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Wait til they cancel commencement.


I have family flying out. I will be fucking livid.


I just spent $200 on regalia knowing it's probably just for a photo op


Welp… can I borrow it after you? Lolol Heres to hoping we get to walk, I’d be thrilled to spend more family time instead but tbh I’d be crushed


Me too, I already didn't get my high school graduation I will lose my shit if they take away my college one.


They are going to cancel it if the encampment is still there. For many reasons. But it’s likely the encampment protestors would disrupt or protest at commencement itself, which is a risk they won’t take. SJP has plans to disrupt commencement.


Your parents will be too I'd bet.


Yes well in Gaza, children have lost both parents to bombs dropped by Israel, and paid for by the US. Assess your privilege.


yooooo no $300 overpriced graduation robes?? WOOOOO


Nah they’ll make do it a day before so they can still swindle that $300 off you


It’s ok I still have mine years later and don’t worry you will definitely wear them again.


Harry Potter cosplay?


They will likely cancel commencement if the encampment is still there. They will be worried the protestors will disrupt and cause a scene at commencement.




They’re not gonna have it with Al Gore there. Protestors will go crazy at Gore and cause a scene. Uni admin won’t subject thousands of parents and others to that. Security concern too great for a VP


I remember when in elementary school the teacher would take away recess from the whole class as a collective punishment if one kid misbehaved. The kids would really get mad at that one kid, it's a really effective way to get children to police each other so they behave. thank God I'm an adult and can see that's kinda fucked up and a truly reprehensible abuse of authority.


It is absolutely fucked up and an abuse of authority, and article 33 of the Geneva Convention agrees with you, as does article 4 of the Protocol II amendment to the Geneva Convention. I mean. When it’s a teacher taking away recess or canceling a concert, I don’t think the Geneva Convention applies… but if actual real punishments started being doled out then yes it would literally violate the Geneva Convention.




TIL my kindergarten teacher is a war criminal and should be sent to The Hague.


Good job reading my second paragraph and recognizing a tongue-in-cheek comment! UCSD sure is a great school!


Finding sarcastic comments on the internet is my second favorite activity. My first is stuffing my face with street tacos.


San Diego is a great place for that!


😂😂😂 it can’t be “literally violating the Geneva Convention” and “tongue-in-cheek” at the same time. I love when dumb-dumbs get called out for their stupidity and they try to double down on insulting everyone for pointing out their idiocracy. Good stuff and thanks for the laugh!


Maybe you should read the second paragraph of my comment again. Paragraph one: discussing the Geneva convention’s stance on collective punishment in general Paragraph two: a somewhat tongue-in-cheek acknowledgment that cancelling school recreation events doesn’t exactly qualify Let me know if you need any more assistance with reading comprehension. Happy to help! Btw your comment doesn’t really make sense. You’re saying that serious topics can’t be discussed in a tongue-in-cheek way or satirized even slightly? That’s a very interesting stance. Do you read many books? Have you ever read any Tim O’Brien or Kurt Vonnegut? Do you have a good grasp on, say, the irony in the title of Remarque’s novel *All Quiet on the Western Front*? We are halfway through the year 2024. What are some of your favorite books that you’ve read this year?


😂 you spend a lot of time on Reddit defending your intellect (or lack thereof). That should likely tell you something…


And you dodge direct questions, you don’t respond to what was actually said in a comment, you instead revert to emoji spam, personal insults, and the tried and true “ahahahaa u said a funny thing I am laughing” response. All of these non-responses reveal that you have nothing of value to say. Either respond or buzz off: Can you comprehend that serious topics such as the Geneva Convention can be referenced in a tongue-in-cheek manner? If so, why did your previous comment imply that they cannot?


I laugh and make fun because you are incredibly transparent. You spout off about things and then when you are called out on said things by others, you respond with a longwinded diatribe about ridiculous and unrelated things that you try to tie into the narrative to put yourself up on a pedestal while speaking down to others. Example: “I am incredibly well read and we are half way through the year. What books have you read?”. It is laughable, but then so are you… which is why the majority of responses you’ve gotten are just people laughing at you.


Any relation to Clark, from Goodwill Hunting? You remind me of them a lot ✔️


More of a movie person than a reader, I take it? Can’t say I’m too surprised.


if its acceptable or ignored in the more overlooked places then....? whatabouts?


Lmao, you sure college is the best choice for you? 


I mean, yeah, it taught me how to read a passage of text and understand its tone, its nuances, whether it was meant to be taken 100% seriously… I studied literature though. What’s your major?


My 6th grade teacher was going to punish the whole class because no one ratted out the girl who threw the paper airplane. The girl eventually admitted fault, but the class was then punished for “telling lies,” so we had to write “I will never tell lies again” 100 times before end of class, so basically no recess. Some of these teachers are just bitter monsters.


Former DVC VP here There is ZERO chance that the school doesn't have the resources for Sun God because they're babysitting a bunch of students in tents. What the administration SHOULD have done is pay out of their pocket to get MORE security to ensure everyone is safe. Instead they chose the nuclear option because it will obviously pit the students against each other. This is the single worst decision I've ever seen the school make and today I am ashamed to call it my alma mater. To those of you upset at the situation, please ask yourselves if a bunch of tents on library walk is grounds for cancelling the one and only tradition on campus. Please do not turn your anger to your own fellow students.


Not that simple. There are MANY afraid of these protests, which is valid.


As a native living in SD and 2nd generation at that, this encampment does NOT represent our city and values. We are a peaceful and laid back town. it’s fine if you want to protest but don’t stand in the way of others needing to get to classrooms or ceremonies.


Have you even seen the encampment? They aren't standing in anyone's way.


As someone who lives on campus I can say that this has had zero affect on me getting to my classes or anywhere else I need to be. They are not directly on library walk - they are off to the side and it has appeared to be 100% peaceful.


Thats good to hear. Thank you. Happy Cinco de Mayo.


They're not even on the actual library walk. I'm assuming you haven't seen any pictures or been there yet talking out of your ass.


If your values are peace then their message and goal should resonate with you given they are advocating for not funding war.


I live nearby in San Diego are our community is proud of the students in the encampment for standing for our values which include being against genocide


100% I think last year they posted where sungod funding goes and a SIGNIFICANT portion of student fees goes directly towards hiring security


Putting 100% and I think together is wild


100% to what they said; I think for what I said baring any lapses in my memory. Should have separated them


It is so upsetting. They are litterally trying to manipulate students to fight against each other.


Good…goood….let the hate flow through you….




Regardless of anyones agreement/disagreement with the stances of the those on library walk, there has been no issues prompting a security concern as far as I’m aware as of now. This seems completely ridiculous.


Just give it time. Some undercover officer will eventually show up and start manufacturing security concerns. Then public opinion will shift. That’s basically always how it goes. https://theintercept.com/2023/03/21/fbi-colorado-springs-surveillance/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agent_provocateur https://web.mit.edu/gtmarx/www/neglected.pdf https://theweek.com/articles/481129/agent-provocateur-who-infiltrated-occupy-wall-street (an example of how they aren’t always government-sponsored but they do the same shit) https://minnesotareformer.com/2021/06/02/whats-up-with-umbrella-man/ (this one is just sus af and smells like a cover story imo but draw your own conclusions)


Same shit happened at UCLA. Some shithead lied about being attacked by the protestors


It's not a security risk, but it is a possibility for a huge debacle, so UCSD admin is trying to nip it in the bud so they don't have a disaster like at UCLA or Columbia.


So UCSD is cancelling Sun God because they are worried Hillel or Congregation Beth Israel is going to storm campus and attack a few students peacefully assembled in tents? smdh.


or the administration is afraid that the admin themselves will call SDPD on the students :eyeroll:


If someone makes a bomb threat against Atkinson Hall, and there is only a 1% chance it is real, would you evacuate the building or not? This is the same sort of thing. It is extremely improbable to the point of impossibility that some protestors will attack someone, but it is best to be safe. Also, some bad actors can use the protest as an excuse to be on campus, so the Sun God security might be used there? My bet is that Sun God happens anyway if the encampment ends and that it's a bluff


that is just the usual excuse to be used. it can easily be planned to keep things more safe amongst everyone instead of pitting one side against another and then pitting police against another.


You know that's gonna happen ☠️


If they wanted to nip the bud, they should've done it on day 1 of the encampment. The fact that they decided to wait until yesterday late evening to post it when people were probably done for the day is cowardice by the administration.


If they had tried to crush the protest right away, they would have looked like some sort of totalitarian regime. Khosla gave a warning and now he is following through, which is way better than trying to cosplay as Putin


If the campus really cared about hosting Sun God like they feign in the announcement, they would find a way to get rid of the encampment before Sun God. Or at least give students an opportunity to temporarily leave the encampment, and return after Sun God. It would negotiate in good faith. Instead they've strongarmed them and acted like it's their fault.


I'm not saying UCSD is handling this right. I'm just explaining what UCSD is doing so that people can have some extra perspective before they make a rash judgement. In fact, in several other comments, I basically said they should do exactly what you suggested. I suspect that today there *will* be negotiations between the university and the encampment, perhaps to pack up for the duration of Sun God and come back later. If not, then Admin is just being assholes.


>there has been no issues prompting a security concern as far as I’m aware as of now. No one looking at what's happening across the US would wager important cash and safety on that continuing to be the case.


My student run music collective, OMENS,  is hosting our first music festival at the Santee Drive-In movie theater on May 25th. We typically throw tunnel raves but got a super special opportunity to host an event on the theater property and use giant projector screen for our main stage too. We are gonna have a bunch of UCSD DJ’s, Artists, and bands perform. As well as multiple stages, art vendors, installations, and food. We would love to help make up for the loss of SunGod and bring together the ucsd. Our instagram is at omens. 


Do you have security yet?


Haha yes!!




I mean, they are illegally camped out. And yea, breaking the law is part of protesting sometimes, but it's not their right to set up tents and shit.




The right to camp in the middle of campus?


It's called the right to peaceable assembly and it's in the constitution


Encampment is not the same as assembly


Oh yeah you're so right, there's also tents, my bad, spray em with bear mace and tear gas the place. Keep a sniper on those dangerous criminals and unload rubber bullets into em. 🤓☝🏻


Just because lawbreaking is harmless doesn't mean it's not lawbreaking. The university is justified in monitoring it just in case at the very least


Lick the boot all you want it ain't gonna fuck you. Just fuck you over


I, personally, would want to make sure that there isn't active violence like there was at Columbia or UCLA. Do you support violence between protestors and counterprotestors, or would you rather have a police presence?


if everyone thought ur way through history, black people would still be second class citizens instead of 1.43x class


Define the difference, in legal terms please, with sources. Is it just tents that turn an assembly into an encampment? What if instead they were occupying the space with just chairs or just sleeping bags? Then would it be camping or assembling? How long can an assembly last before it becomes encampment? Can it go overnight? 24 hours or more? Once someone needs to sleep they’re no longer eligible to take part in the assembly? The right to peaceful assembly shall not be infringed. Chipping away at it “oh you can’t do it overnight though… you can’t have certain types of equipment [tents] involved…” is chipping away at a constitutional right. That’s something that, if done at all, needs to be done with great care and caution. That’s why gun rights activists don’t even like the tiniest amount of gun controls or regulations, because [as much as I personally don’t like guns, I see their point that] great caution must be taken when chipping away at constitutional rights. It can’t just be based on current cultural norms or what makes the majority of people comfy. That’s not a good enough reason to infringe on constitutional rights.


Assembly is "cognate to free speech" under 1Am, De Jonge v. Oregon, 299 U.S. 353, 364, 365 (1937), and subject to public forum analysis in cases like this. The government may legally enact reasonable time, place, or manner restrictions. "The crucial question is whether the manner of expression is basically compatible with the normal activity of a particular place at a particular time." Grayned v. City of Rockford, 408 U.S. 104 (1972). The government may ban overnight camping in a public forum as a reasonable time, place, or manner restriction under the First Amendment. "(a) Assuming that overnight sleeping in connection with the demonstration is expressive conduct protected to some extent by the First Amendment, the regulation forbidding sleeping meets the requirements for a reasonable time, place, or manner restriction of expression, whether oral, written, or symbolized by conduct. The regulation is neutral with regard to the message presented, and leaves open ample alternative methods of communicating the intended message concerning the plight of the homeless. Moreover, the regulation narrowly focuses on the Government's substantial interest in maintaining the parks in the heart of the Capital in an attractive and intact condition, readily available to the millions of people who wish to see and enjoy them by their presence. To permit camping would be totally inimical to these purposes. The validity of the regulation need not be judged solely by reference to the demonstration at hand, and none of its provisions are unrelated to the ends that it was designed to serve. (b) Similarly, the challenged regulation is also sustainable as meeting the standards for a valid regulation of expressive conduct. Aside from its impact on speech, a rule against camping or overnight sleeping in public parks is not beyond the constitutional power of the Government to enforce. And as noted above, there is a substantial Government interest, unrelated to suppression of expression, in conserving park property that is served by the proscription of sleeping." Clark v. Community for Creative Non-Violence, 468 U.S. 288 (1982).


Thank you for providing an actual source and fact-based rebuttal! Very much appreciated. And sadly very rare here on Reddit. Genuinely appreciated. My only retort is: well, anyone who disagrees with that ruling knows exactly what to do to protest it. 😴


From a quick google search 63.0402: https://docs.sandiego.gov/municode/MuniCodeChapter06/Ch06Art03Division04.pdf


I wasn’t aware that San Diego municipal code superseded the United States constitution!


You asked for a definition and I gave one. I never said it should be an arrestable offense, but there is a reason that things can be classified as unlawful assembly. It’s the same reason why none of the protesters have been arrested yet, because it’s not unlawful until it becomes violent. You’re right in that municipal code and uc policy does not supersede the constitution but they’re still able to enforce these things.


Doesn’t impede student travel, off library walk, completely peaceful, and for a good cause. Why do you have a problem with it?


Middle of campus is public space


Where was the official announcement made?






and nobody gives a fuck about any of us




Noo i want my concert!!!


This 💯


One man can only do so much by himself if you stand for what I stand for then naturally we'll be standing together


They’ve been looking for a reason to cancel Sun God for years. This is just the convenient reason this year.


Have they actually been wanting to end the Sun god tradition?


Yes lol for at least 10 years now, ever since there was a student death in 2014. Things changed a lot after that because the University admin started seeing it as a huge liability


Which the shit was actually the result of good intentioned bad policy. A kid passed away because he was too drunk and alone in his dorm room in the Village. He was alone because they shut down visitors in the village to prevent parties but this particular students girlfriend was unable to go up to his room with him and he ended up choking on his vomit and dying. In standard form, instead of taking responsibility and realizing that their poor policy decision caused this student to be left alone in a predictably inebriated state they focused on changing sun god culture instead of letting students be students and take care of each other. It was obviously that students poor decisions that put him in the situation, but it was poorly thought out policy that sealed his fate.




Wdym you shut down the local highways? You tried to run onto I5 and had someone get run over because running out onto a highway at 2am is maybe the dumbest thing you could've done. And no one cancelled classes for a few days. This is all some revisionist history.




Majority of student did not walk across the highways, 90% was a march through campus, some continued through surrounding areas and it was pretty much the definition a “peaceful protest.” People were just marching and chanting in the streets. I was there covering it as press at the time. Have plenty of video and photo evidence showing this. Some level of disruption is kind of the whole point of a “protest.” The injured student was certainly regrettable, but does not reflect what was going on with the majority of the student population at the time. And that lawsuit was ultimately dismissed btw.




Fine if you want to argue semantics, I’ll change the word to “nonviolent protest” then. Pretty sure no violent act was committed by walking across the road. (I’m not going to count the car accident as “violence” because it was an accident, there was no malicious intent from either party there). And you are perfectly within your rights to tell anyone to “fuck off” because that’s covered under freedom of speech, my dude. As is the right to assemble/publicly protest.


>As is the right to assemble/publicly protest. You don't have the right to assemble on public property (let alone a public right-of-way) in a manner that precludes reasonable and normal use of it by other members of the public. If you want to protest, do it on the sidewalk -- and don't block said sidewalk. Anything else from remedial civics you missed that I can clue you in on?


Yes, which is exactly what was happening at the time. Maybe I need to dig up the old photos from my archive, students were literally marching on the sidewalks of the campus and surrounding areas for the most part. A small percentage of the overall protesters proceeded across the I-5 ramp in the early hours of the morning after election night. Students weren’t camping out blocking the road for multiple days, that just didn’t happen, and plenty of news sources from the time will back that up. The I-5 on ramp was shut down by police for maybe 1hr total that night.


Let’s hold our own!!: https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSD/comments/1cj3c2r/heres_how_to_bring_back_sun_god/


Biden doesn’t give af, he’s sending money to Israel whether you agree or not. He already said nothing you do will change that sentiment.


I’m a student at SDSU and there have been some protest activities over there as well. I’m not entirely sure what setting up an encampment at the University accomplishes, and while I do think these students are in their right to protest, I think that the impending concern of canceling large events (commencement) is also valid. Would it be reasonable to negotiate a temporary hold or relocation of strike activity on certain specific dates to facilitate important events? I can even lean and say that a campus festival isn’t as important as a conflict with global ramifications, but commencement is a huge milestone, and people’s families have absolutely already made plans.


For the students here - there r so many old people in this thread 💀💀💀


As long as they keep underestimating the students resolve & organization, we're good 😌


Lmao. Nobody cares. Get your degree and GTFO. And remember, the same people that were burning bras, protesting against the Vietnam war voted for Trumpism.


Its time for different people to be in charge


And how would different people be any different? 20 year olds are the most fickle demographic out there. 75% of those protestors probably couldn’t even find Gaza on the map; they’re doing it because it’s “cool” to be against the man (when 90% of the student body either comes from “the man” or directly has benefited from it).


Tired of these fucking lies. You dont have to be a map nerd to know that shelling hospitals and killing tens of thousands of people is wrong. What's tedious is a bunch of Americans deciding its ok to let a foreign nation decide to take away our First Amendment rights (remember, in California as with most states, there are laws on the book saying you cannot partake in peaceful boycotts of Israel and do commerce or employment with the state). Israel's toxic influence in american politics has got to go. We're sick of being forced to fund this ethnic cleansing with our tax dollars.


Spot on


Why don't we ever talk about hostages and murders the Palestinian protected Hamas is doing? I'm tired of this one sided BS.


because even if you take Israel's numbers at face value that's 1200 versus over 30,000 Gazans. and even Haaretz reported that the rave was fired on by IDF helicopters so that number is dubious. many of the early supposed horror stories about killed infants were also shown to be fabrications, and the hostages that were taken were either cared for reasonably well or killed by Israeli bombings


WTF dude your statements are false. Stop spreading these horrendous lies. Thousands of Gazans broke into Israel and butchered thousands of civilians. I’ve seen it, and they posted it live themselves. They have a baby and a toddler, last name is Bibas still hostage ffs. They have many teenage girls they are raping.


you're absolutely lying and full of shit. israeli media themselves tried substantiating the claims of sexual assaults by the hamas members and were unable to do so.


Bullshit you are an awful person. Do better. https://www.thisishamas.com/


I know right we need more of that. Thanks for being not scared of announcing that you would vote for trump


Just stop -_-


“don’t” that seems to have worked so far /s


you are literally making zero change


Outsourcing security still has absolutely everything to do with campus police. Do you know what security guards are trained to do when a situation is unsafe and out of their control? Call the police. Campus police responds to incidents on campus. Campus police probably has to be on high alert during any event on campus with third party security.


There goes my sixteen hour shift


The true reason they canceled the concert is the university police department requests other CA university police officers to provide mutual aid to the tune of 75-85 sworn uniformed officers for the event each year. All of the agencies that loan officers to cover are dealing with their own campus encampments etc. so they told UCSD police they could not assist this year and essentially canceled last minute. There was no way to get additional police coverage at such short notice so they had to cancel. So yes, the encampments at UCSD and at other CA colleges/universities were the cause of the concert being canceled.


After witnessing students paying full tuition during COVID, there is not a doubt in my mind that they have more than enough funds to make it happen with added security. UCSD is making bank lol


‘Literal’ history?


It may be a reprimand but let’s think about this charitably for a sec. As we’ve seen at other universities the protests can escalate to violence very quickly. That combined with having tens of thousands of people on campus, a good amount of them from outside ucsd and possibility intoxicated, could obviously lead to a very bad situation. You have to think about it from admins perspective, if anything went wrong it would be catastrophic. They rightly don’t want a repeat of UCLA or Columbia or something even worse. In summary, don’t assume they’re doing it out of malice towards protestors, put yourselves in their shoes and think about reasons why this might be a reasonable call.


SGF is only for UCSD students, even grad students have to pay a fee if they want to go. Nobody from outside campus is going unless they hop the fence. Secondly, the protests have mostly become violent once police get involved trying to break it up. So as long as they're left to their own devices down there everything would likely be fine.


Yes but obviously there were non-ucsd students who were going to at least try to get in. For your second point obviously protests are mostly peaceful, but you have to look at it from what is possible there’s obviously a chance that some instigation happens. You said it would be “likely” alright but admin can’t take a chance on “likely”


They can literally hire more security no?


99% they are already going to hire more security to manage the protest. If another UCLA or Columbia happens here, UCSD is going to lose a LOT more money than it takes to hire some security guys


they literally can but idk why people wanna suck khosla's dick so bad rn 💀 this school does not give a fuck about us. i will not be thinking "charitably" about this decision while he's getting paid millions to sit on his ass lmao


Yes but unless they hire oppressive levels of security shit can still go wrong. Also it’s not super easy to hire hundreds of security guards days before an event


dude are you stupid. the security for sgf was already hired


found khosla’s burner


Fr typing this from my mansion (triple that was supposed to be a double)


UCLA - counterprotesters stormed the encampment. This can be prevented by providing better security around the area. Columbia - instigated by the administration themselves. This can be avoided by not calling the fucking pigs.




Yes come to library walk saturday bring back sun god: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSD/comments/1cj3c2r/heres\_how\_to\_bring\_back\_sun\_god/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSD/comments/1cj3c2r/heres_how_to_bring_back_sun_god/)


Your living life as an actual retard




Nah bruh i want my concert lmaoo


Yes yes, praise Hamas and Allah super peaceful people


[https://www.thisishamas.com/](https://www.thisishamas.com/) People don't understand what Israel is fighting, they only see propaganda images of "dead Palestinians" (they are more likely images from Syria, where Assad killed/displaced 150k Palestinians)


Are you denying that the IDF displaced 2 million Gazans and killed over 40k, 70% of whom were women and children, in just the past 6 months?


Just remember, neither israel or palestine give a fuck about you. They would literally take you in, torture you, kill you, and lie about it all after. These protestors are only protesting because while they have the funds to take a flight over there, but don’t want to risk their life.


Just remember, the US is giving billions to Israel. So for someone that does not give a fuck about us- it’s pretty fair that people protest their tax money not be used for thag


Nobody said it’s not fair. You just seemed to gloss over everything else that makes this protest hilariously dumb. Protestors are wearing masks for a reason. If you’re too naive to see this past the $, then you are as dumb as the protestors if you aren’t already one.


holy you are so naive but call others naive 😂


Nobody asked.


go wake up for your mcdonalds shift brokie


Solana 😂


How are you doing with a life of depression in debt living paycheck to paycheck? Maybe if you used your brain you would have 2M in your 20s and be free from wage slavery 💀 Sadly, you and your descendants will have to slave away for us


1 word and your mental shattered 😂


Maybe it’s because a concert would be legitimately dangerous for everyone considering all the terrorism


Yeah you're right, everyone knows Hamas loves to show up to music festivals...


They massacred over 200 people at an EDM festival


I did not know that, that’s fucked up.


Yeah, on October 7th they killed 1100 people (around 750 civilians and 350 security personnel) and took hundreds hostage. This is why Israelis were so outraged and why support for the war is so high. Saddest thing was, as some redditor put it, that a lot of the people killed were like the hippie types that would have gladly shared a blunt and a conversation with a Hamas member if the situation were different. (Edit: and the attack also happened on the last day of the Jewish holiday of "Shabbat, the last day of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot": https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20231215-israel-social-security-data-reveals-true-picture-of-oct-7-deaths)


Maybe not Hamas but do you think that the school should not be taking extra precautions regardless of the activism? The world may seem safe but honestly how can you feel certain that UCSD is being unfair


I can't at all feel certain that they are unfair. These things are always complex and require good judgement. But I will present a "hypothetical": if someone makes a bomb threat at Atkinson Hall that has a 1% chance of being true, do you: evacuate the building (mildly inconvenience people 99% of the time), or do you not (1% chance for tons of people to die)? I, personally, would evacuate. This is similar, there is a small chance that violence could occur, so the inconvenience has to happen in order for people to stay safe. (the hamas thing was a joke of course)


Is the IDF going to come to UCSD and start shooting students so they aren't taken hostage by.. idk? Do some research, there is ample evidence many of the people killed at the music festival in Israel were killed by Israeli soldiers.


>there is ample evidence many of the people killed at the music festival in Israel were killed by Israeli soldiers Hamas took full credit for the attack, and there is AMPLE *VIDEO* evidence of Hamas killing random civilians: [https://www.thisishamas.com/](https://www.thisishamas.com/) It is possible a handful of people were killed by friendly fire (as in war, especially a surprise attack. Ex: at Pearl Harbor, several American planes were shot down by friendly fire for example) However, to say that this was SIGNIFCANT is just as bullshit as saying 9/11 was an inside job by Bush. Not even Al-Jazeera would dare make such a claim.


[https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-11-18/ty-article/.premium/israeli-security-establishment-hamas-likely-didnt-have-prior-knowledge-of-nova-festival/0000018b-e2ee-d168-a3ef-f7fe8ca20000](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-11-18/ty-article/.premium/israeli-security-establishment-hamas-likely-didnt-have-prior-knowledge-of-nova-festival/0000018b-e2ee-d168-a3ef-f7fe8ca20000) "According to a police source, the investigation also indicates that an IDF combat helicopter that arrived to the scene and fired at terrorists there apparently also hit some festival participants."


Yep and conveniently they decided to get rid of all of the evidence so no one would find out the IDF slaughtered most of those people. Hannibal doctrine, remember.


Not all people support this protest. Please don't say "we".




That's what happens when you attack, the people you attack retaliate Palestinians literally democratically elected Hamas as their govt Anyone defending Palestine is supporting a literal Jihad nation


Sure, but how long are election results valid? This statement is disingenuous when since the last time Palestine held an election was in 2006. There are people who have been born and come of voting age since the last election. This would be like still having Bush as president and claiming he was democratically elected. People wouldn't see that as a functioning democracy and we shouldn't consider Palestine's as functioning either. https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/11/01/majority-palestinians-gaza-elect-hamas/


SJP are at best terrorist sympathizers at worse directly funded by Hamas. You getting big mad at the Jews and your society is a win for them.


How about they just go home and stop with their BS. F*** Palastine. F*** Israel. F*** Ukraine. We just gotta focus on ourselves. Fuck those that aren't American. We got our own problems to deal with. If they wanted to protest anything they should protest against our fucking corrupt politicians and we should all take a stand against our own government.


They're ganna cancel your graduation if you keep this tomfoolery up


Imagine jeopardizing your education and peers enjoyment over Arab propaganda


Be angry at the terrorist supporters


why? they didn't cancel anything


I do believe the encampment is protesting the terrorist organization known as Likud and the other terrorist organization called the IDF. Can we be angry at them, and support the encampment please?


Fuck off clown


You're the clown


Sungod got canceled because of these clowns 😐


and that’s exactly what the school wants you to think. don’t be a 🐑


says the sheep of another herd


Baaaaah baaaah (that's u falling for admins trap)


Troll account. Gtfo