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The following submission statement was provided by /u/europeantechie: --- This is by far my favorite thing from the Greer archive yet. As there's no deep-link available, you have to see the source for yourself: [https://www.dpiarchive.com/#/view](https://www.dpiarchive.com/#/view) Archive / UFO Videos-Photos / UFO Photos Worldwide / EBEs in the field.png I can't wait to go through all of the archive, there sure are some gems in there. Funny, confusing or just friendly EVEs waving - it's a treasure trove. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cq598t/best_photo_of_ebes_from_greers_archive/l3p1bvs/


Holy shit. This absolutely cemented the fact I can’t take this guy seriously anymore.


I've met greer in person, and you feel how much he makes shit up


Honestly, he looks exactly like the type of guy who just straight bullshits. 


He gives me the creeps.


Agreed. If it were discovered that he was a diddler, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised.


He's a reptilian 🤷🏼‍♂️


Or maybe a Repdiddlian? Awwwe? Awwweee?




No he's a doctor


Dr Diddler


Being a doctor is bad enough


Dr. Curtis Connors maybe


Hahaha....I'm dead....🤣😂🤣


When I met him he was talking about neo nazis and how to take them down


Alright well that's pretty dope. I'll give him that. 


He should make a documentary about that instead.


I agree with feeling like someone was bullshitting you but not that someone looks like a bullshitter. Feeling like someone's an asshole and saying they look like one just feel different to me.


He reminds me of a guy I used to play d&d with in high School. Never admitting fault, always doubling down on lies.


You gotta look into the get togethers he does in the middle of the desert with people that pay $1000s of dollars for a spot.. Playing with devices only he can understand like sounds and the whole CE5 stuff you basically set around him while he does his meditation stuff with candles and singing bowls then brings out the radio and turns it like he is tapping into something..."o my..yes...thats interesting...hmm...i think we are getting something...seems they are alive tonight" that's all it is....


I felt it through the screen when I tried watching his documentary, Unacknowledged.


Hey, Honestly I don't like Steve Greer but I dont recall making this last post


Looks like a cardboard cutout


I hate to defend him, cause I don’t like him at all, but I realized CE5 is real before I even knew him or that these things are even remotely possible. Also I live in Italy and here these things, still today, are absolutely not discussed. So yeah, at least CE5 is VERY real. Don’t believe me? Try for yourself. You must really be fearless of meeting them to do so. They know everything as you can expect, including your mental and emotional states. Your intentions… Everything. You can hide things from yourself but not from them.


What is CE5?


praying to aliens to appear


Fucking lmao!


Laughter is on the lips of the fools, so that doesn't surprise me.






What the fuck are you talking about? Go and pay for CE5 session and have an experience little fella.


I didn’t even know what CE5 was when I did it. I was always a seeker. Experiences like mine happened all through history to many people, they are not exclusive to Greer obviously 😂😂 I never gave a dime for it. Why would you give a dime for something that can only be achieved with will? As I said, laughter is on the lips of the fool, but you aren’t fool you are just dumb 🥲


Not really, it is focused intention. Something you are probably too distracted to do.




There you go Toronto man, this is not up to belief, like religions.


What is CE5?


Summoning things that “aren’t real” like light orbs, UFOs, or anything else really with only your mind through telepathic command.


Keep telling yourself stories.


Try for yourself. I would have said the same if I didn’t see. I share your skepticism. If you are ready, they will show themselves. You think you know everything, so shall I say, YOU keep telling yourself stories. You know NOTHING. I know nothing too, the difference is that I know that.


How do you reconcile the ability to summon UAP at will with the lack of hard evidence Why so many people say they see things and noone prepare a setup with a telescope or a nice camera objective


Because for me it happened for like 10 seconds and I was floored - dropped my training bag, and my hands on my hair floored - and stayed in the same spot for like 25 minutes talking to myself, I felt like everything I have ever known about science, history, religion, philosophy was rendered useless by four floating orbs that responded to my telepathic command. Really not a pleasant experience for a know it all (I was the know it all, and many true seekers study so much that they feel like know-it-all). But obviously knowledge is not the mnemonical repetition of information, like many scientist or professors believe. The occult meaning of knowledge is PERCEPTION. And the occult meaning of wisdom is SPIRIT MANIPULATION or attraction and repulsion of spirits. Sorry if I used the S word there. As for the summoning at will part, I have never said I can summon them at will, I actually became worse with myself after the event. I am fearful of doing it again. As I said I am working through my personal fears and shit, I’m not Buddha or anyone remotely close, I just summoned solar spirits. I summoned them when I was convinced I was talking alone in my mind, as a sensible person would do. Surely there are people who can summon these things at will, ask them, they are surely less fearful than me. But if you see video that portrays what I have seen, what will stop from saying “bullshit!”, “fake!”, believing it was some sort of special or visual effect? Would you believe a video like that? I seriously doubt that. The only way is to actually summon them, that will take practice. Also this has past lives implications, the fact that you yourself are a spiritual immortal entity, and a whole bunch of thing that the common man tell himself he is “too busy living” to think about. So there you go. It’s not about aliens. We are the aliens.


That was a whole lot of bullshit. I want back the last 5 minutes of my life spent reading that nonsense.


It took you 5 minutes to read this comment, this tells me a lot about how much you read in general. Take care!


Until you have one ounce of evidence of your supposed experience *nobody is going to believe a thing you say*. Keep on fantasizing.


I cannot live for you man. You want to see them? Do as I did. They show themselves as I said. The proof is out there, after all you are in a UFO sub, so you already suppose that this is real, you just could never believe in telepathy because this has other implications. So for instance you do not believe in Siddharta Gotama, which is the greates public intellectual this world has ever seen. I cannot ignore what he said now. He also lived rougly 50 years before Socrates and Plato which heavily influenced the philosophy of your country and mine as well. The cessation of suffering is the best contribution he made with meditation. And you do not believe meditation works that is because you never tried it or because you weren't properly taught. I can teach you in ONE minute if you DM me. But I cannot meditate regularly for you, that is up to you. Also if you wouldn't recognize truth in my words you wouldn't keep replying to me. You noticed we sleep on this planet? You noticed we lose awareness (/memory) during sleep on this planet? You are a scientist, with your knowledge and the practice you could make some very important advancement in your field of study. But the truth is ONE, you know already, Light always wins, and the reason you keep replying is because I am speaking to the light in you, not the darkness, which is so seldom enlarged in our small lives on this planet. The truth about who you are is Light, yes even during the night. Open to everyone is the pathway if you truly seek, you don't need anything if not your WILL. γνῶθι σεαυτόν This is what I believe in, nothing else, and you should too! But if you think you know everything already you cannot learn anything new. Just as you cannot wake up someone who is pretending to sleep. I read in your words true frustration and wanting to know more. That is why I am writing so much. I can teach you in one minute everything I know. But then it will be up to you if you prefer the Light or the dark, just know that one of them lasts forever, the other doesn't. Take care!


Also maybe *nobody* is who I’m talking to ;)


How do you know they were solar spirits? What, specifically did you see and under what context? (Time of day, state of mind, etc)


There are loads of people on YouTube that share their experiences. There's an Australian woman that has shared hundreds. When I tried it - it worked straight away


It's a near identical story here myself. Minus the Italy location. I've never paid any money to Greer, and I don't endorse anyone to. I cannot deny the intelligent response I got while trying to make contact, especially because my partner was with me and she saw it, too!


Thank you for spreading truth. Hope we will meet one day ;)


I didn't know Greer or CE5 at the time but [heres my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/NajyiZg21A) about my experience with praying to the sky's after seeing the Marfa Lights and the entities who visited me after.


The human brain can create anything it wants with focus and determination. It's just creating the conditions of a dream state with your waking mind. You're literally seeing what you want to see. 


Explain the occasions in which people saw them in group then. Are you saying they share the same Mind? Again, TRY FOR YOURSELF. This is not debate. I’ll share my personal mental state: just slept 8 hours straight, I was meditating roughly one hour everyday in that period. I was completely sober (except a cup of coffee). I never had a history of hallucinations. I never had any instances of seeing things if not that time, never happened before or after. The night before during a meditation I asked to see something out of frustration because I couldn’t understand anything about life. By the way yes I was mildly scared of knowledge acquired through practice (Vipassana) after that day. I am working through my personal fears. But illusion (which to me seem what you are struggling with) in my mind is practically gone. Funny enough after seeing that, I understand even less about life now.


And yet you have no proof, like everyone else. How ironic.


And you are full of darkness, you like sleeping, and death is your favourite food. How ironic also! If I had proof, you’d call bullshit so what’s the point? If you really are interested go out there and see for yourself. But maybe you are too afraid. I would understand that, since I am too of doing it again!


If you had proof we'd look at your proof and analyze it and collect data about it and verify your proof and create a new understanding.  It is such bullshit to say "you wouldn't believe me anyway so why show you". There is no bigger cop out and it is right out of the cult playbook. 


As I said, you really want to see? Go and do as I did! You need single pointed concentration meditation first, and then Vipassana. Excercise for 10 minutes if you have never done it in your life, or 20 if you have some experience. Do more time every day, be consistent. Do not give up for a month. Then do a meditation and ask to see something. THEY WILL show themselves. It is better if you ask in the first light of the day, around 4-5, just make sure it's only you or like minded people. What meditation does is make you be mentally still in the face of terror or fear, so it will (obviously) be useful in everyday life also. I am noone, everyone could meditate, so honestly a person that says that I want to create a cult simply doesn't have any ability to comprehend a simple Reddit comment, which honestly is a bit sad.


I don’t know how I feel about the whole CE5 phenomenon; I’m like 80/20 leaning towards disbelief. But damn that comment is brutally poetic.


So you must think qanon stuff is real because so many people all believe in it and say they see the same things. I guess I was wrong about the 2020 election and about covid. Silly me for trusting evidence and facts. 


You are cute for wanting to put me in one of your boxes. I am my own person, I don't have an etiquette. Is there proof that COVID was created in a lab by some unseen people? YES (Google code), do I care one bit about the politics of America? Absolutely not, the politics of my country is sad enough, and I stopped caring about it, because I cannot change it and still be the same person I am today, I have other prospect for my life. Take care!




Hi, Jws0209. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cq598t/-/l3phsmk/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


😂 agree so much!! This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen lol.


I've met greer in person, and you feel how much he makes shit up


Strange, you're not the first to say this...


Yeah wtf lol different account above saying the exact same thing word for word.... interesting.


I met Greer in person and you feel how much he makes shit up


Alright it doesnt help the whole psy op problem when we do this lol


I met shit in person and you feel how much he makes greer up. . . . . . oh darn it if fucked up my chatgpt algo thingy again ...


very strange indeed


Lmao so glad this is the top comment


The "aliens" look like they were drawn by a child of very limited artistic ability. I thought Greer was basically just a griffter with a messiah complex. Now I'm starting to genuinely think he may be a paid disinfo agent, muddying the waters with as much nonsense as possible.


What if he's just dumb and gullible?


https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/14vtry1/did_steven_greer_fake_a_ufo_with_flares/ No


Oh yeah, I know all about that. 🤭


The comments make some other great points as well


u clearly need to open ur heart chakra and show some human beauty /s


It’s pretty improbable that he’s just Forest Gumping his way through life making bank on grifting


It’s pretty improbable that he’s just Forest Gumping his way through life making bank


Easy now. I never saw Forest Gump call aliens with road flares. 🥴


Bad choice for a disinfo agent, nobody takes him seriously


Why are you repeating things twice




Aww that little guy waving. I am definitely convinced. ^/s


*”Hey, skeptics, over here, I’m real, hey, yeah you, over here, hi.”*


*”Hey, skeptics, over here, I’m real, hey, yeah you, over here, hi.”*


Sorry Steven. I forgot to take down the Helloween decorations from last year.


What's the story attached to the images?


there are no words attached to any of the images, other than the file description.


I would have found it more believable if one of the little aliens was showing us his "moon" ...


wondering the same thing....he's just looking up and seeing these things? Or, do they only show up on camera?? Have never seen such an odd occurrence....


What the fuck is this


It’s crazy that some people still find this clown believable


God we so don't deserve Disclosure ...


I'm on the fucking floor. Omg, please. my sides.


The fact that this is the best photo


Lmao…. You’ve got to be joking


I'm tired boss


No one expected Greer to really have anything on his TB data dump he hyped for over a year. We also didn’t expect him to completely trash his entire “career” with it.


Hey I got one of these at the fair when I was a kid! They were inflatable


I like the one that looks like it’s giving us a wave while taking its pet reptilian for a walk


This is absolutely the most retarded shit Greer has ever pushed. Anyone that even remotely considers this real is a grade A fucking idiot.


If this is the best then what is the worst? Is the waving Alien Jumping or Floating? And the other guy is........Sad? Very suspicious to me an way more Questions than answers, or Funny.


The part I cannot fathom... anyone with any sort of critical thinking skills, anyone with any sort of self-awareness, would understand that the release of images such as these would take down one's credibility... to zero. So, why did he do this? Greer may be questionable as as flat-earther, he may be a con man, or a disinformation asset, but until now, I never thought of him as *stupid.* I just can't see the gain here, from any angle.


Taken from https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/paedo-alien-abductee-who-says-24136919


Is that a live nasca mummy specimen ?


Of course. Why not?


Unironically Greer has both the debunked Atacama alien baby and the Peruvian mummies listed as the best ET evidence. I kid you not.


‘Fake, schmake’ -Party Alien #1




Hi, Jws0209. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cq598t/-/l3phun6/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


The alien reminds me somewhat of the one that appeared in Stan Romanek's window: [Stan Romanek's Real Alien In The Window (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wc_gCqkyz9M)


I’ve seen this shit with my own eyes, that’s what’s fucked up… not the green men, but that fucking orb man. That shit isn’t just plasma or light tricks


Same here, it was during the day. After I did a deep guided meditation I went on a walk and as I got back home I watched the sky and kept my eyes on a white dot. It felt like it changed its direction to head in mine and it stopped and hovered above me for about a minute. It was definitely not like a ghost orb, it was pure white, looked to be about the size of a softball and was probably about 15-20ft above me as I watched. It changed its shape and color instantly as it spun in a circle so fast it created a donut shape but was neon/lime green in color. It turned back into the white orb and disappeared on the spot. Coolest experience I’ve had so far besides the time a friend and I were watching the night sky from my trampoline and the entire sky flashed like it was daytime but only for a second. We were both shocked lol


There's a lot to say about Greer, and this "catastrophic disclosure link" or what ever it is he marketed it as. However, here's a thought on how photographic evidence simply may not be enough to to force UAP Disclosure alone. It could be the 1950s, you could take a few polaroids of a genuine UFO, get the images in the local paper, and people will still never believe you. Then, they'll use your own photographs in the future, as evidence of how UFOs aren't real. That's basically what happened to Paul Trent, an Oregon Farmer who took [Two Photographs](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=paul%20trent%20ufo%20photos&ko=-1&iax=images&ia=images) of a UFO flying near their property near McMinnville, Oregon, in 1950. From "After Disclosure" by Bryce Zabel & Richard Dolan, p. 96: "His two photos were featured in Life magazine. 2 decades later they were analyzed by the University of Colorado's UFO study. Even though the Committee's leader, Edward Condon, had been predisposed to debunk all UFOs, the Trent photographs passed muster with the staff specialists, concluding "all factors investigated...appear to be consistent with the assertion that an extraordinary flying object, silvery, metallic, disc-shaped, tens of meters in diameter, and evidently artificial, flew within the sight of two witnesses." (Condon, Dr. Edward U. Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects. Bantam Books, 1969. p. 407.) Although the report acknowledged the possibility of some sort of hoax, it argued that a photometric analysis of the negatives made this very unlikely. In other words, there was no evidence of string supporting the discs photographed--the only realistic hoax method. Subsequent computer enhancements of the images reinforced this claim. The object was not a model, but in the air. Yet, there have always been vocal skeptics who argue that no photograph is ever good enough. To those who have taken the time to study the history of UFO photographs, this brings no small amount of frustration. *There are many truly excellent images that have received in-depth analysis* ... Yet the fact remains that any photograph, no matter how compelling, is open to the charge of having been enhanced or faked, no matter how remote the likelihood often seems. Therefore, neither the Trent photos, nor any of the other good photos taken forced an open acknowledgement of the reality of UFOs. An element of doubt has irrevocably entered the realm of photographic analysis."


And to be fair the flash does overlap correctly. Would love to see the raw file on this run a full ai gambit at it. But the issue becomes that the photo is probably real. The issue is that its a flash calibration game for distance to visual degradation balance. So, someone could have stood up some dummies in a field and stood back far enough that the flash only grabs a part of the data. Not enough to determine if these nazca lookin doods are real. Interesting though that these are exact copies of the south american aliens...


Why is there so many people saying the same thing or repeating things twice?? Disinformation bots??


Just as a heads up, the repeating comment thing happens a lot on Reddit and has for years. Sometimes Reddit itself kinda hiccups and when you go to submit a comment it seems like it’s not working, so you hit reply twice and it actually posts more than once.


>Photo with just the ground and the orb very clear >photo with beings very grainy 🤔


It's just a matter of contrast. You can see the beings very faintly in the dark picture (top left). So settings like contrast are adjusted to make them more visible. It's also grainy when zoomed in. They're adorable and hilarious. Maybe cutouts.


They are so derpy lmao, they are really cute somehow


Taking the credibility of these (archival?) photos at face value, I'd be expecting to be having sit-down dinners with these guys by now....no?


Where can i see greers archive release can someone reply me ???


Thats pretty cool


I can't take these night photos scaled up 1000x and enhanced with AI seriously. This, the "Bijou" and the "Healer" are all either dust or digital artifacts.


I like the one that looks like it’s giving us a wave while taking its pet reptilian for a walk


Then I would not like to see the worst. Lol


sadly i can't attach any image here - trust me bro, there's some stuff in there


I know 1000% I've seen this before. he's not claiming this is the first time this has been shown is he?


If this is the BEST then frankly I would say you guys have been taken for a loooooong ride.


Come on, where’s Bijou?


Look like my neighbor’s Halloween decorations.


This is….. is Greer a joke now ?


Lol okay dude


Hahahaha this is ridiculous


The easiest way to get Greer to have a come-to-Jesus moment is to pay for one of his “summon the aliens” things and have your friends set up a mile away with drones with decent cameras. Catch the accomplices launches in the act. Burn him once and for all.


distinct amusing voracious caption ring smell divide apparatus husky summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Greers a complete nut job


Extra-berestrial entittys?


The orbs look like the one on the cover of UFO of God. Chris Bledsoe said orbs have a water drop look and they have three little specs floating inside. Pretty cool to finally see evidence, other than Bledsoes image on the cover of his book.


Todos hablan de Greer, pero nadie menciona el caso de San Romanek, esas imagenes lo tomo Romanek hace años.


Everyone talks about Greer, but no one mentions the case of San Romanek, those images were taken by Romanek years ago.


Yes I have heard of him and have wondered about his experiences.


Greer? Fake as fuck.


He has become a bit unbelievable now tbh


His house must be haunted af


Bloody shame about Greer. He was doing some good work on this in the 90's and early 2000's. But then saw the gravy train of how much cash he could make by just talking out of his ass.


Some people need serious help lol


Is this sub discovering just now how much of a grifter greer is?


Friendly aliens confirmed


Any slice of credibility this man had has went straight down the toilet


He looks suspiciously like Jack skellington. I am always waiting for him to tear his face off and just have that giant mouth ready to devour me.


Seriously? Is this best he can produce, after telling the public he's been in the know for 20 years? Feck me... It's literally a plastic garden gnome with a pole up its ass. I'm done with this guy. Was he ever a surgeon? I just don't know.


I’m not really sure why the hate as those figures look exactly the same as the figures people describe when they experience or see something. Remember a video a while back of a figure just like this that playfully walked down someone’s driveway? That story went away but what exactly was that?? Nobody was able to explain it. Looked just like this.


I think that one from 2019 was debunked as a disabled child in La Junta.


Not gonna lie, these look that fake that I might be inclined to say they are real. Because I know that if I wanted to fake something, this wouldn't be how I would do it.


This is by far my favorite thing from the Greer archive yet. As there's no deep-link available, you have to see the source for yourself: [https://www.dpiarchive.com/#/view](https://www.dpiarchive.com/#/view) Archive / UFO Videos-Photos / UFO Photos Worldwide / EBEs in the field.png I can't wait to go through all of the archive, there sure are some gems in there. Funny, confusing or just friendly EVEs waving - it's a treasure trove.


There is absolutely a deep-link available. This is such obvious pandering oh my lord


Yaaa... That, that would be great to hear what greer has to say on this one, I just can't understand the thinking here, this feels like a disservice to everyone in the field and who likes the subject and also on the subject matter itself. I mean I'm glad he finally released it after how many years? You HAVE to give him that much credit, he finally released it.


Best from Greer is oxymoron