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Its astonishing for me how they can survive as Agents with so much concurrence when they behave like this. Had the same troubles, when I arrived (literally in the second) she cancelled the viewing and asked for another day. In general being quite unprofessional, not knowing details. Its weird to me this behavior if you want to make a sale why you behave so unprofessional towards your clientsšŸ˜…


They don't survive.Ā  They only live during bubbles.Ā  After the bubble gora burst thy move their incompetence to another sector.


100% If I were doing this job, I would be all over it. Showing the client face to face. Providing options and meeting them as often as I could. Why? I would stand out from the rest who are on their sofa. Furthermore, recommendations go a long way in word of mouth. It blows my mind that I have to pay someone 5% for doing absolutely NOTHING. I want to ask them straight up "So, if I take this place, what did you do to earn my money?".


On the other hand, it might be difficult chasing the viewings all over the city... The issue is that some rental agents don't even own a car, so they ask security to allow people in. I don't think this can be resolved without a more stringent regulation of the market. My approach is to look at the agent's profile, usually it is not so hard to figure out who will be more into actually doing their job. Also I kind of prefer the agent not being in the way when I check the place, but I get where you are coming from: it feels bad to pay them 5000 for so little they actually do


From other post on reddit, if I understand correctly, their company will keep most of commission. He end up with a few peanuts. If he were to do the job properly, probably his fuel expenses would be more than commission (and he would be able to work with even fewer clients). But yeah, I agree, quality is a lot more important than quantity, but it seems like whole industry need to change.


I know they don't even get base salary, so they're chasing properties + clients without a car or even base salary. This is also the real estate agencias fault.


Itā€™s a demand and supply thing to be honest. The good listings are few and far between, and agents take advantage of that. Most agents operate on WhatsApp off their couches or sheesha places, texting you the location and asking you to pick the keys up from security. Thereā€™s literally no effort finding you the place you want, or helping you with the contractual once you find something. But sir please pay me the 5% of your initial rent as I deserve this. Itā€™s pretty messed up to be honest.


because she gets paid a whole lot more for extra curricular activities.


My inbox is getting spammed with 'quality' agents. They don't even know what city I am looking in, nor they haven't asked. They are just telling me they have places. I get hustling...but do it right.


The issue is price. If your budget is under 100k don't even bother because most good agents will not be working for that. Good agents usually work sales or high end rentals. For small rentals there's no point running around for 6k to 8k a month when you can make 30k to 50k a month doing sales. So then you're only left with the agents that do not want to waste time doing viewings.




This taken. But have options bruddah.


Real estate agents can vary widely in their professionalism and dedication to their clients.


Of course...can be said for any profession. But it seems there is a running theme here that more people have bad stories than good.


I have had great experiences - comes down to checking market prices and knowing what i want and whether i can get that at fair value. I do not waste the agent time with viewings unless i am ready to take the property. Usually just ask for a video as photos and full description is always there. I usually check out the area before approaching any agent so i know what i am looking for. Stock up the car with snacks and drinks and go for a Sunday drive to see whats out there.


So, let me put it this way, anyone who comes to Dubai and canā€™t find a job, becomes Realestate agent. The understanding of Realestate and definition of an agent is a concept, they wonā€™t get it here. I am not generalizing though, however, the majority are at best, subpar compared to other developed countries. Money comes before reputation and most common method for those guys is : chew and screw Same for LL, again not generalizing but majority do the same. Combine this with a bad tenants, you got yourself a perfect combination. Where I was raised, if the LL found a good paying tenant, they wonā€™t disturb them as long as mortgage is paid at best. Not the case here. There should be a way where you can evaluate LL, agencies, Agents, and tenants. I am also pro publication of tenancy contact value after omitting personal info.


Sorry youā€™re going through this. My partner is an agent and they put in the work, treats every client with respect and accommodates them as far as it gets. However in the same office there is an agent who straight up doesnā€™t even know the properties sheā€™s selling. But at the same time thereā€™s another woman who also puts in the work and is closing multiple deals a month with great feedbackā€¦ so I guess it depends on who you find but I do agree that a lot of these agents dgaf. Hopefully you find someone you can work with


There's been a few times where I arrange to view an apartment, and then the "agent" asked me to pick them up and drive them to the apartment and then drop them back again, instead of meeting me there like a professional would. Kid you not.


Charge them at an hourly rate.


This industry is over due for an overhaul. A lot of young guns and short term interest is making it hellish to find a new place.


I recently was looking to rent a new place. I didnā€™t mind this behavior, the only reason is that Iā€™ve realized the best deals are not listed online and most agents are useless anyway. Itā€™s a lot of hard work driving around and calling etc but thatā€™s just the sad reality of real estate here. Iā€™ll give an example, this agent told me about this building, we liked the apartment and the agent commission was 3k. But because the agent wasnā€™t present with us, the security told me that actually itā€™s direct from owner (no commission), gave me the number. We didnā€™t end up taking that specific one though. The one we did finalize was also something we found by driving around, going to buildings, talking to people etc. found something really nice atleast 10k below market rate.


Real estate agents: the vultures of the property world. They circle around, waiting to pick apart your finances with the finesse of a blindfolded butcher. Their charm is as fake as the 'perfect' homes they peddle, and their promises evaporate faster than their integrity. If you ever want to experience the joy of being bled dry by a professional swindler, just let a real estate agent lead the way!


Real estate agencies are one of the biggest reasons for higher rent. My friend who works there said, "No real estate is innocent as people think." The way he exposed them made me question if what he is doing as a god-fearing muslim is good.




I'd be embarrassed showing anything I saw on Saturday. But then again, if you are on the sofa sending links and addresses, there is no embarrassment.


Biggest shock to me was the number of units I visited that were just dirty and had rubbish laying around šŸ¤£ Then the agent would just say yer its vacant we will clean it when you rent it ā€¦.. Great advertisement for how they manage maintenance.


It largely also comes down to the landlords and this country. In Europe you sign a contract with a cost to market the properties whether sales or rental. Here the expectation is everything is free and agents can run around like mad dogs at their own expense to assure it is cleaned, maintained, viewed and rented. If on average every property has 5-10 viewings before getting rented and the profit for the agent is 2k how much fuel, time and cleaning does he do before there is zero profit? If the property is a rental and low value - do not expect great things when landlords wont pay to have it cleaned or maintained. This is especially true in lower value rental areas. I am not saying agents should not put effort in - i think all should but it largely comes down to the budget, the landlord, the property and area in question.


Last week an agent sent my husband to a place that had literal dog shit on the floor in several rooms. My husband told him how disgusting it was and he replied ā€œdont worry we will removeā€. šŸ¤®


I work in the sector and there is a proliferation of more incompetence, I would suggest you get a competent agent that you task with your request to move around. Very few agencies have standards with regards to training and resourcing agents to provide excellent service. However there are newer regulations in the sector right now that most likely will improve the customer experience.


What kind of regulations can people expect? I am wondering if there will be some further cash grab that filters down to the client in someway.


Same here ā€¦ my agent is always on vacation. Always available but never around. šŸ˜‚


Was the agent from any reputed agency or an independent agent?


All leads were from a popular property app. How is one supposed to know the difference?


Property app is like google search engine. They will show the postings. When you select a particular Property in the app.. below agent details and their company name is provided. Company name can give you general idea about general reputation and service.


It's funny some people are saying that was a bad agent. All I can think of is "as opposed to what?" .. there is no good one or bad one, anymore than a kind vulture or a well mannered crocodile. They all don't exist.


I know someone, who will be there on the site itself, she will even ask for low agency fee,..


If you want to work woth real estate agents go with big name agencies, or at least establish ones. Its best if you go to their office and explain what you want exactly and let them do the research for you and go from there.


I bought a few apartments through a Dutch real estate company in Dubai. I have bad experiences with UAE agents as they really don't care about your needs. HMU if ur still looking for a place.


Dubai has no such concept as a real estate agent's license, therefore anyone who couldn't find any other job becomes an agent. I'm other countries, you wouldn't even be allowed to practice without attaining your license. And this is where the huge disconnect lies.


If itā€™s rental, agents donā€™t care cuz everyone is busy pushing offplan.


how were they a " dump " , apartments here are a real horror show for layout and amenities. were they just bad design , falling apart , or just covered in shit LOL


Most of the people in Real Estate now are people who couldnā€™t get another job in UAE. Most of them donā€™t even have a visa to reside in the UAE. Most of them donā€™t even have a driving license or a car to drive you around and show you around.


I have a 1 bedroom apartment (+maid room) available by first week of July in JVC if interested,( building age around 3-4years). The owner is my friend no commission for this. You can DM me OP


There was a time I thought of becoming a Real Estate broker but after seeing the industry filled up with so many people with having zero values I changed my mind šŸ˜‚ but I have seen only a handful of people who are really really professional but those are rare gems.Ā 


How much average commission do agents make if they put 12 hours of hard work a day ! Just curious to know


Define hard work? Just curious.


okay. I apologies from our agents side. this is a bad experience and IMO a bad Agent. Also I notice that you saw 4 properties and named all of them "Dump". This is a problem of qualification and setting expectations right. the agent failed to understand you and what you like. for me, My job is to talk to the buyer and understand him, His budget, urgency, likes, preferences open or closed kitchen, style of furniture he likes and I have to search for an appropriate property that he will like and then ask him/her to put time in seeing the apartment. its natural he didnt get a contract and payment as he didn't work on it.


I use the word dump as in, and this speaks for all of them, clean. Not dirty walls, dirty bathrooms, stinky water. Clean.


Well that's sometimes not the fault of the agent that it's not clean, but anyway he was not there to show you the apartment. Work with someone else.


How much average commission do agents make if they put 12 hours of hard work a day ! Just curious to know


Tbh some make millions a years while some make like 100k. Depends on the agent For me I would be uncomfortable if I didn't make 20k a month. But then again that's too low for my team leader coz he makes 200k a month. The more you put in the more you get out


Tbh- youā€™re paying the agent for the connections. Even if theyā€™re in person or not. Agreed, itā€™s better for them to be in person but ultimately itā€™s about being an initial bridge between the tenant and the landlord. Since the landlord is unable to go this work themselves, they source it to someone else. And as long as they get results with minimal pushback, itā€™ll continue.


If you're still looking, I can help you out with a great agent.


I will give you the opposite. I am a consultant and not a agent. I have bussiness for sale and some donkey has changed viewings 5 times in 4 days. I have been at each viewing on time and stood up. Now how I feel how ugly chick's feel


Real estate agents don't actually have to accompany you to the apartment and show you around. Their job is to organize the viewing, arrange access to the unit and negotiate with the landlord. That's what you pay them for. Majority of landlords prefer renting their units through agencies and real estate brokers. It saves them alot of headache and hassle. So you will not find any property owner sites around here that will be legit. I have been in the industry since years now and just stating facts.


Don't forget that providing correct information that is 1:1 with reality should also be a part of that job


Yeah, and what I have read on other posts, that can tend to change.


That's beside the fact. Tenant is not forced to rent if the description or photos don't match the reality. That's why there is a viewing