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Was she r☆ped?


No. This story is based on the JonBenet Ramsey case, from the perspective of the theory that her brother Burke was behind her murder.


I mean, one of the most popular theories at the moment is that the parents were selling her and her brother's "affection", and that one of the John's ended up killing her. Which would actually make a lot more sense on everything that happened, but it also demonizes the parents who may very easily be innocent in the matter. I just know that the police department who did the investigation spoke up about the theories and addressed that while a lot of evidence is public knowledge, there is even more that is not public knowledge and will likely *never* be public knowledge. And that the evidence that the public does not have points to the brother being innocent.


It was definitely a family member in my opinion. If not Burke, then it was probably John, Patsy or Patsy's dad even.


The only confirmation of her death was that it was asphyxiation due to strangulation, though her mouth was taped as well, and that she had eaten pineapple before she died. Everything else entirely is speculation, those are the only solid facts on the matter that the public knows. I don't believe it was a family member, myself, but they absolutely helped cover the event up.


They would not have covered up for a stranger under any circumstances. I would be willing to believe that both a family member and an intruder were directly involved in the murder itself.


Thus why one of the popular theories is that it was someone the family knew, and that there were other crimes involved that would cause them to cover it up. That being said, the biggest issue is that the rookies who responded handled the entire matter incorrectly, which meant that there is a fuck ton of potential evidence that will never be able to be processed properly.


Covering up just because they knew one of their friends or acquaintances was abusing her is not how any human being thinks, if that is what you are suggesting. They would just pretend they didn't know the person if anything. It could have been Patsy's dad. There are rumours (yes I acknowledge they are just rumours) that he was abusing both JonBenet and Burke. What I also find interesting is that John Mark Karr said he was working with a second person, and refused to mention whether it was another stranger or a Ramsey. I do sometimes wonder whether he isn't just an attention seeker after all, because he is definitely fucking depraved.


I’m actually getting so mad reading your comments You are openly stating things that aren’t facts are facts You’re accusing people of a murder- a real life little girl who was murdered, using her for your little Reddit post, and then insisting it’s a fact her family murdered her Especially when it makes no sense- that brutal of a murder with 0 prior abuse is actually so rare there’s not a single example in history. And then you say something like ‘covering up just because they knew one of their friends or acquaintances was abusing her is not how any human being thinks’. Like???? I don’t think that’s what happened, but there’s THOUSANDS of cases where that has happened. Thousands! Plenty of the most popular and available documentaries about those cases! It happens all the time! Go talk to survivors of childhood physical and/or sexual abuse- plenty of them had their families protect the perpetrator You claim your theories are facts, ignore blatent facts so you can discuss your made up theories that are better suited for movies then a real life child who was brutally murdered, and then use her for this. I mean my god, have an ounce of respect the next time you use a real life murdered child as inspiration


The Watts family murders is a case of an equally brutal child murder with no prior abuse.


... Did you miss that my initial comment said that the theory is specifically that the parents were fucking pimping their kids out to people? Because the only reason sexual assault was taken from the suspicions is that there was no semen inside of JonBenet, but that doesn't mean that assault never happened.


That is not true. Not even a little. Oh my god. Stop spreading misinformation and just read the coroners report yourself


It's also known without a doubt that she had been vaginally penetrated in the past. One doctor refused to say it was 100% SA, because he said it could have been done to inflict pain, so was physical abuse instead.


What the actual fuck, I didn't know about that. Are we sure it wasn't abuse under guise of medical treatments? I know there are methods that can treat vaginal disorders that can absolutely be used to sexually abuse children, and parents usually don't know any better.




People are seriously saying that? When there is literally no evidence pointing towards that and plenty of evidence saying otherwise? Not a single sign or prior abuse, social or physically. Nothing. The details of how she was murdered are just brutal. Incredibly brutal. Anyone who really thinks her family did that now, with all the information so easily found, is wild. Imagine having your child so brutally murdered in your home, the police messing up the investigation that bad, and then having to spend the rest of your life having strangers accuse you of horrific easily-proven-false ‘theories’ more suited for movies then actual accusations. That is horrific and tragic.


Serious question, as I never followed this case very closely: was there ever evidence that they were being sold or was it just a rumor made of wholecloth? EDIT: Sorry I somehow missed your second paragraph. IF there was no actual evidence, I'm wondering how the rumor got started.


The rumour about them selling their kids has been spreading more recently. I don't recall all of what people were citing as evidence, but I know some points of it were pineapple and milk being the preferred snack for the kids and something that had happened in thr pageantry previously.


Thank you. I thought the "sleeping" meant that she was too frightened to move


I decided to google the case (I haven’t heard of it before) and I know I’m going to regret reading it after I saw that the birth and death years are six years apart…


It's pretty horrific but not Junko Faruta level horrific


Ahh, that might be enough internet for today.




There's a crazy conspiracy theory that Katy Perry is Jonbenet Ramsey. It's wild.


I have heard that. I hate "famous dead person whose body was found on the scene is alive" type conspiracy theories .


WHAT? Wait, WHAT? No, seriously, WHAT? Can you...explain, or drop a link?


There are a few videos that I can't find anymore but here's one of the articles talking about it https://nyulocal.com/new-world-university-katy-perry-is-jonben%C3%A9t-ramsey-764addd94b36


Thank you! Sometimes crazy conspiracy theories are fun to read.


Oh I heard of that! I still think the brother did it.


Why censor raped?


Cause I want to




Because the word can be triggering for some. Never know what Reddit might ban you for, too.


Thank you. I didn't know how to exactly explain it, and I've got a cold, so my brain is a bit messed up


No problem. 🧡


You're so sweet 🩷


The biggest with this is that you still know what word is meant, and it could still trigger people. I'm not saying that you are wrong, just that censoring doesn't necessarily help the problem. For example, TikTok has a feature to filter out videos with certain words, but if you censor the words it gets past the filter.


There are still ToS issues to worry about as well. People have gotten warnings, suspensions, and bans for using those words uncensored. I get where you're coming from, though, but that's why people often include TWs/CWs at the start of their posts/comments. You won't see that here, though. But even then, this is a subreddit dedicated to short horror story concepts, so those types of words are bound to show up every now and then. If they go into this subreddit in spite of that, then they can only blame themselves. Nobody is responsible for someone else's triggers. People can be considerate by choosing to censor those words and include TW/CW warnings to hide the rest of the post/comment, but the onus is on said traumatized people to filter out that content or avoid it altogether to avoid any mental health problems.


Since a lengthy and interesting discussion has taken place, I'm curious to get everyone's thoughts. As horrific as this murder was, and as screwed up as the investigation turned out to be, would there have been less media coverage if JonBenet hadn't been in beauty pageants? I never knew those events existed until this happened, and I know a lot of people are very against those events.


These are the reasons the case is so famous: 1. She was a beauty pageant queen 2. She was blonde 3. She was a child 4. She was a girl 5. The family are rich 6. The ransom note


Hey, I narrated this story if you want to hear it [https://youtube.com/shorts/33Ibh6Zh9EI](https://youtube.com/shorts/nJMksa2iy7Y) Edited the link, had the wrong one up frist


Where is my story?


[https://youtube.com/shorts/33Ibh6Zh9EI](https://youtube.com/shorts/33Ibh6Zh9EI) Wrong video. Sorry about that.