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Get an electric body trimmer, much easier than scissors. IMO anyway. Either way trimming is definitely much easier than shaving.


I'd suggest a couple things. One, check out Laura Dodsworth's photography of 100 vulvas. Vulvas are so variable across people, and that's just fine. Two, consider what you like in a vulva. Do you like them in general, do you think they're sexy in an of themselves, do you mostly just like them because they're fun to have sex with, etc? Get to know what you like. And then give your own body the same love. And three, if by "groom" you mean "keep clean", either just water, or some low-pH unscented cleanser. And that's it. If after your contemplation you decide what YOU would like for YOU is some kind of reduction in hair, (Or maybe you're already there? It's just the way you phrased your question made me think probably not) then... well, then I'm sure someone here will have a great answer! I tried trimming the hair with scissors once just slghtly, so it would be less likely to stick out around my bathing suit and it was SO ITCHY FOR DAYS OMG that I was really grateful that I didn't especially care about pubic hair, so I never learned.


Nooooo scissors you will for sure cut yourself! Electric clippers that are safe for use in the shower can be found cheaply on amazon


Electric trimmer is where it's at. Normally I would opt to not shave down there at all but I do have to shorten my pubes otherwise they get too long and get pinched and pulled in my fat folds down there. I stopped shaving to the skin years ago bc I get such bad ingrown hairs.


I agree with don't get started shaving down there--the hair is there for a reason. In my experience with talking to other women, it's the woman I have known over the years who shave down there (and/or clean excessively) that seem to experience constant issues with UTIs and yeast infections. And then you're also risking ingrown hairs that can become infected/turn into cysts, nicks and cuts that can become infected ... If you want to trim, get a pair of good hair cutting scissors and trim carefully.


You can buy little electric clippers made especially for this. Much easier to get a good result at the length you want than scissors, easy to use, and they’re not particularly expensive or hard to find. The one I have was about $20 at Target.


Personally I would not shave, the grow out is horrendous and so itchy, like truly awful (at least for me). To trim it, you may find it easier to use actual thinning [sheers](https://amzn.to/4c3YSEx)....they won't give you as blunt an edge, and little chance of cutting yourself. Can also use clippers with a guard on them. I personally sugar it, I just like the feel and the grow out is easy as it comes in softer If you're not ok with any of it though, thats totally ok as well!! Do what you're comfortable with, I've had both ends of the spectrum and never had a guy say a word, I would assume women will be the same


Thanks for the response! I’m going to try the sheers, I normally use nail scissors so that’s prob why I get so scared. Thanks for the advice! I just feel like even when I do a bit of it it looks so messy compared to when I’ve seen others. It’s so silly but it makes me so self conscious.


Play around with it, it will always grow back, try some different lengths and see what you like/what feels best