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Professional musicians are incredible…. ”yo can you play bom buh bom, bum buh buhhhh yaaaaaa yuhhhhhhh?” …….executes it perfectly


was about to say LMAO. practice your whole life, just to listen to some guy going bum bum dum yah yuh duhhh


well yea, there’s a massive difference between a instrumentalist and a music producer, even though justin here isn’t obvs a musician, if you understand melody, harmony, timbre and rhythm you can pretty much guide a whole orchestra… being a instrumentalist sets you up to be a integral part of the car whilst being an music artist or producer makes you the driver of the car… no one is greater than the other, everyone is needed


Is that Bieber? If it is I’m pretty sure he was discovered on YouTube because of his drum covers so technically is a musician.


He's definitely a musician. And not too shabby on the basketball court too. Dude's multi talented.


Crazy what talents you can discover when you're born rich...


"He is the son of Jeremy Jack Bieber and Pattie Mallette, who were both 18 when Bieber was born, and split up not long after his birth.\[21\] Pattie worked a series of low-paying office jobs, raising Bieber as a single mother in low-income housing." Stop making excuses and try again.


While that is a true statement I don't think it applies here. If that is Beiber like the only thing I know about him is he was poor until he got discovered on youtube.


The fuck? Bieber wasn’t born rich


I genuinely dislike Justin Bieber, but he definitely came from a low-to-middle income family.


What do you call someone who hangs out with musicians all of the time? A drummer. OK. I’ll let myself out.


The thing is that everyone else in the room is better at what he’s doing too, you absolutely have to be at this level. The fact that people are competing this to Mozart is an absolute disgrace, this isn’t even undergraduate level music theory.


Not only that, the least educated and talented musician in the room going Dum Dum Dum Yah. Little man is standing on some giants shoulders right now.


Bro you can say whatever you want about justin, but you cannot diss his music skills like that. He is literally doing here, what he learned from michael jackson. He knows music theory, and how to conduct, listen to his vernacular. Dont just band wagon with uneducated hate.


Dude seriously? He hummed like 2 bars and had them loop it. There’s zero progression


Yeah bro, I am not gonna disagree with your statement, but I will say that this video isn't the best evidence for your argument. I am very confident that if I put that room under your direction you could perform equally if not better than him. You don't need music theory to do what he did, it would have made it MUCH quicker and concise, but he just created a tiny loop.


This is high school level shit at best, and I absolutely promise you that those session musicians are lapping him in everything you just mentioned and more.


He “knows music theory”? Please elaborate…


They gave actual evidence to knowing music theory and brought talking points. You just said “Michael Jackson” and that’s about it. His voice does sound lazy doing the bum bum dah dah and that’s our conjoined opinions AND a fact. Yours is opposite that and that’s okay…even if you’re wrong 😂


Im stating justin knows music theory, and how to conduct, the kid has massive talent and is educated. How is that me saying “michael jackson” as a trump all. And how is shred guru claiming evidence of music theory towards your comment with his only comment being “kids dumb, untalented, and said dumb dum yah”. Tons of music artists compose music like this, including artists such as Hanz zimmer. They know how to write music, but this is how most artists start song construction. Even if they can write sheet music.


That dudes just never heard musicians construct


You’re both right imo. Justin grew up living music, even if he wasn’t diligent the lifetime of exposure has given him an understanding of musics eb and Flo, regardless of how you feel about the guy you gotta give it up to his sheer volume of experience. I’ve heard countless times that his ability to harmonize is unrivaled as well and I give him credit for trying to play guitar (I say trying cause I know he’s still learning and that’s a step for sure). As a musician myself, there is an entirely different world that opens up when you start playing instruments so diligently you’re as proficient with it as you are with a language, and no amount of theory knowledge will open that door until you understand how the music itself drips from the instrument. You can say staccato but being able to execute it in just the way you want on the instrument of your choosing adds a layer of depth to music that is clearly audible. It’s the difference between training for war and being in war, you can train till the cows come home (I have never been to war this is just an analogy) but until you’re actually seasoned on the battlefield it’s all just robotic training. TLDR; these musicians are solely responsible for bringing Justin’s vision to life, they’re giants for sure, but don’t discredit the guys talent and experience because he’s had a checkered past or is young, he’s got serious chops.


I was referring to u/boomshakalaka_0888 comment on the parent comment, I never once said Biebers didn’t have talent but that this was a poor example of composing. These “comparisons” are too much though lol First Mozart, now Hans Zimmer 😆 Jfc Justin is nowhere close to either on composing or talent, not to say he doesn’t have it but to compare him to ^ is just ridiculous


But you are actually wrong. He's a professional musician who writes his own stuff. He's also very good at instruments, albeit not world class. His voice is world class. This is a lazy stance and one with little to no musical education behind it.


I dunno about that bro, you can LEARN to play an instrument. And LEARN to play music. CREATING is different, and if you think hes not way more talented than the average joe. Then you know little about the levels


He was way off on the cello direction lol. They had to fix it for him


How else do you convey what’s in your head?


He is also a life long musician, you might not like his music but he knows what he's doing. A lot of people wouldn't have that clear of a vision, he knew exactly what everyone should be doing


Yeah comparing it to Mozart isn’t exactly the same. Similar but not he same at all. Mozart heard this shit in his head(or on a piano) and wrote the music down on paper then gave it to people to play. Like he hears the whole orchestra in his head then transcribed it then others played it. There wasn’t making mouth noises expecting the other musicians who are classically trained and have perfect pitch to follow.


Not only that. Today's music of addiction to continuous rhythm and loops builds an overreliance that strips away the opportunity for complexity to show within a highly talented orchestra. Mozart pales in comparison with his ability to create masterful complexity that was to be the envy of all musical conductors.


“Find that pocket guys” “Dig in” - Mozart


bro acting like thats not a normal thing for musicians........


This is what happens when money meets talent


How much money we talking about cuz I got tree fiddy


Goddam Loch Ness Monstah!!!


It’s a vibe


Notice how everyone in here with a musical education or experience as a musician is saying this is absolute garbage, and the plumbers and accountants are like, “it’s cool how it goes bum bum bum”. Play those notes on a piano and this is trash. It only sounds good because a room full of musicians are playing it. Trust me, they are all laughing at him when he walks out of the room.


Notice how Bieber makes millions selling his music while the musicians here are hate posting about how bad the economy is in r/millennials


They both got what they wanted and are all professionals. It sounded good to me. You sound like a hater.


You a plumber or an accountant?


I’m a casual music enjoyer. Without a “musical education”🤓🤓🤓 all that education and how many Grammies you got buddy?


3 nominations for Best Chamber Musical Performance and 1 Grammy Award for Best Vocal Arrangement for Two or More Voices.


Wow congrats, I like some Vivaldi chamber music every once in awhile.


And all your best efforts landed you here on Reddit 😨


Successful people use Reddit too. My buddy is a math professor and uses reddit


God of War vibes


Michael Jackson wrote his music the same way


As soon as I thought that I saw your comment. I also was thinking it would be nice if Michael was standing next to him and making it even better


With a 9 year old boy by his side ?


It's wild that people still believe this when the accusations started after he called his record, Sony, the devil. Do you not read into things yourself at all?


And if you read the lyrics to “they don’t really care about us” you can see that melded nicely with his insult to the record executive he called out.


He’s a pedo. Lmao quit denying it. You can love his music but still think he’s a pedo.


There's no evidence, and I don't love his music. Companies have insane influence and will ruin loves in an instant if it has a chance to hurt their brand, and the news is (obviously) bought out and is strictly for propaganda.




I love that the FBI found literal children’s fingerprints on his cp collection and people are still like, “nahhh he did nothing wrong”


“Michael Jackson suffered from the skin discoloration disease vitiligo. Jordie Chandler drew a picture of the markings on the underside of Jackson’s penis. His drawings were sealed in an envelope. A few months later, investigators photographed Jackson’s genitalia. The photographs matched Chandler’s drawings.”


That’s not true. Jordan’s drawing never had any distinct details on MJs genitalia, it simply said, he was circumcised and spotted.


He’s a pedo


Ur a pedo. I can do that too.


Yeah but MJ was talented


He was also a pedophile


So confused why you're getting downvoted for the truth


I don’t understand why people won’t accept this truth.


Aaron Carter said that after he visited MJ for the first time when he returned home his mom was waiting with the FBI. To say MJ was a pedo while ignoring the fact the US gov and several parents put children at risk of rape or sexual assault is what I don’t understand.


It’s a both sides are gross sorry of thing.


Yeah, that’s what jurors from one of his court cases basically said. They said they felt like the parents of the child had set up “MJ”, and because of that reason they felt like it was unfair. They then found him not guilty. They never said “we think he’s innocent”. I took a class in college that went over evidence from infamous trials. Michael Jackson was a pedophile


MJ bad, FBI bad. Both can be bad, no need to pick a side.


I disagree, we weren’t there so we can only speculate what really happened( not arguing what he did or didn’t do) However we know it’s 100% a fact that lthe FBI and those parents used their kids as bait and risk a lifetime of trauma and therapy. That fact is a million times worse than what we assume happened!


Parents and FBI risking child rape is a million times worse than the act of raping a child?


It’s weird


Just for fun though


My boy need to produce the soundtrack for HOTD Season 2 😂 Felt like I was about to watch a kingdom go to war.




Bro paid for a whole ass symphony to make the same generic beat 13 year olds have been making on fruity loops for the past 2 decades


I know right? Dude can't hear this in his head with a piano? That's how most classical composers work.


I didn’t want to be negative but yeah. This is taking very simple musical ideas and layering them. It’s the professionals that make it impressive. Mah boy wit da solo killed it though


I’m not trying to be negative either- I just imagine those playing the instruments that have studied music theory are playing this industry plant’s mouth sounds are kind of rolling their eyes and think, “whatever I’m getting my full quote.”


LOL! I was thinking about how boring that musta been for them.




I mean, it's cool and all, but as a musician, I've seen jam bands compose far more complex things just messing around. As for the musicians who can just listen to a hum and get it damn near perfect, now that is impressive.


Im also a musician and this is some top level cringe. You can’t blame someone who doesn’t know how to swim for their inability to see the depth of the water. That being said what JB is doing is nothing to Marvel at. It’s pretty basic actually.


Lol, 100% Guarantee most of them are rolling their eyes. Looks good to the lay person tho.


Oh, I guarantee these pro musicians walked out of there and wondered how in the hell they got to the point that they were being directed by a dude that likely just learned the word "Staccato".


Staccato? You mean “really dig in?”




Eh. Different levels. If he was such an accomplished musician he would've told them the key, the mode, the tempo, and the progression (oh wait... there isn't one) and the string players would've made something much more captivating, but it wouldn't be his. Doesn't seem like he knows the theory, though. Idk who this guy is or what his catalogue consists of, but based on this I'm certain it's mostly pop/hip hop. Making beats like that is incredibly easy to compose because it's nothing but repetition of small and simple ideas (not hating- I like Hip Hop, but its complexity is placed in the poetry). However, the difficulty in making beats is in the production. I'm sure he's a much better producer than a musician.


It’s justin bieber bro he’s just singing pop he’s not making any beats lol


as a lay person, it looked really simple for everyone involved


As a musician you can both respect and not be completely blown away from what Bieber is doing. He has an idea and is piecing it together. Any musician should be able to respect the process of making ANY music, no matter how simple it is. It's cool he is able to put something together from his mind.


Fucking thank you.


Phish can just commit to jam and create it from scratch in real time. Then just to burn it down and move on, never to revisit it. Authentic and fleeting as fuck.


Complexity isn’t a prerequisite for amazing music. Look at the simplicity in some of the best Hans Zimmer scores. Capturing emotion is key; complexity is a completely meaningless metric for music.


You mean Hans Zimmer, the guy who has been ranked as one of the greatest and influential composers of all time ? The guy with 202 compositional nominations and 55 awards ? Bro, JB isn’t even classically trained. His music isn’t simple, complex nor emotional. It’s basic asf, and I feel bad for the actual musicians in the orchestra who are stuck with this guy lmfao.


You’re literally agreeing with me. I’m not sure where the confusion is. The point is, music doesn’t have to be complex, and the guy I commented on seems to think it needs to be. That’s all.


I'm not sure why this was your response to the person. You are literally agreeing with them. "great music can be simple, look at some of Hans Zimmer." "HANS ZIMMER?!?!? YOU MEAN ONE OF THE BEST COMPOSERS OF ALL TIME?!?!?! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?! BIEBER IS NOT AS GOOD AS HIM, HE ISN'T EVEN CLASSICALLY TRAINED!!!! REEEEEE" lmao, completely disregarding the comment and just making up your own arguments for the sake of.... well I'm not sure, just being a dick? No one said Bieber was a great composer, learn to read.


Not sure why you are being downvoted, some of the simplest songs are the best. Even the people "arguing with you" are agreeing in a combative manor lmao.


This was really fucking cool. Thanks for posting this.




He who cringes only cringes at himself it is known


What tf is biebs doing?




..And Composing well. At least to my amateur ear that sounded good.


It was good but basic


That’s what I thought, everyone acting like this is some instant masterpiece, and OP comparing it with Mozart….


His ability to tell someone to just "solo" is superb, the way he just stood there and listened??? Breathtaking


Exactly. He arranged 3 parts for 4 measures, and then told people to play differently for the rest. It’s the orchestral equivalent of a DJ turning a dial


His ability to tell someone to just "solo" is superb, the way he just stood there and listened??? Breathtaking.


Not hating at all but this was laughably basic. A regular Bach minuet is a million times more complex than this. Nah those musicians were definitely rolling their eyes after this goofy ahh session.


Mozart would actually have Melodie’s, write the notes out for people, and have it done ahead of time. This wag is no Mozart. When Mozart was 7 years old he would make this guy look like the bozo he is


Just get GarageBand


Lolololol. My exact thoughts. This process is complicated just to be complicated.


Nah. Live instruments are there own vibe. Hell prob take this, hit up Mike Dean. They’ll add reverb to it, chop it up, and probably make a gold to platinum record. People say it’s easy, but go do it then. Paralysis by analysis and overthinking things keep millions from making millions, even if they have a far better ear.


I'm shocked if any musicians or composers are impressed by what JB is doing here. He's just humming a few notes. Not exactly Mozart. Pretty much anyone could do it. The musicians on the other hand are top pros doing exactly what top pros can do. It's easy for them.


No. This is drivel. Do not compare something like this to Mozart. If you think this is anything remotely like Mozart, you probably have never listened more than five seconds of your entire life.


Absolute nonsense. Talented, underpaid people, entertaining this monkey.


Right, I’m listening to this guy have professional instrumentalists waste their time playing these simple riffs in layers like a kid playing on a synthesizer and others are blown away like this level of composition takes talent. lol


I'm not even a musician but like halfway thru I was like... expecting the rest of it but it just kept being the same thing and then he was like "oh do a solo"... Glad it wasn't my inexperience with music that made me not be impressed lol


“Can you do a solo my boy?” -Rasta JB


It’s like loops from Garage Band. LOOK AT THE GENIUS AT WORK!


Thank God, somebody else understands. Thank you for taking the time to make me feel like I’m not completely completely alone in the world. It is absolutely maddening that stuff like this gets lauded in the same breath as something like Mozart.


If people wanted to see why this isn’t even remotely comparable, they should watch the scene from the 1984 film Amadeus where Salieri transcribes for Mozart on Confutatis Maledictis.


You used too many multisyllabic words in there you lost all of them already


Here’s a bottle of your own farts sir, would you like to open it yourself?


I've got a bottle of Mozart farts for sale.


Fitting since isn’t he the guy like really into scat?


I'm pretty basic musically, but even I was thinking these musicians are probably laughing inside. (Happy to be employed, but still) This is like an elementary school coach showing up to an NBA practice and having the players do layup lines.


Jesus, thank you. So many complimentary comments on this thread. Mozart was a genius who could compose entire orchestral pieces on the fly *in his head* before he was 10 years old. This is a 30 year old man leaning on the talent of others to string together 3 monotonous ideas into a boring backing track.


I’m convinced 80 to 90% of people have absolutely no idea what artistic quality is whatsoever. I really don’t know how many people are getting through their days, to be honest with you being as dumb as they are


I like to think that most people are smart in one or two subjects. A lot of them seem to be lacking in art appreciation.


Yes, of course, I agree that everybody has a strong suit. I speak hyperbolically, because I’m simply very frustrated being in such a small minority. I know there are a lot of people who do know how to appreciate art, but I don’t find them. Anyway I’ve been writing songs for the past 20+ years, and I’ve put all of myself into it and when I see posts like this, comparing whatever this is to Mozart, it is unspeakably alienating me. Not just personally and egotistically, but socially in general; the consensus state seems to be inability and ignorance. Which I would be fine with if they cared, but they don’t.


I know the feeling. I’m back in school at 33 because 12 years making music didn’t get me any traction. The majority of people just don’t want to think about their music.


What were you trying to do in the musical field?


I was in a progressive pop-punk band. Not very mainstream lol.


Yeah I don’t think I caught that category at the Grammys haha. I hope you’ll keep making music.


It’s that way in any technical field that has artistry in it. People think they can forge a Damascus katana because they watched forged in fire.


Yeah he doesn’t even know the notes they’re playing and is just making weird noises for them to follow. The orchestra is quite talented that they are able to transpose his dribble but this dude has absolutely no clue what he is doing


And his ‘idea’ doesn’t progress past 3 notes which is how limited his ‘creativity’ is. It’s just a loop in real time of 3 notes and those musicians are doing the work. Anyone can do this if they had a string section in a studio to mess around with. Lol The bar is so low that even this gets mentioned with the word composer, and it’s an insult to every composer that’s existed.


Yeah man if you ever took a music theory class in your life it’s dogshit no more than just trying to get an orchestra to play some random shit in ur head


Thank you!!!!


>Thank you!!!! You're welcome!


pretentious 100


Nah equating this dude saying bum bum bum to Mozart is pretentious. Nothing wrong with calling that out. This shit is rudimentary. "do a solo" Respect to Biebs for what he's done, but this ain't it chief.


true... but dude did say "this is drivel" like a middle aged Victorian noble




Are you capable of forming coherent thoughts or do you express yourself solely in emojis because you’re not able to?


I really enjoy playing music. Mostly piano and guitar. Doing a session with people who don’t do much musically is so fun. Giving them a shaker or hand drum and letting them riff while trying to tell you what to play is really a treat. I am shocked by the people who see music as this solemn duty that is being desecrated by this dirty little naive. Have fun. Get more people interested in it. Express yourselves. Do it poorly. Get a little better. Ignore the people who would rather put your process down than help it get better. Obviously this isn’t Mozart. Obviously his influences and musical experiences are in the pop/hip hop/EDM genre. He is using his resources to try to express himself. Chiiiiiiillllllllll


It ain’t that serious bro.


I thought this was Justin Bieber as a conductor at first. But dang he’s good


It is Justin Bieber…conducting


So he found the pocket.




This is composing, not conducting.


This is incredibly rudimentary stuff lmao


Oh man. Jacob Collier has nothing on this musical mastermind. How does he do it.


Imagine you work all your life, pouring your blood sweat and tears into your craft and education only to be justin bieber’s underling


Yeah it would be better if he could write the music and have it prepared or work with someone to prepare this all first. But hey, they are getting paid and probably appreciate the work.


The people you should be impressed by is the professional musicians. Biebs just humming and adding stems that could’ve been done on logic.


This is not at all what working with Mozart was like. Mozart would write the music he intended to be played and give it to the musicians to play it. Mozart did not stand in front of an orchestra go, "bum bum bum". Classically trained composers are able to write the music that they hear in their head so musicians are able to interpret a complex musical thought on paper and translate that to their instrument. This is like comparing Charles Dickens to the crazy guy on the street spouting conspiracy theories at passers by and thinking I wonder if this is what it was like to be in the room with Dickens and his editors.


lol he cringe af


classical musicians who train in theory and execution their whole life cast aside while people compare Beiber to Mozart holllyyyy shitttttt the internet has given a voice to too many ignorant people.


Pretty sure Mozart just wrote that shit on sheet music and a piano then showed it to an orchestra once it was finished.


This is maybe 2 bars and 3 instruments sections. Meanwhile he had 12 other people who actually figured out the actual key/pitch and rhythm. The musicians are impressive but that's about it.


I have some new found respect for him ngl. This was really cool to watch.


When they first started playing it sound like something I've heard before but I don't know what it was Edit: I found it. It's the beginning of this song https://youtu.be/TBaa26C-NBU?si=9wP0NbEsOCxMHr1f


Doesn’t sound like it


Any one of us could do this if we had the money to get these people in a room and listen to us hum and say "bum bum bum"


If you have good pitch yes, and an imagination geared towards music. It seems easy because everyone there has been doing music their entire lives.


If you listen to music you can do this. You dont need to "be doing music your entire life" to tell a trained orchestra to make noises and have a certain intensity.


Never listened to his music and probably never will, but this was cool to see. I’m curious as to how much of this actually sounded like what he was thinking. Regardless, the artists in the room are incredibly talented and the violin solo was just *chefs kiss*. You forget how beautiful music really is with all of the electronic sounds out now but there’s nothing that moves you quite like the real thing. Thanks for sharing, OP!


This is cringe on so many levels. Don’t compare Justin Beibs to a god like Mozart. I don’t think JB is even classically trained let alone able to write a simple melody on paper. That’s why he’s “composing” outloud. The bar has been lowered considerably for what is good music these days.


Would be really cool if I had access to an entire orchestra on demand and didn't have to fiddle around finding the right sounds, writing the melodies, choosing the right key, and mixing them all together... Edit: Downvotes from non musicians 😂


Holy shit, there are so many bitter “musicians” in this comment thread. We don’t even know if this is just a warm up or playing around in the studio. For everybody else, it’s interesting and cool to see. Stop being so angry and bitter at Bieber. It’s definitely not Mozart, but nobody is Mozart except MOZART. Even he copied ideas he received from others, such as Johann Christian Bach. I liked it, but what do I know? I’m a musical ignoramus.


I think that's why so many of us are bitter here. (I'll admit it for sure). Because people including op are comparing it to Mozart. Because everyone is saying it's amazing and mind blowing and he's so talented. There's nothing wrong with what he's doing. He probably needed a string section for something he's doing and he has the money and resources to do it this way. Nothing wrong with it, but it's pretty basic.


Respect for the admission, but is it basic? Mozart in his prime was considered a fraud and a failure. It wasn’t until he was dead that his fame rose drastically. Like Bieber, he was a child star and prodigy. Perhaps one of the first pre celebrity era “pop” stars. Then, when he did his own thing, people turned on him. Now I’m saying this as a person who was never a big Bieber fan. I just empathize with him. He was plucked from obscurity as a child and thrust into an intense, hostile work environment with criticism from the entire world. That’s… a lot like Mozart actually. I don’t think he has achieved for music what Mozart did, but frankly, he’s not done and our descendants will be the judges of that. Again, Mozart was hated in the music world by the time he died. Given the intense pressure of his life… I’m impressed. Most people would collapse under his circumstances.


This could be one of the least informed takes I’ve ever seen on Reddit. Congratulations.


This isn’t a “wow” moment. Many people compose for strings. Impressive would be taking this interest and learning theory so he could have just walked in the room, set music down for each player - and they played it as written, done. Humming parts for a room full of professional players likely on a union call is painful to watch


I mean.. it’s Justin Bieber though. A lot of people don’t know that the dude is actually very talented. So I think it’s pretty cool


He is very talented. But this clip does nothing to prove that. I think you missed the point this person was making entirely.


No I don’t think I did lol. Fuckin weirdo arguing with random people on the internet about Justin Bieber. Lmaooo


??? Woah lol. What happened? Went from 0-100 very quickly. I'm so sorry to have offended you, handsawz, but the person above you is saying it's not special and does nothing to prove Biebz talent. Not saying he has none. Does that make sense?


It’s because their “point” made it sound like they have no experience musically and don’t really have the knowledge to have a valid opinion. Why would anyone take that seriously?


They hated funkycolebass because he spoke the truth [https://imgflip.com/i/88f1af](https://imgflip.com/i/88f1af)


Agreed, the average musical knowledge for an individual is staggeringly low. You can’t blame the peasants for not understanding. I could teach a monkey to compose better than this.


Idk why this is getting downvoted. I’m a poor person but even I have a DAW and sample libraries where I can write/do exactly what he’s doing.. composing string sections I come up with on the fly without wasting 8 people’s time. I use sampled instruments to write and then when I have my idea solidified I send it to studio musicians to perform for final recording/end product


Whose time was wasted here? Did JB not pay the musicians for the session? I’d imagine their time was absolutely well spent doing this, and most high level players love getting hired for sessions like this- it’s great work and a great use of time. Where do you guys get these silly takes?


Yup. Professionally speaking, every one of them is thinking. “Ok, great. You just came up with a mid-tempo vamp in a minor key. Now WHERE THE FUCK IS THIS GOING?”


There's this little hump in music where the most basic shit is more impressive than the fine nuance of the art to the general public. They hear Justin go "OK now go WaWuhWah". And they're like HES SO MUSICALLY TALENTED". Bruh that's like every musicians head all the time.


I wrote this little diddy all by myself: Wah wah wah wa-wa-wah wah


Almost 8 billion people on this planet. Just cause he is not the first or not the first 100 doesn’t make it less impressive. The process is still amazing.


But he didn’t actually do anything


Yes he did. He told them to go loud and then soft and then stacatto and then to really "dig in". All in a day's work.


Yeah all it needs yet is some more cowbell


You just aren’t impressed. I can’t do what he did. So I’m giving him credit


Yeah you actually can. Have you hummed a tune. Because that’s all he did. It’s the orchestra that turned it into something that sounds good not him


The boy is cooking


I feel like I’m about to go on a side quest in an RPG or I’m gearing up for war walking the halls drinking mead and punching cows


Okay Bieber!!


This is fucking sick.