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You forgot to tell that is about a WW1 veteran in the prohibition era trying to get a drink. And that you can read it for free on mangaplus. ["After surviving World War I, Gary, a liquor-loving ex-serviceman, finally makes his way home. To his shock, Prohibition has post-war America in a chokehold! The curtains open on Gary's action-packed quest for a sweet, shining glass of booze!"](https://mangaplus.shueisha.co.jp/titles/100326)


That reminds me of that reporter(?) who went to New Orleans during Prohibition to find out where some speakeasies were to I think expose them. He gets in a cab, asks the driver, “where can I get a drink around here?” and the driver reaches into the glove compartment, hands him a bottle of rum, and says “right here”


What a homie lmao


I don’t know *or care* if that story is true, I choose to believe it is.


The closest thing to a criticism I can say is that, while it doesn't feel like it skipped anything too important, it still feels like a waste that >!the characters going from NY to Chicago happened entirely offscreen from Chapter 1 to 2!<. That said, it's still a strong recommendation for what has been shown so far.


I thought about that too but to be fair the mangaka is probably thinking that he has to hit the ground running and attract an audience as fast as possible, so he doesn't want to faf about. And if that's the reason, it's probably correct


That's something I've been feeling with newer manga lately, at least out of Jump. They're all moving as fast as they can because the Magazine put the fear of god into them. It makes me miss manga that took a bit more time to get to places. Hell, Hunter's Guild Red Hood took a more relaxed pace and got executed for it.


TBH it's like a straight shot and a two week walk / day or two by train at the time - we're not missing TOO much.


Prohibition era is such a unique and underutilized setting. Really enjoy this one, hoping it gets more attention.


Should watch Boardwalk Empire if you haven't


If you haven't already, I'd suggest 91 Days the anime, it's basically what if the Godfather was an anime. And it's during the Prohibition Era.


Seconding 91 Days. One of the best shows I've seen no one talk about.


I’m eternally salty that we only got one season of Baccano! (Prohibition era anime)and like 4 seasons of Durarara!! (Modern day Japan anime by the same author).


this is the Golden Kamuy-like I've been waiting for. I hope this goes on for an absurd amount of time. What crazy energy this manga has


I haven't seen it go nearly deranged enough to believe that quite yet, but I'd love to be proven wrong. The world needs more people taking inspiration from Satoru Noda.


Also chapter 2 introduces a wacky sociopathic Polish woman that does wacky faces and I am down.


I think she's Finnish


Could be, I just threw a dart at Eastern Europe.


I'm just going by her last name. finnish word for lingonberry parents name is ole-johan tho, kind of Norwegian. could just be the Japanese author picking and choosing random European names that sound good to their ear tho


Nobody calls Fennoscandia "Eastern Europe" lmao


No clue what that is.


I really hope that the protagonist gets fleshed out more, right now he's just "BOOOZE!!! **DROLLS**", so he really came across as one-dimensional. He's a World War I veteran, there's genuine potential there. I will keep an eye on it, alongside Astrobaby.


There was a flash of it in the first chapter so I say let it cook.


alright alright was anyone actually named Gary in 1920 tho


Actor Gary Cooper was born in 1901


HUGE loveable idiot energy here this is going to be a 10/10 read.


I know they're doing it for the bit but this MC needs to shut the fuck up or the whole gang will get arrested by chapter 3