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Its not crazy hard to get an A but she does suck and because of that her class gets a big curve. She just always goes off topic and her lectures are very hard to follow. Super nice, not the best teacher though. I think people exaggerate how bad she is like she is out to make you fail but you will get a better benefit studying outside resources most of the time


Thanks for this information. Is it even worth it to attend her lectures?


It wasn’t for me personally I went to the majority and never felt like it helped me


Her lectures are terrible but her exams aren’t the most difficult and are curved well.


I had her for her first quarter as a teacher and it was the most disorganized mess of a course I’ve ever seen. No assignments, lectures were nonsense tangents, didn’t learn anything, final was stuff we had no way of knowing. She’s probably improved since then but I understand the low reviews on RateMyProfessor.


Don't do it. Nobody I've talked to has a good opinion of her


a lot of people shit on geri but she's on my top 5 for favorite professors. she's nice and HER LECTURES MAKE SENSE IF YOU GO TO THEM which is something a lot of people who took her didn't do. It's also sort of an easy A but its gen chem so that's bound to be the case


Ugh- I had Geri for 1A and B (what 3A used to be) and I really tried to like her because she is genuinely a nice person and cares about her students? I went to all the lectures and the discussion sections and got an A in both classes, but that was only due to the ridiculous curve because otherwise everyone would have failed. I would say that the RateMy reviews are pretty spot-on, unfortunately. Her teaching style doesn’t agree with a lot of people for some reason, but honestly, I think you should be okay. You’ve got this!!


i took her a year or two ago and it was her first quarter teaching at ucsc. it didnt go great lol. lots of relying on the online material to learn bc nothing we "learned" in class ever actually helped. definitely the worst chem class i took at ucsc but hopefully shes better prepared this time. good luck


She is a bitch and is passive aggressive af.