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That clip is only 1/3 of the initial video posted on UFOB 6 months ago : [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/comments/17tsyqo/rare\_interview\_with\_john\_northrop\_cofounder\_pres/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/comments/17tsyqo/rare_interview_with_john_northrop_cofounder_pres/) The rest of the video is an interview by the same woman of Stanton Friedman. What is still strange is that there still doesn't seem to be an origin for this documentary nor knowledge of who this woman is and who organized it ? **edit :** Thanks to the mod [Remseey2907](https://www.reddit.com/user/Remseey2907/) over at UFOb we now have access to the whole 52 minute documentary this was taken from : [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/comments/1cs4gyc/1974\_documentary\_called\_the\_illusive\_ufos\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/comments/1cs4gyc/1974_documentary_called_the_illusive_ufos_with/) "1974 documentary called ''The Illusive UFOs'' with presenter Nancy Dale Ph.D featuring Erich von Däniken, Wendelle Stevens, Stanton Friedman, Jim Lorenzen and John Northrop" Edit² : Found the website of Nancy Dale :[https://www.nancydalephd.com/](https://www.nancydalephd.com/) and there is a link to the 'The Illusive UFO' documentary there (as she is a producer as you can verify at the end of the video)


Thank you for crediting the original UFOB post and subsequently digging up the source documentary! Seems like it was archived away for 40 some years before being rediscovered


Do you mean the documentary was “lost” for 40 years?


Love u/Remseey2907 ! You’re the best!






“It was natural for the Wright Brothers to be ridiculed by those who did not want to leave the horses and buggies behind.” This comment speaks for itself. What a well spoken man.


Highwaymen notwithstanding, horses and buggies are a safe, pleasurable way to travel, and with 10% more legroom.


Bit more poop than one might prefer, though. 


I fly Muskeg Air, so it's about the same.


If I recall correctly there was a recent incident on a Delta flight that offers some evidence that this issue is not 100% resolved as a passenger was struck by pressure-washer-esque flow from their exit port and they painted a portion of their fellow passengers and the cabin as they traversed the aircraft toward the nearest toilet. Pretty crappy ride I'd imagine. ;)


Your colourful language choice did not help to diminish that scene of abject horror in my mind.


😉 Apologies. I seriously wonder if they scrapped some of the seats and carpeting. I can't imagine the horror of being trapped in it until the flight ended and they let folks deplane. And the poor ground staff.


Considering how rude and impatient people get when waiting to get off a regular flight I can only imagine it was a scene of desperation and utter chaos when the rubber hit the tarmac on that one. I feel like I will have to find a podcast that regales this tale of woe in greater detail, it’s just too good.


Same. But for those who find that the colourful language makes the story difficult to understand: Passengers got poop all on em.


And i do not want my ride having a mind of its own. Might ruin the trip.


Responsible buggy operators put a febreeze in that thing. Sometimes, the job requires whatever the plural of Febreeze is for 2.


*Spacewaymen northrupstanding


This is fantastic. And interesting. Great to see such a big wig being such a standup guy. How did everyone get so scared to talk about it in the intervening 40sum years? Seeing videos like this I feel we are slowly reclaiming the true history via careful curation of facts from the seething chaos of noise and disinformation that so many hapless people have polluted our history with. 1979 he's saying we know nothing about the propulsion or the energy source, but they are real, and he lists all the anomalous characteristics (except transmedium, but so what). It's very moving to see something like this. One day I think we will have a nice clear narrative history full of signal with all the psyop bs removed. Seeing videos like this gives me hope that truth will have a victory over falsehood, and courage - to face the unknown and reckon with our situation - will have a victory over fear, denial and deception about what we face. And he advocates for serious scientific study, says many highly capable doctors of science already entirely accept the reality, notes that the rapidity with which we attain the technology will be proportional to the magnitude and seriousness of our efforts to study them, and emphasizes that ridicule has no place in the subject when taken seriously. Thank you, Mr Northrop and the interviewer


Geniuses like this are interested in the phenomenon and flat out say it’s a real phenomenon and yet I’m sure many of us in this thread have been called dumb for “believing in UFOs”. So much willful ignorance out out there, it’s beyond frustrating.


People who utterly lack imagination and intellectual curiosity don't believe in anomalous phenomena. They also tend not to found and build huge aerospace companies, become Presidents of the United States, etc.


There's some of that for sure. I think also people who lack the experience of "direct knowing", "faith" etc (or feel they lack this), want to "externalize" all their thinking to some "proven" structure, like "science". The trouble is, no science is settled, it's always a work in progress. There will always be the human quest for certainty among the chaos, that's okay. I think most of the resistance we see to this is not actually people being lacking imagination or curiosity (I think as a species we have that naturally in abundance) but what they are doing is copying their authority figures fear/denial/ridicule reaction of this. In uncertainty, people often look to authority to know 'how to react' (like a young kid looking to their parents to know how to react to some situation). In quite a few people this copying overrides their natural curiosity and openness because of the effectiveness of the programming from the coverup's propaganda (as fringe and subliminal as it may have been in the culture). After internalizing this fear it creates a feedback loop and they self generate the fear themselves eventually, leaning further into the "run/hide/deny" ridicule/minimize reaction that originated in their government's fear of it. Idk, that's what I think! lol


It's confirmation bias. People say "Where's the evidence?" You show them the evidence and they're like "That's not good enough." You bring out the corroboration from dozens of witnesses, from radar, and they're like: "Still not good enough!" People don't want to believe. But I don't think that's natural. COPYING AUTHORITY: I think people ape their authority figures to know how to react in novel situations, if their authority figures are showing some definite reaction. Otherwise they be themselves. So, the seeming fear and irrational denial of some people in the face of this? I think it comes from people aping their government's "run/hide/deny" reaction, that ridicule and redaction from the cover up. People sense their government's fear of this and they internalize that. NATURAL CURIOSITY: I think people's natural reaction to new stuff like UFOs/aliens is openness and curiosity. If you look in the 50s people were very cool with the idea of space-people from other worlds flying in their space-craft and visiting us. They were curious about it. TL:DR I think the irrational fear is a synthetic reaction caused by people internalizing the fear they see from their governments (who are themselves afraid because they want to rule, and this thing is more powerful than them).


Great clip! Never seen it before.


This is gold!


Gold Jerry,Gold!


This is the kind of content I don't mind saving to my reddit account without feeling too much like a conspiracy theorist. Although, I'm skeptical of AI generated content these days, it almost seems too good to be true.


The video is AI upscaled and colorized which makes it look a bit fake. The original clip is linked in the description and a few redditors have shared the original documentary on here too


Well done you excellent hairless bipedal ape. I hope you produce more of these kind of historically significant videos :)


I thought exactly the same thing while watching the video, the information explained seems very modern for an interview from 1974. The facial expressions seem repetitive. And at a certain point, the texture of the shirt collar seems to change texture. And adding an old video filter is simple... As you say, it seems too good to be true, let's remain cautious!


The OP video is AI upscaled, which makes it look terrible. The original longer video is posted above which is not AI upscaled and of a lower quality and resolution.


Ok, thank dude for the explanation, I hadn't considered that the video could have been edited... So it's really an astonishing document.


Great insight


He's saying the same exact stuff as today's pilots like Fravor and Graves. Super speed, no propulsion exhaust, hovering, etc.


And 3 capable people viewed it for 20 minutes. Northrop seems to 100% believe what they say they saw.


What a coincidence that especially Northrop had such a high interest and profound knowledge as also speculations about the UFO propulsion, not necessary aerodynamics etc.


My grandpa worked in the Pentagon for Northrop grumman after being in the military for years... He's highly religious. I wonder if he knows anything.. not that he could ever say I'm sure.. I've mentioned the topic briefly to him but plan on bringing it up in the near future as well. I'm totally going to show him this video.


Would love to hear about his perspective. I’ve always enjoyed asking people in my life I’ve come to trust, “have you ever experienced anything you can’t explain?” I know witness testimony is unreliable but I just love it’


Asked someone I know who worked at a nasa station in oz. said yep, we saw ufo's/craft all the time, pinging and zinging at crazy speeds. Appear and disappear.


And my great-grandpa is the Pope himself…


Lol I made no claims. I can share his opinion on scifs was that a congressman should never really be granted access since they can be compromised and you never know what dirt someone could have and hold against them.


OP I approved your post, as I understand it, the original was posted on R/UFOB, if you’d please just include credit and a link to said original. TYIA.


Wow , that's really interesting. I've never seen that. Some good energy-crisis era questions from the reporter leads to an answer, words chosen carefully, (He changed the subject from energy specifically to propulsion, not a huge mainstream topic in 1974) that dovetails surprisingly well with IMO the most sensible take on "reverse engineering:" This thing has to move somehow but we have zero fucking clue how it's done. More impressive accomplishments by yet another a naive dope. How do people who believe everything they hear get to run aerospace companies, get on presidential tickets, etc. I wonder. I always figured that credulity might be a huge impediment in arenas where people *really* play to win. Thanks again for posting.


this video was either made from scratch by ai or has been enhanced by ai. I'm not sure which. But I can tell for certain that if this is real this is not the original and I'd like to see the original. the way his face is smoothed out and his teeth are all fucked up near the end really give it away.


Is this a deep fake ?


It has been AI enhanced and audio sped up for clarity but the original can be found on UFOB which has been linked in the current thread


Great find! This guy seems to be thinking about this very logically.


Wow! No way it’s Jack Northrop!


Excellent find. Thanks for sharing.


“Their craft are thoroughly modern and up to date, based on our present knowledge.” Seems to be a recurring theme. “Up to date” potentially being the key phrase here. Could you rephrase that as:  “Their craft are thoroughly modern and up to date, (their craft are) based on our present knowledge.”?  Is he implying the craft are always “up to date” with our modern knowledge, or is that clutching at straws?


Sounds like Burchett’s comments about “a new type of propulsion.” https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/TC6CVr5wtQ


But it's a second hand report. Better to hear it from the source.


Hubble sees artificial light on planet in nearby galaxy


You know what the most interesting thing he said to me ? “ our aircraft are plenty modern but don’t hold a candle to these things “ it’s 50 + years later and none of that has changed…


Isn’t in UFO lore, Northrop was the company snubbed out of the ufo crash material for awhile? Then eventually sueing or something then getting access years later?


Interesting interview, but he said he never saw any UFO himself, he is just giving his thoughts. No inside information or big revelation.


He believes the pilots as we still do (commander Favor Nimitz account still stands with evidence and unexplained).


Even if he said he saw them... would you then say "PROVE IT"? lol. It's not about one guys word. It's about allllll the pieces to the puzzle coming together while new pieces are revealed. We see the big picture now, just not in full detail yet. The question I have is why are they appearing everywhere around the world right now? Like sightings and Airforce bases getting swarmed and hovering over airports causing them to close down and scramble jets and shit. They are ramping up their presence.


A test pilot and "two very knowledgable observers" supposedly witnessed a UFO for 20 minutes. No mention of data accumulated or any analysis afterward. Unfortunately this isn't compelling and amounts to "I know people who saw something strange." (23 years ago)


What do ya want a selfie shot with a recovered craft?


Something that could have been independently analyzed would have been ideal.