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One sentence cute, one and a half sentence horror, two sentence sad horror.


But all too real


IIRC, one of the survivors from the Uvalde shooting did something similar with a friend's body.


Yep. And the EMT that helped her was her friend's father.


Okay, that part I didn't know. Absolutely horrific.


It's like something you'd expect in a movie. Not in real life. It's so sad that these things happen.




I know what you're trying to say but the way you said that is super sinister


It’s sinister either way, kinda fucked up but it’s normal


So sad


This seems forever ago, but the Aurora Shooting had this happen, several boyfriends dying protecting their girlfriends.


Yup. That couple lived across the street from me.


Absolute chads, every one of them


I get the sentiment here, but I feel like “Chad” is an irreverent internet speak that doesn’t hold the gravitas to respect these particular dead.


In Allen, TX, recently a child did this with his mother’s body during the mall shooting


It’s really sad how there’s so many shootings that we can sit here and talk about the details of some being similar


Probably the mothers (and fathers) shielding their kids rather than a deliberate strategy. As a non-American these stories are so horrifying.


The one where the police just hid from the shooter?


If you're American.


Yeah because murders don’t happen anywhere else.


In my home country we had 43 deaths by active shooters between 2002 and 2022. You guys have 6350 this year so far. Last year you went up to 20262. 993 children under the age of 11, 5175 between 12 and 17


Where home?


home country being what?




>> You guys have 6350 this year so far. Source? [We had 100 in all of 2022](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/04/26/us/us-active-shooter-incidents-2022-fbi/index.html). Not to downplay the issue, but that number is way way off


they're likely pulling from the [Gun Violence Archive](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org), which tracks *all* instances of gun violence, not just instances of mass shootings. A lot of sources, such as the FBI data used in the article you linked, excludes death from things like domestic violence, self defense, and gang-related incidents from their mass shooting data. News outlets often have their own definitions as well, such as the Washington Post, which considers a "mass shooting" to be any event that kills more than 4 people. which is a lot of words to ultimately say that you're both right, but both sources are analyzing the point from a different lens, and it's important to keep that context in mind.


That makes sense, my issue is they specifically called out “active shooters” which is a very specific terminology. And they’re comparing it to active shooter deaths in their own country.


I agree with you, but to be fair, what is the population of your home country? Because here, we have 300-400 million people. Makes sense that it would happen more often here.


A study in 2022 from the journal of the American medical association going that "the US had 693 mass shootings in 2019, which is more than the next 22 countries combined." The study also found that the US had a rate of "0.13 mass shootings per 100,000 people, which is more than 10 times higher than the next highest country, Norway." So yes, we do have more people, but even accounting for that, our data is a huge outlier compared to the rest of the world. In response to someone else saying "it's not like it doesn't happen anywhere else!" No one says it doesn't, but there's a reason the US is known for it out in the rest of the world, and it's not just media bias. It genuinely isn't this bad everywhere else. This is very much an us problem. Or am US problem, if you will.


And Norway's high result is from Breivik alone.


80 million, so take our numbers times 5 if you want


Lmao holy SHIT my karma got obliterated for asking a question 😅 reddit users are weird


Yes of course it happens way too often here but he said it like it never happens anywhere else. We’re not even the country with the most hun deaths. (That would be El Salvador). Of course it’s still a huge problem but to act like it happens no where else is quite ignorant. Edit: love how I was just downvoted but no one bothered to even explain why?


Mass murder shootings* aren't a regular occurrence anywhere else.


Yeah but he said that like it happens no where else


It's still me saying it lol


It literally happens no where else with regularity.


More just mass shootings are statistically less likely to happen.


Jesus you were quick to respond lmao


Oh dam lol sorry, I'd only just read the horror :)


All good lol


In 2021 there were 6,3 homicides by gun per 100.000 people in the US. In my country (in 2020) there were 0.1 per 100.000 people. ~0.3 if you count suicides too. There were 3 mass shootings here that I could find. One in 2013, one in 2016 and one in 2020. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/homicide.htm http://knoema.de/atlas/%C3%96sterreich/Homizide-durch-Feuerwaffen-pro-100000-Einwohner


I don’t speak german


Fluent in wilfully ignorant though


Use Translate option in Chrome.


I don’t use chrome


Nah, shooters double tap to make sure these days.


Two sentence sad reality. https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/27/us/robb-shooting-survivor-miah-cerrillo/index.html


I know I'm beating a dead horse here but the USA is a fucked place. I'm never going there, purely because I don't want to get shot out of nowhere for no reason. I can't imagine the stress of worrying about being killed by a stray bullet, or going to school and worrying about dying, or being the parent and worrying that your kid can just die to a nobody purely because guns can be bought by anyone.


You wouldn't actually be that likely to be shot, so despite all the horrible shit going down, you'd probably be safe. We got some pretty cool natural wonders over here if you ever do decide to visit.


See why would I risk ‘probably be safe’ from gun violence when I travel to a place where it’s ‘almost certain’ I’ll be safe?


I've been in the US all my life. There are days I pull up to my college, a supermarket, a play place for my kid and my heart stops. I wonder if it's my turn. Everyone likes to think it won't be them until they hear the shots. I'm so scared and I don't know how to get out. Fuck our natural wonders. I'm not saying the earth we live on isn't beautiful. I'm saying it isn't worth it.


I don't know about you but I need to see the Everglades (during the dry season) at some point in my life. It's an incredibly unique ecosystem complex with amazing flora and fauna. I've been to the US once before and had a great time. (I went to Washington, Oregon, and northern California.) The chance of being shot is still very, very low. It's the overall numbers I worry about, and the number is extremely small.


I certainly won't judge your travel choices - there's no reason you have to visit *anywhere* for any reason! And US gun policy certainly is nonsensical. But I'd argue that choosing not to visit the US because of a fear of mass shootings is irrational. Some data: If you count "mass shootings" as those in which 3 or more people are killed, there were about 75 deaths from mass shootings [last year](https://www.statista.com/statistics/811504/mass-shooting-victims-in-the-united-states-by-fatalities-and-injuries/), a rate of 1 per 5 million people. By comparison, the [annual rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_traffic-related_death_rate) of traffic-related deaths is just over 1 per 10,000 people. If you're worried about mass shootings, you should be 500 times *more* worried about traffic accidents. Now, the figure about understates the total number of gun-related deaths. The annual rate of gun deaths in the US is roughly 1 per 10,000 people (just under the rate of traffic deaths). Of these, a majority are suicides, and only a small fraction of gun murders are "mass shootings". And of those, a majority are "community violence" (most often, this means domestic violence, in which someone murders a partner and/or family members). But while this shows that gun violence in the US is unacceptably high, it also shows that visitors to the US don't have much to worry about; most of US gun violence is suicide, or is between people who know each other. This is counter to what you might think from the news, but that's because the news under-covers gun violence among poor and minority populations. (For anyone struggling with thoughts of suicide, an international list of hotlines that can help can be found [here](https://blog.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines/).)


You just make fun of the drivers in the US, right? Half of them wouldn't make the EU driver's license test.


I'm sure many parents who have lost their children said the same thing. I'm sure friends and family have thought the same thing of their loved ones. US needs to rise up and riot until this shit gets taken care of.


You really should look up the statistics.. what mass media shows and reality are 2 diff things.. u are more likely to be stuck by lightning than be shot.. the media has a narrative and plays the same song and dance all the time.


Can you provide a source for that claim? Because that does not seem to be even remotely close to reality. Odds of death by gun in the US are 1 in 89 while odds of death by lightning strike are too low to meaningfully calculate. https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/all-injuries/preventable-death-overview/odds-of-dying/ Obviously this is only one method of calculating risk but I find it hard to believe that there is a way of calculating risk that would support your claim


The gun deaths vs lightning strike deaths is a common pro-gun trope. But they cherry pick the gun deaths and only include random killing sprees such as school shootings. They claim these are the only truly random shootings, so the only ones comparable to lightning strikes. Apparently getting killed in a road rage incident, ringing your neighbour's doorbell, or because you're Black or autistic and a cop got spooked aren't random enough.


I’d still be interested is seeing how they reach that. The CDC reports that average number of deaths per year by lightning strike in the US are 28.


It's such a common trope it's googleable. "Gun deaths vs lightning strike deaths". Thing is, I see different numbers in different articles. They've got the rhetoric down, but can't keep the numbers straight.


I haven't heard many stories about autistic people like me getting shot by police, but I could see it possibly happening. I understand though that a lot of shooting victims are defenseless. And that's really terrible. The ability to defend those defenseless is the reason I would carry, were I old enough. If someone started unloading into a crowd, I want to have a way to stop it. A lot of these people go and shoot a place up solely for the fact that the media will talk about them for over a month. If the media didn't practically turn people into superstars for murdering children and others, I feel it would happen less often.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/07/21/fla-police-shoot-black-man-with-his-hands-up-as-he-tries-to-help-autistic-patient/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelbernick/2019/10/29/the-autism-city-the-shooting-at-costco/ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/police-shooting-autistic-golda-barton-b523522.html https://apnews.com/article/b76e462b44964af7b431a735fb0a2c75 https://www.pennlive.com/news/2021/01/state-college-defends-actions-of-police-in-fatal-shooting-of-black-autistic-man.html https://www.kare11.com/article/news/brooklyncenterofficerinvolvedshooting/89-8053f4fd-a54b-4e84-b3d3-22002ade473b If you want to carry a gun for safety you must receive training. First in actually hitting a target, then in handling a firearm while in imminent danger, and then in using one during a mass shooting event. If an untrained person whips out a gun in a mass shooting event at best they will get themselves killed, at worst they will kill other people. Please also read On Killing, by Dave Grossman. It's on the Marine's recommended reading list. Shooting a human, even one putting you in danger, is not easy unless you are mentally ready for it. Army and police go through training to desensitise them so that they can effectively kill humans without hesitation. If you raise a gun without being mentally ready to fire it, you will get yourself killed by the person who has been preparing themselves to kill for months. You're making the same mistake that I pointed out about the guns vs lightning argument; mass shootings are not the only way to die from a gun that isn't a premeditated murder.


I understand that shooting a person, even one who is trying to cause death or harm to others, is no easy thing to do. I have been trained on how to use a gun, not to kill anybody, but to use one. I'm just not old enough to own one or concealed carry. I do appreciate your input though as I always try to take in as much information from all angles of an argument or situation as possible. Unfortunately I can understand how someone with more severe autism or something else that would change how they act in a situation with a police officer could get shot by an officer who doesn't fully understand the situation of the person they're interacting with. I think it would be a good idea to train police on better identifying behaviors of those disabled in these ways, and also how to identify those who may be faking to try and get away with a crime. Knowing what these kinds of disabilities look like could be a good way to prevent more incidents like the ones listed.


I'm pretty sure that statistic includes suicide and accidental discharge. Suicide in particular makes a large chunk of raw gun deaths in America. Edit: I'm not agreeing with the lightning over bullets statement, just that DEATH by someone shooting you is not quite the same as death by being shot.


That’s true. Odds of death by gun assault (so not suicide or accidental discharge) are 1 in 208. (Odds of death by accidental discharge are 1 in 7944)


Neat. 1:208 somehow feels higher and lower than I expected.


You should put less effort into trying to normalize all the shootings. It isn't normal and you shouldn't accept it, let alone defend it. This doesn't happen everywhere else like this.


Yep, so all the dead kids in America were just super unlucky and no one needs to worry about it. /s


He's right. Over here in the UK there are aways mass lightning strikes at schools, frazzled kids everywhere. The media just doesn't report it because they have an agenda.


More people get struck by lightning year in the us than are in mass shooting incidents. Better never leave the house because with your logic you are basically asking to be killed by lightning


Lightning doesn't chase you down the street and kill you for using its driveway to turn around. Or ring your doorbell, getting a soccer ball, etc etc.


It doesnt have to its as fast as light that makes it even more scary


As his soul drifted from his now dead body, he was glad that the last act of his life was to save his beloved.


That’s actually a kinda wholesome addition.


I didn't get the chance to tell him it wasn't working.


God damn it you mf. Take my upvote


I imagine he'd take comfort in knowing he could protect the one he loves one last time.




Why would you do this to me




While unlikely, he might be alive! OP never said he was dead, just that he's lost a lot of blood.


And unconscious… it’s possible.


We had a 14yo kid shoot up a school last week in Belgrade, Serbia, 9 dead 6 injured I think. A security guard faked being dead to survive. Shit is devastating, can’t imagine living somewhere where this is a fairly regular thing…


And next day another had shoot up


I heard that he can’t be charged because he’s under the age of responsibility. So what happens? Does he get punished?


He basically walks. They will probably try to find some sort of a workaround to keep him institutionalized in some way, I don’t know… He researched the law beforehand to make sure he couldn’t face consequences, the little shit.


To se u srbiji događa?!?


This was the first time. You can google the details. I hope it’s going to be the last time…


Thanks for being polite enough to not mention the USA by name.


Man, you are from the US. Always making things about you. As an American... Edit: Wow. He really just removed EVERYTHING else about his post. I should have mentioned the fact he also said TEXAS didn't have gun problems


His last sentence made it about the US. Are y’all being dense. Edit: everyone downvoting is literally shit. Y’all know exactly what he meant.


I'd recommend at least the basic, expected decency to not make it about you.




Guess I ticked off reddit with this one sentence horror story.




I thought she would hear his voice from somewhere else in the house. Like "Babe you left the door unlocked again"


>He started to press it, and he pressed harder when I begged him to stop kinda got rapey there


He turns, mutters: "Just to be sure" and shot us both straight in the head.


You know that’s something I’ve struggled with, obviously we naturally want to live, but once tragedy occurs, nuclear war, this type of scenario, once those I love are gone why push on?


In my opinion, some people think that their memory is what keeps them alive. And I am also sure that a lot of people don't push on.


I just think if what I love is lost, what am I living for? Like why would I ever want to live if those I love are gone in tragedy. But I know what you’re saying


Well, countless humans throughout history have dealt with that, and they all made different choices, let's just hope we don't face that situation. Because I can't imagine it's easy.


Oh absolutely I couldn’t do it




Perhaps the chance to love again?


I think it’s a perspective thing. I honestly don’t think I could love again because I just I wouldn’t want to tbh


The longer you contemplate your loss, the more life grows around it. Realistically, if you were dead set on killing yourself after losing everything, you'd have to do it within the first week or two whilst the wound is still fresh. Otherwise, your life will slowly begin to grow around that grief. Slowly, you'll start to forget the most traumatizing parts as your brain wants to try and protect itself from further harm. Then you'll only remember the nice memories you had with those loved ones, that job, whatever it is you lost, and it'll keep you going for longer just to think about them more. Then you'll start to meet new people, have new experiences no matter what they are, and those memories will start to overwrite the old ones. It'll still hurt a decade later, but only a small part of it will sting when pressed. Surviving is the human being's sole purpose, and your body will stop at nothing to try and fulfil that purpose.


Oh I’d kill my self instantly there would be no consideration or thought


I think you should spend some time considering why you're so motivated to kill yourself over a situation that will likely never happen


I already know why i would


Keep in mind that in horrific situations like that, some people take the exit, some don't. The ones that don't we tend to read about in history books and stories of triumph. The ones that do take the exit... well, they don't tell their stories. We don't hear about them, so we don't think about them. It's called the survivorship bias.


Yeah idk I just think personally I’d rather just die then survive. I’m not saying it’s great thinking and it’s a situation you can’t really imagine


Yeah idk I just think personally I’d rather just die then survive. I’m not saying it’s great thinking and it’s a situation you can’t really imagine


Gotta restore your relationship with nature for one But also Gotta protect our home, and prevent other people from suffering if we can. And not like charity, because that's not transformational, I mean building community power and fighting for our common interests Once you lose those you love in tragedy, IME you want to destroy the systems that led to such suffering. As well as the people who get rich off those systems


In the words of a man who basically asks the audience this question, “No matter what, you keep finding something to fight for.” I think that there’s always going to be something left. No matter how small, insignificant, or depressing, there’s always going to be a fight that must be fought. And every time there is, we fight for it.


I’m glad you have that outlook. Maybe if I saw the same I’d agree. But my no means do I think you’re wrong


To be completely fair, I got that quote from a videogame, so take it for what you will.


Which one?


The Last of Us. Big spoiler: >!At the end of the game when Ellie’s upset that her immunity meant nothing!<


That's called survivors guilt and a form of PTSD. In the event of a mass shooting, you should seek out help for PTSD.


I think it's a feeling we won't understand until the moment we lived it ourselves


I agree completely. That’s why I don’t think “desensitized” is the appropriate word for the U.S. in fact I’d argue that the issue is these experiences are so traumatic that we cannot cope and therefore must numb ourselves. I’m using desensitized as “having been made less likely to feel distress, shock,etc”. I believe we feel so much of it we cannot actually handle it


I've thought about that, too. Moreso in the apocalypse scenario - I half want to survive it to see what the world's like after. The other half doesn't want to get killed by marauders for my stash of toilet paper.


Lol, so I never thought about this until a year or two ago there was a tweet that said something along the lines of “why do people in zombie apocalypse shows constantly fight to live? I’d just kill myself and get it over with” and then I was like oh that makes sense because I’m only fighting for an idea of what once was but will never be again


Zombieland moral: always double tap




We both woke up at the hospital from the news on TV at the hospital after his transfusion was successful.


Victor volted him back to life?


I was expecting the rotten arm to fall off.


They both received medical care and counseling.


Oof right in the feels


this is so sad knowing that some kids did this and covered themselves in their friends’ blood to play dead in Uvalde only in America


not just in uvalde


This is extremely inappropriate, but: Happy Cake Day


downvotes but i upvoted thank you!!!


This happens in many places around the world. America just gives it the most publicity, which is exactly why those shooters do it, and thus the cycle continues.




Then says "tickle their feet"


Now that's what I call a real American horror story


Next level realism


This is protip






I had to walk and announce this one too my room mate it was so good


Lol glad you enjoyed it


Low standards are the key to happiness!


You doing alright there buddy?


Yup. Fucking A. That's great!!


aww, young love in america


Relevant 2 sentence horror. Respect




...and tucked his head under my arm.




Ugh I’ve been in threat assessment training today, learning how to prevent things like this, and I heard way too much about these situations.


Two sentence America


Two sentence merica 😪


That’s why I follow rule #2 Double Tap


I see, a man of culture


That was extremely depressing


Ah! Yes! I loved it! The true plot twist!


Could be like the Punisher that used his family as a shield to survive and suffers from it in one of the Punisher origin timelines.




The fact that I had active shooter training today… I’m just shaking


This is just life in America


I don't know why you're getting down voted, you're not wrong.


Aw, cute. The elementary-school-aged girl has a boyfriend!




Two true sentences in todays America :(


Average school day in America


"I could feel his heart struggle to beat from the loss of blood, and I feared help would not arrive in time to save him."




Ah!! The quintessential American school experience I guess.


I hate you so much.


Turns out it wasn't his blood, as he pushed me off saying "every man for himself".




'Murica It's fixed


Its Murica


Why do you use words like active shooter for terrorists?


Active shooter implies an ongoing incident. The rest is just bad writing.


Why write this for upvotes? At least post something in comments about gun control actions you want people to take


It has already been sus since the time see said: ...body... It gives me the "no longer alive" vibe


It was possibly the most erotic moment of my life.


average guro enjoyer


I'm a little perplexed about down votes instead of the usual third sentence worse comments.






Jesus fucking Christ dude


As the shooter passed us I retrieved his CCW from his holster and mag dumped into the active shooters back, just because the shooter ambushed us, didn't mean he would escape.






The only logical downvote here was the fact that she didn’t have her own CCW.


Yeah, they are more horrified that someone can defend themselves and others than an active terrorist.


they need papa government to make them feel safe rather than actually attempting to be safe


Well, pending your survival you may still have the devotion of your less-favored boyfriend.


ah, american literature.


Shoot back. Shoot back enough times and stop the news from giving these folks a free front page story. In before the downvotes but remember, only you can control your actions not the actions of others.