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Think it's a bit of both really. The idea of showcasing your wealth and status long predates social media. So while you're right in saying that people want validation from strangers, social media is only the next medium where people can do it. Dubai is was built to be a glamorous and shiny city that would invite tourists in. They invest more into building cool architecture than they do into public transport. Says a lot really.


Just come back from London, GCC citizens do the exact same there, how many GCC cars do you see on the streets in Hyde Park / Kensington


And GCC cars break rules there far more than expats in Dubai


and other side is Dubai give them safe heaven to make there black money white .


You think that’s only a problem with Dubai. Western leaders and politicians have been doing this shit much longer.


Only UK and Switzerland, Rest western countries do not welcome black money


Shows how little you know.


Lol the rest is where black money is made 😂


It is always someone elses fault. Oh, the Russians are doing it... That does not mean the locals have to replicate it. Why not step back, show some class and say 'this is not who we are' Rise above. If you follow like sheep, it is on you..






I am a dumb ape myself so completely understand the sentiment.


He is partly correct 10-15 years back Dubai locals didnt show off that much, but they sure rushed to hoard money and buy luxurious cars. Dubai changed a lot in the 2006-2008 period. those who were there in 2007 would recall how crazy the RE market was for rents. And most cases it was local landlords trying huge increases, kicking out families who lived there 10 years and so on. It was pure greed and the desire to earn without doing anything


There was a massive collapse right after though because of 2008. When I moved from Abu Dhabi to Dubai in 2010 I could get twice as much house for less money. Went from a 1 bed in AD for 80k to a huge 2 bed in JLT for 70k.


Wow, I did something similar. In 2010 I moved from a 90k 3 bed in Abu Dhabi (would have been 120+ without the rent cap) to a huge 1 bed in JLT for 50k (cherry on top was free parking in JLT vs circling mawaqif spots for 20 minutes to get a paid spot in abu dhabi


Haha yes, we could just park on this huge lot right outside our building for free, no barriers or access cards or anything. Is JLT still free parking now? I haven't been there in ages.


I don’t know- 15 years ago people were driving their super cars down JBR with a cheetah in the passenger seat . Wildest thing I’d seen up to that point. Although a camel in an suv about 5 years ago was pretty odd too.


Must have been the big bad expats who triggered them to do it


He is totally incorrect. I lived here in 2004-2005, and thereafter was coming here regularly until I moved in mid 2010s, dubai was very actively trying to cultivate the status of high of a high luxury place. Even before 2004 when we moved dubai was known as the place for Burj al Arab where everything is full of gold and fancy cars driving around the city. So let’s not needlessly blame foreigners for bringing in this culture, dubai was basically begging these type of people to come here in the first place


Are you saying landlords in other cities and counties didnt do that too?


It's the culture aspect for me. We had a sense of community 20 years ago. People knew each other in their locale. Today, it's just a dystopian nightmare


There is amazing community spirit where I live. It just depends on your neighborhood...


I live in Arjan where I think the community is amazing and full of normal hard working people! When you’re downtown, Marina where it’s full of the “show offs” etc it seems soulless with no real community. I could be wrong but that’s my thoughts.


Hard working is right. I’ve never seen so many massage spots on one block.


Hard work is hard work I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


Atleast spare us the music please


It has got worse in the last ten years. But it was always a bit like this. And I physically cringed when he blamed the west for the way Dubai is. Go to London, most of the people showing off and being ostentatious there are Emiratis. Emiratis engineered the city to be a playground for the rich, hilarious that they try and blame other cultures.


That is the Emirati way, always crying and blaming others


Isnt it the Ruler of Dubai who uses public money to build an exclusive private 5 floored parking structure for him and his family in London, lest he not have to deal with the plebs? [Sheikh to build six-storey car park in London next to Battersea heliport | Daily Mail Online](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3025200/Sheikh-build-six-storey-car-park-London-114-luxury-cars-five-star-accommodation-chauffeurs-staff.html)


he is 100% right. It is also an influencer/social media problem as well


How is he right. In London the biggest show offs are rich Arabs from UAE.


Yep. UAE is always trying to compare itself to the UK.




Exactly 💯


It's a global problem with people requiring social media validation, this isn't exclusive to Dubai. It just seems amplified in Dubai because it's the epitome of that perfect social media backdrop. It's sh!t, but it's everywhere. Showing off in cars? I think he's massively uninformed. Surprised he doesn't know that Emiratis have been coming to London for 20+ years with their cars flown out to cruise around Kensington.


I completely agree with what he said after having lived 17 years in dubai but I also worked at a place where this guy used common company services and let me tell you something he is miles away from this personality he shows in this video. He's the guy who has "lambo owner" as his tiktok bio personality and he's also the guy who looks down upon people who aren't from the same clique as him


the guy is just 26 years old. He may have or he may have not however now he no longer has “lambo owner” in his bio lol. He probably fell victim to this “toxic” influence that he mentions in this exact clip. as an old follower of his i can see that he has changed as a person as he grew older


A follower sees only what the person wants to show the world. Work with him and see him in person, interact with him and you'll know better


I agree with his point on this as I know the history of Dubai but the issue is he doesn't even mention Social Media. actually, it played a major role in this setup apparently... weather it is TikTok , Instagram, or even YouTube...


I lived in dubai for 30 years, the guy is right, dubai was such a good place and then things started to change, things started going to shit


Dubai was made to show off Trying to be called first for everything


And the people allowed it Patronized it And immediately imitated it It’s not just Dubai but a lot of places in the world too. In the advent of social media, and people’s fear of missing out, everyone just wanted to have a piece of it. The satisfaction of validation from outside sources are just ingrained in our nature.


It became a competitive game..its like playing in a online lobby and every character is showing off their costumes. And we often forget these verses from quraan: سورة الإسراء وَلَا تَمْشِ فِي الْأَرْضِ مَرَحًا ۖ إِنَّكَ لَنْ تَخْرِقَ الْأَرْضَ وَلَنْ تَبْلُغَ الْجِبَالَ طُولًا ﴿٣٧﴾ Surah al-Isra' 37. And do not walk on the earth arrogantly. You can neither penetrate the earth, nor can you reach the mountains in height.


Beautiful ayah.


Yeah... Its the Brits that started the trend of flying their Lambos half way across the world on holiday with them 🤔 as someone that grew up in London let me tell you obnoxious Arab wealth was flown in way, way before we went the other way. I moved here 15 years ago and it was just as flashy. JBR on the weekend was a parade of super cars driven by locals. Maybe now it's more like Brits and Russians in rentals. I don't know I avoid it like the plague. While I agree to an extent that probably most Brits are obnoxious and move here with a false sense of entitlement, live beyond their means and try to play catch up, they're doing that to imitate locals. It's laughable to suggest it's the other way round. What has accelerated it has been influencers and social media. You can't blame that on one subset of people. They're all as bad as each other at this point. And btw he absolutely means what he says with disrespect.


It’s two things, social media usage over the last 5-10 years and the UAE. It’s hilarious that they state Dubai was never like this, it was always excessive in being a show off - let’s build the tallest building, let’s build a huge island, the palm, the world, fancy hotels, fancy cars, the biggest mall, let’s bring snow to Dubai! If that’s not being a show off what is. Now people make money from social media, influencers, and Dubai is the perfect place to show off. Don’t be upset about that, UAE did it, they contributed.


The irony of an Emirati saying this


I have been in UAE for a long period this is so true. Adding to it people with more ego, less IQ and social media account made this so obvious. A real rich person does not announce how they are rich, what they do with the money and do not desperately seek others attention. Black to white happens in every single country. It's just that some are visible some are not. Saying it's not is a joke. It's just that the form of it may vary. Bottom line every generation has this kind of dumb show off. Now it so out in the open because we are exposed to various medium / platforms that shows us often. Guess what social media is free and you are the product. Mindless scrolling is out doom. Social media influencers, you have to ask the question what are they influencing if it's lifestyle then it's the viewers problem, you view them often and made them do so. Ignore and promote people sharing knowledge. Some of them mock people based on language, culture and dressing. Which is the lowest form of IQ and strong racism. People promote them.


Nah you’ve ALWAYS had Arabs going to London, revving their super cars and spending their whole days in Harrods. Never seen any other people like this. They’ve always liked to show off. Brits find it absolutely insufferable as showing off your wealth is very much not done there.


Agree 💯


And they don't fear evil eye. In my tradition, we never show off out of fear from jealous evil eyes 🧿🧿🧿


Dubai was totally like this 15 years ago. One of the reasons I left in 2009 was because it was just as toxic. People showed off then but there was no real social media, only Facebook. Now social media is showing the culture here openly.


"But arabs were like - we have better cars than them, so lets start showing off as well" So its not that the russians started it, its that the arabs didnt want to be shown up? I dont get what this guy is saying?


Look, I'm from sharjah, dubai residents, whether local or foreign, have always had a holier than thou attitude. So much so that we like to call it dubai syndrome. You know how they are. Every time they step foot outside of dubai, they act like they're visiting a rural village. But I do agree that it got worse since the financial crisis


I dont think showing off is a problem but the implication that showing off is part of Dubai’s culture is the problem Enjoy your wealth how tf you want but dont point at an Emirati thinking they all have that privilege We do have all the basic privileges alhamdulillah but not all of us are wealthy


I lived there 10-15 years ago and it was already a cesspit of consumerism and greed.


He’s partly correct but I don’t agree with blaming it on Russians and Brits. You allowed them here and you turned a blind eye when they decided to launder their money. 15 years ago was right when social media took off. You benefited greatly from them showing off on social media because that caused the whole world want to come and invest here. Was it a blessing? For growth and prosperity? Heck yeah. For preserving a sense of identity and community? No


If you had 3 Rolls-Royces to begin with, then it's not the Russian's fault is it? Nobody needs 3 Rolls-Royce. It is 100% showing off.


aw i hate this ali guy


*The ruler of Dubai is set to build a personal six-storey super car park in London for his fleet of more than 100 luxury motors.* *The ultimate toy cupboard will house up to 114 cars and have five-star accommodation for chauffeurs and staff.* *It is being built by the billionaire emir of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, one of the world’s richest men.* *The car park will be built next to Battersea heliport by the River Thames, allowing him and his associates – including his 23 children – to arrive in the capital by helicopter and jump straight into whichever luxury car they like.* Who paid for it? Dubai expats via their knowledge fees and overpriced fees for schools


You guys want to be burried with all that money too ?? You cant take anything when you die but


The place is thriving only because of all these “annoying” newcomers. The locals should know better. Incoming people want to live in a modern vibrant atmosphere, not in a desert like it was 50 years ago. The oil reserves are coming to an end, the only potential income for the local economy is to be an INTERNATIONAL hub for travel, trade, business etc. You don’t want to see all these Lambos, Porsches and “show-off” foreigners: you always can return to villages and camels.


Damn why are you so hurt bro? Nobody said people shouldn’t buy Lambos. The topic is about showing fake Lifestyles which is a big problem not just in Dubai but everywhere. When an average person opens Instagram and sees people living these Lifestyles ( which most of the times are fake insta influencers or yacht girls who make money by showing that they’ve money) it brings a sense of sadness as in how people can’t afford these even though they’re working, saving but still they can barely afford anything like that and honestly it becomes toxic and you can’t even ignore these fake influencers they’re everywhere. It’s something that needs to be condemned.


Price of success. Humble people don’t spend money and the UAE doesn’t want people to live here and save. They need spenders!