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The following submission statement was provided by /u/kake92: --- submission statement submission statement submission statement submission statement believe shmelieve what the fuck is that thing i would love that as a poster on my wall ufos start at 13:13 https://youtu.be/PHKICYdzRW0?si=CQUuvZOfDn7F6khx --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cad67o/this_is_how_you_make_nonufo_people_interested_in/l0r2jo3/


It was good. Frankly way better than I was expecting. This might be the very first time I've heard the Phoenix lights event correctly described as two incidents hours apart on a mainstream program. That progress alone is huge, at least for me.


Yep, it was definitely a win for the good guys


Am I correct in saying that they mistakenly showed a clip of the second lights appearance when they were claiming to be showing the first? My understanding has always been that there is only one publicly available piece of footage of the first appearance and it definitely wasn't' what they showed, the real thing is extremely poor quality, like really bad. this one [https://youtu.be/egJgU4iiFcw](https://youtu.be/egJgU4iiFcw)


>Am I correct in saying that they mistakenly showed a clip of the second lights appearance when they were claiming to be showing the first? Yes, you've got it but it looks like it's been cleaned up quite a bit. I forgive the error. It's clear someone on the writing staff at last week tonight tried to do real research. There's just so much BS around the subject in general that sometimes the best we can hope for is two steps forward and one step back. The real craft was more of an equilateral triangle in shape like many BBT sightings. It had small white lights along the sides. It's called the proctor film and can be hard to find. It's also very fuzzy and less dramatic than the arc of flares dropped by the warthogs later in the night. In the more famous video those flares burn in place and died out, as flares do. Whereas the witnesses of the initial sighting reported the bbt as moving across the sky and those reports came from across the state, not just Phoenix. The boomerang shaped cgi renderings you see in history channel documentaries are erroneously based on the arc of flares. Here is another clip from the proctor video in this old post https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/s/cr7usinJeF


thank you for posting this link! i have it linked from my UFO web site, but it is not widely known. yes, you are correct that the video oliver showed of the phoenix lights was most likely of parachute flares. in the proctor video it seems to me (in the high contrast version at the end) that the relative spacing among the lights is not fixed, as it would be in lights on a rigid object. but i recall some witnesses stating that it clearly blocked out the stars as it flew overhead.


You are correct, I thought the same thing


the real thing is somehow always bad quality, might that be because if it was good quality we would see that its nothing special?


Maybe so, but in this particular case, I'll blame it on the fact that it was 1997 and handheld cameras sucked back then.


They do a great show and have covered poverty issues and many other topics.


YouTube says not available in my county.


https://vid.lilay.dev/watch?v=PHKICYdzRW0 You’re welcome


Good lad. Thanks for that upload. May your Alien probing be soft and gentle.


I'm gonna kiss you on the lips


anyone else get "Can't load the video on this Invidious instance. YouTube is currently trying to block Invidious instances." from that link?


That can happen sometimes. Try switching invidious instances (there’s a link on the page) until one works or you can try again later. Usually it’s working. This happens periodically. Invidious is a front-end for viewing YouTube videos.


thanks i swapped browser and it worked instantly :)


Ty from Canada.


Thank you for this, I was unable to access anything!


ty ty ty ty ty ty THANK YOU




Thanks so much for this upload! Just watched it with my fiancé, he’s into politics and I’m into UFOs so it was a lovely combo for us, we loved it.


It came out on Max last night, full episode be posted to [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/@LastWeekTonight) on Thursday


Seems to not be released to YouTube yet. It is streamable on Max


They delayed putting the show on YouTube until the Wednesday after I believe. This was a recent change they made this season.


county or country?


lol country




America is the greatest crunchy in the world


That was smooth


Cuntry boner


A common mistake, don’t worry about it. Although, if you didn’t know, “county” is a geographical subdivision in the USA, so this typo causes some confusion fairly often. You didn’t ask, but in case no one said it yet, the video says, and I’m paraphrasing a bit: it doesn’t matter what you believe, people are seeing things. Then the host of this show, John Oliver, remarks that the poster (which depicts a flying-saucer-style UFO) on the wall in the office of Fox Mulder (from the TV show “X-Files”) should not have the caption “I WANT TO BELIEVE” but instead “believe shmelieve… WTF is that thing!?” Also, I am in the U.S. and am having a hard time finding this on YouTube. The one website I found in a brief search also said this video wasn’t available in my country…


> **YouTube** says not available in my county.


Saying the same for me and I live in America.


Guess your county isn't American enough.


Mars. Shit I mean .... Michigan


Same and I’m in the us


Dude get VPN and free yourself.


vpn-ed into us server but still, not available


try indonesia


Tried a few countries and Indonesia was the only one that worked. Thanks!


This should be actually available only outside US, as explained here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbzW9qcVBJ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbzW9qcVBJ0) . The version for US audience should be uploaded in a few days.


Let's play a game of what's that shit in the sky


This segment was overall a big W for the community. Even though I disagree with his conclusions.


I agree. I felt it was kind of a entry piece, he didn't even touch the latest congress developments. I wouldn't be surprised to see follow up pieces soon.


I was disappointed that he didn't even touch the Grusch or Graves news. I mean it's super recent and from pretty solid sources. Why not touch on them?


My guess would be (assuming he has been following this at least half as much as we do) that he knows that there is a lot to digest and when you are approaching a huge general audience like he does, you have to make some concessions and realize that dropping too much at once will just end up frustrating a lot of people. Keep in mind that the biggest objective right now is to deal with this huge ugly stigma that has attached itself when any conversation talks about aliens. You still see this stigma a lot when people laugh and say, "little green men from Mars, etc." The best way to attack a stigma as large as this one is to simply start talking more about the subject to the point that people no longer feel ashamed about bringing it up with their mates at the water cooler or at the pub after work. We still have some work there but shows like this are doing amazing work to get rid of this annoying stigma. Anyway, that's my take -- there's only so much you can cram into a time slot. I'm willing to bet that there will be followup programming. The cat it out of the bag now -- a lot of intelligent people who control the nightly shows realize that this is far bigger than any one person could ever hope to control or contain. Things are quickly accelerating and I think part of it revolves around the climate catastrophe and how it is accelerating. NHI most likely realizes that we don't have the technology to deal with this. They tried to drop hints and steer us in a direction that would have averted this catastrophe but unfortunately there were too many people at the top that wanted to profit instead and bury the useful stuff so they could weaponize the technology. I think NHI realize that a human has a lot of potential but humanity itself is just not evolved enough spiritually to truly understand how destructive materialistic desires are and now they are accelerating their plans to intervene. When that time comes, there will be no mistaking it. It will be catastrophic disclosure and our society will have to come to grips with the mistakes of the past. Remember that their intent will not be to harm us but unfortunately some decisions will need to be implemented that will appear to be an attack on us / our way of life. I have no idea how NHI plans to communicate this to the people of Earth. They may just do what they need to do and not deal with diplomacy. Frankly, I don't blame them. I would be pissed off at humanity after countless attempts to give them amazing technology that could basically allow people to lounge around in peace and enjoy nature, etc. We could have had a utopia of peaceful development and personal exploration. We could have spent hours each day connecting more with nature and others while taking classes intermingled with NHI to better understand what they have learned about the universe. We could have had endless choices to explore our own desires to educate ourselves or just spend this life with another person we love and explore the world and different cultures. Instead a small group decided that taking short term gains is more rewarding (and hedonistic) than allowing smaller gradual growth that wouldn't compromise society (Boeing is a good example of this). A small group of people decided that bigger and more bad ass weapons were a perfectly good substitute compared to limitless energy and technology that would allow us to actually explore our solar system and galaxy. We fucked it up. The question now is where do we go from here. I would hope that when push comes to shove, maybe NHI would give each human a series of tests to weed out the ones that continue to compromise our ability to grow as a space-faring species. I'm sure they do realize there are a lot of good humans out there. The question is whether they are going to choose to go through all the bullshit to save our species from itself or just label us as a failed evolutionary project.


I just wish he had talked about Grusch


This. Videos and photos of UAPs are worthless, easily faked distractions (and should be banned from this sub). Real disclosure is a political process that will unfold through congressional hearings, investigation and witness testimony.


Same. Jester's privilege. Planting seeds. It tracks.


i'm pretty sure jimmy carter's sighting was debunked so i was initially dissapointed when he brought that up. but the rest of the video was amazing, honestly better than a lot of ufo documentaries lol.


How would it be possible to “debunk” jimmy carter’s siting?? Aren’t we done with that type of language? Hoax/grift/debunk etc.? There’s no conclusive way to know the veracity/authenticity/validity of peoples’ experiences. This is kind of the whole point. We need to stop refusing to believe one another just because it’s hard.


There was a rocket launch which corresponded to the time, location, and direction of his sighting. Sometimes, there's a conclusive way to know the veracity and authenticity and validity of some people's experience.


What Carter described doesn't match with a rocket, so, it's not debunked. u/god_hates_handjobs & u/kake92 may be interested. >[In 1969, Jimmy Carter, along with ten others, witnessed](https://nypost.com/2023/05/10/jimmy-carter-ufo-sighting-what-he-really-thought/) what the to-be president called a “very remarkable sight” in the skies over Georgia. >“As bright as the moon and about as big,” he later wrote of the unidentified flying object in a report to the Oklahoma City-based International UFO Bureau, while governor of the Peach State. >“[The object] seemed to move toward us from a distance, stopped, moved partially away, returned, then departed. Bluish at first, then reddish, luminous, not solid,” he wrote descriptively.


Now there's some valuable context, thank you.


Perhaps I’m the first to suggest this, but there can be both a UFO sighting and a rocket launch on the same day


Something vaguely aerial in the vague vicinity is not and has never been a valid “debunk”. All claims, including that of the debunker, require proof. Carter and a large group saw a thing with anomalous behavior and lighting in the sky. That’s a claim that CANNOT be debunked. What CAN happen is someone can attempt to correlate data and attempt to prove what they saw. No one has achieved that yet. It doesn’t matter what the debunker or skeptic community “determines” a thing as. They are authoritative over quite factually nothing.




They asserted it departed at speed. Can’t be disproven. Duty is on any claiming they saw otherwise to offer actual proof. Standards of evidence bind the debunker. Science does not forgive.


Great segment and sums up where I've been for a long time, and is a large part of why I'm always fighting this sub and r/aliens (though this sub has become more normal....) I believe (or rather, acknowledge) that there's weird shit flying around our skies that we don't seem to have an explanation for. I don't believe that there's confirmed proof of interdimensional beings or aliens or highly advanced ETs or any of the other things that some people in these communities are seemingly certain of. I'm also highly skeptical of bad-faith grifters who have promised movement and delivered nothing for decades, and SUPER skeptical of Gaetz, Carlson, Luna, and anyone else who refused to certify the election in 2020 or promotes lies for profit. Oliver walked the line that I believe in, and I'm not even a fan of his. I want to know more, I want this to be taken seriously, and I'm sick of bad-faith actors on both sides, including (and especially) the Pentagon.


Genuine question; why would / should the pentagon tell us the truth about what’s happening? If they deem it to be of sensitive nature, something that should be classified, then it follows logic that they would keep it secret. They are the DoD. Their responsibility is to keep the US safe from adversaries. They don’t go round telling the public everyday of every single threat being faced. Why would this be any different? Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to know the truth! It would be great having access to what they know. But isn’t that just part of living in an advanced society that has government bodies that are designed to protect its civilians from external threats?


>why would / should the pentagon tell us the truth about what’s happening? The allegations on the table are an Iran-Contra level constitutional crisis related to the SAPs. >They don’t go round telling the public everyday of every single threat being faced. The difference is that stuff is going through legal means. We do know (Snowden, etc) that there are likely violations of the 4th amendment. Although that is bad, it is not as serious as violating the separation of powers for decades. Then, the next layer is what the SAPs are hiding. If they have craft and bodies, I personally see no national security risk of saying they know ETs exist. I could see details of the ETs that might be considered state secrets or a national security risk.


You are equating keeping Usa safe as the same as keeping civilians safe. And that is pretty far from the truth. The thing with giving an entity such as the dod the right to keep secrets is it will inevitably hide its fuck ups.


I don’t see how there’s a distinction between the USA and its citizens? They’re one and the same surely. So what’s the alternative? Complete transparency on everything the DoD does? Because that sounds like a bad idea.


Think what wars we have fought over the past 80 years, the people that have benefited from those are what those in power view as the Usa. If the citizens matter we would have proper healthcare and education. If anything but complete transparency is the end goal, than peace isn't the end goal.


Now I want a Tshirt saying believe shmalief xD


What the fuck is that? 😂 Edit: it’s the next line after what the person above me quotes… why the downvotes? 🤣


"xD"? Is.... is that what you mean? Holy fuck, is this what it's like to feel old?


nah no way. xD is strong and alive even today source: i've been needing it to die for so long


Go to the last two seconds of OPs video…


submission statement submission statement submission statement submission statement believe shmelieve what the fuck is that thing i would love that as a poster on my wall ufos start at 13:13 https://youtu.be/PHKICYdzRW0 if the youtube link does not work for you, this one should https://vid.lilay.dev/watch?v=PHKICYdzRW0


This submission statement gets an "A" for apathy.


darn shoulda posted six paragraphs why i agree with him instead lol


Which region do I need to "be in" to watch this? NM: ~~USA~~, ~~Canada~~, **Japan**


european countries should work if u have vpn


[Here](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/283/262/3cf.jpg)'s a bit of sauce you can work with. [FIGU.org](http://FIGU.org) might have a higher resolution, it's not a very well organized site. [Another source](https://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Photo_Gallery) here for pic 494 and another like it after that. Never knew it was based on a Billy Meier picture until today. That's kind of funny.


This is arguably the best “mainstream” coverage of the topic since 2017. Maybe even better than the discourse at that time because it examines the history and depth of the phenomena in a coherent way that I don’t think anyone really has done. For a lot of us who are more knowledgeable about the subject it was nothing new and may have hoped for more. BUT…whether you agree with John’s conclusions on some specific incidents, the final, overarching message is essentially “there’s shit in the sky being reported by credible people that we can’t explain” and “the government line doesn’t really add up.” Which is a great angle and entry point for the general public. That’s the tact I always take when discussing the topic with those who are less aware and it tends to be effective.


I'm surprised this is doing so well on this sub. Not once did he say, "my sources have revealed to me," or drop any hints on the whereabouts of a buried UFO, two hallmarks for any popular r/UFOs post.


humor is a rare thing around here, that's why. and he's speaking as truthfully as possible. no one in the non-ufo group has commented on ufos like this before. it's quite significant imo.


Perfect loop too


omg that was unintentional haha :D epic


I cannot find this anywhere. It's been blocked in the US?


It's on HBO now or on youtube on thursday


Thank you! :)


Why did they push YouTube release to Thursday???


So that people will watch it on HBO instead of Youtube of course/ The answer is money


To make me look like an ass. I finally got something I think my partner would actually watch, and then...confusion. Apparently they implemented the policy in February.


I love it when reporters or comedians spill the beans about something very important in a sarcastic way on nationwide TV shows. I believe that you believe that you're a believer :)


“We deserve honest answers”


Glad we are slowly steering away from the "little green men" narrative. These objects could be literally anything and thats what the narrative should be.


Idk about that. The craft are real and then that means a lot of people who said they saw the craft were being honest. A lot from the crowd that say they saw craft also say they saw different sorts of non human ‘occupants’. When you have exotic craft whizzing around intelligently and witnesses saying they have encountered the occupants, it would seem ridiculous imo to write that off instead of making that a focus point of investigation.


Not a goddamn mention of Grusch and all thats been on the table in hearings and how they keep that classified. He could have taken this a bit more seriously.


When a media talent addresses UFOs without derision, they don't have to add a pro-UFO spin for the resulting show to be a nice contribution.


I’m frankly amazed that this isn’t popping up in my YouTube feed. I watch a lottt of YouTube. I saw this post, but didn’t watch, knowing that it would pop up in my feed given the amount of UAP content I consume in addition to the fact that I have seen every John Oliver clip. I even went on a deep dive in my feed to see if it was deep into my suggestion list and nothing.


The constant laughter throughout the whole segment was a bit painful. Whole thing is on YT.


What, like a comedy show?




It's called a laugh track


I think that was an actual live audience.


Link? Can't find it




If it's not expected, you've never watched LWT. I envy you and the 7 or so seasons of entertainment you've just discovered. Eat shit Bob ~ a squirrel.


John Olivers content is great. I love his episodes on vaccines and on Trump.


The point that the Government covers up what it doesn't know is an important one. It's dangerous to institutions who are built on a reputation of authority, military power, technology, to admit they're incapable of grappling with a situation. Such admissions may be far more damaging to them than the opposite, where a top-secret program is leaked to the public. So much so, it may be beneficial to actually gaslight and disinfo the public that they know more than they actually do. When people in the background of Government organizations say that the world isn't ready for disclosure, it might be that they're not ready to admit they are powerless, and that's an important distinction.


Love to see this on mainstream shows.


Awe man, skeptics and believers see eye-to-eye on so much of this topic, but instead of being a single community, acting as a singular force, and demanding answers, we always devolve into infighting. Skeptics believe there are things in the sky that people can’t identify. We strive to separate the wheat from the chaff to find truly inexplicable cases, instead of more ring-doorbell footage of meteors in Vegas. Believers think balloons aren’t real. We both agree that military pilots, military radar, and NASA astronauts see shit they can’t explain, so we should both be trying to identify the cases that are more than lens flare or lights on a kite. Whichever side you fall on, you should take a deep breath, and realize that this issue is bigger than us all, and deserves attention, and scrutiny.


It is a good video, but the closed-minded people I've tried talking to about it are hopeless. They're so locked into their worldview, that anything challenging those beliefs is disregarded immediately.


Like water through rock. Takes time.


Personally didn't care for this episode. I'm an Oliver fan, but even as in introduction to the UAP phenomenon to the general public, this segment was extremely reserved and a bit weak. I appreciate it being reserved, you can't jump into the deep end with a subject like this to a general audience, but what I expected was for Oliver to show that the government is still actively fighting against any truths we're seeking. Whatever it is you believe, we can all agree we're being lied to and mislead while being gaslit and it's this compounding problem that we are struggling to wriggle out from underneath. This whole episode was a very brief side eying of a subject that I think we might potentially see more episodes for assuming we make any real progress.


If you’re a fan then you should probably know it’s safe to assume the topic will be revisited throughout the season.


So it's weak but you like that it was reserved?


His delivery of "what the fuck is that thing" is absolutely perfect. An awesome blend of horror, curiosity, and humor.


lol - they’re on Redbubble etc already. People be quick!


I loved how he started as if it was a serious subject and took the piss a little then came around to say not it’s actually a real thing.


why is this episode saying not available my country? Does US get a bigger release delay because of HBO? Edit: That would be yes. It will be out thursday on youtube according to a comment below


Agreed, this was a sick overview, and a lot of fun.


You gotta love this guy, he makes solid jokes but you can read between them, It's seriously my first episode that I get to watch, and I love it.


I really fucking hate how they made it so it doesn't go to YouTube in the US til Thursday... Yes I know, I could use a VPN, but I don't want to pay for a decent one that isn't gonna push ads or secretly sell my data.


A bit of mainstream action is nice to see.


Where do I watch it. It's not on YOUTUBE, yet!


Why does everyone who wants to bring attention to this subject start with Ken Arnold?. I would start with the nuclear silo sitings. They seem to never get mentioned why?


Any links to a non-restricted copy?


As simple as that, there´s a phenomena that seems to have been happening for a long time, it is global and raises safety concerns. What it is?




Hi, Thelinetravellers. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cad67o/-/l0vhd6c/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Where’s the full episode? Can’t find it on YouTube? Usually they upload his monologues…


people are saying it doesn't work in the u.s. currently, but a vpn should fix it ufos start at 13:13 https://youtu.be/PHKICYdzRW0?si=74EMpqaIYGKruM9E


Too bad. It\`s geo-blocked on YT.


🇨🇦 Video Unavailable in your country :(


Same message when activating Opera VPN






Thanks, but still youtube blocked. Tried 3 different browsers including Tor.


This is exactly my take. I can’t trust my memories of nonhumans because they could be false memories. Nearly every time I’ve seen a UAP it has been presence of others. If other people are seeing the same thing I am, it’s not occurring in my imagination. Something real must be happening. I can’t prove anything else at this point. But it’s looking more and more like the evidence is out there.


I used to have a strong interest in this. I heard stories as a kid in the 70s about the secret radio signal that went by NASA that HAM operators picked up in 1969 and 70s. and it was not a line of Site blackout as much as a Network TV one. I think Ap11 there were no line of site Satellites up yet until App14 got in space and then it was satellite feeds in an array versus a single signal line of site. if that makes any sense. the HAM radios picked up a signal and conversations of "there is three of them" meaning UFO/UAP were spotted by Apollo 11 or 12. I talked to 6th Astronaut to land on the moon Dr Ed Mitchell on his Forum BBS site edmitchellapollo14 dot com some 20 years back and he said he never witnessed anything personally but had credible friend at NASA that said they existed. but about 5 years or so ago I gave up on UFO and suddenly it is now taken very serious at military and gov level. Just my luck to have given up.


Is there a full episode for this?


It came out on Max last night, full episode be posted to [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/@LastWeekTonight) on Thursday


Oh ok, gotcha. So it was a smaller segment on UFOs, not the main 24 minute section?


UFOs were the main story


yeah i screen recorded this on my phone, it's my favorite part, highly recommend watching the entire thing if you haven't yet


Gotcha. Thank you! Gonna' try and find the full thing


oh right here, ufo discussion starts at 13:13 https://youtu.be/PHKICYdzRW0?si=sY58Y0ZJg7mNLnD-




lmao skip to 39:05 https://youtu.be/ck-eAc1Dqak?si=26Uck4uMzNC5v5eu much more known but this as well https://youtu.be/EWZWVEkqVS8?si=5aqbbHfQdq4uGI9p


Very happy with this. Concise well researched and well argued entry point into the topic and where it is today. Also, maybe most importantly, dealt well with the ridicule that comes with the topic. Fanatics are funny, but then even more so is the military tripping over itself trying to obscure obvious incompetence.


THANKS! I made a poster out of that graphic. I just read this new book, UFOs The Truth You'll Wish You Didn't Know. I'm not linking it to Amazon or anything because people always assume it's some sort of shill job. It just kind of shook me. Hard. I've been sort of messed up by it for days. Only 150 pages, but daaaaannnnnng.


Always entertaining, John Oliver is. I’m very glad to see this topic on his show. Kudos to him and the writers/producers.


I mean he didn't even mention Grusch or the UAPDA, the two biggest updates in all of the Disclosure process... It was just misinformation.


It was *not* misinformation, it just didn’t do a whole lot, and it didn’t have to. The importance lies with his audience, and the way it was presented.


about an infinite times better than him outright dismissing the entire topic


When the slaves in America were freed, those folks complained that they didn't have any rights. People were like, "yeah but at least they're not slaves anymore," and so they would go on not having rights for an additional 100 years. It was a serious human rights issue. The UFO Phenomenon is a serious human rights issue. Do not accept anything besides full transparency and disclosure.


What the actual fuck. Off topic and also wrong, dude.


I guess you have to ask... Why isn't Grusch included in the narrative?


Y'all are calling people who are capable of critical thinking and critical analysis "non-ufo people." That shit is hilarious.


um, no? all i meant with that was people who were not into the topic of ufos. that's it.


Who is doing that?


We are a species that creates more chaos than order. That’s why you and I will NEVER see UFOs and the sci fi tech that goes along with it. This answer angers people and causes them to want to riot. “What’s the point in living in reality if it’s all just a lie” Lol like we can do much about it.


Nah we are just a species that hasn’t matured yet. I honestly think the US GOV and other governments admitting the reality of NHI would be the first step to us realizing we have to grow up. We’d realize we aren’t alone and that there is something out there, potentially waiting for us to mature.


You lack an understanding of humanity as a whole. There are still un contacted tribes. We are a chaotic species.


I've seen them twice. We will be able to learn a lot just by making it OK to discuss freely.


You ignored what I said we as humans are. We are chaotic.


You're focusing on chaotic a lot. What do you mean by this? Of course we're chaotic, why should that discredit UFO sightings, what do the two have in common that makes UFO experiences void? I'm honestly having trouble understanding what you mean. I've seen multiple UFOs, 2 of which were unique, and captured on camera elsewhere in the world. They are most certainly being seen. So this idea they can NEVER be seen, is an odd viewpoint. What does uncontacted tribes have to do with us as chaotic species? Do you mean barbaric? That's not chaotic. I can agree that we as a species are barbaric, and can also be chaotic with the wars and drama we create. But what does that have to do with seeing UFOs? Is it that we are barbaric and are slaves to our biology that there's no way we can be evolved enough to even comprehend UFOs? I have no idea where your thoughts are.


We all know this has nothing to do with confirming ufo sightings but humans themselves wanting UFO technology, all of this disclosure is about humanity as a whole seeking some holy grail tech. Zero g vehicles, laser weapons, cures, crazy AI. You can’t tell me that if the government comes out and confirms UFOs we will all be happy and go back to chillen. No people will than demand having created a form of tech. Why? Because confirming UFOs confirms free energy that can basically free us from slave labor like work. Guess what the issue could be? They aren’t contacting us OR we can’t even reverse engineer it. Even if we had both of those where they spoke to us AND helped reverse engineer it, guess what? The barbaric nature of humans and chaotic ness will cause atleast one human to misuse this technology for the wrong reasons. What if aliens straight up said to you “we exist but you can only have our technology if you can achieve being 100% peaceful” DO YOU SERIOUSLY THINK WE WOULD BE ABLE TO DO DAT 🧐


Ohh, good thoughts Yeah no, I fully agree. I see where your mindset is at now. I also fear that if they said we had to be peaceful, then that's already us failing. I look around constantly at people's actions and it's all very selfish and power hungry. Manipulation, guilt, all of these are behaviours I have seen that most people have, even self proclaimed 'empathise'. Hurting others, when they just started their life, is one of the most sickening things that humans do. I can't understand it. Why hurt each other. Why hurt animals. Why hurt things that aren't you. It doesn't make sense to me. I don't have it in my bones to be like that, or at least, I noticed the signs early and cut myself from those behaviours. I have done everything I possibly can within my grasp to be as cruel free as I can be. Also say it how it is, even if it comes across as aggressive. I have no ill intent, I'm just trying to navigate this world with people who only give half truths and don't clearly communicate their thoughts. From my personal experience, the alien I saw went into my mind involuntarily and was asking questions, of which the answers were also involuntary. I have no doubt if they really wanted too, they could just go into our minds and see who is rotten from the core. I genuinely wish they did, I know I have no evil in my bones, I'm not worried for myself. I also see a huge issue with the free energy, the civil unrest, and the possibly era of shit hitting the fan is what I both fear and invite. As advanced as we are, seeing our streets and world littered with broken humans who shouldn't be broken, is depressing. As for reverse engineering. I think we did on some level, considering the tech boom since Roswell. But not in others. Perhaps we don't have the elements here on earth to make it happen. Or perhaps we aren't understanding the science because it's so alien in nature.


He's great. Love him.


Didnt dig into reverse engineering programs as a viable response to a lot of sightings. Didnt really delve into consciousness. It was fun but I didnt get a huge buzz from it like I thought I would..


Watching tomorrow


It's all just CGI. Always has been. Where's my fellow non-believers /s


I never thought he was that funny. I don’t get the fascination with this guy.


Well, yeah. But verification by joker just seems reductive.


lol nobody watches late night comedy shows anymore. How not to be taken serouisly 101: The clip


Perfect loop


The only thing that bothered me was how they said Roswell was project mogul... It wasn't.


i disagree with the approval for this segment. it was a missed opportunity. if UFO stigma isn't addressed directly, for example the way AIDS stigma had to be addressed in the 90's, or cancer stigma in the 50's, then nothing significant will happen in this topic. UFO stigma is where our government really rolled out the policy of lying to the people, coopted the media and journalists into the policy, shamed the profession and culture of science by hiring scientists as shills (Hynek), co-conspirators (Robertson) and academic "secret agents" (Menzel). if that isn't worthy of humorous gutting and mordant dissection, what is? the issue isn't "believe shmelieve, that thing is real", ithe issue is "that thing" is in itself unsavory, disreputable, suspect and covered in seven decades of shit. "we need to find out more" is not motivating to people who hear you want to investigate shit. oliver cited a statistic, something like 54% of scientists think UFO are worthy of study and only 2% would agree to have their names made public. there is UFO stigma in a nutshell, both as a social fact and an impediment to progress. there in the OP's segment is john oliver, trying to tell you "that thing" is real, with a graphic that is computer generated (fake), false to eyewitness testimony (lying), and cartoonish (inconsequential). pretty remarkable to condense in a single image the cynical CIA/USAF policy that UFO witnesses are either hoaxers (fake), psychopathological (lying), or mistaken (inconsequential). interesting fact to ponder: when people are shown any kind of broadcast content, they do not remember the words. they remember the images.


Exactly this!! This is what people don’t realize. The reality of the situation is that the “UFO community” has built a galactic empire on blurry images. They have taken mundane images of balloons, drones, clouds and any other unidentified object flying or floating around and created an entire universe of extraterrestrial, inter dimensional, time traveling, non human technologically advanced civilization from that. It is rather hilarious. This rivals other unidentified sightings such as Bigfoot and ghosts.


Yes and no.. There certainly are those that make spaceships out of blurry photos, but there clearly are phenomenon going on and we shouldn't make any assumptions without hard data. I still remember a time when we were told that freakishly huge waves (pilot waves) were just drunk sailor hallucinations, but now we know that they exist and they can take down any ship. But we wouldn't have known this fact if we just kept blaming drunk sailors instead of researching the topic.


What hard data? All we have are blurry photos. That is exactly the point that is being made. Believe in unidentified stuff but don’t create a galactic federation out of it. Anyone who wants to dedicate their time and money to getting better photos are free to do so, there is no argument against that. What does get a bit hilarious is making claims based on the blurry photos and complaining that people don’t take it seriously.


We have no hard data for or against on this topic, any conclusions will be soly based on bias. Your bias is your belief that this is just human folly. My bias is my beleif that we have enough soft data to at least take the subject seriously. Tin-foil-hat Joe's bias is that he believes they are intergalactic space reptiles.


No hard data for what specifically?? What conclusions can be drawn from blurry images? The galactic empire? Please be specific as to what you believe I may be biased about?


Hard data = data collected by sensors. Soft data = data collected by humans eyes. We have no hard data because as you already know, blurry imagines can't really count as hard data. But we do have a metric ton of soft data, many thousands of witness testimony including testimonies from high level intelligence officers who's job it is to secure Americas safety, and even ex presidents. Now your bias is toward hard data, you think that soft data has no value which isn't true at all, they even convict people for murder based on soft data. No, soft data gets harder the more people deliver the same information, and while It won't ever be as hard as hard data it still carry enough weight to say that there is something that needs studying.


So we agree that there is no data to draw a conclusion of a galactic federation. This is all that I have said from the beginning and it is what is being said in this clip. There is no bias for or against data types. Data is rated by quality and hard data is of a significantly higher quality than soft data. Science is performed entirely on hard data except in the context of psychology and social sciences. I won’t go into the weakness of witness testimony in law, there are tons of examples.