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They just changed the admission requirements. Looks like you're gonna have to roll a fat one if you want any chance at getting accepted here.


There are so many nerds at this school you will be fine lol.


You’ll be fine. I went there, was a hella stoner/tripper, almost all all my friends were, drugs in the dorms back then were 100% permitted too. We never pressured anyone to take drugs, a few of our friends weren’t into it and that was fine. You’ll find your circle of friends based on common ground and that’s a big one. There are also sober/substance free sections of the dorms. It’s a question on the housing forms. It’s such a beautiful place that it’s almost unbearable to graduate, you’ll love it there.


I feel the last line, I just graduated and truly miss it so much :,) I was always so grateful to be there and still somehow feel like I took it for granted.




graduated 20 years ago and I miss it terribly always. good thing there's a new yearly program called Return to the Redwoods where we stay at Stevenson for the weekend in August. See ya there maybe!


Hmm, I’m at Burning Man by then every year :/


Woah!! So cool, I had no idea that existed! Definitely going to check it out next year :)


Omg really?


yup [https://returntotheredwoods.org/](https://returntotheredwoods.org/)


??? How would they know we’re stoners when they admit us? I just became one once I got here lol


you must’ve missed it on the UC app


You didn’t have to take the entry rolling exam?


It's called Rolling Admission for a reason.


There are a lot of stoners but I never smoked and had a good time. There’s definitely groups of people who do more than just smoke or not smoke at all


When I went there in the late 90’s my dad came to visit and brought the latest Rolling Stone magazine that had a cover story about UCSC being “the most stoned college in America”. Think my dad was actually proud of that. 😂






There are stoners at every good school. Especially in states where it’s legal. But my impression is that all of the UCs have become super STEM-oriented, and a lot more competitive than they used to be. If anything, UCSC could be re-labeled UC Silicon Valley. You’ll find your people wherever you end up. With almost 20,000 students at UCSC, you should be just fine being a non-stoner with more than plenty of non-stoning likeminded people.


I feel like it's not stoners go to UCSC but is more students become stoners after going to UCSC (i.e. in my experience, everyone to some extent smoked weed, even the nerds! you don't have to and for the most part, people tend to be respectful of your boundaries, it's just so ingrained within the culture almost everyone does it)


Sorry, having to roll a fat doing is part of the entry placements, looks like this isn’t the school for you


I have not once smoked weed or done drugs, and the only form of alcohol my body can tolerate is spiked lemonade. I am a senior at UCSC, so they accept non-stoners too. I have taken a single edible and it did nothing for me.


Spiked lemonade is popular with skaters


But, did you find the population of the school to be more weed oriented than regular academic society? OP hasn’t really had the question answered. It takes twice for an effect, BTW


I’d say no, or it’s slightly more than average. Idk, my first roommate here was a mushroom smuggler.


In my experience the venn diagram of stoners and nerds at UCSC is practically a circle You'll be fine, I knew lots of people who didn't smoke weed and it wasn't a big deal


that’s a giant stereotype but somehow none of my friends and none of my boyfriends friends smoke. in fact that despise smoking and think it kills brains cells. so i think it’s the same as most schools, you’ll find people who smoke/drink if that’s what you are in to. and you can easily stay away from it


Depends on what your idea of a good time is. It's very much a stoner school.


I’m down to do anything just not down to take a joint. Are there people at the school who don’t for the archetype, or not really?


You'll be fine


lol, i hope 🤞


I don't smoke either. The pressure is there at times because of the culture, but it's not hard to say no, and no one will force it on you. At least in my experience.


That’s good. good to hear that it’s not a deal breaker from what it seems.


Yeah nobody cares lol it's just weed. Do it or don't it doesn't matter at all


lol you’re chilling none of my friends smoke, it’s really not that big of a deal once you’re on campus although you might smell it sometimes


if you can’t stand the smell of weed, it might not be the best place for you. if you can tolerate it then you’re fine. it doesn’t always smell but you’ll smell it frequently enough


You'll find your place here! I'm not a stoner, but I've been having an amazing experience. The ones who do use weed here are super sweet, and they're very respectful of your space and comfort. You'll be fine. :}


I don’t smoke and I’m pretty nerdy cs major but many nerdy stem majors that you would never expect to be stoners actually are 🤣 doesn’t bother me though just surprises me lol but I think pretty much everyone has tried it at least, and if you’re not into it there’s not really any peer pressure (in my experience) i think you’ll be fine


Lmao we all smoke pot and do our homework together, you'll be fine. People who still see cannabis and academia as opposite fields aren't smoking the right weed 😂


People are realizing that weed really isn't as cool as it's cracked up to be. Nobody pressures you to do it and people just usually do it on their own and with their friends who are also into it. It's no more of a stoner school than any other school


UCSC is one of the top public schools for engineering degrees. Stoners can be nerds, too. And I know this is a crazy thought, but there are even some people who smoke weed who don't make it their entire identity and lead very successful, nerdy lives.


You may not be a stoner when you get accepted but you'll graduate a stoner whether you like it or not


Apply to Crown College in your housing App and you'll be amongst the fellow nerds. Like most things in life - generalizations tend to gloss over the wide range of experiences out there. Santa Cruz has a stoner culture generally, being a beach town that's vibed with the culture over the years. But it's not a monolithic thing. Personally I smoked maybe 5-10 times total in my 4 years there, but found my group in more generic house parties and other social get to gethers (sports, beach time, etc.). Keep up with your hobbies and when you get to campus look out for opportunities to participate in social functions focused on those hobbies. You'll find them.


This gets asked every year and its just as cringe every time


I went in the early 10s, and there was a huge amount of diversity. My only recommendation is to apply for a college other than Porter or Kresge, because they tend to have the higher proportions of the stereotypical stoner/druggie students than other colleges. Even if you end up there, you'll be fine and find your people. UCSC is a wonderful school! Good on you for wanting to apply there :)


Legal everywhere in CA now - this does not seem like a real question.


No prior experience required.


I’m an oos stoner and it’s the only UC I got into


Yeah it’s true I’m a transfer student from london and they made me convert all my vocabulary (e.g., ‘zoot’ to ´spliff’) upon arrival. I also had to roll a fat one to get my visa.


They don’t do drug tests lmfao just do ur work man you’ll be fine


Probally still in the liberal arts category, but like any school, it's par for the course.


youll be fine


So because of that reputation they actually now are starting to administer drug test to students who live on campus, jk But being a UC they receive finding from the federal government, who still classified that drug as illegal. So school policy I'm order to receive funding if you're caught smoking or in possession as a student they will need to take disciplinary action. So keep that in mind


I’m a 1975 Kresge graduate and….wait, what were you asking again?? :-)


None of my friends smoked weed when I went there don’t worry. Go to crown lol


And avoid Kresge and porter if you are worried


Stoners typically make better neighbors than binge drinkers.


Imagine being asked if you're a stoner on your application lol. They have no idea who you are. You're just a name on a piece of paper with some highschool stats attached to it


Yes and as a matter of fact I’ve forwarded this to the dean of admissions as evidence that you don’t blaze


OPs a burn Jk lol


Why would you even ask this💀💀