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USED TO BE! Had his license TAKEN AWAY. Probably for being a perverted creep....your moms on crack. No way in hell! Get the fuck out of there and call the cops!


And a comprehensive pelvic exam requires lab access for cultures to be tested. This isn't something you can do at home without tools and a medical clinic. What the actual fuck is going on with this mother?


I feel so horrible for this woman to have to call this piece of scum her mother.


Exactly how delusional the Mother!!! I hope OP gets the heck out of dodge quick!


Her mom had her at 16 and it’s likely she was groomed or otherwise abused to be so susceptible to this current predator. Conservative Christianity (the born again angle) is also rife with systemic sexual abuse.


I had my son when I was 15. Luckily I had an amazing support system and didn't turn out to be a crazy meth head.


Fucking mother of the year right here. Man I’m so pissed off after reading this


Really hoping its fake. OOP only commented once on the update and there's nothing else to her profile EDIT: Okay, I just read the most recent update. This last one is too much for me to believe, to be honest. all of the sudden the ultra religious mom is an alcoholic meth addict (wasn't relevant to put in the first post) and that ACTUALLY they think she has demons in her. >So NSFW he says he’s going to force me to wear a chastity belt so I can’t have sex or touch myself. And to get the demon out, he’s going to unlock me once a week and stimulate me to climax. And he says mom is totally onboard with this and they’re going to force me to submit to this. Okay. I think this has taken its course.


Thank god they jumped the shark because I couldn't stand thinking this was real


This is definitely fake


God I hope so because wtf


I will be honest with you, i would have also believed this was fake if I never met my now ex-wife’s family. They would constantly go to extremes, from religious zealot to meth addict (her aunt), from preacher to serial adulterer (her brother), from strict controlling religious practices with strict views on women to meth coke dating a stripper and smashing dishes against a wall (her dad). The reality is these types of people attract controlling crazies. My ex’s mom was super religious yet participated in a wife swap, where she may have been prego (aborted the child), left the abusive relationship for another man in her church (while still married and after having an affair) yet is a single issue voter (pro-life candidates) and voted for Trump because he represents what her faith teaches her. This is not as crazy as I wish it sounds. :-(


oh thank you for sharing this. It cut a bit close to the bone, so I was very worried & kind of freaking out. Knowing it's fake & some breathing exercises are helpful, so thank you thank you!


IT HASN’T read the other updates!! Totally fake but like damn some creative writing skills.


Not to mention that this is technically sex trafficking her daughter.




It won't even tell you whether or not she's a virgin. The idea that the hymen is ripped during sex and that you can 'feel' whether someone is a virgin is a myth. The hymen does NOT always tear during sexual intercourse, and there are a hundred other ways that it could tear outside of sex. This whole thing is grossly misguided which only leads credence to the theory that he probably never was a doctor in the first place


Also, to be clear for anyone who doesn't know, *the hymen was never intact to begin with.* It's not meant to completely seal the vagina closed. If it did, period blood would be trapped inside. In the rare cases where an AFAB person is born with an [imperforate hymen](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK560576/), it requires medical treatment to prevent blockage of the bladder, damage to the renal system, damage to fertility, period bleeding flowing backwards into the body, sepsis, and death.


A finger test can't tell if she's a virgin. End of story. It's not a thing.


And what's the point when the "doctor" already medically determined she's having sex based on her period symptoms? What would a purity test even mean? If this post is not fake (I expect it is), then the best course of action is calling the state medical board to report unlawful practice of medicine then make a police report.


Especially since the hymen is EXTERNAL, and visible to the naked eye without a tool, which a real gynecologist would know. (obviously the presence or absence of a hymen indicates absolutely nothing about virginity and the only people who think otherwise are ignorant or stupid)


Some people are born without one. I'm one of them.


I wouldn't be surprised if he was lying about ever being a gynecologist and just using it as an excuse to get a look at her privates.


He identifies as a gynecologist


Yeah, if this is true, I think he took advantage of the situation when he heard from OP’s mom that op was asking about going to the gynecologist.


It sounds like she might have ovarian cysts. There is nothing that a gynecologist — even a good, non-creepy one — could tell her about her body without further tests.


Or endometriosis. Regardless, absolutely not something some guy is going to see by just looking into her vagina with a flashlight


And he can’t prescribe anything either


Dude definitely isn’t a ex-gyno… just an old perv!!!! I pray this is not real!


Exactly. It's not like looking at it and putting a finger in there is going to diagnosis anything. Pelvic exams take samples and send them off to a lab. This mom must not have ever seen a gynecologist or is just straight up stupid. I am going to guess she is stupid.


There’s also no way to determine “purity” from a vaginal exam. Not all virgins have intact hymens. That’s a myth.


Yes, I said that in another comment. The whole thing just makes me really suspicious that the guy was never a doctor to begin with and he's just a creep. I'm still hoping this is fake. The OOP only had one comment on the update post and nothing else to her profile. But this 'purity exam' thing is very real and it happens to women in real life so I'm hesitant to dismiss it just because it's infuriating EDIT: I take it back. I just read the newest update. This last one is too much for me to believe, to be honest. all of the sudden the ultra religious mom is an alcoholic meth addict (wasn't relevant to put in the first post) and that ACTUALLY they think she has demons in her. Okay. I think this has taken its course.


The two updates after this make it so much worse


I didn't realize there was another update. This last one is too much for me to believe, to be honest. all of the sudden the ultra religious mom is an alcoholic meth addict (wasn't relevant to put in the first post) and that ACTUALLY they think she has demons in her. Okay. I think this has taken its course.


Yeah I’m very seriously hoping it’s fake. But the 1% possibility it isn’t is scary


Or he never had a license to begin with at all and just a full time perv


this is the one.


And call the state board. Report him for trying to practice without a license. That'll light a fire under his ass.


Sadly this isn't original post. But I hope this poor child is safe and reports them.


This this this PLEASE OP.


Update 2 was posted half an hour ago and she confirmed that her mom uses meth so you actually weren't too far off when you said her mom is on crack


I’ve worked with some pretty shitty docs medically, professionally, and personally. I’ve known one to have his license suspended for stealing drugs and one for murder. The fact this dude had his license yanked outright and isn’t in jail is a *very* big red flag.


As several on the original post pointed out, A) you don't get your license yoinked for small things and B) OP can easily find out why as theose records are publicly accessible. But yeah, she needs to act defensively and co sider her mother as much a threat as ExDrCreepyHands


According to the most recent update (that pretty much confirmed the saga is fake) her mom is on meth


The story could have been 1 paragraph. That, IMO, should be the first sign of these fake stories.


Yea so many of these are fake and it’s disgusting how whoever makes them up try to one up the next one. I said a bunch were fake the other day and got downvoted to hell but I don’t give a shit. For all you believers don’t hold your breath on a OP responding back to you bc there is no OP


This one is especially disgusting because it involves a kid, imo


Update 3: my mom just robbed a bank! Update 4 (the next day): my mom was convicted of bank robbery this morning and sentenced to eleventy hundred years.


So on and so forth...... I lost it there. Only my 90yo grandma said that. What teem would??


I say ‘so on and so forth’ 😭 but I am 28, if that helps lol


Maybe it came back in places then. None of the teens say it here, but I guess that's just here. Thanks for letting me know!


Yeah OOP needs to report him to both the police and the medical review board. OOP needs to try and get something via text or email. >Laws vary by state, but practicing medicine without a license is illegal in all states. Common sentences range from one to eight years in prison, depending on whether it's a misdemeanor or felony offense. Many judges will also impose fines in addition to prison sentences.


I suspect he never even had a license to begin with. What he wants to do is so asinine for a doctor to even want to do in the first place.


The "call the police and get the hell out of dodge" siren has **never** gone off in my head as quickly as it did reading this. If the OOP is reading: TELL YOUR TEACHERS! They are mandatory reporters, and will have to flag it with CPS/the police.


Yeah, this is so gross. I couldn't even finish reading it. I hope it's fake.


If he says that sex can cause the issues he's claiming, he wasn't a gynecologist. He's just saying shit so he can see an 18 year old naked. Her mom is disgusting. As somebody that grew up with their mom picking her boyfriends over her own damn kids, this makes me so angry.  I hope OOP can speak with a friend or relative to get a safe place to stay. This is absolutely going to turn into a sexual assault case in one way or another if she doesn't get out of there. 


The Oop posted another update. If it’s real, it’s absolutely bone chilling. Her mother does methamphetamines, they both woke her up in the middle of the night, mom was freaking out creep bf said she (oop) has a demon inside her from sex, told her he was making her wear a chastity belt and that once a week he would “exorcise her to climax” to remove the demon. She flipped out, he tried to SA her, she fought, ran to a friends house, then went to the police station where the cop completely dismissed her basically.


Its the worst rage bait I have read in a few days.


She’s actually on meth


Sound advice. Go to the Police! This former gyno is a sick fuck!


Based on what he said, I don’t think he ever was one and made it up. Her mom sounds very gullible.


911 asap. Like that is literally sexual abuse. Your mom is insane to think this is appropriate and normal behavior. Wtffffff. Please contact anyone to help or even a teacher at school. This is not okay at all.


Yes exactly, this is good advice too bc a teacher or a counselor would be less scary than the cops but also will definitely take action (it’s the law). I’m also thinking the cops will take the school’s concerns more seriously than oop’s (unfortunately.)


This story is fake af. Some dude wrote this so creepy guys will send money to a high school virgin who has nowhere to go. Come on folks its almost a copy pasta its so on the nose


I am calling the cops each time. But since the oop is 18, I would see if oop can stay with someone. I would give her my sofa if I could. This is disgusting and disturbing. I fear for Oop


OP is at a friends house, she just updated 😞


Where I don't see any update ?


The latest post on her profile if you click through, but its sounding more and more like fetish content / creative writing. (The mum is a new age Christian but also a meth head?)


people will call themselves the most righteous and devoted Christian (or whatever) and turn around and do anything and everything that would send them straight to hell 😭


My mom fits that bill


Yeah, I properly read through it all and it’s just weird. And it’s also casually thrown in that she does meth sometimes?


Meth does tend to big a big problem in rural areas for some reason, is it really cheap or something?


It's relatively easy and cheap to produce from readily obtainable materials. Those are the most important factors for poor people in rural areas.


There’s also usually nothing else to do in these areas. People get bored, and meth makes everything interesting


Yeah, I live in the central Midwest. If you're not from here (or blind) you might not realize how bad the meth problem is. For whatever reason, it doesn't carry the social stigma of being bad so lots of people do it hoping they don't become addicted and turn into a full blown meth head


From what I’ve seen it’s just everywhere in those areas. When I was in rehab for other substances meth was by far the biggest drug of choice for those from rural areas. Like, everyone from Arkansas (a good half of my group) preferred meth.


It does?? I guess I always viewed it as unattainable except in certain areas. Dang. That makes more sense than why it’s so casually thrown in there, it’s her world she’s been exposed to.


If it’s been normalized, kids can do that. I was at the park yesterday with my son and a kid just mentioned to me all casual like his mom wasn’t there cause she was high at home


I’ve met a lot of new age Christian’s in the rural south where meth and crack run rampant through those churches and most of the schools as well. This is very plausible tbh


That's very typical for meth users lol


Looking at the inconsistency of some details, it does seem likely fake. However, that's when you have to ask yourself, would I rather be wrong about assuming it's real or be wrong about assuming it's fake? For me, even if there's only a 1% of something being real, I'd rather "take the bait" 99 times out of 100 to avoid disbelieving someone the 1 time they're being honest.


Oh I'd never comment and accuse OP of lying, I'm just, tempering my empathy? As many people have said, it's not out of the realm of possibility in certain areas of the US.


Unfortunately in some of these underage child posts it’s clearly an adult man getting his rocks off.  


I was screaming at my phone “CALL THE POLICE” once I got to the weekly purity test. Jesus fucking Christ.


I hope like fuck this is someone’s creative writing assignment. But on the chance that it’s real or someone else who is experiencing similar reads this… Call 911. Keep your phone on record as much as possible (or at the ready to record) for proof when they both call you a promiscuous liar. She can’t give permission to someone to sexually assault you, even if she is your mother.


The updates get progressively more deranged so this is definitely a creative writing exercise. Plus the OP doesn't respond in the comments section.


The comments is what gets me, if the don't respond, that shit is almost always fake


And where the f is dad?


Well considering OPs mom was 16 when they had the kid he’s probably her hs boyfriend at best which means he’s probably off with his own family.


The father would be about the same age as the mother. Which means he should have a couch for OOP to sleep on


Not even they broke up like 16 year olds notoriously do and dipped and they have zero relationship and she doesn’t know her father at all and he doesn’t want to know her. Like just being realistic here it’s a nice thought but teen moms are often left alone and the father might not have even met his daughter. Sure theoretically she could try but I don’t think he wants his regret from 18-19 years ago showing up at his doorstep. I could be completely wrong but I can imagine if he’s married by now he wouldn’t want his teenage accident showing up to live with him. Not trying to be mean just saying it’s probably not going to go like you think it would.


They mention and chastity belt and fingering very casually in the third update in a very creepy way so I’m fairly positive this is just fetish content. She also says “hanging out with two or three of my friends” which is a weird sentence. It reads like someone talking about someone else’s experience and not their own.


It is. You can tell in many ways but one is the time apart this story was submitted 


There was another update that is just batshit insane. There's no way it's real between the actual events described and the way it's written like a Wattpad fanfic.


911, police. Get a restraining order. Document, document, document… record on your phone. Do not allow this person to be in a room with you without your phone in record mode. Buy your own phone. Change the password. You are going to have to move. Get employment. Probably loose your mom. Be safe and don’t be afraid to take action to protect yourself. Local businesses have employee shortages. Hopefully you can find some help. You are old enough, smart enough, and capable enough to handle this.


What person? The boyfriend or the mom? Both hopefully but what if she has nowhere to go.


This... This is what should be done.


He’s taking her phone away


If this is real, I sure hope she went to the police. Her mother is absolutely batshit crazy.


According to the update on the OPs post history, she ran to a friend's house because her mom and the creep came to her bedroom in the middle of the night. Mom hopped up on meth and the creep convinced mom that OP had a literal demon inside of her and needed a chastity belt and weekly climax stimulation (performed by him). He attacked her by pinning her to the bed and she bit him and ran. Police didn't believe her and said she was gonna be in trouble if they find out she's lying. If this is real, I got a feeling creep is gonna get his way even with the police.


Her next update had biker gangs that showed up at JUST the right time and an army brother who shot the gang members and threw metal objects that popped every one of their tires It jumped the shark a bit lok


Feels like it belongs on the stories subreddit


Her mother’s being manipulated by this guy. Her daughter stood up to him. When Mom told him “she doesn’t want to see you,” he needed to find a way to make her daughter the villain. He’s trying to alienate them both (and get his rocks off.) Classic abuser behavior — “I’m not the problem, everyone else is the problem.”


I really hope this is fake


People on the latest post seem to think it is because it seemed very similar to another story in the subreddit. That's not conclusive proof it's fake though.


what the fuck? call the police! he is NOT a doctor— his license was REVOKED! they don’t just do that for no reason.


If he even had a license to b start with. Depending on where they live, reporting him for practicing medicine without a license might be an option. At the end of the day that doesn't matter because it depends on people involved being reasonable and OOP's mother clearly isn't. The only real option is to get as far away as quickly as possible.


This man was probably never a doctor. This man is most definitely a creep. OOP needs to speak to a guidance teacher at school and get help to talk to the police. OOP probably also needs to find an alternative place to stay.


Her mom will be wondering in 5 years why her daughter wants nothing to do with her


Hopefully sooner


This is so tragic, medical care should be a basic human right instead of worrying about some draconian perverts intentions.


There is something odd though. If everything was taken away how was she able to post it on reddit again ??


It’s so fake. Like he’s a stereotypical cartoon villain. Mysteriously doesn’t have his license anymore? Mom is cool with him shoving fingers in her daughter weekly? Get real.


Because it's fake. Like 85% percent of AITAH is these days, seems like.


I agree. This is fake and so many subs are now overrun with ridiculous, phony posts that they're barely worth reading anymore


Well I always come on this sub to just read drama you know. The most fakest shit i ever read was of a guy disowned by his family and then he starts having relation with his former SIL because she was also disowned. I think the woman's name was Rishell something


Friends house? I assume? Or she snuck on a computer? Or posted it after the punishment was over? I don't think she specified how long her things were taken away for.


That's the point. It's details like this that we need to catch because it is too vague and judging by the tone it felt instantaneous


Obvious ragebait


@,#!**** WARNING ⚠️ 🚩🚩🚩FAKE AS FUCK BULLSHIT WARNING ⚠️ 🚩🚩🚩 I'm sorry but y'all have to stop posting from the subreddit said clearly been taking over by nothing but creative writing and rage bait. @,#!**** WARNING ⚠️ 🚩🚩🚩FAKE AS FUCK BULLSHIT WARNING ⚠️ 🚩🚩🚩


wow. I had to scroll way too long to see someone with sense. this is clearly fake


Idk if people are so undiscerning that they can't tell these posts are fake or if they just don't care??? I'm just really sick of seeing these dumb posts and the way people react to obvious bullshit


Fake, but if this was real, call the cops and burn all your bridges to them.


The third update she made (today) is CRAY-CRAY with majority of posters calling it out as fake now.


That’s because 99% chance that it is and it’s likely an adult man getting his rocks off to a chastity/SA fetish.


I have a feeling this is just rage bait. Op barely replies to any comments and just responded to one comment only about her mom. But if it is real, which without a doubt it isn’t real, she needs to call the cops on them instead of trusting her mom to protect her, she’s shown that she isn’t save.


Call the police.


OP posted a new update an hour ago and it reads like it’s a fake story, designed to indulge in somebody’s kink. Goes off completely off the rails. OP isn’t engaging in comments in their posts either. If it’s real, I hope she gets the help she needs, and follows the advice in the comments. But I doubt it’s real


OMG. This is terrifying. She needs to leave and call the cops ASAP.


I told her to call the police. Why didn't she do that if this was real? Any person would have called the police before it got this far. I feel like the third update will have a desperate plea and a link to a gofundme or PayPal /venmo


I DM’ed “her” and she immediately asked for money


For real?


Yes said they needed money for a hotel and an Uber immediately


Well I guess I was right. On the bright side the situation isn't real so there's that.


There’s another update to the post It’s more than likely a fetish post after reading the newest update




Extra dessert for one of those prisoners today




Rage bait.


People, this is her last update, that she deleted. THis is FAKE as hell: The last four hours have been absolutely CRAAZZZYYYYYY and now that I’m finally somewhere safe I can finally update y’all on what’s been going on. So literally five minutes after I submitted the last update, The Creep blows up MY FRIEND’S phone, apparently he figures out who I’ve been staying with (which isn’t too hard because I have literally three friends + everyone knows each other and their phone numbers in this snall town). So The Creep is fucking angry. And in between his ranting he says three crazy and gross things: first, he’s going to punish me by edging me and not letting me climax, second, he’s going to impregnate me with an angel to vanquish the demon inside of me, and third, he says it was wrong for me to mess with him because he’s got serious connections—with this big Neo-Nzi / white suprmacist biker gang who are also the biggest meth cooks in this state, and he’s convinced them all I have a demon inside of me. So supposedly he goes back with this biker gang a long time and he was using his connections with laboratories as a doctor to help them cook meth. And he tells me the N\*zi biker gang owns the local cops (which I guess makes sense based on that detective…) That’s what he says, and obviously I think he’s full of shit. But as soon as I show my friend’s mom these texts, we hear these motorbikes rumbling away in the distance, up the dirt road from my friend’s house. And that’s when my friend’s mom tells us all to book it. She gets us all in the pickup truck, me my friend and also my friend’s brother who’s in the Army. And the brother has his gun with him. So we get out of there just in time. And long story short the Nzis chase us down these dirt roads in their bikes, and they’re waving all this Nzi shit around and yelling things. And at one point they start shooting at us. And then my friend’s brother gets his gun out and starts shooting back, and he has serious Army skills so he takes out some of the bikes blowing up their tires. And the shootout is going on for a long time as the N\*zi biker gang is chasing us. But then he takes these little iron spike things he had in the truck and sort of sprays them at the road, and it pops all their tires and now they’re stuck. So we book it out of there. Anyway, I’m at my friend’s brother’s army training base now. Should be safe here.


😂 this was the update I needed.


Bad news, folks. From checking update 2 and the comments, it’s all but confirmed that this is some perv’s sick chasitity fantasy. I hope that’s the case for the sake of OOP.


It’s giving troll now.


Call the cops, record, document, and do what you can. You’re legally an adult, stay after school and explain the entire situation to a trusted teacher, and even record that conversation. Seriously, cops need to be involved here and I hope the teacher will take you seriously. If you don’t do anything I’ve listed, please call 911 because this isn’t okay and the fact that your mom thinks it is, is terrifying.


It’s so fake it hurts




She needs to tell ALL of this to the school nurse.


No one has their license revoked for anything minor.


You can totally look up why people lost their medical license in most states. I’d certainly be curious to know!


Call the police!!!


This has got to be troll bait


Shit is fake


Fake as fuck account has been deleted 


Uh, somebody call the police.


There is no hate like fundamental religious love


Really hoping she can go to a teacher or someone at school. They should be mandated reporters. She's 18, but given that she's still in school and under the care of family, there may be options. Otherwise, an ally to help call the cops and hopefully connect her with a social worker to navigate things.


As of 2 minutes ago, there is a third update to this.


You are 18. Call the police. Tell them your mother and her boyfriend want to sexually assault you and you need help leaving your house.


That would be called sexual assault. Speak with people you trust at school and seek the appropriate help. Inform the authorities that they both intend to have you sexually assaulted as "punishment" for something they have no idea over.


Unfortunately your mom doesn’t love you. And the creep is a creep he wants to SA you whole boasting to your mom. Only option is to poison them with rat poison give them lemonade and mix it thoroughly.


I call guys like these bogarts. Bogarts look for single moms (or grandmothers) so they can get access to their children.  Even if this guy was ever a gynecologist, now he’s just a bogart. Poor OOP. 


You need to let someone at your school know immediately. If that's the only access you have to, what should be a responsible adult, you need to talk to someone there. If not, call the cops. Let them know what this guy plans on doing and that you are not okay with it and he is not a board certified physician anymore. It will be sexual assault. There's no question.




The OOP has posted another update. People believe this to all be rage bait. I hope someone isn't really dealing with this, but at the same time, it's sick and twisted if it's all a lie.


CALL CPS. Tell them he and your mother are forcing you to do this. PLEASE CALL!!!


Um.... How about report this to the school guidance counselor? Maybe the police? Child services? This is bat-shit crazy.


Can we get another update?? I would like to know this girl is okay


This asshole used to be a gynecologist like I used to be a trucker because I rented a uhaul.


Oh dear lord jesus...if this is real Wtf is happening to COMMON SENSE and being the safe place for your children? I'm disgusted by the mothers reaction. OUR CHILDREN ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN A GOOD ..."TIME"!!!


If his license where TAKEN it was taken for a ffucking reason and here it is. He's a perv. I pray she goes to police about this because it is 1000% abuse on all kinds of levels.


Holy shit. OOP Needs to tell teachers, principal, nurse, every adult in school to get help. Hell. Tell the grocery people, bus driver, call the hospital, police, everyone. What a mutherfuxker. I'm so scared for her


The story is fake. OP didn't respond to people's comments asking them important questions about the situation, and in the latest update people pointed out some flaws in their posts, and OP deleted their account after people found out it was fake.


Holy hell, I'd be ringing every helpline I can find and getting the hell out of there!!


Grounded at 18???? ROFL! Nope to being grounded and nope to not having a choice as to who touches your body.


anyone considered contacting the police? 😂


Oh my fucking gawd please let this be rage bait and not real. If you can text your mom and reconfirm this is what they are doing. Ask questions like okay what does the exam entail what all will he be doing? Make it seem like you are getting on board with allowing this. Once you have that damn evidence take your ass RIGHT to your guidance counselor and demand that the police be called. Get the ever loving fuck out of that house your mother has lost her whole ass MIND.


if he got his medical license revoked, he's not qualified to be performing any medical exams or procedures. NTA for not wanting a NOT DOCTOR doing doctor things to your snoosnoo




Call the POLICE!


I can't believe it. She did another update where she ran from home and it screams creative writing. I know horrible people exist but this isn't a 16 year old stuck behind laws. This is an adult who is acting as if she is a minor. And Ive seen way to many shitpost on here to just blindly think it's 100% real. Edit: went to the profile and it's gone. So again makes me believe even more that it was some 40 year old virgin getting his rocks off.


This is fake, stop reposting it


I say this to every woman with my full chest: WOMAN OBGYNs ONLY. sexual assault has happened to TWO women in my family with male gynecologists. don’t even take the risk. they also do not know what you are going through, and never will, because they do not have that experience. especially this guy. USED TO BE? stay far away.


imagine downvoting someone for discussing their family’s sexual assault. nasty motherfucker. i hope you got your updoots today.


Bruh what did he do to get his license revoked??


No no no no HELL NO. so many red flags. Please do not ever let that man anywhere near you and call the police if you have to. I wish you had somewhere else to go or better resources because the reason creeps like that get away with this type of thing for so long is through isolation and control. Both of which he has with the spell he has cast over your mom and the fact that you all live in a pretty rural place away from any resources that would allow you to get help. I'm so sorry this is happening but PLEASE try and protect yourself as best you can and get the fuck out of there ASAP.


Run for the hills, kid. If you're not in the next state now then you should be. Your mother has given her fuck buddy license to stick a flashlight up your ladies department and give everything a good fingering. He's slavering at the thought of being able to finger you with your mother's consent. You are better off sleeping under a bridge than living at home.


All of this could be true about your current OBGYN, but you don't know him outside of the exam room. This is why men will side eye the OBGs, even if they are medical "professionals".


Call the cops! He is probably on some kind of registry. Run away, call your local domestic violence shelter. Call your local womens support group. Call anyone and everyone. Just keep calling. Call the sexual abuse line for resources. Tell them what their plan is. Leave.


Straight to the police. She doesn’t consent this is his method of getting what he wanted all along


Girl call the cops, say the truth, that your mothers boyfriend is trying to sexually assault you. WTF




If there's a way to figure out how to help her, someone needs to do it, she doesn't have a smart phone now, so she's probs limited to accessing this until she gets to school with her friends, she should absolutely be calling the cops and distancing herself from her mother and her mom's creepy ass, more than likely abusive boyfriend


Oh damn. If this ain’t fake this girl needs to go to the police