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Kids these days don't even know how to torrent! Back in my day, we had to seed uphill, both ways!


nothing like downloading katawa shoujo in 8 parts each hours long, or monster masume


Katawa Shoujo was freeware tho lmao


Torrents aren't just for piracy


I tried to torrent Katawa Shoujo and my PC flagged it as malware. I was born 93 and I don’t know how to torrent


I torrented KS when it first came out and I was surprised by how much activity there was on it with UL/DL


Holy shit dude, you just made me remember a since long forgotten part of my teenage years


You only don't learn how to torrent if you're either wealthy enough to afford it or simply disinterested, as a kid growing up in Brazil pirating was second nature.


I know a zoomer from Brazil who is remarkably square about pirating and they’re not exactly flush with cash. Me and my friends had to drag them just through emulation and that was an entire process. I think if they ever tried to actually torrent something they’d open up the client, get scared, and immediately close it.


Dude the amount of younger peers that legit don't know how to navigate basic folder architecture is staggering.


That’s me, haha…I think Mom raised me that way on purpose.


Or you live in one of those countries with a legal structure that makes torrenting super risky. That's why Germans almost only do direct download or streams.


It just means you have to use a VPN, too.


The last time I tried my ISP got angry and getting a VPN would be MORE expensive, long-term, than just buying the game/show.


No. I'm sure the scammy VPNs that advertise everywhere are expensive, but legit ones like PIA are around $40 a year.


I got three years for one 80€ payment


I respect it. It reminds me of the Darkwood devs just straight uploading their own torrent of the game and just asking to buy it eventually if you like it, even if it's on sale, and just avoid key resellers.


Steal This Album


No thanks I'll buy it.


lmao gottem take that _game developers_, get wrekt by our money and support nerds




"Okay, okay, okay let's fund these guys! Let's financially support these guys with dollars!"


Is that a Northernlion reference? Well executed, friend.


And I already have. I think it’s the first game in half a decade that actually managed to pull me in through its demo. Also super rad that the pristine cut is supposed to add something like 33 percent content and it’s going to be free.


Game devs hate this one simple trick


I’ll buy Scarlet Hollow too just to show ‘em.


I will give them my money, AND THEY CANNOT STOP ME


That's what I did in response to this article. It reminded me to buy it, then promptly not play it because I'm addicted to Hades 2 at the moment.


It's like 15 bucks or something on steam for an absolute marvel of storytelling. Heck, I would have paid that amount just for the absolutely amazing voice work that they've done but you get the beautiful sketch art aesthetic and amazing writing on top of that. Anyone who hasn't should absolutely buy Slay the Princess. It's amazing.


Bought it, played it, and watched various LPs. Hell I'm literally right in the middle of watching Super Eyepatch Wolf play it.


Slay The Princess is one of the games that I'd never replace with a playthrough. I want to experience the choices myself.


I understand what you meant, but without a "watching" that first sentence reads as something you would say to slam a bad game


That headline is somewhat misleading…


Ye they outright recommend watching Markiplier's playthrough, just that you should play it blind beforehand


It is a game entirely defined by your choices. Don't watch someone else play this unless you've played it yourself first.


The finale is unspeakably hype specifically because it throws your various choices back in your face as an explicit rhetorical device.


I'm happy I've remained unspoiled so far. In truth, my video game playing has gone down significantly in the last few months for some reason, so that just steadily adds to the insane backlog I'll have once I get back into things. I've been consuming videos *about* gaming more than actually playing them. Despite that, I've stayed clear of any LPs of this game, no matter how intrigued and curious I am. As someone that loves story-driven "yOuR cHoIcEs MaTtEr!" games, I get the feeling this will blow my sock off once I give it a shot. Speaking of which, I've still yet to play Outer Wilds and also know next to nothing about that one. I've plugged my ears with my friends in the past when they started talking about it in fear of spoilers. The longer I go without playing it, the more I feel like an endangered animal or something.


I would put this firmly at the front of your backlog. Clear out an evening and you can knock it out in one shot. Truly beautiful gaming.


Hey sorry to butt in but ive been putting this game off and this thread has me tempted to pick it up, is this game actually spooky? Im not good with spooky games, but I like spooky media.


Some of the routes are pretty eerie and atmospheric, but you probably won’t run into anything that’ll give you nightmares.


The vibes are spooky and there's one spooky sound you here multiple times. It's not a jump scare type of game tho. I would say doki doki literature club is scarier than this.


I'd say the game is more about a sense of dread than outright frightening you.


There's spooky vibes in some of the routes, but no jumpscares or anything.


Hey, coming back to this reply days later to let you know I finally went onto my roommate's PC, bought the game, and \*\*HOO BOY\*\* this is some GOOD shit. Thoroughly enjoying my time with it so far! The game is giving me similar feelings I had while playing Alpha Protocol, Detroit: Become Human, and (inevitable, as they're both visual novels), Katawa Shoujo. The thrill of experiencing a story and unravelling the characters and mysteries within, and seeing how different a story can go when you make different choices. Big fill-out-the-flowchart vibes. Except STP is a \*lot\* more spooky/existential/>!supernatural?!< than I expected. No, seriously, going into this blind threw me such a curveball. A lot of avenues to this story I wasn't expecting at all. >!Wasn't expecting all the different voices in my head. That really surprised me. Also we're... not human?... maybe? And something about the way the story was laid out to me has made me determined to try and off the princess at every opportunity I find before I go for the "kinder routes.!< I'm eager to see just how different things can keep going!




It too me a while to finally get around to playing it, but did so a few months ago and it's totally worth playing. Only a few hours or so long for a playthrough, as well, so I'd say give it a shot when you have a free afternoon.


Absolute *Pristine* and *Princess-pilled* behavior on display. I look forward to seeing the Princess hitting the cleanest griddy in the basement. Seriously, no cap. We're just a quirked up bird creature trying to bust it down violence style. But seriously, Slay the Princess is phenomenal. Also, The Razor is adorable, and she would never lie.


Razor is unironic best girl and desperately needs more fanart. I don't care how much she has, she needs more.


You really get to enjoy a mutual romantic subtext as she murders you. 


I tend to favor the Razor, Prisoner, and Nightmare as my top 3. That said, the Razor is a delightful gem. I want to sharpen her not-knives with the pristine dagger while we play Two Truths and a Lie together.


"brushing" her blades with a whetstone.


"I love the kind of woman >!that will actually just kill me.!<"


Adversary erasure, I won't stand for it. Sure the Razor has a romantic subtext to the murder, but Adversary has subtext while you beat one another to death over and over and over again. And that's hot.




I can’t do either because it’s spooky and I’m a big, huge coward.


It's not that bad, I'm a coward and I still played it. Well depends on your choices too.


This isn't news they said that 5 months ago [and it even got posted on this very sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/18t1zme/black_tabby_says_pirate_slay_the_princess_if_you/) Not sure why this is making the news again, but yeah it's cool of them.


they recently restated it so i think that's why. unless i'm misremembering and was actually seeing an old post


I'll be honest and say that I knew my curiosity would get the better of me before my budget could line up to buy it so I did pirate it because I didn't want my experience mediated by even commentaryless players. It was definitely the right decision imo.


I actually did pirate it cause I was broke. But I bought it yesterday since I've got the money now.


I'm waiting for it be on consoles since thats my preferred playing method


Shit like this is why I'm buying the collectors edition


do they say this every other week?


It's not avalible in any platform I currently own so.....yeah


I feel like you could play this on your phone, but maybe there's more to it than I know.


Is it avalible for mobile? I tried to search for a android version but google says it's only on PC/PS5/Xbox/Switch


You don't have any of those? Kinda crazy to be honest. Even a shitty laptop could probably run it.


Nope! PS4 only here. (tech stuff is expensive here in Brazil, so I'm that guy who is happy the previous gen is still getting games in 2024.)


Ah, that makes sense. My bad for just assuming you were American or something.


I know Brazil is pretty far down there, but is it easy to travel to/vacation in Mexico from Brazil? I ask, because back in the day my Latino friend and I would go together in the summer and by PC parts *DIRT CHEAP* in Mexico City. I don't know if things have changed, but from a quick Google search, 1 Brazilian Real is 3.3 Pesos. I'm talking we picked up a $800 graphics card for 200 pesos. Plus, they would haggle with us and we got free memory and stuff. If not that, maybe ebay? I see GTX 1080s for $100 shipped worldwide. I don't know, maybe Brazil has crazy import fees or something that I don't know about. But I've played pc games with Brazilians before that weren't like, total rich dudes. so I figure building a pc is possible for you.


Depending on how you're doing financially its worth more to travel to Mexico/USA and buy whatever you want there, lots of brazillians do it or simply pay someone to bring things to them. (some people make a living out of this.) And yeah import fees are crazy here for some reason, you end up "losing" insane amounts of money, I think its better to just buy pc parts here, but I may be wrong. The reason why I don't do that...well tbh I'm not even middle class, traveling and buying PC parts are both things I want to do someday, but I can't justify doing right now. It's not too bad, sure I wish I could play Slay The Princess or the next Kingdom Hearts, but I can wait. My IRL friends are still using the PS2 and PS3, I'm the odd one with a PS4 lol.


Wait why the fuck is it on PS5 but not PS4? Could it not handle the graphics?


It’s coming to PS4; it’s the physical release that’s PS5/Switch only


Screw the PS4 I guess. I think it could handle Slay the Princess, it's not like that game needs a SSD or has cutting edge tech lol


As of me reading the tweet explaining it, the devs have actually been shadowbanned on twitter (again), so their tweets haven't actually been deleted, at least not by the devs. Also semi-related but if y'all haven't played Slay the Princess or the devs' other game Scarlet Hollow (the first episode is free!), PLEEEAAASEEEEE play them. They're quite honestly the pinnacle of writing they're both so good.


and I agree with them, this ain't your grandma's visual novel Also it's twist works infinitely better when you're playing it rather than watching


Listen bitch I don't have time. It's not about the money. Do you know a way to pirate time? Fucking tell me. >!No but did I buy it and am going to play it. I love anything that has Jonathan Sims in it.!<


They've said this before, so I've avoided anything about the game. Played it, and it's pretty good as a VN. A friend even said they'd buy it for me but I wanted to use my own money for it. Nightmare and Specter are my best girls, Razor seems fine but I never got a single chapter 3


That's an interesting statement. I bought the game after watching one route because I was so impressed by the writing. I'll respect any dev that tells people to pirate their game but I don't think it's necessary here.


I understand what's being said here and deeply respect it but *I have no time*. I have so many games to play, so many books to read, so many videos to watch, so many words to write. I wake up on Saturday morning and I blink and it's Sunday evening and I have accomplished barely anything and the list of things I want to read and write and play and know gets longer and longer and longer. Something has to lose out, and it's becoming everything.


You have no time, so...you're gonna watch a playthrough instead??


On 3x speed, yeah. I've got an extension and everything.


That sounds awful. You'd completely miss out on the beautiful soundtrack, and it would ruin the voice acting. Seriously, bump something else off your playlist for this.


It's alright. I'm fine with this. It's not good, but I'm fine with this. I know Slay the Princess is great. I know it's got great music, characterization, everything. I know it's a game with real feeling that leaves me melancholic and near-heartbroken multiple times. There's just so much.


I promise you you can play this in one sitting in an evening and you should. The World in infinite and you will always have things you can't do. To assign priority to none of them for fear of missing any of them is to lose out on all of them. Pick a thing on your list and just throw yourself at it fully and then the next and the one after that. If the 500 hour game takes you 500 days that's better than spending 500 days doing nothing. Feast knowing you'll never be full, but feast all the same.


I am halfway through a book of plays. I am a fourth of the way through an anthology of weird fiction. I haven't update the fanfic in six months. I haven't studied the kanji from my last Japanese lesson. I haven't started the next Fate/Grand Order arc. There are upgrades available in the idle clicker. I no longer recognize these Touhou characters. I have to catch the Typhlosion at the end of the Pokemon Go questline. I am gaining weight. I have not yet opened the packaging of The Shadow radioplays. I lost my RPGMaker project when the computer crashed. I have not yet completed Medal of Honor. I need to record the next part of the top-down shooter. I've never seen Twin Peaks. I am still researching minor historical figures of the Three Kingdoms Era. I am hungry. I need to learn how to emulate a different operating system to play this full-motion video game. I need to take the car in for servicing. I need to finish Undertale. I haven't watched the last episode of series 9 of Taskmaster. I haven't started the Richard Osman mystery novel. I have to get my ticket count down at work. I am a third of the way through watching the playthrough of the role-playing game that brags of its historical accuracy but reduces fifteenth-century European politics to a black and white good-versus-evil narrative. I need to pick up my medication at the post office because I missed the delivery even though I was home all day and didn't hear a knock. I haven't watched the conclusion of the Kamen Rider two-parter. I haven't personally played Slay the Princess by my own hands. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired. I am *tired*.


We will always be tired, comrade. Consume the media you can, practice the arts when you can, write when you can. What you aren't doing is not what you can't do. The thing you put off today isn't unavailable tomorrow. The plate is never empty, we just get better at looking at the portions.


I'll put it like this man: enjoying media is more important than consuming media


Going through life expected to be able to experience every single piece of art that even vaguely interests you is a great way to ruin and sour your experience with every piece of art that you experience. You have to just accept that you can't do everything. You know, like a normal person.


Then do this to something else that you would've played but wouldn't be ruined by being played back at 3x speed. It's not a difficult priority switch.


There really isn't. You could beat the game in like, maybe four hours, and thats probably a highball tbh. You're not really meant to see *every* ending, just the ones you got in your one playthrough.


You keep repeating "there's so much" as if it's enough to explain your approach to media consumption, but it clearly isn't. Can you actually articulate why you feel like it's mandatory for you to cross pieces of media off a checklist, so much so that it takes priority over engaging with or enjoying said media? I think most people find the mindset that leads to someone watching an lp on 3x speed because the thought of not Consuming it is too painful to be genuinely alien and frustrating.


Honestly? I'm not sure if I can. Maybe it's something to do with how generally things interest me, and then I feel kind of let down when I actually experience them, or how I tend to love the idea of things more than the actual experience of them (yes, even when experienced "correctly"). Or maybe, related, it's the clinical depression, where I go through a string of days where nothing I experience actually presses that "enjoyment" button inside my head, so I figure to myself I might as well get through it like a chore. Or maybe not! Maybe it's just because allergy season has made me tired 24/7 and I spend most of my weekends asleep, meaning that I end up with minimal actually-usable free time. Or maybe... I don't know. Could be all. Could be none. Could be something else.




Brother, there is a time and place for "yass slayyy queen fuck the haters" platitudes but it's probably not when the person is saying maybe it's rooted in clinical depression and they're not feeling joy from this, and that they are [exhausted trying to keep it up.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/1dmtzs0/comment/l9yk09c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I will never in my life understand people who watch things, playthroughs, anime, essays, at 2x speed, let along 3x. There's no way you're engaging with it in any way so what's the point? Are you just doing that to say you watched it? I don't get it.


There's just so much. If it wasn't this, it would be something else, and that would be awful, too. But there's just *so much* and I am tired.


I mean this with all the love and care in the world. You need to slow the fuck down, and take it one piece of art at a time. You're doing yourself and the art a disservice by rushing through everything.


I agree.


As someone who also very much struggles with this "I need to do everything, so I'll do nothing" mindset: what are you actually gaining by doing this to yourself? What is the actual point of going through your backlogs and experiencing these pieces of art if you're going to do it in a way where you get nothing from it? Doing them all just for the sake of being able to say you did them all is a hollow way to go through life. Pick out a few things from each category of backlog you have, and put them in a batch at the front of your priorities. If you're paralyzed by choice, throw the lists into a random number generator or whatever else. Then when you have some things picked out, focus on those things until you've done them, and enjoy them. If you don't end up enjoying them, move on to something else in the batch, and make a new batch when you're all done. I would also put serious thought into getting evaluated for depression, and seeking therapy if you have it. I'm just a stranger on the internet reading text you might well have batted out without much thought, but that text worries me.


No, its not "so much", the game is like three hours long.


It's a personalized game so you are still, missing out no?


Technically I am going to be missing out on a little bit of the experience that way, and I accept that, but I'm probably missing out on less than if I didn't watch it at all. Also, yeah, the game is personalized according to your choices, but it's not like it's "personalized" to the extent that the Princess is going to pause mid-dialogue and turn to me and go "AND YOU, JOHN NELSON OF 1848 TENNYSON LANE, LOS OJOS, CALIFORNIA."


No, you aren't missing out on a little bit of the experience, you are missing out on the entire experience. Watching a playthrough of the game at 3x speed is actively worse than just not ever playing it. You might think you experienced Slay The Princess, but you didn't. You experienced a lie. You would have been better off not knowing it ever existed at all than to experience it in such an incredibly incorrect way that violates everything the game is supposed to be.


You should jerk off and touch some grass man Not everything needs to be experienced, you can slow down and enjoy life. Just give yourself permission.


Watching a playthrough literally takes the same amount of time (or even longer if its Woolie) that it would take to just play the game.


It's basically a visual novel with better choices. If you have time to watch, it takes the same amount of time to play.


But I don't wanna. I don't care about Indie Game That Changes Based On Your Choices #25. They really only exist to ask you to pick between two terrible options and to shame you for the one you picked no matter which it is.


Have you played Slay the Princess, or at least watched videos on it? It's nothing like what you described.


That's not the kind of game it is? I think there's exactly one thing you can do that a "bad" option the game shames you for, and otherwise it's pretty empathetic to the choices being made ultimately being either necessary/understandable or at least understanding of the player choosing certain options just to see what happens.


No it doesn't. What games do this at all?


The ones I invented in my head to be grouchy about.


That's not even remotely what this is. You're being willfully ignorant.


That seems like a sweeping generalization based off someone else's description of a let's play they heard about once. Also, they're asking you to do it INSTEAD OF watching a full playthrough of it first. If you don't care about the game or the genre then this isn't about you, shocking as that may be.


That's a really uncharitable generalization, and also not even close to what Slay the Princess is at all. For all that it's a horror game that puts you into fairly uncomfortable situations, it's one of the most profoundly moving and intimate stories I've gone through in the medium recently.


Man, Kreia really left a mark didn't she