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Have you taken SSRIs? You may have PSSD, Post SSRI sexual dysfunction (a real disorder)


only taken anti depressants for about a week and a half so i dont think so


give yourself some more time to adjust to your meds, babe. like a few months even. this might be a meds side effect, but it also might improve once you’ve been on them for a bit. it’s most important to get the right balance for your mental health but also keep your psychiatrist updated on all the side effects you notice and how much they affect your life, it’s their job to know their stuff when it comes to meds and make little adjustments to find what combo of everything works best for you.


Was it the previous week and a half? Or you just took them for a week and a half a few years ago? If you’re currently on an SSRI it can completely have the effect of numbing out sexual stimulation. I remember being on it in college and it was just like suddenly masturbating felt like nothing.


this was in november and after the week and half i stopped taking them


Yea! This is is! It comes back I promise you! Mine went completely numb at first (really weird) and my sex drive disappeared for a few months. Then I came back :) I was fully deciding whether I’d rather be hopelessly depressed or have working genitals 😂


ahh it was way back in november tho and i stopped taking them after the week and a half. could it affect me for that long 🥲


Oh I dunno. If you don’t mind me asking. Are you still depressed? Or anything else going on? Cos it could be to do with your mental health :(


rough question honestly i think i’ve been depressed for years on and off now but i do feel as i am getting better and was still able to orgasm before despite my mental health. Probably should consult with a doctor soon!


Yeah good idea - our body keeps the score. Even if you think you’re alright ya know. Definitely get checked out. Good luck 🫶


Also why’d you stop taking them? Cos of the side effects? For me, I did that every time until I finally decided to power through and all the side effects disappeared for me after a few months. Worth it cos Im no longer depressed 👍 well I am sometimes lol but nowhere near as bad


haha i’m glad they worked for you! for me they made me feel worse and honestly deep down i was scared i would have to take them my whole life


They make you feel worse before they make you feel better :/ I’ve been on and off then for years when my depression gets bad. they help me get through and experience life instead of rotting In Bed. Not a bad thing to have to be on them for life. I know lots of people who have 🫶 just like any other illness. If it helps, why not take the meds ya know


depression itself can also kill your libido. if you're still depressed, you might consider trying wellbutrin which can help bring your libido back


PSSD is the disorder where it does not return after discontinuation. I’m one of the people who luckily did have my senses return down there after SSRI discontinuation. But PSSD is where it does not. Just to clarify.


Can this affect someone 10+ years later?


Yes Source: me 😔


I’m so sorry this happened to you. For me, my sense of touch returns but my sex drive has never been the same.


Thanks, it's been a long time tho so it is what it is... What really grinds my gears is how they were handed out like candy without being informed of the possible side effects prior, they did absolutely nothing for me, and I don't believe I needed to go on them in the first place, I was down because of a situation I found myself in in life, not because I have (or had) a chemical imbalance


I agree they should be given out with far more caution. I’m hearing a lot more about this disorder now than I ever have so hopefully this causes some change. If not at least awareness is being spread.


Maybe try some yoga, especially hip-opening stuff. Sensation can be numbed if your nervous system is in freeze mode chronically. I've had the inability to feel my legs from trauma before, and I got it back doing a lot of yoga.


Do you happen to be on any medication that could be causing it? SSRIs are known to cause those issues.


only took them for about a week and a half so idk and just take vitamins like bone joint health stuff


If you are currently taking the meds than that might be the cause. Could you talk to your doctor about it?


My problem is with my birth control pills and not Lexapro. I’ve been taking Lexapro for 4 years now and had no issues orgasming, but starting the pill 3 months ago and I can’t orgasm if my life depended on it


I took sertraline for about 2 weeks and I had the same issue, wasn’t so much ‘dead’ but took a frustratingly long time to finish.


My clit is also numb😭


Could it be clitoral adhesion? I'm going to share this link in the interest of sharing information. Many people with vulvas don't even know this can happen to them let alone that it can be treated. Warning though: this is a medical article and has both descriptions and photographs of clitoral adhesions on real patients which are quite graphic. This may not be your issue at all but I wanted to share to help more vulva owners be aware of this condition and it's treatments. https://www.rachelrubinmd.com/post/new-research-on-clitoral-adhesions


desensitized :( u have to stop abusing it


its been months 😭🥲


I don't think it's true that you can "kill" your clit or make it desensitized from cumming too much. If you could mine would've died a long time ago lol. No if you've lost feeling in any body part that's reason to visit your doc!


im rly sorry have u spoken about your gyno abt it ? maybe its another underlying health issue


haven’t cause i’m out of the country and don’t have health insurance but will when i get back :)