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Most routine things are routine which makes them seem like they can be automated. It is the exceptions where the experts prove their worth


Yeah so offload the routine work to automation and when something is off you can get an Endo to take care of it. That would solve having to wait 2 months for an appointment


Tbh, I think most of us would visit an Endo only once a year if we could get our tests and meds refilled


Not all endos are created equal. I would have been lost without ours when my daughter was diagnosed at 7yo. It does sound nice to have the routine taken care of digitally. However, the education and peace of mind from our clinic team were irreplaceable. I'm curious to see if this morphs into some sort of hybrid model.


I agree some are worth their weight in gold. But I’ve read enough stories on here to realize so many are actually worse than just flying solo with the advice of the internet.


It breaks my heart to think that people are navigating this disease with little help. Between insurance and managing the day to day, it's hard enough as it is.


I had to wait 6 months after my DKA/diagnosis to ever meet my first endo. It didn't take long to realize I knew more about how to manage T1 then they did. I needed that signature to get a pump though, so it wasn't a total waste of $600. Any regurgitating AI can already do more than most of them.


Not had a good experience dealing with the local endo - bc of insurance I have to pay out of pocket($400) and drive 40 minutes to talk (or telahealth also costs $400) for my RX to be approved and filled - concerns ie frozen shoulder, neuropathy, exhaustion, told that is probably arthritis see a specialist, 3,000 later, no you do not have arthritis🤬 No one listened to me telling them, everything that I have had going on only started when my Diabetes started….I’m no MD, but it may be connected….the medical system is broken! We are no longer people as well as patients - we are numbers and money. Very frustrated by Doctors not actually listening to concerns and taking them seriously. Combined with outrageous costs it is very hard on the average people who just want to live without pain and not die bc medical diagnosis, treatment and medication is so expensive. Rant over, back to the daily grind to make a living so I can keep living


Haven’t had a good endo since my pediatric one. Most I’ve had can’t even answer basic questions and just want to program my pump and send me on my way




For any experienced diabetic it's pretty true. The worst part of my condition is dealing with doctors, pharmacists, and insurance lol. It's insulting and a waste of time. If rather live at risk


Let’s ease up on dropping the hard R friend…




I didn’t say anything about your position or stance on endos, nor on the topic OP posted about originally. I actually don’t totally disagree with you but using that language in this context is extremely offensive, unnecessary, and ridiculous. As someone who is preparing to be in the medical field, do better.


Crazy to be a med student and use slurs


Nah man. If you tell the ai you ate 50 carbs, it somehow knows your blood sugar will go up. I’m sitting on the edge of my seat for AI insulin. What is it? I don’t know, but I know it will revolutionize diabetes treatment.


In my mind that’s one of the potential “cures” is the creation of synthetic insulin with an active time near identical to pancreas insulin and a perfect closed loop system.