or to at least want some word on what Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch, etc. are up to after several years since their last brand new games. You're the one accusing me of "downplaying their success" as if it was some personal affront to you that I'm not dickriding them, so don't go around being the pot calling the kettle black.




> They have been releasing more games than practically everyone for the last 5 years... ????? I'm 90% sure Take Two, Bandai Namco, Sega, Electronic Arts, Nintendo, Microsoft, and Square Enix have all released more games over the same timeframe than Sony has. > Destiny 2 is one of the most popular games of all time and just released another incredibly popular and well rated expansion And yet Bungie still fucks up regularly to warrant constant criticism of them from Destiny 2's own playerbase. > Both Naughty Dog and Sucker Punch released games 4 years ago. You want them to release high quality games? That takes time unless you want them to just shit out games to say they released something. I would like to hear about what they're working on. I can wait another year or two to actually play it if they just show a trailer or something. > Your comments are so full of ignorant bullshit like you're a 12 year old stuck in the console wars that hasn't touched grass in years All you've done is accuse me of writing down "irrelevant nonsense" and of "console warring" even though I keep telling you that I don't. I don't understand what about my comments has pissed you off that much.


"They have been releasing more games than practically everyone". Ok, you know that's bullshit. Sony releases more games than Microsoft, but that isn't a high bar. Practically every other major company releases more games than Sony. But especially Nintendo, Square-Enix, and SEGA.


They certainly publish a lot more quality games than both Sega and Square. The only one that compares on nintendos but don't come close in production value


What are States of Play for then? I always wondered that. Like just to copy the Direct format but never actually do anything exciting with it?


Stay tuned for the day one mod on PC.


I can't even imagine what the proposal of this deal would look like lol


I forget that this sub has a huge sonic fan population. Kinda scary they just lurk among us 


so close, the sonic fans are lurking in this subreddit, not in among us


For a fucking cutscene


Sega, what the fuck? What purpose does this serve, other than to make you Sony's whore? The animation will be reuploaded to YT anyways, for God's sake! What the fuck will Sony do to stop ***that*** - buy Google?


Aight, brb gonna figure out how to mod the mp4 into the PC version. This is some of the pettiest bullshit ever, did Sony really pay extra for cutscene exclusivity? When it's going to be uploaded on yt anyway?!


This is horrendous


Seems like whenever sega does something interesting they just end up doing dumb stuff like this to cover up the previous thing. That’s a really weird thing to have as an exclusive only content…like I can’t really think of a positive since a video of the content will probably get posted on YouTube.


playstation keeping on brand, securing an exclusive cuts scene and gameplay.


So it's finally come to cutscenes being exclusive now I don't know whether to laugh or be angry or I'm a mixed bag!


That’s really dumb.