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thank you for blurring the protesters’ faces


to OP, it would be better to use a static cover (rather than blur) over their faces. i feel like i read back when the 2020 (2021?) protests were happening that police can unblur (to an extent) the method used


There were news reporters, plus security cameras, plus police bodycam footage. There is no chance they would need these photos


You can't reason with delusional people.




Disappointing amount of shilling for Israel within this thread. These students are well within their right to protest what’s going on in Gaza


They are not within their rights to take over buildings, block entrances, set up encampments in public spaces and obstruct the free movement of other citizens and students. Where was the outcry against Russia for killing over 100k Ukrainians? Where is the outcry that Hamas end this war? Have we ever heard Hamas say that if Israel leaves Gaza now they will stop attacking Israel? Where is the outcry against Hamas using human shields and stealing billions in relief money to fund their military. Money for education infrastructure food! Where are your crocodile tears now!


>Where was the outcry against Russia for killing over 100k Ukrainians? There was a fuck ton of outcry over Russia's incursions on Ukraine and both the United States government and a massive amount of companies/corporations imposed sanctions on and withdrew from Russia immediately when they invaded in 2022. What are students supposed to be protesting in this situation? >Have we ever heard Hamas say that if Israel leaves Gaza now they will stop attacking Israel? [Yes](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/06/middleeast/hamas-ceasefire-offer-gaza-war-mime-intl/index.html#:~:text=Hamas%20said%20on%20Monday%20that,Israel's%20blockade%20of%20the%20enclave).


Why would anyone want to leave Hamas in power? Because they said “if you stop punishing us for slaughtering your civilians we won’t do it again” I call bullshit


How did that work out after 2005


And you believe the Hamas?


Did you learn about Hamas yesterday? Pick up a history book. Your ignorance is almost as astounding as your desire to publicly speak about an issue you clearly know very little about.


Are you actually this dumb…. There wasn’t a need for an outcry in the Ukraine invasion because our government wasn’t funding the bad guys There isn’t a need for an outcry that Hamas end this war because they tried 9 fucking times to set up a permanent cease fire and Israel has said no each time because they don’t actually want to stop the war they just want to kill as many possible. Go head look at everything Israeli government officials said and tell me otherwise. Go look at the most recent cease fire agreement that Hamas accepted and Israel rejected, it literally ends in Hamas demilitarization. In the 18 years that Hamas has ruled Gaza these claims have never been proven. You want to talk about human shields let’s talk about Israel putting settlers on stolen land in the West Bank and encouraging them to attack Palestinians. Maybe do actual research on a topic before you comment.


No one is supporting Hamas. The US doesn't give bombs to Hamas. Israel is supposed to be better than Hamas. In a chance to so, killed tens of thousands of innocent women and children.


Israel isn’t at war, Israel is killing innocent civilians en masse without a second thought. The IDF teaches that every Palestinian is an enemy, and you can see this playing out in real time now. Just yesterday the IDF killed 5 of their own because they blew up a building IN A REFUGEE CAMP without even thinking about who might be in there. This has been happening for decades and finally the world is waking up. So be quiet about Hamas ending this war we know that has nothing to do with it. Who do you think made Hamas? Guess what, your friend Bibi, straight from the Israeli press so you can’t spin this one https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/


We don’t give billions of dollars in military aid to Russia or Hamas


Yes I'm sure this is a dispute over military aid. Stop it


UCI is not invested in Hamas or Russia. Both of them are sanctioned. Israel is not, theyr protesting for divestment. Its actually really simple.


Let's say Israel accepts Hamas' permanent ceasefire deal, with the condition that if Hamas renegades on the deal later, Israel is justified in flattening and taking over the entire Gaza. Would you support this proposal?


>  What job do i have if the students don't have a future? I am just a naive science major with little knowledge of politics. Could someone wiser than me please explain how an unsuccessful outcome of these protests would lead to no future for UCI students, or - assuming she was exaggerating a little bit for the cameras and in the heat of the moment - only even contribute to a worse future for UCI students?


Possibly she’s referring to the students being threatened to be suspended, doxxed, harassed ect. Faculty have been brave to be in solidarity with the students and lend some of their privilege to the cause. She’s not wrong to say that.


My guy, you make decisions and you suffer the consequences. I don’t remember this surge of support or empathy for people who said things so years ago and were deemed “offensive” by the left and then got shamed and persecuted for it today (Kevin Hart anyone?) If these people are so aware and accepting of the risks, as a good follower of “civil disobedience” would, then their “woe is me” mentality is contradictory to their mission. They chose to protest, and suffer the consequences as a statement to their moral and political virtue. If they end up saying something that a future employer is put off by, whether it be a statement on either side of the issue (for or against Palestine or for or against Israel) then that is the consequence of their actions. Simple as that. If I posted online right now saying “I hate Jews”(oversimplification Ik) and my future employer sees it and is put off, then that’s on me, that’s the internet. Not saying these people SHOULD be doxxed, not saying they’ve don’t anything TO BE DOXXED, exposed or otherwise shamed, but IF THEY DID, then it is only fair that the cancelling be turned on the people who started the cancelling in the first place 🤣


Not really. When we have sites like Jew hate database or canary mission where many people who are but also many many like the student protestors who are NOT antisemitic are doxxed and accused of being antisemitic it’s a very valid concern. No one wants to be accused of that because it’s serious and that’s exactly why it’s being weaponized against them. I don’t think that’s just par for the course with civil disobedience.




Not to mention the large negative impact these "protestors" have had on their cause.


i have not witnessed a single person who was sympathetic to the cause hand wringing about the protests. only people who were already pro-israel shaking their heads about something they disagreed with to begin with. in fact, the violence a lot of peaceful protesters have suffered from violent pro-israel agitators AND the police have made people MORE sympathetic to the cause. the pro israel ppl weren’t gonna like it no matter what so idgaf what they think


I think what she means is that there are ramifications and possible violence in retaliation for our genocidal actions abroad. For example, the US never regained its global standing after the Iraq war. We are not trusted, and we have many more global enemies than we did prior to the illegal war in Iraq.


> ramifications and possible violence in retaliation directed to UCI students?


>For example, the US never regained its global standing after the Iraq war. This is completely false but go off. Look at our allies in Europe and Asia, places that hold the majority of the world's soft and hard power. Like ur making stuff up


Nobody wants to hire a pro Hamas terrorist.




Why didn’t they protest when Assad was killing innocent people? Or when Hamas killed 1200 Jews.


The genocide spectrum is now expanding, similar to every other spectrum over the last 2 decades. Everything is sensational. People desperate to be apart of something rewarding, but too ADHD to stick with it long enough to accomplish anything meaningful. (Flavor of the Month Generation)


>(Flavor of the Month Generation) More like the "I watched a TikTok" generation.


people who say things like this aren’t actually paying attention, if you actually paid attention you’d see that many of these student protests have been successful in achieving their very straight forward goals which include divestment from Israeli companies/companies that do business in Israel, academic divestment (ie: stopping study abroad programs in Israel and/or occupied territories), or at least starting the conversation by creating task forces to understand the investments and force full transparency with the public, the students have been successful, that’s just not being highlighted in your feed


We’re paying attention, and I get the calls for divestment. I also understand that in order to property protest and draw attention to the topic, there needs to be disruption. If you read farther down the thread you’d see that we’re looking at the issue from a more macro lens. This is a geopolitical shit-show that has escalated into war. I stand by my point of sensationalism being rampant. (Apply this across the political spectrum on pretty much every hot-button issue).


Ya, I saw the conversation. I don’t believe the details alleging this war was Hamas’ goal or that Egypt won’t take in Palestinian refugees really change anything about why students are protesting. It does not delegitimize a call for the powers that be and the U.S. government to stop funding the war. There is no other conflict going on at this moment that has seen the level of civilian death and displacement in such a short amount of time. Nor a conflict that the American government is as directly connected to. So, the idea that this is a trend or sensational I think is a misrepresentation of what is going on and a misrepresentation of why American students are particularly focused on this conflict.


Source on these goals being met ? I’m not seeing much about divestments or the such happening. As far as I’m concerned, the United States is still giving billions to Israel. So what have they accomplished again ?


The universities target is at their schools, not necessarily the government at large, although that is the goal of the broader movement. There were initial negotiations, that have since failed, at UCSC: https://abc7news.com/post/student-protests-demonstrators-at-uc-santa-cruz-say-pro-palestinian-negotiations-with-campus-administrators-failed/14795555/ Sac State has committed to divestment: https://amp.sacbee.com/news/local/article288540818.html There have been some minimal wins at Northwestern, Brown, Rutgers, Johns Hopkins, the University of Minnesota and the University of California, Riverside: https://www.semafor.com/article/05/08/2024/several-us-universities-to-consider-divesting-from-israel-after-sustained-protests


I have been reading about and paying attention to the Middle East for 3 decades. Most people don’t understand all the factors, influences, etc of that region. These kids protesting don’t have the first idea of what they are actually protesting about. The current situation is in incredibly tragic. The people on both sides suffer. The Palestinians have taken the brunt of this conflict but their government started a war they k we they couldn’t win. The sick truth is that this situation was the goal. It had to be. Hamas was never intending to win. They knew the Israelis would have to react this way and they knew thousands of their own people would die. The end goal, in my opinion, was to start a regional war with the suffering of the Palestinians as the trigger. Hamas over estimated the empathy that regional allies have for Palestinians and how realistic they would be when weighing their chances of winning a war against Israel. Egypt won’t even open its boarders and take refugees. No way they are going to war for them. This entire episode was the pathetic scheming of delusional old men with no possibility of the outcome they were hoping for. The victims and families of those killed and kidnapped in October and the people of Gaza are paying the price.


Agreed. Hamas is an unfortunate proxy for the Iranian regime. Bordering nation-states are unwilling to accept refugees out of fear of angering the same regime. Israel (US Proxy) has been a “dog off leash” for the last couple decades and I personally think the right wing administration needs to be put to sleep. Netanyahu is the strongman (asshole) that has been in power for the last 2 decades, and was probably salivating at the opportunity to unleash the hell unfolding in front of the world. He’s likely going to get credit as the man in charge over some entry level war crimes. But The Hague definitely isn’t going to prosecute this as a genocide.


Same. It’s absolutely bonkers how these protestors have no idea that their actions are not helping Palestinians at all and are just going to worsen the war and eventually cause way more death


>The end goal, in my opinion, was to start a regional war with the suffering of the Palestinians as the trigger. The goal may have been ending the normalization talks between Israel and the Saudis. If so, it has been at least somewhat successful.


I hadn’t thought about this perspective. I could definitely see this being an Iranian goal. Seems crazy for Hamas to think that would have been worth the cost paid in civilian deaths, or even their army for that matter as I don’t see how normalized relations impacts Hamas one way or the other.


Maybe you’re not familiar with the details, but let me try to answer politely. The argument is pointless and is a deflection of the murder of the Palestinians. ….but I’ll answer anyway. I’m Syrian, and I can tell you what happened in Syria is way different. America armed militants including Isis to overthrow the Syrian regime, but majority in Syria, including Christians like myself wanted Assad to stay. America tried to remove him to help overthrow Iran. That’s why McCain was there working with terrorists from outside of Syria as well as Isis. We didn’t protest because we wanted Assad to stay so syria doesn’t end up like Iraq. By the way, ask Iraqis, specifically Christian ones. They’ll tell you they wanted Saddam to stay. That’s reality. The media will tell you something way different.


I’m familiar with the United States continued failed attempts at “National Building” throughout the Middle East. Not sure what in your response, is actually a response to what I wrote 🤔.


Sorry, I responded to the wrong post


Wait from what I am getting out of you is that assas wanted to stay in power sooooooo bad that he preferred destroying his own country and killing hundreds of thousands of people instead of an alternative peace solution ?


Why didn’t you protest when Israel murdered Palestinians in 1948? What about 2014? Lets talk about how they sat outside to watch the bombings on couches and picnics?


Demanding a ceasefire when hamas said they will repeat 10/7 again and again to slaughter and rape until israel is gone is absolutely supporting hamas.  These delusional idiots would have demanded a ceasefire with hitler, screaming about german kids


Nobody should be involved with a government committing genocide either


Correct. These people control so much of the media that people in America believe that everybody feels this way when in reality everybody who isn't Israel or the United States is firmly and solidly against this atrocity. International court has charged Israel with genocide and the only country to say no was the United States


The UN isn’t The Hague


These people.....


These people.....


Don't care.


Maybe Vote for Trump this election. He didn’t start any wars while he was in office.


He just said he was going to bring the troops home and was a little bitch about it and didn't get it done like usual. Trump is a know nothing, do nothing like the rest of the Republicans


Yeah let’s vote for the dude going through multiple criminal trials lmao isn’t this why yall would t vote for Hillary ? Cause she’s a crook ? Smh gtfo please


He hasn’t been declared guilty. In this beautiful country everyone has the right to go through trial. Unless you have such evidence to proof him guilty you should present it to court.


Taking even Hamas’ fake numbers we have 34k dead. 1/2 are civilians and the other half are terrorists. 1:1 ratio. The average ratio is 1 militant to 9 civilians in an urban war setting. Israel has set a new standard in modern combat saving more civilians than any other military.


What happened to giving up social media buddy?


What is the difference between a militant and a combatant in your example? Also you didn’t address noncombatant civilians in your example? The post you made just doesn’t make sense.


He meant non combatant


Fixed it. Thanks for correcting my error


Fake numbers according to whom, the IDF? Oh boy, you're not gonna like this: "Israeli intelligence officials have admitted to relying on civilian death toll statistics collated by Gaza's health ministry, despite Tel Aviv publicly undermining the ministry's reliability. Two Israeli intelligence officials who spoke to the Hebrew-language Local Call news website said the health ministry is mostly "reliable" and their main source of statistics on civilian deaths in Gaza. **"Israeli intelligence secretly surveilled officials in Gaza’s Health Ministry to check if their data on the number of civilians killed in Gaza is 'reliable', Israeli intelligence sources told us. The army found the numbers are reliable and now regularly uses them internally in intelligence briefings," reporter Yuval Abraham said on X on Wednesday."** https://www.newarab.com/news/israeli-intel-confirms-gaza-health-ministry-stats-reliable


What constitutes genocide?


The systemic murder of a race of humans. See for example the Armenian Genocide


How are students protesting for peace pro Hamas terrorists? Is the goal to say that enough times so people eventually believe you? The protesters are saying stop killing children and innocent defenseless civilians. Nothing wrong with that. We should all be saying that. That’s what humane people do. How is that in support of Hamas?


Umm I'm lost how do students not have a future at UCI?


These are the worst of fear tactics being employed against the students. Every country in the world has condemned Israel of genocide except for the United States. These students are seeing things accurately. They are being threatened by the corporate and state interests that are committing the genocide in Palestine. The conspiracy theories and rumors about people controlling the media are mostly true. Take a quick look at the international Court ruling against Israel recently and then check out the disparity between that and what you see in American Media. That disparity is being played out with force against students currently.


They’ve demonstrated. Their keen lack of critical thinking skills. Not much future with that.


I wouldn’t hire them. Don’t need shit bomb people working in my department.


People keep saying this, can I ask - how would you know if they were one of these people in college before hiring them?


Ironically, this is the same kind of fear mongering they accuse their opponents of.


A $29 background check. Been around for decades. Criminal records, driving history, convictions… Watching when they took down UCLA at 3:00am or whatever it was, lined them up single file, zip tied their hands, marched them in front of of the cameras with facial recognition, pulled that mask off their face, game over. These assholes try a National uprising from The Ivy League to the PAC 10, and you don’t think they’ll be repercussions? All the alumni who are future employers and donate to these schools, you don’t think they’ll get a list from the Dean of the agitators? If you show this much piss poor judgement, thinking you’ll just hide in the scrum that you won’t get flagged because of your ninja skills? You’re a fucking cancer wherever you go, nobody wants you in their business, you’re a total liability. Disloyal, bad judgement, hyperbolic… piss off.


After arrest they were released the next morning - I doubt this went on any of their records right?


Too many people in these comments would've cheered the Hitler youth marching through the streets and burning books


Didn’t this start in school protests? Oh wait, I forgot, but student protesters are always right.


Remember Vietnam? same thing the youth protesting a old man's war will continue to happen as long as men keep fighting over ridiculous reasons like religion


As a UCI alumni, im so proud of this generation. There was backlash during the civil rights movements against the youth, there was backlash during the holocaust. History is currently being made, don't ever stop fighting for human rights.




This is the situation because Israel and Egypt have systematically denied Gazans the ability to develop economically in any way. Israel's "mowing the grass" strategy of coming in and bombing everything to dust every so often pretty much ensures things stay that way. Add to that the fact that the blockade strangles the amount of building materials and resources entering Gaza in the first place, and how in the hell are they supposed to provide themselves with their own basic needs? Supporters of Israel always act like they're incredibly generous for supplying power and water, but when you put people in prison you are required to give them that stuff...or let them go free.




Who is “rooting” or protesting for Hamas?




You can’t protest against Hamas. That’s not how protests work. You protest against the powers you can actually influence, in this example it’s the US government.


Which seems odd right? You protest the more reasonable of the two powers as opposed to the literal terrorist organization because they're so far gone that you don't even bother. So to stop protests, you don't have to be good, you have to be worse.


It seems you don’t understand the point of protests. We are taxpayers. We should have a say on what OUR government or OUR universities do with our money.




The propaganda is so strong…Hamas literally agreed to the last ceasefire for Bibi to say ‘ahhh just kidding, we’re invading Rafa no matter what, hostages or not’ FOH


Let’s not forget hamas has tortured, raped, mutilated and killed hostages. They literally can’t even meet the quota to exchange alive hostages anymore. The Palestinian people don’t deserve to die as collateral damage for what hamas has done but I see very little outcry against hamas from protesters, the news and Palestinians.


Wait you see little outcry against Hamas on the news?? The news which has had idf and other zionist on bring up Hamas and October 7th anytime proper criticism of Isreal comes up. Why would Palestinians outcry against Hamas when Isreal is the one killing them by the thousands. And many of the protests have explicitly been pro Palestine and shut down pro Hamas rhetoric within them.


Every time I see an American holding that flag I assume he's/she's an idiot and doesn't know how bad they treat their own people over there.


They need to watch the video where they throw a gay man off a building.


To help people get a better perspective of these terrorists, [they should see their testimonies of the barbaric things they would do.](https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/s/1vC9i1hoVW)


What!? 😟


Indeed, [it’s unfortunate what Palestinians have to deal with in the hands of terrorists.](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/s/AXwLnlnP1C)




To be fair, or she…


It’s always funny to see the excessive over the top force by the police in this whole Palestine protest thing


All of them.


Terrorist have no space in the USA 🇺🇸. Want to support a terrorist group, go find a job overseas in their territory.


Supporting humanitarianism in Gaza is not terrorism.


Except most of the humanitarian aid/money sent to Gaza the last 20 years was used to dig tunnels, buy weapons, supporting terrorism. Imagine if those billions were used to build infrastructure? They rather kill Jews, Americans, concert -goers.


Funny you said that bcs israeli citizens themselves destroyed and burned the trucks bringing humanitarian aids to Gaza. But of course, they're the most moral country in the world.


Americans are supporting Russia and chanted "Jews will not replace us", but of course Americans can judge everyone in the world


Israel supported Hamas over any other pan-Palestinian political group in Gaza for the past decades and it fomented extremism as Hamas turned to Islamist fundamentalism. That’s not the fault of the Gazan people (who haven’t been able to vote since 2006). Additionally, Gaza has been under strict blockade and doesn’t have sovereignty over its own borders, greatly hampering economic growth. Plus, with constant air strikes by Israel on Gaza, along with the memories of the Nakba from the 1940s, as well as Hamas’ constant rocket attacks and massacres like on Oct. 7th, it’s really a situation where no sides are in the right, and it’s not surprising that extremist factions in both Israel and Gaza have come to power.


Yeah crazy how Israel is acting like this is all in a vacuum when it has continued to prop up Hamas to divide the Palestinians into two different entities (Gaza and the West Bank) while also electing a more right wing government that stoked these tensions. No Israel didn’t deserve October 7th and it was horrendous but it has done everything over the years to stoke the flames that points towards this outcome.


I didn’t hear anyone yell humanitarian support in that chaotic situation.


The lady in 6 was a beast! She was one of the first people to stand up to the cops


Am I only the only one who finds it hysterical that every single one of the protesters faces is blurred?


They really think they did something lol.


cringe , u want to make a difference then go protest where it matters , this changes nothing nd is just virtue signaling . only criminals hide behind masks . if you are so proud to stand up for something you care about , you wouldn’t hide your face


1.)Our American tax dollars go to fund the Israeli military, not only that but they also get a sweetheart deal where they don’t have to spend most of it on our equipment. They spend the rest on their own. Not to mention the large amount of investment the UC system has in weapons manufacturers. 2.)Zionists have this website where they will dox anyone they claim to be antisemitic, hence the face coverings. Look up Canary Mission. Let the record show that I am not “Pro-Hamas” I condemn their group and their actions. I support the freeing of the hostages and a ceasefire so the Palestinian civilians caught in the crossfire stop dying.


love how we blur the people passionate to protest but not the officers that are just doing their job to make sure everyone’s safe and the encampment is gone. everyone’s face should be shown, equality right


Cops are employees of the state their information is public and easily accessible. Also cops aren’t your friends idk why you’re defending them


Exactly. You wanted to be passionate and demand changes, why hide behind masks, sheets or blurred images? Doesn’t that suggest that you are in the wrong and afraid?


Does wearing a mask make your protest invalid? I guess the Hong Kong protests against the CCP were wrong.


Really wish I could add more here, and specific to the OP in this post. But don't want to start a reddit war with people. Up voting this comment though


They hide their faces to protest what a bunch of 🐱


Or maybe, protesting in America is becoming more dangerous


Why does the ncr flag only have one head


Pre war NCR flag


The ncr wasn’t formed before the war what are you talking about




I thought i was continuing a joke.


That’s it. Everyone gets a parking ticket.


If you truly want change, why limit yourself to a college? Why not take it straight to the white house? Genuine question.


Free Palestine from the River to the Sea 🇵🇸 UCI Reddit comment section full of incels as per usual lmao


I have rent to pay so I will be at work trying to make a living


It seems to me like the best solution (for Americans) would be to shut off the military aid tap to Israel completely and let them fend for themselves. Provide support for any party that is genuinely working towards a two state solution, but for fucks sake stop sending bombs to murderers in the IOF.


They should send those protesters to Gaza, I wonder if they’ll make a difference over there lol


Hamas are terrorists. Hamas is the government of Palestine. Hamas has overwhelming support by its people (80%+). Hamas are representative of the Palestinian people. ~25% of the entire world population, ~2 billion people, follow the cult of Islam. Be smart yall


Tldr; privileged kids want their future served on platter.


Gaza elected terrorists. Half of Gaza supports them. Israel is conducting themselves better than any other country would under the same circumstances. If this is your biggest gripe in the world you have the worst case of selective outrage in history.


Woah, I study at UCR, our encampment went relatively well and ended quickly after the dean signed a document that sounded like the encampment did something, but ended up just being a ruse we didn't have cops at all on school grounds like not even one if my memory is correct good luck to UCI students!


For all those protesting, why don’t you go to Gaza and fight? You’re not making a difference here. You’ve saved exactly… ZERO 0️⃣ 0 CERO lives. Be about it and go to Gaza fight. People here in the US have to work and study and get to places. Yall that have parents to pay for your bills, go fight in Gaza.


That quote was epic.




This show no independent thinking and follow the social media influencer. Depends on the position you are looking for. Any position have to make decisions will be a challenge. Any position needs leadership will say big NO NO. Something routine job nature, no communication required may higher chance Any position need to follow instructions may have doubts on it


Agree with students that want civilians to stop being killed. The ones that glorify the intifada or more violence can fuck off though


Agreed, but most of these kids weren’t even alive when the PLO was in power and terrorist attacks inside Israel by Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah were near monthly occurrences.


Stop protesting in the support of Hamas, you know, the ACTUAL terrorist organization that says they want to wipe out all Jews!


I have my 6 figure defense contractor job :D


I hate that this is happening. But I have never been more proud to have gone to UCI then I am seeing peers and professors stand up for what’s right.


Those Jackboot piggies standing by for violence look like units for an RTS. They’re just itching to for a fight. Meanwhile, you have a bunch of students trying to stop a genocide. Seems as American as America can get. What more can we expect from the group that gave the Nazi’s the idea for the holocaust throught their beliefs in eugenics.